I broke them....

United States
August 14, 2010 7:15am CST
II am always doing stupid things no matter how hard I try to do something or how I pay attention to what I'm doing...I usually break something or do something wrong. I get so weary of this happening to me all the time. I have found that every time I try to do something nice for someone, I mess it up somehow. It does not matter hoe careful I am and trust me I'm very careful in doing things because I know I have this problem most times. This time however it involved me...something of mine. I broke my glasses. I was cleaning the lenses and the frames just snapped in half, right between the eyes, lenses. Great just what I needed...to break my glasses. I can not see to read or what tv without my glasses. I'm lucky in a way that I have my old ones so I can use them to help me be able to see things. I have even a time back bought some of those from the drug store for reading. The old ones and these are not really the right ones for me but the ones from the store are the best ones that I could find. My old ones are really old over 8 years so as you can imagine I need a more updated pair. Now I have to go out and get new frames for my lenses. Thank goodness I did not break my lenses and my frames. They cost in excess of $350 and I just can not replace the whole things right now. My question to you is...Have you had luck like me? Or when you try to do something nice for someone does it usually get messed up somehow? Thank you in advance for responding.
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10 responses
@Memnon (2170)
15 Aug 10
Well, here's a list of what I remember off the cuff- no order. 2 years ago. Took chunk out of hand when circular saw slipped. Fitting kitchen shelves- drilled through hot pipe. Senior school. Friend ran into me & knocked me over. Broke collar bone. 2003, fitting patio door latch. Drill caught inner window screen & it shattered. New panel £100. 3 years ago I hit a car on my bike. Final bill £1250-Thank God I was insured! 1992, broke my leg playing paintball. 1995, grazed both eyes, in separate incidents, at work. Last year. Locked myself in hallway. Had to break window to get back in. £15 to replace. 2005, cooking. Took telephone call, watched TV same time. Fell asleep. Cooking burned. Smoke damage. Whole house redecorated(I had just finished papering the whole place). All furnishings/ clothing chemically washed. 1/2 kitchen units replaced. All electrical appliances replaced. Carpets cleaned. Insurance claim. The whole thing took 2 weeks to put right.
• United States
15 Aug 10
WOW, you have been through it haven't you? I'm sorry to hear that you have had such really bad things happen to you. I have done some really bad things too. But it was not from me doing something and messing up. I've broken my ankle same place same ankle twice. Another area same foot another time. I broke my writs on both sides and had to wear some sort of contraption. I was thinking I looked like robo-cop with all the metal. lol I've smashed my fingers in the car door by shutting the door on them. ooh, just many many more things...
• United States
18 Aug 10
lol, yes we do.
@Memnon (2170)
15 Aug 10
Ah yes. I remember the car door too. Ford Cortina! I guess we all learn.........
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
14 Aug 10
I have been pretty lucky with glasses, but I leave my distance ones in the car except to go to movies and I get cheap readers at the store because I know I wouldn't wear bifocals... however, having said that, it isn't GLASSES I break - but I had to learn to fix things because I broke them so much when I was younger...
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• United States
14 Aug 10
All in all as far as my glasses go I have not broken but this pair. I do wear bifocals and I need them. I have on the top portion some part of them they are set for me to be able to see better from there in distance and then the bottoms are set even higher for me to be able to see things up close and to read. I have sat on my glasses and dropped them many times. My puppy chewed them up and twisted them so badly that I thought when I straightened them that they would break, but they did not. Now just cleaning them broke them in the middle. I have almost two perfect halves. I break things so much and things just go wrong for me that my husband says I'm clumsy.
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
14 Aug 10
I'm guessing that they are metal, since plastic doesn't twist that good... I knew a guy who did a spot of super glue and fixed his...
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• United States
14 Aug 10
Yes, they are metal. I think my little one when he twisted them caused them to be week. Thank you for the tip, I'll surely try that and let you know if it works. I do have some super glue. lol
1 person likes this
• United States
14 Aug 10
I am sorry u broke your glasses. Seems as if u are having a run of bad luck. I always heard when it rains it pours & i believe this. Good thing ur lenses are intact. Wal-mart has some pretty reasonable frames, check w/them .Frames are just too high at the dr.'s around here. I'm wearing a pair of wal-mart frames i have had for a long time, knock on wood. Count your blessings, moon that helps when i do that. Happy weekend!!
1 person likes this
• United States
14 Aug 10
Oh yes, I have bought mine from WalMart most times but the last time I went to a place that sells nothing but glasses and the dr. is there. I do knock on wood. I'm surprised this did not happen yesterday though with it being Fri. 13th. lol
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• United States
15 Aug 10
I was doing things on Friday but nothing happened that should not have.
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• United States
14 Aug 10
AHHH, The old friday the 13th rumor, lol. Thank heavens i had a quiet day, u never know.
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@celticeagle (172614)
• Boise, Idaho
15 Aug 10
I do that myself. I am a clutz. I think we try too hard. You may have had too tight a grip on the glasses. Trying too hard! And as far as messing up things you try to do or make for others, I think you my be a perfectionist to some degree and if the item goes alittle off then you get upset about it. I feel you need to go alittle easier on yourself.
• United States
15 Aug 10
You are right about me. I am a perfectionst. I expect to do things just right they do have to be perfect not only for me but I don't think I do things well enough for anyone else. I guess I should lighten up on myself. Thank you for that insight and reminder.
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• United States
18 Aug 10
It never crossed my mind that it was meant another way...
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@celticeagle (172614)
• Boise, Idaho
17 Aug 10
You are so welcome and thank you for taking my advice in the way it was intended.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
15 Aug 10
Hi moondancer~ I am so sorry to hear about your broken glasses. I know how terrible that can be! I just went to pick out a new pair of glasses yesterday after about 4 year of not getting my eyes checked either! Not a good thing! I usually go to the $1 store and buy some magnifiers to walk around in, to work on the computer so I have all different strengths, but they don't go high enough to reach my reading prescription which is 5.something with astigmatism in the right eye! So, finally went to get that taken care of at Pearle Vision and they had a "BOGO"! So I payed for one whole pair and got one whole pair free! I got one pair for reading and one pair for walking and everything else! I am on a Medicaid Spenddown where while on Disability the moronic State of NY makesme "give"the back $447 a month for Medicaid (there are no doctors that take it) so I go to the doctor, or dentist or in this case get glasses (since I haveto either give them the $447 a month or spend it at the doctors or whatever I spent it on the glasses, deduct it from the Spenddown! In other words, I paid $364 for whatever frames I wanted, got 2 pair of glasses for that amount, deduct it from Septembers $447 and screw NYS for being stupid! If they are going to make me pay the money whether I use it or not I am going to use it! I can also deduct things from the pharmacy! My Case Worker doesn't look at the receipt so I now charging them for makeup and haircolor too!
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• United States
15 Aug 10
Oh my yes, if they are going to charge you anyway then of course use it. I would too. This is a good thing in some cases, I guess. Because people need certain things for them to have good health or a better life but they normally won't do it for themselves, but if they are made to pay for it then they are more apt to get what's needed. I tell you though my eyes are not something I'll mess about with. If I need something for them then I will get it.
@shia88 (4570)
• Malaysia
14 Aug 10
SOmetimes I do broke something when I do the cleaning. It is my careless and I can't blame anybody. However, when I am handling with other people's stuffs,I have to be extra carefull in case I will break them. So far, I never encounter in this situation and I wish it won't happen to me.
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• United States
14 Aug 10
I understand what you mean. I may not break something of some one else's but when I clean for them or try to do something nice, something goes wrong. I misplace something or move something, it hard to understand though when I move something I try hard to make sure I put it right back where and how they had it positioned. It's just my luck that something usually happens. Not always though.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
14 Aug 10
Oh no Sweetie That was silly to do when I clean them I normally manage to drop the Lense out lol Normally I just mess things up for myself I am surprised that I got the decorating done without pasting myself to the Wall lol I hope it will not cost you to much to get them fixed Big warm Hugs
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• United States
14 Aug 10
lol, I think it will cost me around $100. which is not as bad as getting all new glasses again. BUt I do need to do this too.
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
13 Aug 11
I am one of the biggest cultzs of all times. I am always hurting myself. Right now I have a black eye. I was working, I am self employed and clean houses, and I was moving a big pile of clothes from the bed to a chair, like I was asked to do, and I was putting them down on the chair and leaned down to far and hit just under my eye, on the back of the chair. This is the biggest black eye I have ever had and it's really ugly. My legs are always full of bruizes from banging myself on furniture. Or going around a corner in a house I tend to walk into the wall either with a leg or my shoulder. I have broken my toes so many times from kicking things. Two years ago I broke my big toe falling down my stairs at home and then I went to work and stumbled off a deck and broke it again in another spot. The same toe. I went to the hospital because the pain was unreal and they said I broke it twice. I am lucky that I never break anything in my clients houses. I am actually amazed I haven't, knock on wood. Watch it happen to me now.
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
13 Aug 11
Oh yeah, I also used to wear glasses, got laser surgery now, but I wore them for over 40 years and I have broken at least a dozen pairs so I know how you feel.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
14 Aug 10
oh my gosh I have on brand new glasses and I am so sleepy but behind in mytlotting by several days. so bang I hit my forehead on the keyboard just now, have a welt over my right eye. So I drank some water and started over to type. Wham down went my head, my nose smashed into the keyboard, and I think I will have a black eye come morning. darn all I was doing was trying to mylot and catch up.My lens thankfully my insurance paid for but I had to pay a whole twenty five dollars for the frames which is really a bargain as they retail for 85 on the uninsured market. I do intend to keep on mylotting, but am not suree what to do to unsleepify myself. lol
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• United States
14 Aug 10
I hope you are alright dear. OH no I know that hurts. Please take care and know that you must not go to sleep for at least 2 or 3 hours after a bump on the head. I saw what you wrote and I don't know what got into me I replied to your email...duh? I'm no longer a blonde you know. My hair is brown since I don't spend lots of time outside. lol
@jamuls (530)
• Philippines
14 Aug 10
it sounds like you're a walking disaster... tsk. i can understand how you feel, i too am a bit clumsy, no matter how i try to be careful, i, most of the time, manage to screw things up. my girlfriend's dad told me that i always seem to be in a hurry whenever i'm doing something. he told me cut the time in half and slow down... this seems to work out for me cause it's been a week since i bumped into a door frame or broke something... try it, might work out for you too. fun fact, i have 20/20 vision so having glasses is way out of character for me, i did however crushed a pair by stepping on 'em... in broad daylight. pffft.
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• United States
14 Aug 10
Hello Jamuls and welcom to My Lot. Yes, I think you are right I do rush around and I'm asked frequently if I always do things quickly, walking, etc. I usually do. The words in a song help me to slow down though. Why we moving so fast, slow down. SO I can relate to that song when I hear it. Thank you for sharing.