Inception or Eclipse?

July 27, 2010 4:09am CST
Which one should I watch? Of course I am a Twilight fan thus the toughness in decision.
4 responses
• China
27 Jul 10
Personally I perfer Inception.I think Eclipse is a bit boring.(Well,just my individual opinion).Why can't you see these both film ?
• Indonesia
27 Jul 10
Haha, I also want to ask the topic starter, why not watching both? It's obvious he/she like Twilight franchise so she must not missed it. I am going to watch it today after being dragged by my dear friend to accompany her. Personally, I don't like the franchise that much, even almost fall asleep during the second movie because the pace is so slow and the romance itself was too dragged. Inception in other hand is totally mesmerizing and you will find yourself keep thinking of the movie and discussing it with other people.
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• United States
28 Jul 10
Pick the one you want to see more and if u want to see both equally look at the reatings
@BethannTT (222)
27 Jul 10
I would sya inception. I havent seen it yet but i have seen eclipse. Even as a twilight fan i found the film was rahter dull.
@satylot (98)
27 Jul 10
I have not seen both of them. You just check out the rating at IMDB and watch the on e which is having higher rating...