Should I stay or just let it go?

Davao, Philippines
August 30, 2010 1:30am CST
I am in a relationship right now and I'm afraid it's going to end. We've been together for six years and he is my second boyfriend. I've been with him since college and we were good friends before we has this LOVE thing between us. We tried to live together for almost 2 years now but I'm afraid I'm seeing the big picture and I'm not happy about it. In short I'm not happy with this guy anymore but every time I think about what we've gone through I just cant let it go. It's not that easy. I'm really confused. ( please share your thoughts )
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35 responses
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
1 Sep 10
Six years is long time and it is to be expected that the relationship would have changed a lot from the way it was in the beginning and that is normal and so is the fact that at times both parties may tire or become irritated with each other, again this is normal. When the ‘in love’ giddiness ends a deeper love takes over and that is the basis of a lifelong commitment. I think that only you can know how deep your feelings go. Do you miss your partner when you are away from him? If you don’t or long for freedom the fairest thing to do would be to let him go. You may find that a break may determine your feelings as to whether you will miss him or relish your new found freedom. To be fair to both yourself and your boyfriend you should determine how you feel and move on if the relationship is not meeting your needs anymore.
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@mauie0918 (337)
• Philippines
1 Sep 10
There are cases like you have, women are bored to their relationship and feels like they don't love anymore the man.If you want to save your relationship then why not try to add some spice to your relationship! Do something different! Or try to live with your friends or family, just stay away from him for the meantime so that you will know how important he is to you! But if you're not anymore growing with your relationship, it's time to listen to your heart!
• Davao, Philippines
2 Sep 10
Hi. I already tried and did something different. I'm living with my family now and sometimes I go out with my friends. The sad things is , I still feel the same way. Then I guess this is really the end of it. I just hope we can save our friendship still. Thanks!
@34momma (13882)
• United States
1 Sep 10
I think we have all been where you are at one time or another. I know how hard it is to let go when you are just so use to being with that person. when even though you know it's going to on the path you want. It's really hard to just walk away. I would recommend that you sit down with him. look him in the eyes and express how you feel. look at how he reacts to what you are saying. is he concerned and understanding. does he want to take the steps to fix what needs to be fixed. He might be feeling the way you are feeling and you two just need to sit down and talk. I wish you the very best
@derek_a (10873)
1 Sep 10
The human mind tends to cling to things and situations, even those situations that do not make us happy, because they are familiar I guess. If it is familiar, the mind will tend to cling to that because there will be a certain nervousness about facing life without that person in it. But if we can commit ourselves to move on, then it is much better than we feared it would be.. Good luck. _Derek
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
1 Sep 10
I am not trying to be rude, or insulting. I am going to tell you the truth. Don't take it personally. The average life span, of an unmarried living together couple, is 3 years. That's the average. 9 out of 10 move in, unmarried couples fall apart. The good news (as sick as that sounds) is you are normal. There is nothing special about how your relationship has failed. The bad news is, normal sucks. One marriage counselor I talked to, put it this way. If you want to guarantee that your relationship with whomever, will fail, just move in together without getting married, and it's just a matter of time. So what to do? Well at this point, statistically you have very little chance of salvaging this relationship. Instead of wasting more time and emotion on something that can't be fixed, I would break it off, learn from this mistake, and move on with my life. That's what I would do.
@adhyz82 (36248)
• Indonesia
3 Sep 10
it`s dilema...i know`s hard to let him go away from your life but sometimes together with him make you didnt comfort. right??
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
1 Sep 10
Hi shearry~ Unfortunately, if you aren't happy now, you will probabally will never be. If you have been together for two years, I think you know enough by now. I have made that mistake myself too many times by investing too much time in a relationship that I pretty much knew was going nowhere. Do youself a favor while you are still young enough to change the course of your life and get out while you can! You will be alot alot happier and might find the "real man of your dreams"!
• India
1 Sep 10
Hi, you are really in a very tough situation where one cannot decide anything...why did love thing come between you both...who proposed first like..if he has proposed you first..Don't you have any such thoughts on him on this love issue..then be frank and say him that no such ideas and let us remain as good friends like before without spoiling relationship...
@lonmar71 (89)
• Philippines
1 Sep 10
happiness is a choice. we simply choose to be happy. i think its about time you let go of the relationship because if you still continue holding on to the relationship you'll get frustrated and be miserable in the end. i know that its not easy to part with him after your used of having him around but would you sacrifice your own happiness. when one door close another door opens meaning you'll never know you might meet a great guy and share a loving relationship with him and how can this be possible if you won't let go of this guy. love comes when you least expect it and who knows you'll be more happier with the next guy that comes along.
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
1 Sep 10
What you're going through is just a test on how strong your relationship really is. It's good to go back to where your relationship was at a certain time but you have to live with the present. If you're not happy with your partner now then you have assess whether there's still sense in the two of you being together. As the line of the song goes..."even lovers need a holiday, far away, from the one that i love..." maybe you can do the same. More often, we only realize the true value of the person when they're gone. So it's important that you truly assess what the real score is, if you don't love him anymore, be honest about it and part ways as friends.
• Philippines
31 Aug 10
Hi shearry, are you sure you don't love him anymore? Well if you don't have a feeling for him, maybe it's better to let go. Or maybe it would be wiser if for sometime you and him will separate. I know it's not that easy especially if you reminisce the memories you two have been through but sometimes you have to let go. Why not ask yourself what is that big issue or thing that makes you lost your feeling towards your boyfriend. In the end it's all up to you.
• Portugal
31 Aug 10
maybe you've been through so many already that you just got tired of it. its been 6 years and you were fighting to stay together right? maybe your love feelings changed. i had this ex that i really loved him much. i wanted be with him forever i was blind for him. he even lived away from me in other country and i wanted go meet him even risking to be kidnapped bcs he lived in a arabic country. my family didnt want i go and still i wanted to and he was acting too careless to me. i mean i was always the one caring always and i warned him about it. he tried to change but always happened the same thing. also we broke up be together again and then broke up bcs i already didnt feel the same way about him anymore. bcs i cared so much, i even almost didnt sleep just to wait him for us to talk bcs we lived so far. sometimes he didnt come and didnt warn me and i was so tired. i got sick bcs of him :( so maybe you been through much too and your feelings changed. if you feel you dont love him anymore say this to him. maybe you are afraid to let him go bcs has been so many years with the same guy that maybe you think you cant find love again but im sure you can^^ just dont be in a relationship if you dont love him anymore :) cheer up^^
@Ankora (35)
31 Aug 10
Hi Shearry, When we feel confused, we eager to look for an answer to response to our feeling. Do I love him? One way for testing is leave him alone for a week and you would go for a trip, or do everything you want. But the most important thing is - NO CALLING, NO TALK in this week. After one week, we can review our experience: - Did I think of him every day in this week? - Did I feel lonely without him for a week? - Did I remember the days we lived together? If the answers are YES, please try to talk with him to find out what problems between you both. Try to solve the problems. If the answers are NO, and you had a happy week and you feel relax as well, that means you don't love him any more. If you don't love this guy, don't hesitate, please let it go.
• Philippines
31 Aug 10
sad to hear that. lots of years passed and here it comes the time to continue or end. just go back to where you started before and way if your relationship and connection are also grown up. make sure that what you said and think will affect the present situation. there are some little things sometimes that are been argued and discomfort as you said that 2 years you are living in now.. just have a quality talk and time and make sure to comfort each other and still learned one another. But if the man hurt's you physically its another issue, for me if im your case he hurt me i just leave him na.. and go on for a new life... life has to short and make a decision right and compelling.
@youless (112923)
• Guangzhou, China
31 Aug 10
I am sorry to hear that. Six years is a very long time. I don't know what's wrong with your relationship with your boyfriend. Did he love another? Did him do something to let you down? There must be some reasons that you are not happy with it right now. If it is not so serious, then try to let it be. Or it's better for you to talk about it with your boyfriend and tell him your worries or unhappy reasons. I hope both of you can solve it. I love China
@JasperTore (1275)
• Philippines
31 Aug 10
Well, life is like that. There will be times that we need to make a wise decision on something that is so sensitive that it will affect what your life will be in the future. In my opinion, you are not happy because there is a missing piece in your life that you haven't found yet. I think you better find it first before you make up of your mind about your relationship. If this thing that you are looking for is not with your boyfriend then, you can move on already and find the suitable man for you. It is better to ask through our conscience than to act through our heart. Use your will and intellect and not your emotion.
@keshia2007r (2880)
• United States
30 Aug 10
I think a lot of people have been in this exact situation. I know I have, but what ended up happening to me is i stayed, made it work because i loved him. and things are better now, and i'm happy in the realtionship i'm in. are you saying the 6 years u spend with him half of that was a waste of time? i mean 6 years is a long time to just give up on a relationship. but i understand you're not giving up. you are tryin to make it work. but you are not happy. if you are not happy, i would suggest you to leave. it would only get worst. but this choice all comes down to you! good luck!
• Philippines
31 Aug 10
I know its hard for you to get over that situation because of that six years and another two years of living in together... But if you really are unhappy of such relationship you have now, you must let go and find yourself in glory.. Pursuing in a relationship in which you aren't happy anymore, is a big failure. So you must decide the soonest..
@Sha033 (29)
• United States
30 Aug 10
I know how you feel i've been there before. What i did was make a list of all the things i loved about him and a list of all the things i didn't like about him. For me the bad things out weighed the good so i left eventually. So maybe try that in helping you figure out for yourself whether or not you should stay or just let it go. It's your heart and your life, even though you love him and care about his feelings and happiness the most important thing in life is your own happiness. Don't let anyone make your life miserable for the benfit of them being happy. I was in a relationship for 10 years staying to not hurt their feelings and i was miserable. That's a bad feeling. Good luck in your decision.
• United States
30 Aug 10
If you really don't have feelings for this guy anymore, you have to sit down with him and tell him it's not working out. If you do still have feelings for him and you're still in love with him, I'd say you sit him down and lay down the law. He either does what you ask or you hit the high road. There is really nothing else to be done. I hope you figure it all out!