sunrise or sunset?

August 10, 2010 6:14pm CST
i wonder why some people choose to get married during sunrise and some during sunset? what do you think about this? and if ever you would get married would it be during sunrise or sunset and why?
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7 responses
• India
7 Sep 10
Welcome to mylot In our culture marriage time is decided based upon the horoscope of the girl and the guy, many fall during sunset time, i was married around 9pm lol.. Thanks for sharing. Welcome always friend, cheers. Professor. .
@deve_annrn (1856)
• Philippines
18 Aug 10
hmmm..this is confusing..because i love much better the beauty of sunrise rather than the sunset..but most of my friends say that sunrise is better because it signifies a new beginning.., a new life.., a new chapter.., and sunset on the other hand marks the end of that day.., so how about you.., what's your opinion about these?
@Rainegurl (2156)
• Philippines
11 Aug 10
I am already married, but if I have to choose, I would take sunset Both sunset and sunrise are beautiful but I think I would be more comfortable with sunset. Less complaints from the guests and I would be able to have ample time to prepare. I do not have to wake up early! Have a nice day!
• Philippines
10 Aug 10
I would definitely chose sunrise.. I love the feeling of sunrise, it's quiet, the weather is cool, and it's just perfect. Also I love breakfast and so I would want my reception to have a breakfast theme. Hehehe. This is actually my dream wedding, and hopefully in a couple of years, when my boyfriend and I finally have enough saved then we could make it come true.
10 Aug 10
I don't really want to get married but I'd prefer sunset I just love the sun when it goes all red. Anyway there's not much of a difference.
• Philippines
11 Aug 10
for me, i find it romantic getting married on a sunrise. but, i want to start it at dawn (when the sky is still dark) and end the ceremony when the sun is rising. by the time my groom will kiss me, the sun is rising. romantic! hehehe!
• Philippines
10 Aug 10
simply because its romantic,the scenery is perfect,when you took a photo and the background is the sunset its really beautiful,,i mean hey this one is nice,,if your in love you'll appreciate it ....