can the love of money ruin a relationship?

United States
August 15, 2010 4:11pm CST
ok, so my boyfriend is always working! He bascially set his own hours. I understand the fact that you bascially need money to live, eat, sleep and all. but it's sunday!! I let him work all last week didn't complain once about his hours. but today i've had it, he working right now!! i can hardly talk to him. he is in the process of moving into his new house so maybe this is why he's working so hard. but there is something called time management. if he can't even manage to talk to me, i don't what to do. anyway, i'll wait until he gets everything going with the house and see if his working hours changes. until then do you believe the love of money can ruin a relationship? whats your story??
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24 responses
• Portugal
15 Aug 10
yes i believe that. sometimes people give much value to money bcs they dont know how to pay the bills or the debts they have and dont have time for love. for me i rather have love than a lot of money but sure money is also needed. anyway im sure its just these days that he will do that cause of the house. soon you be with him for long^^ dont be sad ok?^^
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Aug 10
:) thanks for your advice. i'll try not to get upset over his hours at work. after all its more than likely because of the house. thanks again for your comment!!
@srineeya (52)
• India
16 Aug 10
hi friend really your thought is very nice. money is more % to life. relationships are little % only. every man and women want to money. you have lot of money. you helping others some% only. it is continuously happens you stopped the helping mentality. money is needing according that person problem. some person want to more money for more problems. some person don't want money for no problems. please understanding that
• United States
16 Aug 10
i understand. thanks for sharing!
• India
17 Aug 10
its my pleasure friend.....
@visijay32 (447)
• Philippines
17 Aug 10
Love of money can ruin a relationship. Most of failed relationships and marriages cite money problems as the key factor; one can buy a watch, but not time. One can buy the services of a woman, but not love. Anyway, give him time. In a relationship patience is one of the foundation. All along your boyfriend is thinking of you. Why? Let us put it this way. In nature, the birds first build their nest before finding a mate. In your case could it be that your boyfriend's new home will also be your home too? Dwell on the positive outcomes not on the negative. This current problem of yours is temporary; ALL problems are temporary.
• United States
17 Aug 10
wow, thank you for this advise! This is the best said advise i've ever had! :) thanks and you're right all i do need is patience and who knows that house could be my future house. its quite nice at that! thanks again for your comment!
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
17 Aug 10
Money ruins alot of relationships! For a lot of reasons! Some men hate it when their wives make more then them! If one is a bum and is living off the other that is a big money problem! Some couples you can have a spenthrift and tightwad! A lot of these relationships don't work! I have heard also that couples break up because one is a workaholic! So you can see it happens a lot! My experience has been don't become dependent on someone to pay all the bills when you don't have a job and they do! Happened to me twice! Not going to happen again!
• United States
17 Aug 10
wow, i guess you are really right. never thought about it that way. thanks for sharing! p.s. I can completely understand not wanting this to happen to you twice!
@m_perez (506)
• United States
17 Aug 10
Yes I really believe that money can ruin a good relationship. Either one of the person's in a relationship get's too much work hours and then doesn't have enough time for the other person in the relationship. In fact I read somewhere that most divorces happen because of money. It's really sad how something as money can ruin a good relationship. You should probably wait until he's settled into his new home and then hopefully he'll have more time for.
• United States
17 Aug 10
yes, we talked about this as a matter of fact. he explained that he is just ready to move in and get things together to get back where we was a few months ago. so yes patience is needed on both our parts. thanks for sharing!
• Philippines
16 Aug 10
money plays a a vital important in our daily living, people will not satisfy if they cannot get what they want in their life without this, but as a person we should also have time for ourselves and for our love ones not just spending time to earn money always to prioritized
• United States
16 Aug 10
i agree thanks for sharing!
• Philippines
17 Aug 10
thanks keshia have a nice day...thanks for the comment
@34momma (13882)
• United States
16 Aug 10
i think we all need something called balance. we need to balance our lives between work and family and hobbies. I don't know if he loves money or is just focused on making money because he is scared of being broke. I would sit down with him and let him know how you feel. I think the way people feel about money, or the lack of it that cause issues in a relationship. but once you are honest to someone about how you feel... you need to see if they are willing to step up to meet you at least half way. if not... its time to consider to move on!
• United States
16 Aug 10
at this point he is just focused on making money because he is about to move in his first house at 24 years old. he has apartments before, but things are different now. and he want all new things, which is why he is working so hard. i just need patience and things will be better! thanks for sharing!
@Chevee (5905)
• United States
16 Aug 10
Hi Keisha, yes I think the love of money can ruin a relatioship. The love of money can ruin pratically anything. Where your love is that is where your heart is. I believe anyone that has motives in their lives put what they think is right for that particular motive first. So evidently his motive is to get as much in as possible to get him the things that will benefit him to the point of his prosperity which is what he is working on and everything else has to fall in place after that. Well that is a wrong conception of life. There is a time a place for everything. You are giving him his space, but he is not respecting you and giving you some of his time. Yes the love of money can ruin a relatioship. He should give of himself (his time and love) to you too. Be Blessed.
• United States
16 Aug 10
thanks for your advise and comment! you are right! and i will give him time to get things together concerning his new house! thanks again!
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
16 Aug 10
We should never put money first in our lives. It will destroy a relationship quicker than anything else. Relationships need love, suppport, and caring to develop and grow. When we put the love of money first, we are headed for relationship destruction.
• United States
16 Aug 10
i completely agree with you! thanks for sharing!
• China
16 Aug 10
Hey,maybe i am so young but i also possess the idea that love is more important than money,'cause we need love more, and I think your bf will hold the same opinion.The situation is just temporary. Be patient,and everything will be ok.Bless you.
• United States
16 Aug 10
your right i do need to be patient. thanks for sharing!
• China
16 Aug 10
i am not sure it's right or he loves you very much,he works very hard in order to give you fabulous fortune to make you happy.but as women,we always expect our boyfriends to spend more time with us,talking,shopping,watching movies,or something in fact,i also have the same problem like bf works in a city far from mine,so we could hardly meet each other in a year.though he works very hard and earns much money,how can our relationship remains well if he can't stay with me?but i am not denying that money is really important,without it,you two will not be happy either.
• United States
16 Aug 10
hello. my boyfriends actually works 10 minutes from where i live. but he staying w/ a family member until he get his house together. his family members lives maybe 40 minutes away. which is why we don't see each other that much until he get his house up and ready. i understand where you are coming from. all we need is patience. i've learned that the hard way! thanks for sharing!
• India
16 Aug 10
yep you can ruin a relationship with money when you give the making money part too much importance people have to spend more time with family and friends only then can u be more productive otherwise you are just spending more time working but there wont be any return to show
• United States
16 Aug 10
yes, i definitely agree with you thanks for sharing!
@priyayogi (222)
• India
16 Aug 10
I think some relations are Money ruin a relationship. some persons are always do chilly maters so i hate that person. he is in the process of moving into his new house so maybe this is the why he's working so hard.
• United States
16 Aug 10
yes, your right. he is about to make a big move! so this is why he is working so hard. so i'll give him time to get things together. thanks for sharing!!
@Zyra0427 (16)
• Philippines
16 Aug 10
Yes, what the saying says "money makes the world go round" and indeed this is true! Some people develop pride because of money. They are wiling to give up anything for the sake of money even their relationship with their love ones. It's so sad to see that money couples or families are getting ruin because of too much money or sufficiency in money.
• United States
16 Aug 10
yes, i agree. money is the root of all evil. and we all know this. thanks for sharing! and it really is too bad about putting money over others.
• Singapore
16 Aug 10
If one gets too obsessed with their work or earning money, then it could kill the love between two lovebirds. I suggest you talk to him regarding this matter. Find a nice, relaxing place and talk to him about this. Don't scold him or what. Just let him know about your feelings, hint to him. All the best!
• United States
16 Aug 10
thanks for your comment an advice. i think your right. and i did talk to him about how i felt. in fact i did get to see him yesterday. hehe thanks again
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
16 Aug 10
Money is considered to be a Necessary Social Evil by millions on this planet. To many an extent, this is true. When the passion to get more money overtakes you and you are possessed by the thought of becoming rich(er), you end up losing many of the relations that were by your side when money was not involved. I have never given importance to money over my family life and maybe I have not been able to accumulate the monetary riches for my family, I am happy that I have a loving wife, loving and caring parents, friends who are by my side when I am low... time for my family... these are things that I think money can never buy
• United States
16 Aug 10
hello i believe your right. its really great to hear you have your family buy your side! thanks for sharing!
• United States
16 Aug 10
I definitely believe the love of money can ruin a relationship. When someone becomes consumed in the earning/making of money and they are blind to the people that love and care for them it definitely takes it's toll. I personally don't have a story but i know some people's parents who are so consumed with money that it seems their family just doesn't have a relationship with one another, it is very sad to see.
• United States
16 Aug 10
thank you for sharing. I'm in the situation right now where my bf main focus is on the house. he is making this big move and he bascially wants all new things. so he need to work. and i'll just have to be patience and/or help him out with the movie. but anyway thanks again for sharing!
@akn1961 (1034)
• India
16 Aug 10
money and relationship is to be kept balance ,we are earning money for ourself and our family ,if they are not happy then what is use of money ,thx for raising issue.
• United States
16 Aug 10
i agree. i can see where you are coming from. thanks for sharing!
@BigTips (304)
• China
16 Aug 10
Yes, paying too much attention to money may ruin a good relationship, including love, friendship and family. Of course, I don't think that your boyfriend is doing a wrong action absolutely. He is working hard, even during the weekends, which means that he wants to enjoy a better life with you in future. Perhaps you need to try understanding his feeling and pressure that he is facing. So, don't lose your temper even if he doesn't pay enough attention to you.
• United States
16 Aug 10
yes i now agree. i just need patience because i know his main focus right now is getting the house together with all the painting and moving things in. so i might have made things bigger than what they are. thanks for sharing!!
@clevengay (129)
• Philippines
16 Aug 10
we are in the same boyfriend and i are far from each other and his busy working..while, im in our house unemployed that's why i always quarrel him and demand time from him at he explained to me his work i started to understand the nature of his work and stop complaining..i keep on understanding him because i know he is only working and not cheating...
• United States
16 Aug 10
i know what you mean. i know my boyfriend is working and not cheating as well. and he is bascially trying to get the house together so all i need is patience. i bascially told him how i felt yesterday and he invited me over. so i got to see him plus help him out w/ the house. might be doing the same thing today (painting) i'm willing to help because i'm ready for him to move in so i can have him to myself again :) hehe thanks for sharing!!