My sister was bitten by her dog

August 9, 2010 7:42am CST
While swimming during a family barbeque yesterday, my sister's dog turned on her and bit her in her arm and leg. Her dog was not angry or anything, he just turned on her. He is a one year boxer and he never acted this way before. She was hurt but the doctors told her there were no need for stitches. Does anyone know why dogs bite for no reason? And also how to react after, should he still be allowed to live with her and her children?
4 responses
• Philippines
9 Aug 10
I got bit by my dog once too. I was playing with his tail and thought he won't bite me but i was wrong. Lol.
• Philippines
9 Aug 10
Well, i was a kid then so all i was thinking was to play with it. Lol. Never really considered what the dog was thinking.
• Malta
9 Aug 10
Well they are animals after all and we must not forget that.
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
9 Aug 10
That is a tough one. The dog is still considered a puppy since he is only one. However, he should be out of the teething and biting stage by now. Maybe the dog wasn't feeling well and didn't want to be bothered with. If the dog just bit your sister out of the blue when she wasn't even touching him then I would be extremely careful with this dog. The dog shouldn't be allowed around the children for a while. If the behavior happens again then they should seriously consider getting rid of the dog.
• Malta
9 Aug 10
Yes they should. They have three kids, the youngest just two so they must not trust him with the kids for now. Better safe than sorry.
@imready (149)
• India
9 Aug 10
Hi friend! Dogs wont bite their masters. If your sisters dog bits her, you should consider this. just don't have the dog any more. You may have a watch on the dog for some weeks if it continues to do that you may just drop it and have an another one well trained dog. Dogs bit is certainly poisonous even if it does not have any rabies
• Malta
9 Aug 10
Yes, it's true. This is not the only dog our family had, but they never acted this way. He will certainly be watched well but hopefully this was a one off.
@incus99 (1083)
• Philippines
9 Aug 10
Dogs can be aggressive sometimes especially when you hurt them, or they become defensive if they are nursing their young.. in this case of an unprovoked attack this could be a bite play which went out of control..
• Malta
9 Aug 10
True but in this case this dog was swimming and she did not provoke him. He also is still very young so maybe a bite play which went out of control could account for it. Thanks for your reply.