Ever feel like God doesn't listen?

United States
August 15, 2010 12:12pm CST
I am a believer and actually a strong one. I have been in the ministry for years! But I am in a very dark place in my life and sometimes it seems like God just doesn't care. I know better, but I feel it so! Like my prayers are worthless to him. I know He loves us all, I know He is with us always... but sometimes it feels He is so far away... the church is not a safe place to express these real feelings... anyone else ever felt this way?
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23 responses
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
15 Aug 10
I think everyone feels like that when times get tough, especially when it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. But I think these tough times happen for a reason. How are we to appreciate the good times if we don't have bad times? Don't the bad times usually teach us valuable life lessons? Of course He is there, and He is watching.. consider the difficult times a form of tough love.
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• United States
16 Aug 10
We aren't meant to know the reasons behind what He does... but everything does happen for a reason.. that's the only thing I know forsure.
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• United States
15 Aug 10
So God so toughly loved me that He caused my son to be in an automobile accident so that I could care for him...totally. He cannot speak or do anything on his own... Jesus healed in the NT, why? Just to tease us? I'd like to know what the lesson might be...
@ddaguno (3107)
• Philippines
16 Aug 10
Think about Job.
• United States
15 Aug 10
Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely. My husband was a local church elder and we did youth group for many years. I know how it feels to not be able to share with others although I am a person who wears their feelings on their sleeve. Not a good thing when you have to appear "holy." It got me into lots of trouble over the years but looking back, I wouldn't change that. It seems that ministry is supposed to be there for every one else but when we need help, it turns into a gossip fest. It reminds me of a parent who does all for their children and then when they need help the children walk away. Sometimes we equate God with this. I can tell you beyond a doubt that God does hear your prayers. Maybe it's time to explore some different ways to have relationship with God that you have not used before. I have studied prayer for well over ten years and I just now feel a great sense of peace when I pray. There is much I can share that has helped me along the way. I am just not sure where to start other than to listen and nod as you share.
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• United States
15 Aug 10
I hear ya. I haven't relied on the church for sustenance in years. At the same time I think there should be a level of fellowship among believers in the local church or not... but they sure aren't hanging out here.
• United States
16 Aug 10
I hope when I get through this trial that I can have the grace to help others who are going through similar things as well.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
15 Aug 10
Perhaps God doesn't dwell in the damp, dark, alcoves of a Church! Come out into the Light and God will be there for you. A Church is not the place to look for God. She is not confined to any man-made structure. You can better find Her in the Sunshine of a beautiful day in the country.I felt the freedom, as I walked away from Church over 50 years ago. Many feign and foul deeds have been, and still are being contravened in the dusty corners, and secret compounds of a Church. God won't be there for you in the dankness of a Church! "Come into the Light," She says," and talk with me!"
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
16 Aug 10
As a Young man,I was very active in choir,as well as teaching Sunday school. When I abandoned the Church,( because I could no longer believe the Dogma,) nothing happened for about 3 weeks until the Preacher dropped in. The visit culminated when he called me a "Heretic." He was a poor loser indeed. That all happened in 1953, and I've lived happily ever after! (The Preacher went to his reward sometime later!)
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• United States
16 Aug 10
I'm afraid these types of things happen all too frequently!
• United States
15 Aug 10
Because of my present situation I cannot go to "church".. I haven't been in a couple of years now since I am taking care of my son. It's been amazing that the so called church has pretty much abandoned us!
• Philippines
16 Aug 10
i think most if not all of us have felt this in some time or another. it's hard especially if you take pride in your faith. try to think of it as a way to renew your faith, it's a chance to make your spirit stronger. try to keep in mind that God does not give us challenges we cannot conquer.
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• United States
16 Aug 10
hmm.. food for thought. Although I have to wonder if He's sure on this one!
@sunilpaul (173)
• India
15 Aug 10
Does this God really exist to listen?...he does not....If God existed I would not be posting this negative comment...
• United States
15 Aug 10
Well, that's an interesting perspective! Like IF there was a God He (IT) would be so super sensitive and uncontrollably angry that you didn't believe you'd just be erased? That would be a little childish wouldn't it? not very god-like....like a God would be threatened by unbelief!...
• Singapore
16 Aug 10
He may seem that he doesn't listen but when we are sincere enough, he will sense it. When the right time comes, He'll help you out.
@DawGwath (1042)
• Romania
16 Aug 10
He is testing you sunilpaul...
@gnomeland (421)
16 Aug 10
firstly let me be up front and say i am a spiritualist. yes we are misunderstood as we believe in god the father , jesus ,angels and mother earth but firmly have faith in contact with our loved ones who have left their bodies and are now in spirit. you cannot conjour up a spirit, they come back because they know you love them and they will always love you.you may feel in a dark place right now but god has'nt given up on you 'he's' just changing your path (what do they say? what does not kill us makes us stronger) please read that famous poem 'footprints' for strength.some guardian angel has lead you to express your feelings here and people who matter will let you know that they care about what you are going through right now by posting positive responses. without asking questions and being tested how do we grow and move on.a comfortable life teaches us nothing. this too will pass and you will come through like a narrow boat going under a long canal tunnel the light will be so much brighter when you come out of your dark place, just give yourself time. love and light x
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• United States
16 Aug 10
Thanks for the encouragement.
@commanderxo (1494)
• Canada
17 Aug 10
I generally avoid questions such as these, since I believe everyone has their own right to believe in whatever religion the desire will give them comfort. Be that as it may. However...consider for a moment that HE HAS answered you. The fact that you may, or still are suffering, PROVES that you haven't heeded HIS word. Listening...is two-fold process. Something you might want to think about. cdrxo
• Philippines
17 Aug 10
DEFINITELY TRUE.. MyLot should have a "like" button.. LOL..
@bingskee (5234)
• Philippines
17 Aug 10
felt it more than a dozen times. sometimes i feel scared that i feel so alone and even God is not there to listen. but my heart refuses the idea that God does not care. i comfort myself with thoughts that there are yes or nos and wait as answers to all questions in life especially those that involve answers to our predicaments. God loves you!
@jovitex (44)
17 Aug 10
You said you are a believer and actually a strong one... are you listening to yourself at all? Why do you then think God doesn't care and what dark place is that? You should know you're not yet in heaven where it's all rosy and no evil befalls you. Here on earth, the wisest man that ever lived says evil times happen to all as a matter of bad luck. That's in Ecclesiastes. Have you considered the account of Job? Did God answer him or not? What did Job lose? Don't ever think negatively about God cos he'll be disappointed in you... like you don't even know him. I use to feel unsure of a lot of things until I started following the great works of God in our time and day on Emmanuel.tv... simply incredible... the lame are walking, cancer is wiped out, fibroid is excreted, HIV/AIDS disappears, pregnant women billed for CS get safe normal delivery, the demon possessed are set free, etc... all with a word of prayer by laying on of hands and administration of annointed water in less than a minute most of the time. Can you visit SCOAN in Nigeria? This post could be the answer God is giving to your prayers...My sister, let your faith move you this day.
@nangisha (3496)
• Indonesia
21 Aug 10
Hi Mac!. We all have thats dark moment in our life where seem there no way out to our problem. Every time I pray there is chance God will answer it: OK, No and Wait. I just need a faith what ever the answer it will be the best for me. And this problem somehow will teach me something in my life. I never really loose if I hold my faith and had a positive thinking to God.
@carpediem17 (1315)
• Singapore
27 Aug 10
hi macdingolinger, it happens to the best of us. Are we waiting for a response that we expect and in the time specified by us. Sometimes the answer is just to wait quietly and in His time, it will be revealed to us. I definitely have gone through times such down times and may feel very de-motivated, depressed and lost. Crying is good for the soul and reflecting on inspirational stories and words help us overcome these bumps in our lives.
@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
15 Aug 10
Hello :) I feel the same way last time, since year now, but always when i got something i'm really worried about, i see light in the tunnel, little, but light :) This are the little moments i know that God still listen my prayers and help, if that's possible. And yes, as someone else said, i don't think God will help directly :) He will find some other way - accidentally situation or person, who is really close to you, will give hands to you and will find way to help you. But always when i'm upset because i feel forgotten by God, i remember that He has to think about lot of people, a lot of interests, for the happiness of all ... We are too many people, and we have different understanding for happiness ... I'm sure it's difficult for all of us to think so global ...
• United States
15 Aug 10
Yeah, but if it's all too much for Him He couldn't be "God" could He? He cannot go on overload???
@mimifrap (40)
• Philippines
15 Aug 10
All of us have gone through tough time. A lot of things happened to me, which made me asked myself if God have listen to me? But in all of those trials that I've gone through God always prove to me that there's a reason why it happened and you will know at the right time.
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• United States
15 Aug 10
I'm sure I will know one day. But for right now it is pretty painful and I can't see what would be the point...
• Philippines
16 Aug 10
i want a proof that he exists i want him to talk to me and show himself so i wouldnt doubt him... cause im not sure. whn i was younger i use to have a strong faith in HIm not until i reached adolescence and life started to become like hell. i felt that hes so far away. somehow i could feel things are falling into place like a puzzle, revealing in time im still bewildered
• Philippines
16 Aug 10
well i think it doesn't work that way.. I think God is like air.. He's there but you can't see Him. I'm not really a religious person but so far most of my prayers are being answered. I don't ask him to give me a solution. I look for the solution and ask him for strength so that I can carry out the solution. Ask him for opportunities not answers...
@efc872 (1077)
• Jamaica
16 Aug 10
I am not sure if He listens but I know that for certainty He simply just doesn't talk to people. In prayers it seems as if I am God, why? I find myself talking to my self. Is this your experience?
• United States
16 Aug 10
I could say something like God will not give us something he knows we can't handle (which I totally believe by the way), but I will give this gem that many people forget: God answers every prayer. Sometimes the answer is, "No." Sometimes the answer is "Not yet." Sometimes the answer is, "This isn't exactly what you asked for, but it's what you need." Keep praying and the answer will be revealed.
@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
16 Aug 10
It is easy to feel this way, when things go wrong. The thing that we must try not to do, is embitter ourselves against God, as if he were responsible for our trials and hardships. Keeping in mind that "time and unforseen occurance, befall them all" helps us to keep our emotional balance. In my case, when I am going through trouble, I don't think it is appopriate to ask , "Why me?" Why not me? What about those who suffer much more than I do? The time is coming when all these things are to be corrected. What I must do is ask for endurance and peace of mind, so that I can endure, maintaining my joy. What I can do to maintain my joy and balance while I wait upon the Kingdom to solve the problems, not only of myself, but of all creation, is to work for the interests of that kingdom. "This good news of the kingdom will be preached, for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come" (Matthew 24:14)The end not just of wickedness, but also of all the pain, sorrow and suffering. May you find the "peace of God, that excels all thought" Phillipians 4:7 Continue to not "be anxious over anything, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, along with thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known to God" Phillipians 4:6 Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take a little time to take my own advice?
• United States
16 Aug 10
As believers, we have to understand that our way of life is much different from those who do not believe. If you think of Job, he had the strongest test ever in the history of mankind. There are steps in our lives we must take to ensure a stronger growth, and sometimes what we think God should do, isn't always what's best. Why is it this way? Because He knows what the outcome will be. I am sorry about your son, and I will pray he will get better, but remember it's in God's hands now. I believe you may be getting accosted by demons who are stabbing at your faith. Believing in Jesus gives you authority over them. Yes, your faith will be shaken. Yes, there will be things in life you don't want or feel you don't need. Yes, you will think it's unfair that God is giving you all of these tribulation. It's all part of the growing experience. I have found that at times when I feel like God isn't listening to me, it's really because I wasn't listening to Him because I was so focused on getting what I wanted from Him. I didn't want to wait, and I didn't want to hear what He had to say on the matter. God does hear you, and it's in His hands now. He hasn't forgotten you, but try and trust Him a little more. It seems like you're lacking in that department, and mistrust can cause Him to hesitate. I hope in time, God willing, it will be better for you. Keep your head up, tell those demons to get lost, and pray earnestly, then...wait, watch, and listen.
@vooturi (157)
• India
16 Aug 10
"2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 5If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. 6But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; 8he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does. " So probably, according to this, God has given you this trial in your life to test your faith. So, consider it pure joy! :D remember this verse; i'd put it to memory if I were you. God loves you, and he ALWAYS hears your prayers. :)
• Philippines
16 Aug 10
For me, I think he's listening.. but the thing is he doesn't give you a solution to your problems. He gives you the opportunity to answer them. That's why when I have a problem. I don't ask God for Him to solve my problems but instead ask Him an opportunity. So grab every opportunity and live without regrets. =D