Have any of you ever wondered how fast time passes by?

United States
August 11, 2010 7:39pm CST
Lately I've been thinking about how old I'm getting and how fast I'm getting older with every second, minute, and hour that passes by. I'm sure I'm not the only person that feels this way. It's like everything is moving so much faster than before and truthfully, it kind of scares me. I mean, I'm young now but I think I love being young so much that I don't ever want to get old. Haha, I'm kind of like the female version of Peter Pan. Anyway, have any of you ever thought about this before too? Tell me what you think about it all. I'd love to hear your thoughts!!
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19 responses
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
12 Aug 10
Hello! I blog my diaries which can work in both negative and positive ways. The negatives are that when I blog a certain entry I think to myself "goodness me, I remember that as though it was yesterday" then feel a bit sad because I cannot re-visit that time in my life and re-live it, if that makes sense. However, the positives are that the diaries do help me to remember the good times and I am pleased to say (so far at least) that the good outweigh the bad considerably. So, whenever I feel down about being in my 40s I think..well, I'm married now, I wasn't married back then, therefore I have something I didn't realise I could attain i.e. a bloke lol. I hope all that made sense, I've not explained myself very well!
• United States
14 Aug 10
Oh, I understand what you mean about re-visiting those fun times :D I've also often wished that I could do the same! I think it's such a good idea to keep diaries and blogs because as you said, they help to remember the good times :D
• United States
15 Aug 10
Wow! That's so awesome!! :D I can barely keep up with blogs for months. I get so busy/lazy after a few weeks of entries :P I think it would be fun to be able to keep diaries like that for so long like you are right now!! I would enjoy reading back on every entry from when I first started whenever I find the time :D I think I'd even go as far as to make it into an actual book just to keep it :]
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
14 Aug 10
I have kept diaries for years. Granted, I'm not a famous person or anything but for anyone exploring social history and the like could find them fascinating..I hope so anyway! When I started my diaries all those years ago I had no idea I'd still be writing in them some 22 years later!
• Philippines
12 Aug 10
I wish I am a female version of Peter Pan too. I am kinda like it. I do not want to get old,and like you I am afraid of getting there. Although I accept all will get old and die in the future, it makes me scared and lonely. Just yesterday I see myself playing with my paper dolls and now I am making money. And if destiny permits me, in no time I can be a mother of two children or just a plain wife. Time flies so pass, and I almost finished my time on work because I am always here.I feel so sorry for the things I had failed to do. We do not know when it is time so make the best of the days left for us.
• Philippines
12 Aug 10
yes, we should hugs the remaining this of our lives. We do not know, we might be able to live but the Earth will die in no time.
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• United States
12 Aug 10
Yes! Definitely :] We have to take advantage otherwise we'd only be left with regrets.
• United States
12 Aug 10
I completely understand how you feel! Even though I also understand that this is what everyone goes through, I'm still scared too. And it is so true what you say that we should make the most of the days that we have because we really don't know what lies ahead of us. We can only have a guide.
@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
12 Aug 10
yes,we all have to head that way,no matter how we like it or not,we will grow old and feel old.we all love to be young,of course.being young is really a great thing to happen in everyone's lives. but,yes,time really is fast when it passed.it's like they are flying and fading into thin air and all of a sudden what we are having right now,is all part of history.every second,minute,hour,days,years will all just be in history.so it's best to live life to the fullest.embrace what we have right now for we might not notice,we all have to live with lots of regressions in life. by the way,i don't like being the female version of Peter Pan cause i can't handle things like seeing my loved ones all fading and leaving me behind.leaving me all alone in this world,full of heartaches and pains.i'm scared of being left out.
• United States
14 Aug 10
That's very true. We all have to deal with it whether we want to or not because that's just how it is. It's just something that we all have to get use to, unfortunately. I definitely agree about living life to the fullest. We have such little time to live that we have to spend it wisely. Unlike money, you can't earn back time once it's spent. Haha, you do make a good point about not being like Peter Pan. It would be really difficult to see everyone moving on with their lives while, though young as I may be, I'm stuck where I am and I can't grow any older to do what others will have already done.
@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
25 Aug 10
yes,it is definitely the unfairness of life. you can do whatever you want right this very moment but make sure that whatever you are doing will not be something you will regret in the future. yes,we can't earn back time.with money,you can always strive to get money.but you also have to take lots of sacrifices or efforts to gain money,right?same as life,we have to make decisions and sacrifices to live the life we wanted. you know,there are advantages of being like peter pan. you can do things cause you are always young.in real life,there are things we can't do when we get older.specially with jobs.ther'es always age limits. when you are always young,you always have the capability to do and strive more and gain more,cause you don't feel any sickness to disturb you from doing things you wanted to achieve in life.
• United Arab Emirates
12 Aug 10
i just dont know how fast the time flies. i have been in this company for the past 6 months and i have been looking for new business. We have the same old customers...though the business is doing welll...we are looking for new projects and i only realise its 6 months passed when my boss call me and says its been six months now we need to get more business....
• United States
14 Aug 10
Haha, I think I know how you feel too. We just get so wound up in whatever we're doing presently that we lose track of time, even for what seems like just a while, until we find that more time has passed by than we thought.
@myiesha (96)
• Singapore
12 Aug 10
Time flies so fast and before you knew it you're old and grey. I fear old age because I feel that I haven't done anything yet. Haven't figure out what I really wanted to do, what's my purpose? Sigh...
• United States
14 Aug 10
It does feel like that though doesn't it? Although I don't really fear old age, I think I just generally fear that I won't feel accomplished or satisfied. I think I also understand where you're coming from with the "purpose" of being here and what you're meant to do. I use to feel so lost trying to figure that out. But thankfully, I'm no longer lost. I'm sure you will find what you want to do. Just keep exploring and sooner or later, you'll find something right for you :]
• Singapore
15 Aug 10
Thanks, that's so sweet.
1 person likes this
12 Aug 10
There was a time when I didn't realize how fast time was really going, until I heard people say that after high school time just seems to speed up--and it's really true. But now some times it comes up in conversations and it becomes more a reality and understanding when you begin to understand the truth to it. I get kind of scared of it too. Before I know it, I'll be married, have a family, some of my friends will be gone, be busy in a career that I may or may not like. It's a really scary thought to think about what may happen in the future. I think at times I don't want to grow up either, but it's almost like a part of you does grow up, despite not wanting to really grow up.
• United States
12 Aug 10
Yeah, I actually started to feel time pass by fast near the end of high school when I was a senior. I looked back at the years the passed and was shocked at how fast it all went. Oh, I know! It is a scary thought because you'd think it would take a while but in reality, things happen so quickly!
12 Aug 10
So true! Often times I think we think time is going to go at the same pace that we thought it was when we were kids. We didn't really realize then that it was going quickly, but now it's kind of become a reality.
• United States
14 Aug 10
I know! We don't realize these things when we're young, but when we grow up, it's like a whole new look at life. It does surprise me what we learn as we get older!
@Sherry12 (2472)
• United States
12 Aug 10
It sure does seem to me that time is passing faster. I think it is really true that the older you get the faster time passes. It is hard for me to believe that my grandkids are getting ready for school to start already. It seems like they just got out for summer vacation.
• United States
14 Aug 10
It does seem like that doesn't it? I remember not too long ago I was talking with my friends about the young celebrities whom we've seen in movies many years ago, to find out how old they are now! They all seem to be growing up so fast now! And I'm really not that many years older than them either!! I think it will also be the same for me as I get older. The more years that pass, the faster that time passes as well.
@elmiko (6630)
• United States
12 Aug 10
i had an astronomy teacher years back saying time was actually slowing down from what scientist were coming up with. thats debatable though and nobody would ever bring a thought to that unless hearing about it,lol.
• United States
14 Aug 10
Oh, wow. That's a pretty interesting idea! I would really like to hear more on that :D
• Philippines
12 Aug 10
You know what, I feel exactly the same way! I don't if it's wrong, but it really freaks me out when I realize that I'm already in mid-20! It's just like yesterday when I was still very dependent with my family. I hate to say this, but I don't want to see myself too old! hehe
• United States
12 Aug 10
I know!! I'm actually kind of afraid that I'll end up waking up the next day to find out that I'm like 30 or something!! I'm afraid it'll feel something like that when it's almost that time! I don't wanna see myself too old either -
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
12 Aug 10
Time can pass quickly or slowly. for me, it all depends on how i am spending my time. if i am bored, the clock seems to tick the slowest. If i am busy, the time is gone before i know. Those busy times are the times I wonder where the time has gone and what has happened to it.
• United States
14 Aug 10
It's like that for me too! I think it's like that for most everyone, probably because we just want all that "boring-ness" to be over with so fast that it just seems like time is going by slower with our impatience. I'm also like you when I'm busy or occupied or having fun!! It's really a bummer to have the feeling of time going by so fast when we're having fun :/
@jamed28 (1903)
• Philippines
12 Aug 10
YES very much yes. I wen to a beauty contest last week and a guy greeted me. He could me sir so I look at him and ask myself, "Who's this guy? I know his face but I cannot remember who and who did I know him" So when he came close and talk to me, I soon found out that he is one of my high school students. He grew-up. He looks like we have the same age. So this reminds me how old I am. And I forgot how fast time goes by.
• United States
12 Aug 10
Oh wow, what a blast from the past!! Meeting an old high school student must have brought back a lot of memories. I think a lot of us gets lost in what we're doing in the present, only to look back later and find that time went by a lot faster than expected.
• Philippines
12 Aug 10
Time is unpredictable. Sometimes when I feel sad and lonely, I feel like it's too slow, but when I'm in the moment of happiness I feel like it runs too fast. Thats why I don't wear watch. Watch only reminds me how time swiftly passes by. ;)
• United States
14 Aug 10
I also feel the same way when I'm feeling down. I guess it's the negative or uneventful times in our lives that make it seem like time is going by slower than usual because we want it to be over with so quickly.
• India
12 Aug 10
Yeah it is but i enjoy what is happening. I want time to pass very fast, so that i can soon complete my studies and go back home. I am missing my parents a lot. If time goes very fast i won't realized how the year pass. I was very young and also bit less incomplete of my self but now with pass of time. I find myself different.
• United States
14 Aug 10
Haha, I think I can agree with you on finishing studies fast! I also want that too! However there are times when I just don't want the day to ever end, usually when I'm with my friends or family. But I think overall, I do want it to go faster, at least until after I'm done with my studies too! I hope that you don't have too many months or years left of your studies and that time will go by faster for you so that you can return home to your family :D
• United States
12 Aug 10
Yes life does go very fast,all you can do is try to live life to its fullest and take time to relax and look around at the small things in life that give you joy.
• United States
14 Aug 10
I definitely agree with you! Live life to the fullest because we don't have much time to live, so we need to do what we can to make the most out of every day that we get because each day is truly a blessing.
@Tresaqwe (376)
• United States
12 Aug 10
I'm still young right now, but yeah, time is going by far too fast. It's going fast and slow at the same time, though. I can't wait for Christmas, so that is taking obviously forever to get here, but at the same time, school is already almost back! I'm going right back on my in-school curfew next week. :[ And blehh, believe me, I don't want to grow old either! I don't think anyone does!
• United States
12 Aug 10
Haha, I know! I love it when it's almost Christmas and Christmas!! It does seem like it'll be forever until then, but I think it'll go by faster than we expected and the next thing you know, "It's Christmas!" My classes are starting again soon too!! It's such a bummer because summer went by too fast...again! Hahaha, I don't think anyone wants to grow old either :P Maybe to a certain age, but after they reach that age, they just want to stop growing xD
• Philippines
12 Aug 10
Yeah I'm having the same feeling about how quick time is. Actually, on my observation, time is very fast when you are enjoying or happy with what you are doing. Have you noticed that when you are so bored, time is very slow? 30 minutes almost feels like an hour already? Maybe, how you look at the time has something to do with the way how we think.
• United States
12 Aug 10
Yeah! Me too!! I notice that also! I think that's a very interesting idea about how we perceive time in relation to how we think. It's quite thought-provoking :D
@hushi22 (4927)
12 Aug 10
yeah, i wonder but as of this moment i really want it to pass by very fast. i am looking forward to a day very important to me. =)
• United States
12 Aug 10
Ooh, it sounds like a very good day in the future! :D Whatever the occasion, I wish you a lot of happiness!! ^.^
@PDBME2 (1014)
• United States
12 Aug 10
I have a sister in law that is just scared about getting old. She hates to look at old people because she told her mom that it grosses her out. She is around 50 years old and looks pretty good for her age. Anyhow I just laugh about it. I've had gray hair coming in at a very young age. I dye my hair so it's no biggy but now when I take pictures I see sags around my mouth. Now that is scary. I feel pretty good for a mother of 5 and to be 42 but in a few years I have to face reality, it is over.
• United States
12 Aug 10
Ah, I think I'll probably start feeling close to that soon at this rate! :P I don't hate looking at old people, but they do unforunately remind me of where I'll be not too long from now. And for a mother of 5 at 42, I still consider that pretty young!! :D Looking on the brightside, I think it gives more motivation to take advantage of each day as it comes, especially since it feels like time goes by so fast!!
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• India
12 Aug 10
Yeah it is but i enjoy what is happening. I want time to pass very fast, so that i can soon complete my studies and go back home. I am missing my parents a lot. If time goes very fast i won't realized how the year pass. I was very young and also bit less incomplete of my self but now with pass of time. I find myself different. It was only monday and now its Sunday, very soon.