Do you think that it is about time, that all pet owners should have their cats

@jugsjugs (12967)
August 3, 2010 8:21pm CST
aswell as dogs micro chipped,as that way there would be alot less people dumping their pets,as they would get caught aswell as fined.There would also be alot more people getting their pets fixed aswell,so that they were not in a psition to have to pay for micro chipping for breeding.I think there should be a law,as too many are being dumped aswell as destroyed.
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20 responses
@derek_a (10873)
4 Aug 10
Yes, I would have to agree with that as it would enable owners to be found easily should the animal become lost. They have been thinking about bringing in a law here in the UK, but I haven't heard much about that recently. _Derek
@derek_a (10873)
5 Aug 10
Yes, I agree with you there. But I think that there is so much red-tape in creating no laws that we'll be waiting a long time before something is done about these animals. _Derek
@jugsjugs (12967)
5 Aug 10
I am in the uk and there are alot of people that are dumping cats aswell as dogs in alot of places.Places like Battersea dogs home are having to put thousands of dogs down that are under a year old every year.There are people that breed cats aswell as dogs and when they have too many that they can not find homes for them they tend to dump them,to go and breed yet more pets.If they were to be made to be chipped then bring in heavy fines then people would not dump,let alone breed as many pets as they are doing.The fines could be used to reduce the cost of micro chipping aswell as the up keep of rescue centres.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
6 Aug 10
I think that you are right there,i think that it will take forever.
• Australia
4 Aug 10
Hi jugsjugs, I agree with you and in the area where I live it is already a law that your must be registered whether cat or dog, if your cat or dog is desexed and microchipped then the registration is cheaper but if not then it is a small fortune. They have only recently brought in that you have to register your cat and I don't think many people will be doing that. I know I won't as I have already done the right thing years ago and got my cat desexed and microchipped, so I don't see why I should have to pay yearly registration fees as well. He is a cat that is always in the house of a nightime and is only outside for a few hours during the day.
@jugsjugs (12967)
4 Aug 10
If it rules out people keep dumping their pets then what ever they use the money for do not matter,but it would be better off being spent on pets and rescue centers.
@jugsjugs (12967)
4 Aug 10
I too think that it should be law,as that way there would be alot less people dumping aswell as over breeding cats.I think that if there was a law aswell as a fine then the money that these people get fined would be great if it went towards the up keep of all animal centres.
• Australia
4 Aug 10
It would be good if the money from the fines and registration fees went to the animal shelters but I am pretty sure that the local government council keeps it for itself. The last I heard they were building a road we don't need with the money.
• United States
4 Aug 10
I think your idea although a good one is way ahead of the capibilities of the microchips! It would be a burden to low income people as here in the states that is an annual fee that has to be paid! I have one cat with a chip but she never goes outside, and if she does, she doesn't get to far - like not even off the porch- away from the house. I didn't pay for the renewal!!! I found a dog and my daughter took it in to the vets and asked about checking it for a chip and they wouldn't do it!!! Not a lot of help there!!!! So those are my experiences with the chip.
• United States
4 Aug 10
THANK YOU!!! I did not know that. The renewal that I got didnt explain any of that just how much, and I don't remember how much it was. The cat was 'chiped' from the animal shelter when I adopted her. We use to have a wonderful vet in another town here and I remember taking a 'lost cat' in their once and they checked her for a chip but there wasn't one. When my daughter took the dog into our local vet they didn't and I didn't understand that either. We had a story on our news early this spring about a small dog that was found in another state (WI) and had a chip in it and because of it they returned the dog to its owner here in Michigan. Sure wonder how this 'small' dog got that far from home!!!!
• United States
4 Aug 10
If you're paying an annual fee associated with the microchip, what you're paying for probably is to stay an "active member" of the chip website and registry. But once your pet has a chip and it has been registered with a site, that chip will ALWAYS be registered with that site. I don't know of a single chip company that takes your pet's chip off their list just because you don't pay the yearly fee. It's just to keep getting their emails and news bulletins most of the time. I have my dogs chipped with Home Alone and I only paid the fee the first time. It's been 4 years. I can still log on and search my chip numbers. I just don't get their communications anymore.
@jugsjugs (12967)
4 Aug 10
I think that if they were to lower the price of the micro chip aswell as intrduce a fine to pet owners that do not have their pets chipped then that would also be a benifit.The fines can go towards the up keep of rescue centres aswell as more money to save and home unwanted cats/dogs.
@mipen2006 (5528)
• Australia
4 Aug 10
I don't have a cat, and I'm not sure if it is law, but my last cat had a chip. I don't know if it would solve the problem of dumping as I think that happens before they would be done anyway. I hate people who dump poor defenseless animals.
@mipen2006 (5528)
• Australia
5 Aug 10
I agree. I think chipping would help solve the problem.
@jugsjugs (12967)
4 Aug 10
I think that if it was made law to have cats aswell as dogs chipped then when people had got bored of their pets then they would get caught dumping them and making it easier for them to get a fine.If people hear that there are kittens/pups with no micro chips then they should be able to fine them if they are not micro chipped at a certain age.
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• Philippines
4 Aug 10
I believe it is time. as there are owners that irresponsible for dumping their pets anywhere. They lost home and they might die on the street. However, in our country, the people who can only do that is the richer one, those who have money. I, myself do not have money for the chip.if that is affordable and will not make my cat or dogs uncomfortable then why not.
• Philippines
5 Aug 10
Your idea is good. You can share that to agency the care for pets in your place. I hope in my place i can have that kind too.
@jugsjugs (12967)
4 Aug 10
I think that they should let people have a discount to begin with on the cost of micro chipping their pets and gthen after that they should atart collecting the money off the people that do not have or who has booked the micro chips.I think that if they were to fine people the money from the fines could go to the up keep of the rescue centres and then there would be less people dumping their pets.
@celticeagle (172553)
• Boise, Idaho
4 Aug 10
I think that would of great value to animal owners. I think responsible owners will do this at some point. It is costly but worth it in the long run. I think alot of people are already doing it. It just takes time to get the cost down as with alot of new products. When that happens or there is a way to find the money more people will be doing it.
@celticeagle (172553)
• Boise, Idaho
5 Aug 10
Perhaps that is why there hasn't been a law of this kind, because they can't bring the cost down. And why man people don't have it done. Such is society.
@jugsjugs (12967)
4 Aug 10
I am sure that if there was a law then the price would have to be dropped or a way for people to pay for micro chipping,like a payment systen that people could pay soo much perweek until they have paid for the chip.I think that this would stop alot of people from dumping animals aswell as keep on breeding them.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
6 Aug 10
I think it's a good idea and I'm surprised that the vets in my area are not pushing for it. A lot of people around here are big time animal lovers and they post all kinds of notices when their animals go missing. All the veternaries in the area have bulletin boards that take those postings to try and help the owners locate their pets. Still no one has ever sugested it to me when I take our animals in for their check ups.
@jugsjugs (12967)
6 Aug 10
I do think that it should be made law,as when people lose or have their pets stolen it will be alot easier to trace the owners of the pets.I also think that if it was made law to have pets micro chipped then there would be a lot less people trying to dump animals if there were also fines in place for the dumping of pets,as they could prove whos they were.
• United States
4 Aug 10
As long as this procedure doesn't make it too expensive for lower income people to have cats or dogs , I'm all for it. Having a pet is a great source of love and responsibility. Hey, wouldn't the mirco chip help find lost pets too?
@jugsjugs (12967)
4 Aug 10
The micro chip is the best thing that any pet could have,like you say if they get lost it is easier to find your cat,aswell as if your pet is stolen you can prove 100% that the pet is yours.It would stop people from dumping their pets,as the owners could easily be traced by the pet having the micro chip.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
4 Aug 10
It's a good thought Jugs but many of the pets being dumped are unwanted kittens and puppies or pets that are not registered to begin with. I think it would work with a person buying a pet but I am not sure how this private sales or people who give baby kittens and puppies away.
@jugsjugs (12967)
4 Aug 10
I think that people who want to find homes for cats aswell as kittens should be made to micro chip them,that way perhaps they would get their cats sorted rather than keep letting them breed out of control.If they got fines then the money from the fines could go towards rescue centres bills and vets bills.
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
4 Aug 10
Well, microchipping one's pets is already a must in singapore, so as to prevent such a thing from happening.. haha =D PLus the fine being imposed is also quite heavy for those owners, if they managed to skip thru the process of not microshipping their pets.. However, there's a glitch somewhere, whereby even though a pet is being microchipped, there's no way for the agency to find out who's the owner.. lol =D
@jugsjugs (12967)
4 Aug 10
In the uk people not all but some people like myself have their cats aswell as dogs micro chipped,just incase they gety lost or stolen.If a cats or a dog is found then they tend to check to see if it has a micro chip that way it can be reunited with the owner.Micro chips are held on record forever here in the uk.
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@missybear (11391)
• United States
4 Aug 10
I agree, what goes for your pet dog should apply for your pet cat also. We have so many stray cats running around my complex if those were dogs they would call animal control. What goes for the dog should go for the cats too.
@jugsjugs (12967)
5 Aug 10
I think that if people had their pets micro chipped then i think that it would stop people from dumping their pets aswell as if breeders were made to chip the animals before selling them then there would be alot less pets being dumped.I think that also if pets are not chipped then owners should get a fine and animals that were dumped they could trace the owners and fine them aswell.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
4 Aug 10
It has become compulsory in our state to have all dogs and cats micro chipped and it is a great idea; the only problem is that if people don’t keep their details up to date at the registry the microchip in their pet could be useless. It is a positive step towards less animals being dumped and lost.
@jugsjugs (12967)
4 Aug 10
I think it is time that us in the UK were to make it law as there are always people out there that over breed pets and then there are other people that when they get bored with them they end up dumping them.I think that if it was made law here aswell as fines issued there would be alot less people being cruel,aswell as dumping pets.
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• Canada
4 Aug 10
I thought it would be a good idea to be able to find my fur baby if he ever got lost. He's never out alone and we never leave him home alone.....but!! That said, I had him "fixed" when he was a pup and I regretted it. I couldnt be with him for 2 days, they wouldnt allow us to go to the hospital for the surgery. When he came back, he had his tail between his legs and I could tell something had happened. When we got home, we were hugging him and we noticed a lump on his back hip. Back we went to the vet right away and he said it might have been because he was spread eagle for the surgery. But we changed vet. I didnt trust his answer and I swore that next time, if I can avoid it, NO surgery would be done on my baby. I have to tell you that Im the type of person who's ......well lets say I have this phobia about pain, doctor, needles.....etc. You get the picture. So if I wouldnt go through such surgery, why should I send my dog??
@jugsjugs (12967)
5 Aug 10
I know what you are saying,lol.I think that with all the pets being dumped it should be law that pet owners have to have their pet micro chipped,that way if they are dumped they can fine people.If the pet gets stolen or hurt then the owners gets their pets back as they will know who they belong to.
• China
4 Aug 10
yes, sometimes i hate cats so much.but i love dogs, and i have one . he is not so good though . but i love him. just like my friends . so some people don't love pets as their friends . but some don't . so the world is different . just try to receive it . then you will be happy day and day .
@jugsjugs (12967)
5 Aug 10
I think that there is no excuse for people dumping pets,also the world would be a better place if people were to look after their pets aswell as getting them chipped.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
11 Aug 10
Do you think that people will get a cat micro-chipped instead of dumping it?? I don't think so. Even if it was a free service to get your cat or dog de-sexed, there would be a goodly percentage of people who will not get their animals done. They will also let them breed and either sell, give away dump or kill the offspring. Micro-chipping is an answer for people who truly care about their pets.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Aug 10
hi jugsjugs where I grew up on afarm about a mile from our town; town people would dump unwanted puppies and cats on the road into our farm. Mydad and I did not always get along but he and my mom were'so great as they took these unwanted pets and fed them and groomed them. then they found good homes for them with people my parents knew would keep them and care for them. I don't know if they had micro chips back then as that was in the late twenties and early thirties. but now I agree all pet owners should have their cats and dogs microchipped as it would sure help things.I think people should be fined or punished somehow for dumping animals like that. Its so inhumane and there are always people who will adopt pets and take really good care of them too.
@jugsjugs (12967)
4 Aug 10
I think that if people that had pets,aswell as the people that breed animals were to be made to have them micro chipped then there would be alot less people dumping them as they could be traced through the micro chip and then fined.Years ago people had to have a licence for a dog,but there were people back then who still did not have a licence for their dogs,aswell as when they were caught not having a licence they were not fined.The money from the fines could go towards all the rescue homes to help them.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Aug 10
We have four pets and none of them are microchipped. However, I do think that having all pets microchipped is a great idea. The first reason that I think this is a good idea is that there will be fewer pets that are never reclaimed by their rightful owners because they've run away. The other reason that I like this idea is that there will be far fewer strays that way than there are right now. In our neighborhood there is a pretty big problem with strays.
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
4 Aug 10
I think anything that will cut down on pets being dumped or killed is a good idea! We have to try something soon.
@jugsjugs (12967)
4 Aug 10
I think that there are far too many people getting away with dumping their pets and i think that there are people that are breeders that are also to blame,as they have been known to be dumpers of pets that they have not been able to sell,aswell as the breeders pets have got too old to breed from so they are dumped.A few fines would set examples.
@Sadie1675 (114)
• United States
5 Aug 10
I think it's a great idea to have animals micro chipped- but I also think it's a better idea to make sure people that will mistreat animals and dump them- don't get any pets! I know it would be a huge undertaking but honestly when you go to Pet-smart to adopt a pet- you have to apply to adopt them! to make sure you are going to be a good parent to that pet and not dump it, abuse it, etc. Even though my cat doesn't go outside (absolutely hates it) I would still want to put a chip in her for safety and emergency purposes. I care about her so much, every time I think of someone dumping or abusing animals it breaks my heart.
@TikaTalk (89)
• United States
6 Aug 10
I'm all for it. You would'nt just dump your kid. I have a chi-baby and would never dream of leaving her. She's my third child.