Do you think HISTORY has any value?

August 24, 2010 11:54pm CST
We can view events from the past and saw the many mistakes that men made, and yet sometimes we see the same things being repeated and repeated again. Especially for nations who have a long history and have witnessed many events over time. Do you think we can learn anything from studying history and do people actually draw experience from past history?
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20 responses
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
25 Aug 10
I always thought it important, sweetie. But since our country has such a funky history, i don't think that anyone can really learn from our history or that it has any value at all. Too much changes to keep up with, you know. TATA.
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@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
25 Aug 10
I don't know sweetie. We are 2 hotheaded cultures and not one of us will budge. Whose history will be valued and who's will go down the drain?
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• Singapore
25 Aug 10
It is so sad when a country splits into two like that. Like K*rea, fighting against their own countrymen.
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• Singapore
25 Aug 10
No matter how funky, there's bound to be something of value there. Could be the historical lessons bringing on those changes, you never know.
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@1hopefulman (45120)
• Canada
25 Aug 10
We are supposed to learn from history. And eventually we will forced to learn.
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@1hopefulman (45120)
• Canada
26 Aug 10
I see the world getting progressively worse, natural disasters (but they are really a result of mismanagement of the earth) are increasing, the violence is escalating, the entertainment is disgusting, the pollution and destruction of the earth is to the point on no return, and the obscenities used by people is appalling. What have we learned? Wars never end, crime never ends, inhumanity and greed and selfishness never end! Thankfully God is as fed up, as descent people are, over the direction of mankind. He will soon teach mankind a good lesson. We don't want to learn the easy way then we will be forced to learn the hard way. After that, the future will be bright!
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• Singapore
29 Aug 10
We shall keep up our hopes, do not think too negatively.
• Singapore
26 Aug 10
Maybe...if this world worsen to that state....
@shibham (16977)
• India
25 Aug 10
Hi chandrama. I have discovered this dis on proper time as i taught my students about the values of history (i am a college teacher, i mean professor). So i thaught them that the main value of history is not it's datas... Rather the value is its literary interpretation. I shall define it if u wish. Take care.
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• Singapore
25 Aug 10
Hi shi, Are you teaching history and literature? Many of the precious values and culture have been preserved through literature. Thanks for sharing this.
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@sender621 (14894)
• United States
25 Aug 10
I believe that history always has value to our lives.. We learn from the mistakes ans actions of history. History is the foundation that our lives our built on. We can't have a future without history.
• Singapore
26 Aug 10
Well said! "We can't have a future without history" All the yesterdays in the past build up to make today and the future.
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@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
25 Aug 10
hi blue! i love subject of history!and i think we should learn history!about those repeated things i am very sure in everyone mind, as long as they don't get a result like the past they will keep continue doing the same thing.that's our normal behaviour to do try and error.hehehe..people never learn from the past!so irony...
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• Singapore
25 Aug 10
hi CTH! I have always thought those who love history are very cultured It seems that even though we know history, we can't seem to help falling into the same old pits again, or following the ruts of those before us, yes, it's so ironical...
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@qianyun6 (2067)
• China
25 Aug 10
Of course people have learned a lot from the past. Don't you think all we know now came from our ancestors' experiences? As for what you said, why mistakes are repeated? I personally think it is mostly because people always have wishful thinking! For example, all we know the prospective profit of buying lotteries is negative, i.e., one will be more possible to lose than to earn. Why so many people still invest on it? They must think, there are the guys who have earned the big money, why can't I be the next one?
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• Singapore
25 Aug 10
You are right and I certainly appreciate all that I know from the learning of history and culture. The desire for money and power has definitely clouded people’s judgement. Greed and anger are strong motivations which contribute to creating disharmony and discords in this world.
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• United States
25 Aug 10
I think that history should be important and I think that we should know about history so that we don't make the mistake of repeating the past.
• United States
26 Aug 10
That is why you teach it to them over and over again, until they understand just how big of a deal it is.
• Singapore
26 Aug 10
Learning is one thing but to actually practise it in our daily lives is another and not many people can do that.
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• Singapore
26 Aug 10
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
25 Aug 10
it only has value when people study it and learn from past mistakes.
• Singapore
26 Aug 10
Thanks for this sharing, it is a very accurate description of how we view history from one angle. This is like determining the purpose of history.
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
25 Aug 10
I think it is important to try to learn our history. I don't know if it will prevent us from following the same mistakes but it can help by knowing. Some people know the history but they don't get it fully and still may do the same thing. But learning it is the first step. And It also helps to learn who you are.
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• Singapore
25 Aug 10
Hi Lore, Wow, your username already gives one a historical feeling. I agree that learning is the first step, then comes the drawing lessons from it.
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@skyejade (16)
• Philippines
26 Aug 10
Yes, because history made the future. it's all about history that we learn something new , enhance things , and made difference to our lives.
• Singapore
26 Aug 10
Thanks for the reply... We like to see better changes, improvements to our lives and to give due credit to past history would be good.
@anurag3786 (6267)
• India
6 Oct 10
I think history is always important in its own way. Because now the present is stand on history and when the future comes then this present will be history for future. And peoples will read about this. So I think time is also depended on history.
• Singapore
20 Oct 10
What is present now will turn into history and so will the future, but what is history now can affect the future.
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
25 Aug 10
I should think that it's human ego, our greed and stubborness that actually refrain us or disallow us from learning anything from history. Changing times doesn't mean that history has got nothing to contribute. The reason behind the fall of great men in history is just as true today as it was a few thousand years ago if there is anything worth to learn from history.
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
28 Aug 10
There are things to learn in any case study in any field. It's the same as studying history from a certain perspective depending on the field of the study. But when we get too emotional, that tends to cloud our rationality. Perhaps too there are always new problems as dynamic as life itself because things change.
• Singapore
26 Aug 10
Hi tomi, What you said is so true, as long as humans have weaknesses like our anger, greed, ego and jealousy, we are still going to behave in the same wrong way. Maybe there are some aspects of history that have taught us the lessons we need to learn but there are many others which we still keep repeating.
@kukueye (1759)
• Malaysia
26 Aug 10
yes history is important and actually we can predict the future by examine the past history.History do repeat itself in the future , thoroughout history we can see the raise and fall of empire and human conflicts and wars too. Many leaders are studied for they thinking methods and such. History has gread importantance and should be recorded.However, many fail to learn from history .
• Singapore
26 Aug 10
"Many leaders are studied for their thinking methods and such", I guess some of the old strategies of dealing with people and nations still work.
• Philippines
26 Aug 10
of course. on my point of view, history is what we need to right our past mistakes, without history, you cant foretell the future. studying our past mistakes and do something about it will make our lives more meaningful and more valuable, doing our mistakes again and again without knowing about our past will not us grow as what we want.
• Singapore
26 Aug 10
Thanks, history is indeed a foundation of our future lives.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
25 Aug 10
Hi bluemoonpavilion, I like history but you make a good point about people learning from it. That humans are very slow learners is something that history does teach us. Even in everyday life we keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again. You would think that we'd finally get the message that if something doesn't work after we've tried it a dozen times, it's not likely to work the next time. Blessings.
• Singapore
26 Aug 10
Hi Pose, It's like we know that there's a hole in front but everytime we pass that place, we still step into it. I feel that history does repeat itself.
@GemmaR (8517)
25 Aug 10
I think history has a value if we take lessons from it. There are so many things from history which are repeating themselves because people don't look to the past at what went wrong, and instead just carry on with their heads in the sand about whatever the problem might have been for them. With things such as wars, people should take notice about what caused them in the past, as that shows us what we can do to prevent them in the future. However, I do think that we need to be a lot more careful now more than ever with regards to wars, as we have bigger and better weapons these days which would be able to do huge amounts of damage if we were to let them.
• Singapore
26 Aug 10
Yes, I'm worried one day all life on this planet would be wiped out once all these advance weapons are activated.
@sumanadep (1228)
• India
25 Aug 10
History misunderstood.... - Just for the discussion...
of course History has its value.. it is just that very few completely understand it... first of all many people study history and from those who study only some of them learn from it... not everyone get everything from the history... It is not only the mistakes that we have to see.. there are many other things ... like the lost medicines, .. the huge knowledge base of our ancestors which many say is still unexplored by us... ,the historical events on our earth helps the scientist with their studies.. and many such things...
• Singapore
26 Aug 10
Hi sumanadep, Your reply made me recall many of the lost things which could not have been preserved due to war, fires, floods, robberies and even ignorance. It was a terrible loss to mankind that all those things of value could not ever be seen or studied again.
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
25 Aug 10
Yes, of course. We need to try to learn from history, and to analyze it, so we don't keep making the same mistakes over and over again. I think that is the main purpose of history, at least it is for me!
• Singapore
26 Aug 10
We can make a personal resolve to never repeat our own mistakes, to better ourselves and our lives.
• India
25 Aug 10
When i was a small boy i hated history very much and always thought why we have to study the disgusting subject. I think everyone hated history in their childhood, What do you think?. But as we grow and become wise we realize that history is necessary subject. I admit many events from the past are repeated again. Many people do realize not to repeat history. Take an example. When there is situations of war between two countries, the thought of disastrous world wars immediately comes to mind and they try not to repeat them. Every country has nuclear weapons but because of the previous disastrous use of it doesn't encourage again for using it.....HAPPY POSTING....
• Singapore
26 Aug 10
Hi sunnyblogs, Your feelings very much reflected mine when I studied history in school. I did very badly because I simply could not remember all the alien names and dates and events. I did not like it at all. But now, I think I can appreciate the knowledge. I still do not remember dates and names but I can connect the past events and their impact on our current world and society.
@lucas5 (455)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
25 Aug 10
all that we learn on school we get it by history, we live in a society because of the history, we know how speak because of the history, we use clothes because of the history, every thing that happen become history, and the human being learn with the past, that is why we are the best of the animals and why we continue improving.
• Singapore
26 Aug 10
Hi lucas, Thanks for your response, I guess you have described the whole evolution process