how to find a good job?

August 28, 2010 5:58am CST
One of my friends ask me "Is the course we've taken is really for us?". I don't know what to answer to her question but even we got a college degree we can't exactly say we will have a good job. So please give me your opinion How to find a good job?
2 responses
@GemmaR (8517)
28 Aug 10
If you get a good college degree, your chances of getting a good job are higher. Plus, you can always do other courses to improve your job prospects if you can't get a job straight away when you leave college. It takes, on average, two years to college graduates to get a job they actually like and wanted to do, but that doesn't mean to say that you can't just get another job while you're looking for what you actually want to do in the future.
@xenoyosh (121)
28 Aug 10
Finding a good job is not really about how hard you look but at how luck you are. There are many jobs out there. Most of which are not for you. Many of them require different degrees and need some special training. Many jobs offer a lot of positive things then you get hit with the negative details once you are hired. Few are the companies that can really provide great working experience.