What happens if you never return a library book?

By Link
United States
July 29, 2010 2:19pm CST
I know that libraries will charge you fees if you do not turn your books in on time. And I know that they can stop you from checking out more books if you owe them a certain amount. But, what happens if you never turn the book back in? How long will they continue charging you fees? Will they send a bill to your home? What happens if you don't pay? I'm just curious, I turn all my books in (not always on time lol) and I know if you just keep them then you are stealing them. What do you think? I even remember an episode of Seinfeld where George was describing how he lost Jerry's book so long ago even though he swore he gave it back (I don't remember all the details so that may be wrong). Anyway they came across their old gym teacher as a homeless man and saw he had the book. lol
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4 responses
@Angelwriter (1954)
• United States
29 Jul 10
Like others have said, they charge you the cost of the book. I guess it depends on the individual libraries whether they send a bill to your home. We didn't do that where I worked. You'd only know your fine if you came in, or checked your account online. One thing that happens is that until you pay a fine, you can't check out any more books. Sometimes you're allowed to pay a certain amount on a fine, like 10%, which allows you to check out books. But,the main penalty for not returning books or paying the fines is usually that you're forbidden to check out any other books.
• Jamaica
29 Jul 10
It depend on the state that you live, i have done this before by mistake and forgot to take the book back. I was moving and found a bag with some library books in it. Needless to say at that point it was too late to return them, I have to pay for the cost of the books along with some extra fees. Lesson learned because I will never do that again. The funny privilege about living some places is that you even have a library to go to and borrow free books. Now that I moved to Jamaica I know know that there are places where you CAN NOT borrow books from the library. Plus the fact that I think I have more personal books then the Library. Well The best thing to do is to call them and let them know that you found a book and it was a honest mistake and that you would like to return the book and see if they would be willing to waive some of the fees for you.Good Luck.
• United States
1 Aug 10
Thank you both for your responses. Shiquitatw, you are right, there are places that do not even have libraries for people to use, and sometimes people take a simple thing like borrowing books for free for granted. Just because we are used to things being this way here, we have to remember that in other places they cannot even afford a library. I happily pay my fees because I see how it contributes to the library. They created a new Teens only section for the younger crowd, added more computers for people to use. They now have an automated check out which is fun and easy to use. The children's section looks great and fun. Plus they always have activities or speakers, they have their own zine and all sorts of things. Plus they now have ebooks and audiobooks to download for free online, and videos you can watch. So knowing that my $11 in late fees will contribute to the library staying open (they recently shortened their hours) and free is something I feel less upset about. But I am still going to try to get my books in on time!
@o0jopak0o (6394)
• Philippines
30 Jul 10
well i have some books that i have forgotten to return and too late now to return.
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
29 Jul 10
I am not so sure about the answer to this. But I know that they will charge you for a book. I think that if you never return the book back into the library, then the library will just charge you for the entire book itself. There have been many of times, where I have been charged a fee for an book that I returned late. It is usually no more than $1.40. That is why I keep up with how many books that I have checked out so that I won't go over my due date.
@buggles64 (2709)
• United States
29 Jul 10
You only have to pay for the price of the book.