How often do you receive calls from different companies selling anything.

@hotsummer (13837)
September 3, 2010 7:16pm CST
At My home i often received that kind of call. Because my telephone number is listed under my name so naturally its the name they see in the directory. Before i usually entertain those kind of calls because i was trying to be polite and nice but now i just tell them that the person they were looking for was out and i don't admit that the person they were looking for was me .one reason i avoid talking to them is that they were asking about my work and salary and etc, and once they learned that i am just home body and out of work all of sudden their voice change. it doesn't sound excited anymore . Though They were saying they are giving something free with no strings attached that i need to claim it but once i said that i just stay at home they just say that they will just call back or say straightforward say that I'm not qualified for that free give aways not unless i can bring a friend in who can show his own credit card. Now I've learned my lesson.
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2 responses
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
5 Sep 10
About 3 calls a day. They can't call us unless we do business with them. So our cell phone company tries to call us. Plus a couple of other companies. We're on a DO NOT CALL Lists for both NY State and the Federal-USA lists, but if a company does business with you, banking, credit cards, etc. they can call and try to get you to buy more things.
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
6 Sep 10
Are You saying that you can block calls from business establishments by asking your mobile company to screen your calls.i wish we have that kind of feature.i actually receive calls from the same establishments. One giving free give aways like free health insurance.i just don't think that those things are any good at all. I guess there are pre conditions to use those free health insurance they are giving.
@missybear (11391)
• United States
4 Sep 10
My phone rings all the long with people wanting money for charity, trying to sell me stuff, bill collectors that are not even for me. I thought about changing my number but someone will always call you so I just don't even answer the phone.