Do you earn 4-digit figure by the end of the month?

July 24, 2010 8:13am CST
Hey mylotters. Do any of you earn big bucks online? Somewhat a four-digit figure? Do share us the secret.LOL Anyways, lucky for you for obtaining such income thru online. Maybe I just have to shift to other strategies that PTCs coz I earn only cents thru it. :(
8 responses
• Philippines
25 Jul 10
my first time... maybe you could help me increase my earnings.
• Philippines
24 Jul 10
It will be hard to earn 4 digit income online. 3 digit income could be. Just try joining a lot of sites and once you combine all your ernings, they will sum up to 3. Not bad
• Malaysia
24 Jul 10
Hi, I think it needs a lot of hard work and the right knowledge to be able to earn four digit income from the internet. I am trying to achieve that number but still not able to yet. I really want to earn enough money from working online because I am not able to go out and work like other people do. If I am able to earn that amount of income in the future, I will be very grateful. Please let me know if you have succeeded to earn four digit income. Good luck, and I believe if you work hard enough and use the right technique, money will come streaming in to you. God bless.
• United States
24 Jul 10
I think that it may be possible to do...but what you have to think about is, is it worth it? If you get a job that's not online, your hour spent working, you'll be making more than you would online. Plus if you stay with that job for X amount of time, you may be able to receive benefits that you definitely won't get by working online. So, for a little bit of extra cash, it's nice. Try niche websites or content sites. But yeah, to try to get an actual income, not so much.
@mturacom (632)
• India
24 Jul 10
Honestly I haven't earned that much of money. All that I have earned just barely touches the four figure mark but it took me more that 2 years. And earnings that much money each month is just a dream for now. I know that earning that much of money will not be easy and I will have to do something different to achieve different results.
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
24 Jul 10
Oh, I am not making a 4 digit income a month yet... But I am working on it, so in the future I will hopefully! Making money like that takes time, you will not get there over night, you need dedication and patience to be able to reach that goal.
@tovk12 (234)
• India
24 Jul 10
hi, If you come to know of the secret of how to earn a 4 digit income from the net, please let me know.. will be waiting for the reply.. really need to earn money like that.
@zohaib4 (34)
• United Arab Emirates
24 Jul 10
Its really hard to earn 4 digit salary online. But try to achieve this.Nothing is impossible. If you come to know then please let me know.