Bedtime Routine?

@dorannmwin (36392)
United States
August 23, 2010 12:06pm CST
Are you a creature of habit like myself? Do you have a specific routine that you follow every night before you go to sleep? I know that I do, when I start to get ready for bed I will take my seroquel and then I will go in the living room and turn on a television program that I've DVR'd and I will watch that as I roll cigarettes for the following day. When the show is over I will go to the bathroom and then head into the bed. At this point I will read a little bit of a book and then I will turn off the light and go to sleep. How about you, would you care to share your bedtime routine.
15 responses
• India
23 Aug 10
Yup i got a good bedtime routine. STAY AWAKE TILL MY MOM YELLS AT ME TO SLEEP! Simple and effective. That's what usually my bedtime routine is everyday. I would do almost anything which came up in mind. Even if it is a little crazy sometimes. I don't really care much about myself. I listen songs read books comment in mylot see movies and so on... Cheers!
• India
23 Aug 10
ya u are right wven my mom used to yell at me everyday before sleeping response would just be a simple smile and continue with my at present as i stay in a room privately away from parents my bedtime routine is listening to songs thats all cheers
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
24 Aug 10
I remember those days all to well. When I was younger I would do everything in my power to stay awake as long as I possibly could. I don't know that there was really a reason for it, but it was just something that I did.
• United States
24 Aug 10
I cannot call it a routine but I am finding that my usual routines is to crawl in bed when the eyes and body can no longer take it for the day. I suppose it is a routine to get in as much as I can from my online ventures before I must listen to my brain screaming to get to bed..
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
25 Aug 10
You know if I was to do what you are doing, I really don't know if I would ever find the time to sleep.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
25 Aug 10
I can completely see it.
• United States
25 Aug 10
You hit it right on the nose, I barely sleep and that is why I am so mentally exhausted.
@maxilimian (3099)
• Indonesia
24 Aug 10
I usually watching TV now, before going to bed, until i think i'm started to feel asleep, so i turn it off and go sleep
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
25 Aug 10
I would never be able to do that because since I was a young girl I always read before falling asleep at night, so that is really my one thing that I have to do before I am able to fall asleep.
@X18PRS (114)
• Canada
23 Aug 10
Of course! Without my routine, I wouldn't be ready for bed ;) I first brush my teeth, shave, then wash my face. That usually take about 30 minutes. After that, I hop into bed and either watch some TV, do some research, read a book or play some games. After that, it's time for bed (which is usually around 11:00). Then I'm up at 7:30 am to start the routine all over again! ;)
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
26 Aug 10
I think that it is a good thing overall because it means that I don't have that temptation to lay in the bed all night watching television.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
25 Aug 10
Now since we moved into our house about a year and a half ago we haven't had a television in our room and that doesn't bother me at all. However, I do have to watch some television before falling asleep at night.
@X18PRS (114)
• Canada
26 Aug 10
Not having a TV in your bedroom is probably a good thing ;) I sometimes get interested in something and it ends up being about midnight before I actually go to bed :( I usually don't watch mutch TV, though, so it isn't a huge problem.
• Philippines
24 Aug 10
Yeah. Just like you, I also have habits before taking a good rest. I am not comfortable whenever I did'nt able to accomplish these habits. And whenever I don't, I have to go out of bed and do it even I'm too sleepy. Before going to bed, even I just had my shower for the night, I still need to wash my face. I don't know why I do this, it just became my habit. Also, I have to watch my favorite series even I'm tired enough. And one good habit that I have is that, I always drink water before going to bed. Well, that's it. Hope you find the same comfort here. :)
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
25 Aug 10
For me, I try not to drink too much before I go to bed because it only succeeds in making it to where I have to wake up many times in the middle of the night to go to bed.
@lfloresca (116)
• Philippines
24 Aug 10
It is essential that we have establish a bedtime routine that works to us. Our body and mind need to have consistency at this time so that we can learn to fall asleep naturally. Once I have finished reading my books and drinking my tea after a few minutes I fall asleep. But sometimes even when I was still reading my books I fall asleep.:)
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
25 Aug 10
It has honestly been a long time since I've fallen asleep while I was reading, but there have been times that it has happened to me that way.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
23 Aug 10
Yeah , things sort of look like a routine before calling it a day and going to bed. I usually get back home pretty late every working day, some days close to 10 o'clock. I would be pretty tired and exhausted then. So, I would relax while listening to my favorite music CDs, especially the classical music. After relaxing awhile, if I feel ok, I would yoga practise for about for about 30 minutes. I would be relaxed and all set to go to bed after that.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
25 Aug 10
I'm not so much one that is hooked on classical music, but I do like to listen to music in the evening before I go to bed. However, this only works out on the nights that my husband goes to bed early because his taste in music and my taste aren't the same.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Aug 10
hi dorannmwin oh yes I get t o mylot til ten o clock, then after listening to classic music as i mylot, I shut off the computer, monitor, then make my anti low blood sugar snack. take my benadryl and calcium, slather some heavy suave cocoa butter body lotion on my arms and legs, read for awhile, take off my glasses, stick in my earplugs and turn off my light so my grumpy roomie won't start that when are you going to bed thing again;if she had her druthers I would go to be at 8;30, I told her I have not gone to be that early since I was nine years old and am not going to start now.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
25 Aug 10
Your roommate reminds me somewhat of one of the roommates that I had when I was in college. She used to get so mad at me because I was a night owl and she was an early bird. Needless to say, our relationship as roommates only lasted for a single year.
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
24 Aug 10
I actually have more of a morning habit. I wake up feed the cat, eat, water plants, yoga, read and study until lunch. My habit at night is that I read a little and turn off lights.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
25 Aug 10
I have a morning routine as well. However, I didn't know if I was alone in having a routine that I follow at night.
@much2say (55120)
• Los Angeles, California
23 Aug 10
My bedtime happens when it's bedtime for baby son - hee hee. So this means getting a drink of water, going to the bathroom, putting my nightwear on, changing baby's diaper, saying goodnight to everyone with hugs and kisses, fixing up his bed, then our bed, then nursing him to sleep. When he's zzzzz'ing, I promptly put him in his crib - and then I plop myself onto the pillow and I'm GONE! Although lately, baby boy has been wanting to have some conversations before actually sleeping - hee hee.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
25 Aug 10
Yes, your nighttime routine is very different when you are the parent of a small child versus when the children are a bit older. Now I am able to make the kids go to bed and they stay there and actually sleep whereas when they were little this wasn't the case at all.
• Philippines
24 Aug 10
I would say that me too have a bedtime routine. Before I go to bed, I need to check my facebook account first. Afterwards, I will go to bed. Turn off the lights. And then I pray, asking God to let my soulmate enter my dreams. And then I close my eyes and think of any situation that may happen in real life. It may be an accident and then my boyfriend will come to rescue me. Situations like that, until I found myself sleeping. That's what I always do. :)
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
25 Aug 10
That is a very interesting bedtime routine. Prayers are an important part of my getting ready for sleep as well, but I don't think about that very much because it is typically what I am doing as I drift off to sleep.
• Indonesia
24 Aug 10
I don't have any. I can sleep whenever i want, wherever I feels like. I could just lay down on a couch, still with my glasses on, and 5 minutes later, i went to sleep. Don't have problem on sleeping at all...
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
25 Aug 10
You are lucky that you don't have any kind of problems with sleeping. I wish that this was the case for me, but I've had sleep anxiety since I was a teenager and my father had a massive heart attack after I was in bed one night.
@sjlskl (3382)
• Singapore
23 Aug 10
My bed time routine varies but there is a few times that I must / will do before sleeping. Visit the loo, to pee and wash my face. Set my alarm and charge my mobile phone.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
25 Aug 10
That is good that you charge your phone at night. I can't do that because I use my phone as a secondary alarm clock so I mostly do my charging during the day.
@ankches (26)
• Indonesia
24 Aug 10
hmmm, my bed time routine... i dont have routine like you. perhaps, only changed the clothes comfortable to wear. then cleaned up (brush teeth and wash my face). after that play some computer games or watching television. but usually does not miss is to pray.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
25 Aug 10
I too find that prayers are very important, but I don't really think of it as being a part of my routine because it is something that I've done for as long as I can remember and it is just a part of me.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
23 Aug 10
its almost the same with me, but im thinking i should roll mine before i go to bed never thought to do that. i smoke one last one, play a little pogo on pc, get coco set with water and any meds she needs in our bedroom, take my spiriva, put my water, inhaler, and cellphone on my nite stand, lay and read till i get sleepy, then switch off lite
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
24 Aug 10
You know we only started rolling our own last year as a way to save money (and save money it has done) but now that we've been doing it for about 10 months it is actually therapeutic to me to do it before I go to sleep at night.