I got ripped of by the Bank

By Gabs
@gabs8513 (48686)
United Kingdom
July 31, 2010 3:25am CST
Yesterday I went to the Bank to pay my Rent I counted the Money 4 times the Night before, I then counted it again 2 times before I went to the Bank to pay my Rent I then put the rent Money in the Bag went to the Bank The Cashier counted it then tells me I am £20 ($13) short, I told I am not as I counted the Money several times myself and it was right, he counted it again and told me I am the amount short, I asked him to let me count again, he said he can not hand it back to me Now there was some new Notes there which meant he could have easily had 2 stuck together I am not a Person to accuse but I myself counted the Money so many times and I know it was right, there was a queue I got my receipt and went out crying I am on disability and I can not afford to be robbed not even by that amount I cried all the way Home and I now have to find this money to pay in on Monday as my Landlord is a Pig and even for that small amount and even though he still has things to repair in this flat and even though over the Months I have been decorating the Flat as I can not stand the way he passed it over with promises to get it sorted and then telling me he has no Money I have been through a lot of stress these past few Months and I really did not need this I know some of you will see but it is only $13, but that $13 could buy me my Food I am not impressed that even Banks are ripping People of now Do you trust Banks ?????
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40 responses
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
31 Jul 10
You should have told that cashier to go and get the bank manager sweetie. How the hell can he work there, if he do things like that? I know he has to be the one who made that mistake. Never leave again, before demanding to see the bank manager, okay. I will go and kick his butt. My bank won't even think of doing that to me. TATA.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
31 Jul 10
I can see your point saphrina, she shouldn't have left, but at the same time if I was that distraught and crying I would want to leave too. I just hope the manager will talk to her and get it all sorted out, the banker who did this to her should have to pay out of his own pocket, double the money that he stole.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
31 Jul 10
Hi to both of you I was to upset to even argue any more and there was so many People there to I just wanted to go home and be left alone It was actually $35 lol I worked it out the wrong way from pounds to Dollars The thing is I can't prove anything now, even though one of the Customers waiting did say "Why can't she count the Money out to you" but he ignored her
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
31 Jul 10
$35.00 is definitely a bigger difference, but I just don't understand why you can't go back in and fight the battle. After all there must've been cameras and surely he wasn't the only teller on duty.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
31 Jul 10
Can't trust anyone these day eh Gabs? No worries..........you have friends that love you. You will have this sorted in no time. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge! lol
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
2 Aug 10
lol I know and yes you did sort it in no time and you waited to write this till after you sorted it so I could not stop you not that I would have been able to as you are more stubborn then me Love you dear Friend
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
2 Aug 10
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
31 Jul 10
You should have gotten the branch manager involved in this situation. As a former bank teller, I can tell you that this person handled this situation incorrectly, and it is highly likely that his money did not balance correctly at the end of the day. If you still have the receipt he gave you, it may be worth your time to go back and talk to the bank manager. They may be trying to figure out why that teller's cash drawer is $13 out of balance. Either way, the manager needs to know about the situation...
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
2 Aug 10
Hi Goldeneagle, it will not be if removed the Money But I have written an Email to the Head Office and should be hearing back in the next 5 Days so will see what they have to say
• United States
3 Aug 10
yeah please let us know how this turns out for you...
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
31 Jul 10
Oh my goodness gracious. That is a terrible thing to hear, a banker ripping you off. Can the camera's not catch the man stowing away the money for himself? People can just be so discompassionate sometimes. Now you have to scrounge for money you don't even have. I hope the banker gets fired, you should not have this added stress. You had the money, you were vigil about making sure you counted the money, and now this? I do trust our local branch as they've never given me a reason not to, we hardly if ever bring money in to deposit though when we have we count it, and the teller counts is correctly as we have.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
31 Jul 10
Hi Cowgirl He would have done it the clever way the brand new Notes would have stuck together so it would not be detectable on the Camera I trust my own Bank but I have never trusted the name of this Bank and have never ever used the bank but I had to pay it in there as that is the Landlords bank and the money will go in on the same Day I am so upset about this, I searched the car, my Handbag and at home but it was nowhere to be found and I know I had the right amount
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
31 Jul 10
The landlord won't be so forgiving though I bet, and with it being no fault of your own! Your right though the teller would have cleverly hid it in a way to get him off Scott Free but it begs the question who else has he done this with fresh crips clean bills!
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
31 Jul 10
no i think its terrible that that bank teller ripped you off. you should have asked to see the manager and maybe you arent the first to complain. i dont trust banks because i been ripped off twice by 2 different ones here i will never deal with again. and worst of all is we have to depend on them as most places will not take cash. $ 13 is a lot when you barely have enough each month on a fixed income.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
2 Aug 10
Hi Bunny Sparks and me have written to the Banks Head Office and filed a Complained so we are waiting to hear It is not my Bank account that is there it is the Landlords and if I want to get it there in time I have to pay it into his bank, I have a different Bank as I do not trust or like this particular Bank
• Regina, Saskatchewan
31 Jul 10
Actually, with the exchange rate between British Pounds and American dollars, it's more like $40.00 and change to us, and that's way too much to get ripped off for. I'll bet you dollars to donuts, when that teller cashes out and is twenty pounds over, he won't be crediting Gabs account!
2 people like this
• United States
31 Jul 10
I had surgery done and went to deposit a cash advance into the bank. It was for 200 dollars but the bank teller didn't look at the check. He saw it was from this company and automatically cashed it for 500 dollars. Hubby and I figured our bills out and thought we had some extra so we went out to eat. Next day the bank called and said it was their mistake but now that the money wasn't in the account we had to pay them back. They overdrew my account by three hundred dollars. I had to close that account and take out a loan to pay it back there at the bank. The bank teller that made the mistake wouldn't admit it was his fault. Needless to say after I paid back that money I switched accounts and am not with that bank anymore.
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• Japan
31 Jul 10
I think most of the bank teller wont admit their faults for their mistake specially they are working at the bank and supposed to be trusted. I agree with you that bank teller wont admit their mistake
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
2 Aug 10
Hi Linda it is terrible that we can't trust the Banks I am so sorry this happened to you
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
31 Jul 10
Oh dear Gaby. I sorry to hear this happened to you. I know you may not have thought of doing this but when I got to the bank I stand there and count out the money I am putting into the bank before they get their hands on it. I count it out in front of them. I do not trust anyone with my money, no bank, no store, no one outside of the family or a friend. I am so sorry that person did that to you. Please try not to be upset. The money will be there for you when you need it. I'm sure. Hugs to you and Gissi.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
31 Jul 10
Hi Sweetie That is what I will be doing in future and I do not care how long the queue is It is actually $35 lol I worked it out wrong from pounds to Dollar I am just so upset by all this I mean how can anyone do this we are all in a bad way with Money but we do not steal from others
1 person likes this
• United States
31 Jul 10
I knew you got it backwards but that's okay. Those of us that send money in pounds know the difference. You were so upset and you are not expected to keep that straight then. Did you get something from me? Let me know in an email please.
1 person likes this
• United States
31 Jul 10
Gabs, PLEASE go back to the bank on Monday and talk with a Manager. That guy's drawer had to be off that night. Tell the Manager what has happened from beginning to end, PLEASE. Banks usually do not handle things the way that guy did, and I cannot even imagine why he wouldn't let you count that money in front of him. Go back and tell the Manager. It doesn't matter what the amount was, whether it was $13.00 or $35.00, go back, please and talk with someone in charge. What is it going to hurt? And, you might get your money back!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
2 Aug 10
Hi Sweetie I wrote an Email to their Head Office yesterday and should be hearing back in the next 5 Days so I will let you know what the Outcome is Hugs
• Canada
31 Jul 10
Your only recourse would have been right there at that time to ask for a supervisor to recount the money with you, or in front of you, once again, since you had counted it so many times and were sure your count was correct. Still, I would have put a complaint in straight away and maybe it would have been sorted out right there and then. I would still put a written complaint in and hope that it may be resolved. Humans do make errors.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
2 Aug 10
Hi Annie Sparky made me send them an Email lol she sent one to so I have put a complaint in now to the Head Office and waiting for them to get back to me
1 person likes this
• United States
31 Jul 10
Im sorry this happened to u, Gabs. Wish u had ask for a 2nd person to count it. I can't believe he wouldn't let u count it again. That sounds suspicous to me right there. He sounds like a smart butte to me.He may be padding his own pocket that way. I would report the incident to the bank. GOOD LUCK. HUGS, JO
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
2 Aug 10
Hi Jo an Email has gone to the Head office of the Bank so will see what gets done Hugs
2 people like this
31 Jul 10
Hi gabs, Its not the bamk that ripped you off, its that dishonest cashier, you should have asked to see the manager, he shouldn't working there, wonder how mamy people he done that to? write to the bank and complain hun, love and hugs. Tamara
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
2 Aug 10
Hi Sweetheart I sent a Complaint Email yesterday to the Head Office so will wait for the Reply xxx
• Japan
31 Jul 10
Hi gabs,sorry to hear that but you should atleast complain to the bank manager. How does that bank employee ripped you off if you counted the money many times. I do deposit and withdraw money to my bank to and I make sure that I count it also and count it again in front of the bank teller to avoid ripping me off.You are right,$13 sounds not big money but its really hard to find that $13 nowadays,you work for that $13 and you can that for buying yourself food and stuff you actually needs. Dont worry sweetie,there is a karma.Always remember that karma comes in surprise
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
31 Jul 10
Hello Kyle It is actually $35 I worked it out wrong from Pounds to Dollars lol In future that is what I will be doing as I will not be ripped of again like that I know that Karma will come round Thank you for your kind words I really appreciate them Kyle
1 person likes this
• Japan
31 Jul 10
Oppss $35 dollar is big amount of money and still hard to find.Don't worry you'll get some good blessing in return for that and a karma for that teller that ripped you off.You're welcome gabs,just next time count your money in front of the teller so she/he have no way to rip you off
@apresto (127)
• Bulgaria
31 Jul 10
Banks can be really bad. They can change the contract you've signed without informing you. So they can really rip you off in anyway they want. They have your money. They are not your money anymore. Be really careful of every transaction. It should be accurate and clear. 20 pounds is not really 13 dollars it is about 33, oh yes you've said that later, which is not that big amount of money but it's not small, either. But the truth is there is no other institution you can trust. It's that bad. Your money depend on someone who is not someone but is really something. That is funny and tragic at the same time. Find a lawyer and sue the bank. You can get your money and a three zeros sum more. So I've heard. They should keep the name of their bank clean and clear from all frauds. Otherwise noone will put their money in that particular bank when they know it can get their money shorter. There are hundreds of different banks in the world. So why not change your bank account. That's a solution of your problem, gabs. Otherwise you can be scammed again.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
2 Aug 10
Hi Apresto I have written to the Head Office of the Bank and filed a Complained so I should hear back in the next 5 Days I do not have a Bank account with this Bank, my Landlord does so to get it there in time I have to pay it into his Bank I have an account with a totally different bank
• Portugal
1 Aug 10
so sorry for what happened :( that guy was very bad doing that to you :( how could he dare to do that? doesnt he see that we all need money and even a small amount is too much? :( im so sorry for what happened to you and i wish you find a way to have that money. you have a job isnt? try to ask your boss to pay you few days before. im sure he wont mind if you explain him the situation^^
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
2 Aug 10
Hi Sweet I can not work as I am disabled so there is no Boss to ask But I have written a Complaint to the Head Office so waiting to hear back
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
31 Jul 10
That is trerrible and yup he could have handed it back as44ole. Banks are rip offs look what my mortage bank has done to us and they not regreting it. BUt I will have to get a moderator soon and they have to face me in person. Till we get it all out sorted!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
2 Aug 10
Well I have written to the Bank and waiting to hear back now so I hope to hear soon Is yours still not sorted then
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
3 Aug 10
Nope with 10 months of talking on the phone sending them every thing they want they still say we cant get modified and to pay what it says to pay well we cant keep it up thats for sure. LAwyer told me to wait til they try to foreclose then coem to him and he will help us get a moderator and the bank has to face us and tell us why we cant and this should get out payments down to where they are surpose to be!
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
12 Aug 10
I'm with Saphrina. I wish you had asked for the bank manager right then and there, he could possibly have straightened it out by having the cashier's drawer counted before he had a chance to do something with the money. Sorry to hear this happened to you.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Aug 10
Hi Dawn I actually got my Money back
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
22 Aug 10
@olydove (1209)
• United States
31 Jul 10
gabs sweety I'm so very sorry this happened to you. It never ceases to amaze me how scrupulous some people can be. I too am disabled and on a limited income so I can as many others really understand how frustrating your situation is. Please let me know if there's anything I can do for you and if there happen to be any attorneys there, that help people on limited incomes you might want to start suing that jack a$$ landlord of yours.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
31 Jul 10
Hi Sweetie I will be looking into the thing with the Landlord as now I have no Gas central Heating either because he can't afford to sort it, so he is expecting me to live on small electric Heaters in the Winter well he has a shock coming because I will demand lower rent till it is sorted I moved in here because of the Gas central Heating and he has conned me well and truly He does not know that the previous Tenant and I have become good Friends so I know what is going on he will not have an easy Life with me on this And if he decides to kick me out in February when the Year is up he will have a Law suit on his Hands he tells lies and he is a con artist I am so tired of People ripping me of I really am Sweetie Big Hugs to you and it is good to see you again
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
2 Aug 10
Hi Annie He has put some small electric Heaters in here but that has been since I moved in here and I am paying for a Gas Central heated Flat, it will cost me more then Gas to use them which means my Electric ill will be high and they do not warm the flat properly either
1 person likes this
• Canada
31 Jul 10
Are the utilities (hydro) included in your rent? I mean, you don't have to pay extra above your rent for them do you? Because if the landlord is responsible for the hydro bills, and he buys the temporary heating units, then at least you don't have to pay any extra until he gets the Gas sorted. But if you had to buy the heaters and/or pay for the surplus hydro that it uses, I would definitely be fighting him and asking the Rent Review board for a reduction in rent accordingly.
2 people like this
• United States
1 Aug 10
It is unfortunate but this is the kind of thing that happens everywhere and anywhere. Unfortunately we have a your word against my word clause. We are living hard financial times where people just think it is okay to cheat an honest person. Sorry to hear you had this experience but remember heaven will look after you for this.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
2 Aug 10
I have written to the Head Office so I should hear back soon
• United States
2 Aug 10
I have thought about you since you posted your discussion and I feel really bad that this has happened to you. I hope the head office gives you some comfort and this is really unfair. I have said a few prayers in hopes that if this does not get resolved that at least you are looked after in a much rewarding way.
@csh66112 (23)
• China
31 Jul 10
kick him!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
2 Aug 10
Lol I wish I could and it would be where it hurts to lol
• Japan
31 Jul 10
I agree to both of youbetter kick that bank teller
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@ruth98 (106)
• Philippines
31 Jul 10
Meaning to say that the teller of your bank has corrupted your money. I'm so sorry about that, that you have to go through that, sometimes there are awful people who feed on other people's misfortune. Most especially when they think you are weaker than him. You should have demanded to see the manager of the bank and complained about the teller's behavior. It is not nice thing for him to do, it would have been better if he was found out right there and then. You must fight for yourself. Hope things get better for you. Don't lose hope sometimes we just have to get through with these hardship to make us stronger and appreciate more our life. You take care. There is a saying; "When it rain, it pours". But it's not always like that ok.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
2 Aug 10
Well Ruth I have written an Email of Complaint to the Head Office of the Bank so I am hoping to hear back soon from them At the time I was not able to breathe or act but a Friend got me to email them
@ruth98 (106)
• Philippines
3 Aug 10
hi gabs I'm happy that you did that step. Your friend is right about that. Unless you complain, no action will be done about it. Hope you'll get a positive answer about it. Good luck.