what are the ways you talk to God?

August 25, 2010 7:39pm CST
Whenever we are happy, we tend to forget to pray to God sometimes because we are already in the state of having no problems for sure. But in our moments of distress and lowest times of our lives, there we are and seeking for God's help. Whatever it is that we experience, we always ask God's help and graces. I am not a pious person but I make sure that I still talk to God once in a while to guide me and teach me the right things to do and take over with some of my major decisions in life. I just pause and take moments of silence while my mind talk to him. In as much as possible I close my eyes. I go to a very quiet or peaceful place to do it. Not necessarily go to a church but just looking for the right place to do it. I also seldom go to church. I just go there during my birthdays and Christmas or whenever I feel like going. But I make it to a point that I still talk to Him once in a while and the time i really feel I am sincere. What are the ways that you communicate to God?
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15 responses
@nagaxe (5)
26 Aug 10
hi, Thats was really a good question, beacuse in this fast world of globalisation . The technology has ruling, as a result human people get less hope on god because they creating everything that what can make them happy. to say about myself, to be frank i go infront of god only on my birthday thats too because of my mom. she takes me. and as per my ancestors beleif , i pray god when my heart feel something bad or when i afraid of something, that means i wont go temple and church to prise hin/her. i used speak myself i walk alone at the empty roadside so that i can releive somewhat , what for i feel.
• India
26 Aug 10
i want to say one thing about human and god .human being forgets god when he/she is enjoying worldly pleasures and suddenly prays god to solve his/her sorrows which is done by our universal supreme god but...........to communicate with god is to do follow perfect rules means be a human being and live like human being .
• Philippines
26 Aug 10
I recently just got back to believing on God. Okay I believe Him, but I have questions. I studied in a Dominican School, they force the students to attend mass especially whenever the Basketball team has a game. Everyone is required to go to the mass. Then my ultimate question started: Why force someone to go to mass? I then stopped going to mass, then before I graduate we have to confess to a priest, I then told him this and he agreed. So I was like, errr, okay?! He agreed that kids would start not to like going to the mass because his fellow priests force these kids. So then, I stopped going to mass. Now I'm back. How? My dad works in the Church. He has been friends with a Priest. A converted Priest - Buddhist to Catholic if I am not mistaken. He helped me "go back" to God by helping him around. I now, go to Church without being forced. I started going back because "I wanted to". That is my only way to talk to him. Plus I do pray sometimes when I am at home. I just say it on my mind.
@jailo12 (332)
• Philippines
26 Aug 10
meditation maybe is the best way but not all people do meditation even i don't do that ..if i want to talk to god, i just stay silent, close my eyes and then i start talking to HIM ..the simplest way i know ..^^
@tatturoy (139)
• India
26 Aug 10
god is nowhere outside.he is inside us, inside all of us.so if you feel somthing, remember, actually god is feeling.tell yourself that you will not harm onyone,and that means you are praying to god about doing good to everyone. i hope i have proven my point.
@yancu18 (17)
• Philippines
26 Aug 10
Prayer is simply our communication with God.We pray when we open our heart and thanking God.
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
26 Aug 10
Hi aaraonfyzeon, I'm not a pious person as well. I never follow all the should to be ways as my pious family and friends do exactly when they worship and talk to god. I agree that when people are in great difficulty and are helpless usually would seed help from the mighty. Although I'm not that pious I still would say prayer to god before going to be every night. I get myself clean after the teeth brushing and face cleaning. I then knee down on the floor with clasping hands facing the window in my bedroom. I thank god for taking care of my family and I. I express my gratitude for giving us healthy, tranquil and peace for the day. At times between after saying the regular prayer I would ask for peaceful for our nation as well as the whole world too. Happy posting
@SangsTurks (1444)
• India
26 Aug 10
I too am not a pious person but i do communicate with God at all times ...be it good or bad. like you i too dont go for mass on sundays or rather i sometimes even skip christmas high mass! So now that i have told you about my attending mass and going to church you can call me a devil!! :) I have my own thing... my own faith in God, for me God is not only present in the church but everywhere you want him too...he is always there beside you at all time. At time when you are in trouble ...at time when you are happy, be i whatever that you are going through He is always there with you. i communicate with God wherever and whenever i want to...be it if i am taking a shower, watching Tv, sitting having a cup of hot coffee or waiting for my 3 year old to finis his potty!!!! i remember God whenever i can and i don't have to go to church to do that.
@kharlav (1667)
• Philippines
26 Aug 10
I have so many ways speaking to God. Sometimes I speak to God before I sleep, that is the times where I need concentration to give and express all out my emotions and feelings. Sometimes I also speak to God anywhere, everywhere and no matter what I am doing; like when I am driving my car, cleaning the room, washing my laundry or when I am walking on the street.
@hemsagar (286)
• India
26 Aug 10
it is true and it is the instinct of humans not to thank God when they are satisfied and pray to God when they are in shortcomings.i find myself in such situations manytimes,i will have to thank God for this as he makes me remember that i haven't thanked him yet and then i thank him for all that he did.we find many cursing God because he didn't do them good.they say God doesn't exist and all.but whom are they scolding then.they should realise this. we can communicate to God only through prayer and i feel this is the right method.
@juneramir (334)
• Philippines
26 Aug 10
Good day God! I've been thinking about the many ways in which we humans can communicate and talk about you. From hugs and small acts of service, conversation face to face over coffee or tea, or in seminaries, plenaries, workshops, or in Church through sermons, hymns, talks and prayers etc through to magazines, newsletters,journals, books, face-book updates, tweets, blogs and txts - you seem to make sure that there's no shortage of opportunities for us to talk about and even with you God. In spite of all these opportunities, I've noticed its still not easy for people to find a way to open up the conversation so that you can be included in. Even those of us who do like to talk about you and to you God are still inclined to use a favourite punch-line or quote from a book (maybe even a good book!) or a scene from film as a starter. (just my point of view) Have a nice day everyone... Pray always :)
@deve_annrn (1856)
• Philippines
26 Aug 10
I always talk to God every chance I get.., It doesn't have to when I am down or in need of his help.., I talk to him.., about random things that takes place everyday.., I confide to him how i feel.., I whisper to him short "thank yous" and "sorrys" Lord.. I always remember Him.., and at night I have long talks with him.., He is my outlet and my everything.., I make sure that I make constant communication with God..=)
26 Aug 10
i am Christian..since i met God, i was changed..its right that some people tend to forget God especially when they free of problems but then they are doomed, thay look for God..i hope that will change from each of us..whatever we do and whatever we ar in to, i hope God will be the number one in our heart and mind for He alone knows the answer..God bless!
• Philippines
26 Aug 10
I communicate to God through prayers every morning (time i wake up) and every night(time before i go to sleep) and sometimes i read books like daily bread and pray to God that i absorb the good words in the book and let me adopt it to my daily life. Like you, i seldom go to church but whenever i pass by one, i made it a point to at least drop by and say a prayer of thanks and ask for guidance for me and my family. Every night at 6 pm, i light candle in the altar and pray too. God is good ! :)
• Philippines
26 Aug 10
you're right we can talk to GOD as long as we want in our mind give thanks to Him for all the blessings that He give us and always there to guide us despite of the shortcomings for him