Who is the REAL first man on moon?

August 14, 2010 6:35am CST
There are so many conspiracy theories on Neil Armstrong as being the first man on the moon. Like the flag waving, the pictures shot prefectly, the shadows of the "moon" rocks with regards to the source of light! All of them pointing that it was fake. So if it fake, who is the REAL first man on moon? Or nobody has been there yet?
5 responses
• Thailand
14 Aug 10
The first man on the moon was Neil Armstrong. The Myth Busters did a show on this a couple of years ago which demolished all doubt.
1 person likes this
• Thailand
14 Aug 10
You are wrong.
• Philippines
14 Aug 10
I saw that. They did not do it all. Like the shadows on the so called moon rocks?? How can it have different light sources? The only light source should be from the sun. And the crosshair BEHIND the rover??
• Philippines
14 Aug 10
But ofcourse I can be wrong
@bwaybaby (903)
• United States
14 Aug 10
We were racing with the USSR to see who could get to the moon first. It was the Cold War, so it was kind of a big deal. We basically said "There, we did it!" and that was that. We went up a few more times and then, well, there was really no point to going back. Our priorities changed. The Cold War more or less ended. We didn't need to compete with Russia (who had the first man in space) anymore. We built the international space station, which requires the shuttles to go up, not the Apollo rockets. The reason the shuttles can't, say, go to the moon is that almost all their fuel is used up on takeoff. There's just enough for them to get through the atmosphere, but not enough to launch. Unlike the Apollo rockets, which landed in the ocean and had to be fished out by ships, the shuttles land like planes. Anyway, back to the moon/Apollo missions. Some at NASA want to go back and also want to work on sending astronauts to Mars. Unfortunately, the American public generally does not seem interested in space travel anymore, and our economic state requires government cuts. Many people now see NASA as waste, so they won't make a big fuss when most of the budget is cut. It's sad, really. None of that is fake. There is a very good episode of Mythbusters that pretty much debunks all of those myths. The flag isn't waving, really. And lighting on the moon is different than lighting here on earth. If it had been faked, it would have leaked by now. I mean, it's been 41 years. Someone would have said something.
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• Philippines
14 Aug 10
That is why I said I could be wrong. I have seen the mythbusters episode about that, but it has been 2 years and have forgotten about it, and I am actually getting copy of that 82.9% by now so I can watch it tomorrow. The question just arise because of another discussion about gravity and time http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/2376071.aspx which is connected to space and astronomy. "If it had been faked, it would have leaked by now. I mean, it's been 41 years. Someone would have said something." - I'm afraid it doesn't always work that way.
@picjim (3002)
• India
14 Aug 10
I don't believe in the conspiracy theory.There haven't been more trips to the moon because the budget for space travel has been drastically reduced.Space exploration involves heavy expenditure-do you feel with the precarious financial position most countries can afford to spend money on exploring the moon and space? I believe they all think money spent on space exploration should be diverted to other more urgent requirement.
• Philippines
14 Aug 10
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/moon.htm You can find the proofs there. And there are so many, it is hard not to believe after reading it all.
• Thailand
14 Aug 10
damned_dle if you go here you will find out why the proofs on the site you linked to are silly and dumb. http://pirlwww.lpl.arizona.edu/~jscotti/NOT_faked/moon.htm
@zralte (4178)
• India
14 Aug 10
Frankly, I am inclined to believe that no one has been there yet. My reason being that if that was really true, there had to be more trips to the moon. Let's assume it is true. Then they built a rocket ship to take a man to the moon, landed on it, then brought them back to earth without any complication. Now, if that was really true, 50 years on, we should have had more advanced rocket than that and more people and yes, more trips made to the moon!! We are certainly more advanced than 1960's in every way. So why is not there more trips to the moon?
@tunnie (46)
• Belgium
14 Aug 10
eeh, dude you are so informed! bwhere are you getting all the news "without dust"!
• Philippines
14 Aug 10
From the media, where else? LOL Ofcourse the media is more of entertainment, and they are doing a good job on it!