Have you seen Chocolate Hills?

July 22, 2010 1:56am CST
If you see these hills in dry season, they would appear in chocolate colour. Actually they are made of limestone and covered by grass. During dry seasons, these grass dry up and colour of these hills become chocolate brown. These are rolling haylocks hills conical and almost symmetrical mounds of general shapes. They are estimated to be at least 1268 individual mounds to about 1776. They vary from 98 to 160 ft high with the largest being 390ft in height. They are scattered through out in the towns of Carmen, Batuan and Sagbayan in Bohol in Phillipines. There are several legends attached to these Chocolate Hills. Most famous is fight between two giants who hurled rocks, boulders and sands on each other. The fight lasted for several days. They got so exhausted that they forgot about the fight and became friends. Another story tells about one giant Arogo who was very powerful and romantic as well. He fell in love with Aloya. Her death caused broke the heart of Arogo and he cried and cried and shed tears. These tears when they dried up, became Chocolate Hills. These Chocolate Hills placed Bohol on tourist map. People now not only enjoy the white beaches of Bohol in the island but frequent Chocolate Hills which has become major tourist attraction because of its spectacular sceneries. In fact, these hills are the prime tourist destination in the Phillipines.
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12 responses
• Philippines
30 Mar 11
I'm from the Philippines but unfortunately, I haven't gotten the chance to see the famous Chocolate Hills of Bohol and the tarsiers too. Anyways, I would love to visit the place soon and see its beautiful color of chocolate from afar and take loads of pictures. I've seen friends with the chocolate hills as their background with their flying/jumping position that made them look like they were flying on top of those hills. I would love to do the same and I wish to visit the place this year or by next year if my schedules would allow me too.
• Philippines
2 Apr 11
Yeah I wish that too! A broomstick while jumping would be nice. Since you said it's quite pricey then I have to really save up a lot of money for a well planned Bohol trip hopefully by next year. Furthermore, I wish I could really go around Bohol and not only check out the Chocolate Hills but also go to the white beaches of Bohol and eat at the famous floating restaurant. I've seen really great pictures of Bohol from my friend's trips and I really would feel so lucky just to be able to see them personally some day.
@sweet_pea (3322)
• Philippines
1 Apr 11
Oh the flying and the jumping position at the hill comes with a price. There are people there at the view deck who will offer you picture-taking. The miser in me prevailed, it was quite pricey for me. We didn't avail of it, but when I saw the pictures of my friend, I somehow wish I did it because it was really a good. They have one where they were seated like a witch on a stick. I hope one day you get to visit Bohol because it is a very beautiful place.
@sweet_pea (3322)
• Philippines
30 Mar 11
When I was a child I thought Chocolate hills were really made of chocolates! Silly me! I was fortunate enough to see this natural wonder. I saw them when they were green. We can also see them up in the air when we rode on the airplane. The view is just amazing. I really would love to come back to Bohol!
• Philippines
30 Mar 11
I'm with you in this. When I was younger, I really thought that chocolate hills are made of chocolate or that they grow trees that contain the main ingredient for chocolates. Very silly but those were the days when every thing seemed so different for all of us.
@sweet_pea (3322)
• Philippines
1 Apr 11
I agree, I even remember that in school back in primary grade, I drew the chocolate hills with me munching on it. I even boasted to a classmate that I got to eat the chocolate hills. What an imagination I have then!
@gcabando (313)
• Philippines
24 Nov 11
Yes I have seen this scenery a couple of time. I love to visit this place once in a while.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
9 Aug 11
Chocolate Hills  - A View of the Chocolate Hills
Oh thank you for the legend of Chocolate Hills. I really did not know that till I read your post. Although that legend is far from the truth, it is still entertaining. At any rate, I've seen the Chocolate Hills but not during summer so I was unable to see the real chocolate color. I saw it when it is all covered with green grass. At any rate the chocolate kisses-shaped hills look great just the same.
@juneramir (334)
• Philippines
13 Aug 10
Yes of course. A very majestic place, you will be amazed how nature works. The view is really nice but the area at the observation hill where people usually take their pictures should be kept tidy. It was just in a sorry state when we were there. A little painting job on the walls and handrails can help. It is really a proof that God exists and shows us how much he wants us to enjoy life and be happy to the fullest----in a good way! Happy trip fellow travellers...God bless!
• Philippines
13 Aug 10
Yes, ive been there twice. The first time was in summer of 2008 spectacular. The hills were brown and the grass was a little golden. looking from the viewing deck, i could feel the warm summer breeze and saw how beautiful nature. I am hoping that people in bohol will continue to take care of the hills. There have been news in the past that some hills are being mined for construction illegally.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Jul 10
udaymohan no I am an American from US and have never had enough money to travel to the Phillipines but would love to see them. They sound so pretty and I would enjoy all the colors too.Chocolate hills sound pretty. Here in California the Southern part when our hills turn brown we start rounding up firefighters and fire fighting equipment as it means the vegetation is dry and is a fire danger. We have been really dry this year here and in grave danger of wild fires again. For three or four years we have had very bad wild fire seasons. Arsonists seem to love to come out and do their evil moronic fire setting. They seldom get caught either which is really a sad state of affairs.
@allamgirl (2140)
• Philippines
5 Aug 10
i'm from the philippines but i have never been to bohol. so i've never seen the chocolate hills. most of my friends have gone to bohol, and they all go back to manila with positive review about the place, not just chocolate hills. they always rave about bohol, which makes me want to go there, i just haven't got the chance yet.
@yresh12 (3212)
• Philippines
26 Jul 10
hello udayhoman~!! I've been to Bohol this summer my father is from Bohol and we usually go there anually for my lolo's birthday. I just did not see the chocolate hills I even climb one and I was very happy about it. It was such a veery nice experienced and I even struggled in getting up there. I also tried bathing below the chocolate hills where there is spring. :)
@laniekins (4579)
• Philippines
22 Jul 10
It's funny that I am from Philippines but I haven't been in Bohol. I wanted to be there and see the astonishing Chocolate Hills, its my favorite wonder when I was a kid!
@jonnifc (1017)
• Philippines
22 Jul 10
Yes, I have seen them. My family and I went to Bohol last year. It was so beautiful. It was so nice to see one of the many tourist spots the Philippines is known for. They say it's a different experience if you rent an ATV and drive up to one of the hills. I'd like to do that too one day. Isn't it that all those hills used to be underwater? The plaque in the view deck said that it was "formed by the uplift of coral deposits and the action of rainwater and erosion". It is considered a national geographical monument. I think it deserves to be considered as such. Beautiful!
• Philippines
29 Jul 10
Yes I've been to Bohol and have been to chocolate hills twice. The most popular place to view the chocolate hills is in Carmen. It is a very spectacular site. I like the story of the Legend of the Chocolate Hills. Very nice, especially the second one. I like romantic stories whether legend or not. I enjoyed reading your post. Happy mylotting . :-)