Should you choose working before going to college?

@Sha033 (29)
United States
August 28, 2010 3:35pm CST
I started working when i was 16 because i had to help out with the bills. When i turned 18 i wanted to go to college but i started working 2 jobs just to get by. Now im in my 30's and regret that i didn't go to college because of the economy. Now i don't have the degree that i need to get a higher paying job, even though their are a lot of things i know how to do that people that have degrees do. Should i have just neglect my family and went to college anyway knowing it would probably have help more financialy in the long run? They didn't have online colleges like they do now.
2 responses
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
29 Aug 10
ideally here, we have to go to college first finissh and get a degree and then earn money when you get work after graduation. those who study while working can be taking masterals... after they have determined what they want for their life to be... building career. there are also people who really needs to work first and save money for college and we salute them for working their way through college... =)
28 Aug 10
i think it depends on your own circumstances! If it is more important for you to work to bring in money for the bills, then that needs ot come first, especially if your not sure what you want to do in your career, college can be done at any time really...your never too old. I think you should do whats best for YOU :)