Will you be voting to reelect the current president Of the United States?
@Linda4ualways (2282)
United States
August 21, 2010 7:56pm CST
I don't know where I stand as of right now. I know I voted to put him in office this term. I think he has done the best he knew how so far. This best may not be to the best of others though. I think he should get a shot at another term if he makes good on his promises to the US.......Have a great day!
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11 responses
@MrDollars (454)
• Australia
22 Aug 10
Well I am not in the United States but I voted for prime minister on Friday haha.
Didn't take that long but sick of doing it. Such a dirty game that politics play. It is crazy!
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
22 Aug 10
The best he knows how seems to be proving far less than enough to hold such an office.
Being silver-tongued is awesome if you're a lawyer. Check. Rallying hope is great for activists and community organizers. Check.
The rest... ?
I just don't know.
After our previous President, we need something other than smoke.
And I can never forget that Obama and his ilk want more and more and more and more government. So, what, more smooth-talking, litigation-happy, career-minded politicians to "help" the country? I just can't get on board with it.
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
23 Aug 10
In answer to your question... no.
But I am curious which promises should he keep?
And when you said that he did the best he knew how, what has been a positive thing he has done? and with that statement, do you mean he doesnt know better?
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
22 Aug 10
I voted for President Obama and I honestly have absolutely no regrets. Quite to the contrary, actually, when I think of the alternative and how close we came to Vice President - and possibly PRESIDENT Sarah Palin. Our country would be run via Twitter and Facebook and Snookie would probably be in the cabinet...lol!
We've never had a "perfect" President or a perfect member of the House or Senate for that matter. We're limited to electing human beings and all human beings have faults and flaws, they all change their minds from time to time - sometimes for the good and sometimes not so much - and they're all vulnerable to outside influences. The thing is, THEY make promises to get elected and they also have promises made to THEM. Promises often end up being broken, that's a sad fact of life but a fact just the same.
Everyone likes to talk about spending but I think you can't just discuss the dollar amount that's spent but also HOW the money is spent and WHY it had to be spent. For 8 years our deficit and debt grew due in part to massive tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans and in part to paying for two wars. There were very few complaints about this spending. Now, however, when it's become necessary according to many economists and other experts, to spend to save and create jobs, to extend unemployment benefits and to help small businesses get loans so they can hire more workers, any spending is somehow evil and forbidden.
As it stands right now I fully expect to vote for President Obama again in 2012. Not because I'm one of his "minions" as I've been accused here, not because he's a Democrat and won't vote for anything but, which isn't true, but because as it stands now giving him another term is a far better choice than any of the alternatives I've seen so far!
@artistry (4151)
• United States
22 Aug 10
..Hi there all, annie I am going to tag my comment to yours because it appears we are outnumbered with the negative naysayers ";o) of course they are entitled to their opinion. They are interesting to read. First of all the election if I remember was in 2008, so this man, one of the smartest I have seen in this office, besides one other in a long time, has been in office all of what 32 months. What president pushed and got health care for almost all of the country? This one did. That's enough to vote for the man again. Who basically saved the auto industry from going over a cliff and will see GM offer a historical IPO soon to raise billions of dollars to repay some of the money the federal government lent them.
With this turn around GM has gotten many more jobs for the state of Michigan. He increased women's pay in some areas to be on par with men's salaries. He saved the stupid banks, I say stupid because they are not lending to help the economy, they are hoarding their money and should be put in jail for it. Jobs are being created in some sections of the country but many more are needed. We were headed for sa depression, whether you believe it or not and this administration put on the brakes. The deficit was busted before Obama got to the Senate, research it and stop spouting things that make no sense. They have to spend more now to pull out of this garbage, research what they did during in the depression, deciding to cut back on spending and excelerated the problems. ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY I will be voting for him if he runs again. I would go home and let the ungrateful people eat cake, with the Republicans riding herd. Next of all where is the credible Republican with any logical sense to run against him? Newt, the cheater, Palin the illiterate, Romney the change artist? The best one Jeb Bush, does not want to run, probably because of the mess his brother left the coutry in. Pawlenty might be good but seems to be a light weight. Bring back McCain maybe? Your choices are few, so carry on, maybe a dark horse will surface, no pun intended. If the jobs start to show up, no one is going to beat Obama. Eight years to get us in this mess and you want him to fix it yesterday. Give me a break. Tally ho.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
23 Aug 10
"For 8 years our deficit and debt grew due in part to massive tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans..."
Annie, Here's some information about the Bush tax cuts you might find interesting.
Here is what some are projecting for the deficit if Obama's policies are enacted.
"What president pushed and got health care for almost all of the country?"
Artistry, it's true that Obama did get health care passed thanks to having a super majority in Congress, and look what it's going to cost us.
I could go on and on, but I think you understand what I'm saying. And you think this is reason enough to vote for him again?
"He saved the stupid banks..."
Yes the deficit was bad when Obama was elected senator in 2004 and look how much worse it got after he came into office.
"...research what they did during the depression, deciding to cut back on spending and accelerated the problems."
"...where is the credible Republican with any logical sense to run against him?"
Here are a few - Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, Bobby Jindal, Jeb Bush, Jan Brewer and Fred Thompson.
@ddzdvd (361)
• United States
23 Aug 10
great response bestboy cant argue with FACTS.the other two remind me of a little verse about a dog vomiting and then turning around and eating it right back up!
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
23 Aug 10
Doing the best he knows how might be a good description for someone who was only a senator for two years before deciding to run for president. What experience did he have that would make anyone think he could handle the job? In spite of his brilliance, (some think) it's obvious he doesn't know what he's doing. Maybe if he spent as much time working as president as he does playing golf, basketball, having gala's at the White House, and taking trips all on the tax payers dime, he might learn a few things about running a government.
I did not vote for him the first time and the way things are going, I won't vote for him in 2012.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
22 Aug 10
Yes, I voted for him in 2008 and I intend to vote for him again. Personally, I don't think we need to get rid of Obama democrats, I think we need to get rid of the obstructionist Republicans who stand in the way of every vote that could make things better for the average American. I don't know what's in store in the November elections but I seriously doubt those Republicans will get the mandate they seem to feel is coming. The won't get it if my vote counts for anything and I suspect there are a lot of other Americans who feel the same.
@Qaeyious (2357)
• United States
22 Aug 10
I have been doing my part to get rid of the repubocrats for more than two decades (except for 2004 when I voted democrat to get a certain person out of office) and I will continue to vote for third parties. I was voting libertarians but after what happened the oats four years I have my doubts letting any business have any kind of power to disrupt out economy and ecology. My biggest fear is that even if we get another party into power, they will be no different than the repubocrats! If we find that to be so; well, I'll get to it when we get there.
@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
22 Aug 10
I didn't vote for him. I can say for sure that I won't be voting for him again. "Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me." The whole problem is that he seems to be making things worse instead of better. Yeah, I know the economy was bad and it takes time to recover. But still spending is out of control, he is taking yet another vacation his like 10th one or so in the last year and a half, he has been on more campaigning trips then he has spent time in the White House, and his approach to many issues has been very bad timing to say the least.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
23 Aug 10
I didn't vote for Obama and as it stands I'd never vote for him. He'd have to do a heck of a lot of changing before I'd even consider it and I'm sure his arrogance will never allow that.
The main problem as I see it with him is that people voted for him because he said what they wanted to hear not what they needed to hear.
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
22 Aug 10
I didn't vote for him the first time, and I will surely not be voting for him in the next election. I don't hold the fact that you voted for him the first time against you, but PLEASE don't be stupid enough to vote for him again. LOL
I knew Obama was going to be bad news for our country BEFORE he got elected, so I voted against him. I didn't want a muslim to get elected. To be honest with you, I think the election was rigged. People were so set on getting him put into office that they were willing to do whatever it took to make it happen. In essence, I don't really feel that there was an election. I know I went to the polls and voted, but I knew then that it was futile to vote against him. Even those of us who voted for someone else knew that Obama was going to win, even though we didn't want it to happen.
All we can do now is to focus on getting Obama OUT of office. Thankfully, the only real damage he has managed to inflict is Obamacare, and I think we can get rid of it if we can keep him from getting elected to another term in office. Other than that, thankfully, he has pretty much been as much of a lame duck as Bush was...