Internet is the best source of information

United States
August 15, 2010 6:51am CST
Now adays in a computer world wherein amost evrything if you are lookign for somethign or searching for something just search it on the net and voila it is there. In my point of views i sure do agree that internet is one of the best source of knowledge and also one thingis that it is interactive.
11 responses
• Belarus
16 Aug 10
I agree! The Internet always helps me with my homework at school
• United States
17 Aug 10
Good for you you kinda remind me of my little brother but of course he is not little but still i will consider him as a little borther coz he is our youngest. he loves computer and internet he alwasy spend his time in front of the computer playing games lol. And now he is in college he take computer engineering and i am sure he really like sit dealing wiht computer nad he said having computer and internet connection really helps him in his school works.
• India
15 Aug 10
s sure ....I will say in other words that "Internet is a great boon created by man for knowing knook and corner of this world"...Today internet and its related technologies like WWW has resulted in the rapid proliferation of electronic and interactive communication.............Internet is a global system of interconnected net works ......Email is the important communicative system in internet........Atlast i give a name to internet as "Instant message stalker"
• United States
16 Aug 10
Lol i like the word that you used instant message stalker. yes internet now adays is really a great help to us whenever and wherever you are.
@Qaeyious (2357)
• United States
16 Aug 10
Unfortunately it is also the number one place for myths, fairy tales, opinions as facts, and many other falsehoods that need to be verified with reputable sites. Too many unedited posts with people posting anything they want to without any regard to the truth.
• United States
16 Aug 10
The internet is the fastest, most convenient way to access information. It's nice to have the ability to find the answer to almost anything you want.
• United States
16 Aug 10
I agree internet is the best website because there are alot of information but not all of them are acurate so its hard to find the right websites for information. Some information are blogs
• Philippines
16 Aug 10
internet is the most / best source of information nowadays,as long as you know how to use computer, it is easy for you to use it..
@amitavroy (4819)
• India
16 Aug 10
yes now a days information is very easy to get and there are lot of quality sites where we can get that easily for free. but then there are the negatives also. we have to be very particular about from where are we using the information. there are so many sites and now a days any tom, d*ck and harry can open a website and start posting some content on it. so what is the big deal and how to rely. so, it becomes very important to cross check with the quality of source.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
15 Aug 10
The Internet has brought a multitude of information and sources together, into one easy to use network. Before the Internet, it was not all that easy to get the needed information on the Internet. These days, it is far easier for sure. Everything is there and a lot of sources only a few keystrokes away. In fact, there is more information on the Internet then anyone can even hope to use. Still without the Internet, I would only have a fraction of the knowledge that I have these days. It has really broadend my horizons. I doubt I would be in the place that I was without the Internet. The resource is just amazing a lot of the times. In fact, it is almost too good to be true. Yet it is and I do admit that it can be overwhelming at times. Still, it is extremely useful.
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
15 Aug 10
Yes, I agree. You can find information about anything online now, which is really great. Never before has so much information been accessible to so many, so it is definitely a step in the right direction!
@egsunio (76)
• Philippines
15 Aug 10
internet is one of the best sources of information. it certainly gives us an easy way to get information. to cite an example, we just bought a new printer which we converted to be able to print using edible ink. so after installing the new ink, the printer wouldn't work. so the next thing i did was search in the internet and voila, i got the information on how to make it work. in just a few minutes, the printer was working. and that was like 8 pm already. compare this to previous years where you had to call the vendor on office hour or bring it to the store. i'm sure that would have taken more than a day to make it work or at worst, they will say this is not possible and that you can't use it that way.
@BigTips (304)
• China
16 Aug 10
Yes, I can't agree with you anymore. With the development of some advanced technologies, the Internet has become the most popular place to help us gain various information. In the past times, we usually tend to gain the latest news from newspapers and TVs; But now, both newspapers and TVs have been out of date because of the popularity of the Internet. More and more people use the Internet to keep in touch with friends, enjoy a better life by playing games online or make a living by running a home based business on the Internet... The Internet has been a vital part of our daily life.