Can you read this?

@p1kef1sh (45681)
August 16, 2010 12:39pm CST
When I was a boy certain members of my family encouraged me to become a medical doctor, partly because my handwriting is so awful that recipients of letters from me struggle to understand what I have written. Doctors are reputed to have awful hand writing. In fact my writing is so poor that I have typed this to make it easier to read for you. How's your handwriting?
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31 responses
@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
16 Aug 10
I print because I can't read my own handwriting and they joked when dad retired that he was going to give penmanship lessons at the med school to aspiring doctors...
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Aug 10
LOL. I can't read my own writing either!
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@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
17 Aug 10
Mine is pretty awful too. I can only write in capital letters. Whenever I try to write in small letters like normal people do, it looks like a small child or a mentally retarded person has written it! This comes from the fact that after I left school and started working, I was not required to write at all and totally lost the feel for it.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
18 Aug 10
At least you'll always have Paris, no one can ever take that away from you.....
@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Aug 10
Green ink. That's the stuff. Capital letters and green ink and nobody will bother you! LOL.
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
19 Aug 10
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• United States
17 Aug 10
My handwriting is pretty legible, but I did have one or two professor complain about some of my lettering, and complain that I didn't know how to write properly. So, I printed everything for them, and then they complained when it was taking me a long time to write my notes, and I told them that if I cannot handwrite my notes and my work, then it will take me forever to write my notes. Let's just say, I didn't get good grades out of those classes.
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• United States
20 Aug 10
Well, what happened is these professors where the kind of professors are rarely gave out good grades. They thought that they were so much better than people just because they had Ph.D.s and they were teaching at a community college. Which was ridiculous because having a Ph.D. doesn't make you better than anyone. They used my handwriting as an excuse to fail me. They didn't want to see people pass their classes.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Aug 10
I think that it's a myth that you must have good grades. What is needed is a positive attitude to life.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
17 Aug 10
No I cannot, so therefore I am unsure what to say here? All I do know is that every time I put a pen in my hand to sign a credit card receipt, my fingers act like an electrocuted octopus and spasm erratically. As for what I actually write on the slip, the text resembles an Aramaic/Sanskrit hybrid. Thank goodness I have my full name embroidered in my underwear because if I was asked to write it out, I'd have to claim amnesia.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
18 Aug 10
Exactly! Drawing little pictures is far less stressful than writing out my name these days! You have a damn good memory mate!
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
17 Aug 10
So this is why you reside in Egypt these days James. Because your English looks like Egyptian Hieroglyphics?
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
19 Aug 10
Thanks! I have always remembered your details as you were one of my first friends here and there are not too many Aussies that I know working in Egypt! How much longer are you going to be there for?
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@sujaysen (594)
• India
16 Aug 10
Handwriting does not matter if it is readable by any means. There are number of famous people in our world whose handwriting is not so well. Moreover, why do you think that all doctors have bad handwriting? Few years back, I had visited a dermatologists in my locality, and I can remind that he used to write the prescriptions with a very uncommon and wonderful inked pens. I was also really amazed to see his beautiful handwriting like any great artist. So never think that doctors stand for bad handwriting lol. Actually, at this modern generation the kids are being used to use the ball pens after leaving their pencil habits. In my childhood, I remember that my father bought me a fountain pen. I think if the kids are given fountain pens after finishing the pencil stages, may be their handwriting be good in the coming days. Also thsy should be provided with high quality papers, notebooks and atleast during their childhood. So, if you can use these fountain pens and a good quality of paper to write down for few months, I think definitely it will help you to be able to write in good handwriting. I wish you for the improvements of good handwriting. Do not get frustrated instead of being an optimistic.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
16 Aug 10
I did not say that doctors have poor handwriting but that they are REPUTED to have poor writing. I am sure that it is not the case that they are all like that at all. I do agree with you though. Here in the West there is little emphasis on handwriting and that is a shame. Perhaps if we got tp practice more then we would be better than we are.
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@sujaysen (594)
• India
17 Aug 10
Hi p1kef1sh & angelajoy, Thanks to both of you for your nice comments upon my message. May be there are different doctors with different types of handwriting. Let's have a joke here :: Once a patient came to his doctor and asked to write any substitute medicine in the given prescription as the pharmacist could not have or read the name of the medicine. Doctor looked at a glance on his prescription and said "Oh !! It is not the name of the medicine, it is just my signature." Then the doctor wrote the name of the medicine in that prescription which he had almost forgot to write in time.
@angelajoy (1825)
• Philippines
17 Aug 10
I have yet to see a doctor here in my country who has a good penmanship. Those doctors' handwritings that I have seen look really terrible. I could barely read them. Thank god the pharmacists are used to doctors' penmanship, they can usually read the prescriptions pretty well. When I consult a doctor the doctor tells me what medicine to buy, but most of the time I just can't remember the names of medicines. There are also dosages on the prescriptions that I usually can't understand.
@eurekafemme (5874)
• Philippines
16 Aug 10
They said that I have a good hand writing because I am a lefty.LOL. I don't know what's the significance of that . But, I must admit that I do have a good handwriting, but, that was before.:( Presently, due to so much household chores my fingers became so stiff that it is difficult for me to scribble words the way I used to. Though, my handwriting is still readable, it doesn't look as good as it used to.... My OB has a very good hand writing. Very neat you'd think she is an Architect.LOL Have a great day ahead, P1kef1sh. :)
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
16 Aug 10
Ease up on the housework is my solution. People keep their houses way too clean! LOL.
• Philippines
17 Aug 10
I agree! LOL
@nannacroc (4049)
16 Aug 10
It depends who you ask. All the girls say they can't read left handed writing. A teacher at school didn't believe the youngest when I send a note in, she said the writing looked like a childs. I know it's distinctive but not good.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
16 Aug 10
I've told you before about getting the children to write notes for you!
@riyasam (16556)
• India
17 Aug 10
i am a doctor and i stand true to this reputation,the only persons who can decipher what i have written excluding me is the chemist nearby and since only he can read ,he does good buisiness!!!
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Aug 10
I bet that he does! You should go into business together!! LOL.
@BarBaraPrz (49034)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
17 Aug 10
Depends on my state of mind and health. If I put my mind to it I can produce some lovely script.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Aug 10
If I try hard I can write something vaguely legible. But otherwise it might as well be straight lines!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Aug 10
hi pikey oh my my son says it best, mom this looks like hen scratching and nobody can read it. I try honestly but am so glad that I can email most of the posting I need to do. My son has almost given me an inferiority complex over my bad handwriting.My doctor really lives up to the jokes about doctors bad handwriting, I can make out the Dr. and the Sh and the rest is sort of squiggly lines curving down on the prescription. How on earth the pharmacist can read it I will never know. I think that the time in grade school when we took penmanship and the teacher would whack our knuckles with a metal edged ruler put me off hand writing completely. She hit my hand so hard it drew blood, and I ran out of the class room in tears five blocks to my doctor Dad's office. He bandaged my hand then took mw back to the classroom. He told that teacher if she ever struck his child again, he would make her sit and have her hands slapped with a metal edged ruler.Then he took me home for the rest of the day. That teacher did not return to the classroom the next year.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Aug 10
I didn't know that you father was a doctor Hatley. That teacher was completely over the top hitting you like that. I'm glad that she left.
@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
17 Aug 10
Nobody should be a doctor just because of his handwriting because that is the main cause why Nurses get migraines, and eye problems!
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Aug 10
@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
17 Aug 10
My hand writing is okay. Its not really nice but it is readable. lol I was in medical school for more than a year and I have a theory why doctor's handwritings are like that. I guess its because they already have so many things in their minds and also so many things to do that they dont want to spend a lot of time writing down things. Its time consuming. Anyway, that's not a problem if they have horrible handwritings cause pharmacist also have horrible reading skills they are the only people who can read the doctor's prescription. lol
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Aug 10
LOL. I had noticed that pharmacists can read what doctors write!
• United States
16 Aug 10
I know exactly what you mean, I have worked in the medical field for a very long time and yes doctors writing is super sloppy. However after working so long in the field it becomes easy to read. I believe when the handwriting is sloppy it is because you are writing faster than you are thinking. I think this is right. Anyways your typing is lovely and easy to read. LOL
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
16 Aug 10
I always think faster than I write. That's why mo teepings o guid.
• Philippines
17 Aug 10
Not all doctors have awful handwriting. The doctor in the nearest clinic from our home writes her prescription very clearly that I can read it well even upside down. I do have have many types of handwriting and I can change my strokes by changing the way i hold my pen. I have two comfortable ways of holding my pen. one way enables me to copy notes very fast and another way is used to make signatures for my transactions. I can write very neat and sometimes messy. It just depends on me.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Aug 10
That's interesting. Thank you.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
16 Aug 10
ouch..i write really bad. and i think now with computers and texting most people don't even write letters or things down any more. the art of writing is lost on almost all of us in the last 10 or 15 years. it's kind of sad really... writing letters is something i use to enjoy alot
@p1kef1sh (45681)
16 Aug 10
I love to receive a letter but I am bad at writing them Momma. I must try harder. LOL.
@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
17 Aug 10
p1kef1sh, You are right that doctors do have the reputation of having the most awful handwriting which according to what I had overheard sometime back is to mask the legibility so that the unauthorized public could not actually read what is being written on the hospital charts of the patients in the wards. So their handwriting will only be legible (barely) with their registrars, colleagues and nursing or medical staffs. I think mine is pretty alright, when I have peers, friends and even my wife missing my handwritten letters from time to time. I have barely written since the emergence of internet and my wife is the only person that I will bother to write on special occasions or when I think of her when I am somewhere else on the globe.
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
21 Aug 10
And then there was LOLspeak and texting.....
@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Aug 10
I think that the internet has caused a huge decrease in the number of letters that are written. Arguably we are better communicators because of it.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
16 Aug 10
In 1st grade, my teacher gave me a D in reading. My mom was up in arms, and went and talked to the teacher. "How can you give this child a D, when she's reading at a third grade level", she asked? The teacher said it was because she couldn't read my writing, so didn't know if I understood. My handwriting hasn't improved much since then...
@p1kef1sh (45681)
16 Aug 10
You WROTE in your reading books Dawn! Naughty. LOL.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
16 Aug 10
did not
• Singapore
17 Aug 10
Doctors scribble as they are very busy people. Maybe their handwriting is very neat and tidy when they were young?
@mands61123 (2098)
19 Aug 10
I've been told i have nice handwriting and at work I was the one from the whole branch that wrote the targets on the dealership board. Come to think of it thats happened to me in pretty much every job whether it be the signs for the cafe the boards at ladbrokes so i can't be that bad. I don't mind it if i take my time but i get very scrawly myself when i rush. I wonder if thats why so many of them pass when they clearly have no clue the examiner simply can't read what they've wrote lol
@p1kef1sh (45681)
23 Aug 10
I don't know anything better than scrawl Mands. My writing is just straight lines! I should have worked on the railway. LOL.
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3 Sep 10
lol straight lines sounds neat lol you'll have to post a photograph i dont believe you i would have assumed you had nice neat writing
@lulu1220 (1006)
• United States
16 Aug 10
I have very neat I guess that is why I am not a doctor. :)
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
16 Aug 10
Most likely! LOL.
@babz02 (250)
• Philippines
16 Aug 10
Well, I already forgot how to write, since I'm always with my laptop and just kept on typing. I guess I have to practice writing again, but I have a pretty decent handwriting, but i'm no good with cursive.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
16 Aug 10
I think that typing everything has resulted in a general decline in handwriting.