Is all true love selfish?

@paulybg (126)
August 3, 2010 8:42pm CST
How do you think about "All true love are selfish". I believe it is correct, because the more you love one guy, the more you would care about him/her, and the more you would like to hold him or her all by yourself.
8 responses
@bloggeroo (2167)
• Philippines
4 Aug 10
I like Ayn Rand's view on selfishness as expounded on her book The Virtue of Selfishness. And in relation to love, Nathaniel Branden's book The Psychology of Romantic Love does a good job explaining why. I especially like Branden's concept of "sense of life" to explain attraction or the act of falling in love. Anyway, I agree that romantic love and selfishness are related. But this association is only possible or common to those who are conscious of their existence and have a healthy self-esteem. This belief in their own capacities to love makes them the ideal entities to realize the premise. But in any case, as psychologist Nathaniel Branden explain, romantic love is about seeing our own reflection in the object of our affection. It is our contact with another consciousness that reflects our own "sense of life" can we feel smitten with romantic love.
• Philippines
4 Aug 10
It's not being selfish. You are just creating a boundary. When you are committed to someone, you must always consider the things she/he want's you to refrain from doing and vice versa. When you love a person, you would always seek for a sense of security that he/she'll not cheat on you. It is normal to be possessive but I don't think it may fall under selfishness because in fact true love is selfless.
• Philippines
4 Aug 10
For me true love will never be selfish. When you truly love a person you will let him do the things he wanna do. Let him go with people he wants to go with. Loving someone with all your heart will teach you to be more patient and understanding. You will not lock him up with yourself only. You will want him to grow and explore along with your support. Once you feel you are already selfish then thats the start of having a relationship that is not healthy. You're partner will not like that. Now is the time to think and contemplate if you still want to be selfish or not.
• Philippines
4 Aug 10
Hmmm true love is selfless act given by one person to the other so it shouldnt be selfish but in reality we tend to be poesseive with our feelings and we dont want him to be seeing someone else because we tend to get jelous, thats the reality but isnt it amazing when we knew someone who is just contented seeing the one he loves happy with someone else arms, when u knew a person who is like this - he/she has understand what love is. Its hard, its complicated but its about giving yourslf to someobody else without reservations.
• Portugal
6 Aug 10
yes is true^^ true love is selfish bcs we dont want that person loves noone else ahah at least when i love a guy i dont like when he gives more attention to a girl than to me. can seem a bit childish but i dont like it. like i hated when i like this guy and instead of him have a pic of me in his profile he has two pics of his best friend :( if im the girl he loves why he has two pics of her instead of put one mine? :( i hated it.
• India
4 Aug 10
Yes true love makes you selfish and possessive and no one can deny that :)
@paulybg (126)
• China
4 Aug 10
yes, I also believe this. I think the only love that is unselfish is from our parents. All the other love should be selfish.
@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
4 Aug 10
hello! May be not all, in general, becomes selfish when it comes to love. But i would say that I have felt it many time already that im becoming more and more selfish in our relationship. To the point that I don't even want him to go out with friends because i want him all by myself. I have been trying not to be selfish though, but i always fail.
@aldawn22 (224)
• Philippines
4 Aug 10
Maybe true love tends to get selfish maybe because sometimes your world is just revolving to that person. That's why it is very important to control our emotions and always think if we are doing the right thing to do or not.