Did it changed your relationship having a baby?
By mabey1
@mabey1 (334)
July 27, 2010 5:51am CST
After our son was born our lifes changed. we had to accomodate to his needs, and it was hard at first. we had a lot of arguments, most of them sarted with nothing and we ended up yelling at each other. after a while, we get use to be parents and see ourselfs as parents not young free people as we were before. i think our relationship got depeer, got a meaning, our daily routeen got sence. it took a lot of talking, some times criing, mostly i cried,:), but now i can say that my relationship never been beter with my housband.
i would like to know if your relationship changed, and if it did in a good or a bad way?
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8 responses
@ladynetz (968)
• Canada
27 Jul 10
Having a baby changes everything you are in life. You are now a family, not just a couple. New responsabilities, new schedule.
When I first gave birth , I was depressed for about two months.My hair was falling off from the stress.Everyone expects from you everything, and you are still you. Giving birth does not bring you the instant knowledge of how to raise the baby.And you worry for every cry.With the years, it's getting better , but than new things cre hapenning. Every age brings another chalenge.yes, you fight with the husband, because you want him to take charge too, to be a part of the wonder that happened.
I love my kids, can not imagine my life without them and ready to do eevrything for them.
Only now, after almost 20 years, mu husband agrees with me on how we should have raised them.
Anyhow, they turned out to be nice people, hard working, helping others , so we must have done something right.
@mabey1 (334)
• Romania
27 Jul 10
about what i'm reading our husbands think alike. my husband is always runing to me whenever our son cries, thats why i can never live. its exasting. spmetimes i think that he has no idea what's like beeing whith a child 24 a day 7 days a week. sometimes i just snap and i'm starting arguing whit him. and he just lokkes at me like i'm gone mad.
@blackknight79 (10)
28 Jul 10
I could not agree more to this. Sometimes, I snap as well, because I feel like , I've been taking care of the kid for hours and just for a few minutes I ask him to watch over the kid and he can't do it on his own?
@marcinwise (391)
27 Jul 10
Yes my relationship change too. But in my relationship was oposite because we agree less. Because I don't have now time to agree with my husband
We have making love less now too because I'm too tried, my baby is really hard she don't like sleep on the night.
We don't have now time just for our two because my baby are 24 h with me, we don't have family here who help as with baby and take for example one hours.

@mabey1 (334)
• Romania
27 Jul 10
i realy can relad to your problem. its hard to be alone with no help from your family. i hope that your husband will understand you, beeing tired all the time. i've benn frue the same thing. after a while i've got used to not sleeping frue the night. maybe she's not sleeping because her thets are coming out, or maybe shes hungry. my boy cried a lot becouse of those 2 things.
@marcinwise (391)
28 Jul 10
Teething was the problem but now she not teething and still wake up on the night.
I giving her milk but she still don't want sleep. I wish have book baby were are say 11 month baby should sleep 8 to 12 hours at night.
My husband are very understand person so I don't have problem with him hopeful.
@Soraya428 (26)
• Philippines
28 Jul 10
We got married in 2007. Before we had our baby, we used to go out a lot. Well, not to party but to have quite moment to distress after work. We sometimes go out of town and spend the weekend or simply watch movies or go malling. But when our baby came our lifestyle changed a lot (not to mention the sleepless nights tending to her needs). We couldnt go out as much as we wanted to because we kept thinking about our baby. After our baby came we mostly bring her with us wherever we go.
Our relationship changed, we became more mature and nurturing towards each other and our baby. I do admit that, on several ocassions it seems that having a job and taking care of the baby at the same time is very tiring. But i say it's all worth it. Some of our friends say that we should have time just for ourselves. But truth is, both of us enjoying towing our little toddler to places. We have this sort of fulfillment knowing that she is enjoying going to these places with us.
@pastigger (612)
• United States
27 Jul 10
Our daughter changed our life. She was born at 29 weeks and while she was in the hospial (3 month) my husband really steped up and took charge. I was a bit of a mess. But when she came home it seemed like it was now all up to me. He helps out a bit more that she is older but I do 99% of the care. I am home with her, which I am happy about, but I run a home daycare so I am home but I also work a full time job. There seems to be a bit of a disconnect about this sometimes. We do fight less but that is mostly because I will not fight with him if our daughter is awake. He is a really good daddy which has made me love him more. But it is hard even now that she is 3 we are still having some strugle with me having enough time with him. I am tired at the end of the day I am not just looking after our daughter but others children as well. My day dosen't really end until she goes to bed. His life has not changed a lot, he still gets to play his games online and comes home and relaxes. My like has changed as now I have a child to raise. We do sometimes fight over parenting. I feel like he likes backseats parents some times and that has caused some fights. I keep more in now and that is the reason we don't fight as much. But we are more commited to making it work for our daughter so we do try harder.
@blackknight79 (10)
28 Jul 10
I'd say we argue less as well, and have more things to talk about since we would one common welfare to think about. My husband taking the backseat, yes, as most husbands do. But, having a kid has let me appreciate my husband more because he has proved to be a very good provider
@cursoralbert99 (412)
• Malaysia
28 Jul 10
Perhaps that's how the first experience as parent. Having few knowledge of taking care of the child and handling other stuff to be done in life as well. But somehow, need to be relax a bit and try to work together, it might solve the stress. Everything should be fine even though having a baby or not in a relationship. Just that added more reason to fight about sometimes. LOL!
@blackknight79 (10)
28 Jul 10
Yes, our relationship definitely changed but, it was definitely for the better. We fight less. Luckily, we have my mom and a nanny to help us out with Our 9 month old baby. We still do have time to go out on dates and cuddle,since I work as well, after shift we get to have time to be together just the 2 of us, we eat out for dinner or watch a movie or sit for a coffee before going home, we try to maintain the "us". It feels like we are always on the dating stage. But, making love is so much lesser since when I am at home 100% of my time goes to my baby.
@mabey1 (334)
• Romania
28 Jul 10
i think you are lucky, you have help. i can't say that my parents or my inlaws don't help, but to have a nanny thats the best. unfortunatly we don't have time to go out, but we try as well to maintain the "us". we usually stay up late an talk a lot, and do what we normaly did earlier. but really our life as a couple starts after my son go to sleep.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
28 Jul 10

@MirandaKay (231)
• United States
28 Jul 10
Having children definitely changes a relationship. Before children it was just the two of you and you could devote all of your time to each other. Then along comes the baby and now he/she is demanding most of your attention. It takes some getting used to but our relationship has grown along with the kids.