Have you ever been that broke?

August 31, 2010 10:23pm CST
The majority of us hve been there at 1 stage or another....have you ever been that broke that you don't know how you are going to pay your next bill buy your next food for dinner? I have been there plenty of times myself & I am still struggling but I am getting there...it is stressful but I manage. This is one of the reasons why I am always trying to earn a bit more money online. How have you dealt with being flat broke? I haven't learned how to budget properly but I have learned to shop wiser whether it be for food or clothes, etc. I have also learned how to make interesting plus nice dishes using what I have already got in the cupboards.
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15 responses
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
1 Sep 10
Hi Moonchild, I haven't reached that stage, and hopefully never ever reached that stage in life. It must be very stressful to constantly worry about getting money for the next meal. I think budgeting is really necessary. Sometimes the poorest folks have the worst eating habit. As a result, they need to worry about medical bills and money for the medications. I think it is good to set priority and learn healthy eating as well. If we cannot have money to enjoy life, at least we have the health to make more money.
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• Australia
2 Sep 10
It can be stressful but the 1 thing I have always made sure of & that is there is always food in th house including fresh fruit & veges.
@Adelida2233 (1005)
• United States
1 Sep 10
Yes, I think we've all been there. I stock up when items are on sale for this reason, so there's always the makings of a cheap meal in the cabinet and freezer. When that's not possible, I've grabbed $1 burger from McDonald's and called it dinner. Last night I made a quesadilla with onions and peppers left over from another meal that I had frozen and a block of cheese that was on sale for $1.49 at the store.
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• Australia
2 Sep 10
I too try to do the same jut in case I end up broke again...we just have to do what we have to do.
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
I have not really had the chance to experience such (and I do hope I never will) but I have first-hand experience on loving someone in that situation. I saw his struggle, I know it's different from living the struggle yourself, but I felt it deep in my heart. We were far apart physically but communication was really our best connection. We talked about everything and I saw how he tried hiding his 'situation' because of pride. How he would say he was on a diet that's why he would eat popcorn for dinner. I knew it was because he didn't have enough money to go around. I even thought it was the reason why he cheated on me for several times - so that he'd have food. It's really sad. But I did stick it out with him, sometimes I'd send him little of what I had. Sometimes I'd send him food. It was a tough life. But in the end he found a very good job that gave him the opportunity to reach his potential. Now, he's in another country with a very well-paying job. My only remorse is that now that he has a better life, he forgot all about me. Found another girl, and living life with her. I may have not experience difficulty of being financially incapable, but I think being financially incapable is better than being emotionally hurt. At least, in finances you could find solutions - it's in your control. For something concerning the health or the heart, you just have to live with it. You can't do anything about it.
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
3 Sep 10
Hurtful it might have been, but I guess he wanted to forget that part of his life so much that he also forgot about me. But still, I'm happy that he's out of that situation and is doing better.
• Australia
2 Sep 10
I know what you mean...that does seem a bit hard that your friend has forgotten about you now that he is financially stable...he could have at least sent you a thank you card so you know he appreciated what you did for him.
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@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
4 Sep 10
Things have been pretty tight quite a few times over the past few years since I have been self employed but each time things looked really bad and I have thought about going back to work as a panel beater, the situation has picked up again and we have become complacent again when it comes to saving and spending. Then things get tight again and we stress. It is a cycle that seems to happen being a small business owner. We get low in stock so we have to spend up big to get a huge order in from the USA which takes all of our money and the bills keep rolling in of course and the orders are less at these times because we are low on stock. Then the shipment comes in and we have all these products to sell again and the sales skyrocket and we get on top of things, but then it goes back to being quiet again later when the stock gets low again. We have always been able to get through without compromising the family's eating of healthy organic foods which cost a little more, but this year was tougher after being ripped off by credit card fraud and having to pay the bank over $10,000. Things are finally starting to look up again as we just had our best month's sales for 2010.
• Australia
5 Sep 10
This is one thing that puts me off from owning my own business I guess...I am sorry to hear that you were ripped off by fraud...if only it was easier to catch the ba$tards! Congrats on your great sales!
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
6 Sep 10
Yes. It can be stressful at times, but the freedom of working for ourselves outweighs the negatives. Thanks. Have you had lots of rain up there over the weekend?
• Australia
6 Sep 10
I hope I can work from home - well my ebay business wasn't enough to live off but it helped pay some bills....yes we have had the rain - I still have a FULL clothes line from yesterday...hopefully I can get some off the line today as it's not raining at the moment.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
6 Sep 10
Not recently. But I always try to look a week or two in the future. In fact, I have a running spreadsheet which always tell me which day two weeks from now when I will be flat broke. So, I work around it so that I still have a few monies left before that day. I do remember when I was in college where I did not know when my next meal was coming from. I survived it. It involved a lot of pride-swallowing!
• Australia
6 Sep 10
Wow, maybe I should do a spreadsheet up like you have! At least you know when you will be broke & can prepare for it...I remember going through the smae thing in college too.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
7 Sep 10
I have it in a memory stick, and it is in my pocket all the time. That's how obsessed and worried I am!
@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
1 Sep 10
Yes, i have. I have never experienced being broke before but just this recently i have to experience it. Good thing, i'm still living with my parents and other siblings i don't have to force myself to pay the bills and buy the food. But you can never take away the thought that you also have to contribute something at home. I have to give financially somehow..but i can't do that since I only receive a small amount of money from my parttime job. It could only sustain my day to day expenses and being broke by the end of the month before the salary comes :(( Being broke really give me more stress. I manage it by simply buying only my needs and forgetting my wants..and going to places only for important purposes other than that i stay at home.
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• Australia
2 Sep 10
Yeah, I know how you feel but you are doing all the right things until you can get more money coming in.
@emarie (5441)
• United States
1 Sep 10
I've been there and I'm still there. I've just been at several stages of it. From you bank account being in the negative and with no job and bills still needed to be paid and right now I might get kicked out of my rental (along with my 2 young children) because my husband has no income beside the unemployment which isn't even enough to their standards even though we're making rent every month. We just can't pay other bills. I've been in the situation where I had to improvise dinner. It's hard for young kids. We'd eat a lot of Saimin (ramin) and peanut butter. Sometimes that's all they would eat. It's hard for yourself, but when you have to see your children go through it, it's heartbreaking.
• Australia
2 Sep 10
I am just trying to get myself out of it at the moment...it is hard - I have a 3 year old & she doesn't know any different but at the same time, Ihate seeing her miss out on the little things she enjoys like getting a lollipop at the shop if she has been good or helping me bake a cake or cookies...
@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
6 Sep 10
Yes, I have been there. I'm sure that a lot of people have been at that stage at one time or another. Actually, right now, I have a few things to pay, which I'm not 100% sure how to pay. But I'm taking care of it and I'm hoping that I will be fine at some point in the next several months. This is what I'm hoping, but I'll just have to work hard and see.
• Australia
6 Sep 10
I am only just trying to get myself out of it now...I am hoping it won't take too long as I hate being broke.
@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
1 Sep 10
Yep. There have been several times that I have had absolutely no money. And I don't mean money in the bank, or just a little money. A lot of people claim they are broke, when they're not. They just mean they don't have any money they want to share. I have been actually broke. No money to pay for food. I could go on and on with the stories about what I've been through, but lots of people have been through the same thing.
• Australia
2 Sep 10
When my hubby was working out in the coal mines, my version of broke was having $200 or less in the bank but now being broke means trying to make money last & stretch for essentials until pay day but I am slowly getting out of it.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
1 Sep 10
I had experienced totally broke financially and it is really hard to be in that situation. But i am still thankful for my friends and family who were always there to lend a helping hand. But it also give me so much lesson to learn in life,like what you have stated being wise for expenses eg.foods and clothing. Yes we learn from each experiences and we must always be thankful for all trials that comes in our life for it made stronger and be a better person inside and out. Happy mylotting
• Australia
2 Sep 10
I totally agree, it does make us stronger in the end & we do end up wiser out of it.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
1 Sep 10
I have had plenty of financial woes in my life. there have been many times that I have struggled with being so broke i didn't know which way to turn. It can leave you feeling depressed or discouraged if you let it. I know i have had moments that i just didn't know what i was going to do next. A financial crisis can be bad enough to face when you are alone. When you have a family to care for, it makes the burden even more. All you can do is keep your head and keep pushing forward. Somehow i have always mangaed to get through it.
• Philippines
1 Sep 10
You bet ya dear I did and that was after college when my family kinda abandoned me all like that! I mean when I was studying I've had everything and money was not much of a problem but when I graduated they expected me to earn right away which is totally ridiculous! In this country if you work for the next 2 months you will not receive salary just yet! So I did hit rock bottom but I managed too with a little help from my friends. I can say it has made me a better person in terms of managing money although at times I do splurge and go over budget but I am learning one bit at a time, taking one step at a time too. Guess lessons we learned when we are young, fabulous and broke lol
• Australia
2 Sep 10
Wow...I don't think anyone should be expected to be earning an income as soon as they graduate! Not everyone can get a job straight away in their fields...It does however make us stronger..I may not budget but I always make sure that I pay my bills (even if it's bit by bit) & I have food on the table.
@deve_annrn (1856)
• Philippines
1 Sep 10
I've been through with that.., a lot of times recently.., because i am still jobless.., and even getting a volunteer job in hospitals here is way to hard.., i am stuck at home with no income at all.., and i spent for my cellphone load and snacks and all my personal necessities..,my savings went dry.., but i don't want to tell my mom.., i don't want to ask a single dime from her.., I am old enough to earn my own.., and i should be the one giving them by now.., =(
• Australia
2 Sep 10
I too have been there & i have never wanted any help either...all we can do is to keep our heads up...keep strong & keep applying for jobs & you will soon get one.
@mickizzy (130)
1 Sep 10
yes i've been there my friend, i was that broke at one time i had to share shoes with the missus, lucky we share the same size but have you ever tried walking in stilletoes ;P
• Australia
2 Sep 10
I gave up stilletoes when I was about 17...I'd probably break my ankles or my neck now if I wore them
• Canada
1 Sep 10
That was up at the end of April. LOL We had a couple of great opportunites, and one of them involved an overnight stay in another city, and two tickets, so that cost money, and my computer fell apart, so that cost money. Recently I got some tax money back from the government, and saved it. I never want to be that broke EVER AGAIN, and that tax money is going to stay in savings. I might "borrow" some of it now and then, but I promise to always pay myself back, so I'll never be broke again.
• Australia
2 Sep 10
I too hate being there & I am working hard not to get there ever again but at the moment, I am playing catch up with the bills