The Burning of the Koran

September 9, 2010 3:11pm CST
Isn't it ironic that Muslims burn the Bible everyday all around without any repercussions while one threat by a Christian to burn the Koran could spark "World War Three". I am a Christian and while am not even sure how I feel about this I would like to know why Muslims all around the world are free to burn thousands of Bibles everyday but the mere thought that a Christian would treat their holy book with the same disregard is thought of as reason for war and the Christian world would entertain that idea of being bullied into complacency. Now a lot of people are speaking of love and peace here and the way Christians should behave but I know this, the Bible is not a book of peace, it's is a book of warfare and Jesus never backed down in the face of adversity. As I said I am not sure what the right move is here and I am glad this pastor says he is praying for Guidance. It is what God says not man.
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11 responses
@formidexo (1351)
• Canada
9 Sep 10
I have never heard of Muslims burning the Bible. Do you have anything to support what you stated? I am a Christian and I have met many Muslims and while I have had some discussions with them and of course disagree with some of their beliefs, they never gave me the impression of even the wildest thought of burning a Bible. The ones that I met are not even happy if one would place the Bible on the floor.
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• Guyana
10 Sep 10
I am an intercessor with a missionary team and quite often I am sent articles from missionaries asking us to pray about situations in the Muslims and yes one of the things that I remember is the confiscation of the bible and persecution of Christians in the Muslim world. Do some research you will see. Here are some examples: and we didn't start world war 3 over any of them. Sorry I was trying to post some links so you can read some posts but apparently I am not allowed to paste. However all you need to do is search for Muslims burn the bible and see what comes up. Try this search too: Muslim Students, urinate, spit on then burn the Bible
• Guyana
10 Sep 10
An even more pointed article would be one titled (You can search for this) Christians in Gaza fear for their lives as Muslims burn the Bible and even Churches
• Guyana
10 Sep 10
The apostles of course. Even though I read the Bible from cover to cover a few times a long time I live my life in the manner so many Christians have been taught, with love and peace and turning the other cheek. I always thought the Bible was a book of peace, until my Pastor began to draw my attention to certain scriptures. I began to talk to other Christians, search the scriptures and read with a new perspective. I'd like to think I have a better understanding now. I am not saying that Christians ought to go out and start war but we need to understand that their is a time for everything, and we ought to always seek the scriptures, pray without ceasing. We ought not to kiss our enemies and believe all will be well. We need to live with the understanding that we are at war and we ought to always be armed against the will of the enemy. We need to do the will of God cost us what it will.
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
10 Sep 10
I've never heard of, if there is burning of the holy book of Christians by Muslims. I am as Muslims, do not agree if there are Muslims, burning holy books of other religions. Not all Muslims, performing the act. Many Muslims who loves peace, and live peacefully with other faiths. I live in families of different religions, but we always got along, I hope this also happens in the world. On behalf of Muslims, I'm sorry, if there is no pleasure.
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
13 Sep 10
I am very sad and disappointed, there were Muslims, who committed arson. I do not know what they think. Hopefully, no more burning, so that things do not happen as desired. Coexist peacefully, will make our lives more peaceful and happy.
• Guyana
13 Sep 10
You are right about that. Have a blessed day.
• Guyana
10 Sep 10
I live in a multi-religious nation and we get along just fine and I am all for it. But there are Muslims who burn the bible. If you'd like to read about this refer to one of my earlier responses for this information.
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@djbtol (5493)
• United States
23 Nov 10
You have given many good responses Royalty, so you certainly understand what you have posted and I agree. Having been taught about world missions through most of my Christian life, I have probably heard more often of Muslims killing Christians than burning the Bible, but I'm sure they would. Consider the reaction when a Muslim converts to Christianity. You bring light to an area that requires balance. Christ calls us to live in peace with others, demonstrating love and mercy. We turn the cheek and we give our coat and our cloak, and we forgive our enemies. That is how we treat people. On the other hand, God commands us to know His truth and to proclaim it to the world. The God of the Bible has no problem with us enthusiastically pointing out to those of other religions that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, the life - no other way! Another thing we need to keep in mind is who Jesus Christ is. At Christmas we see Him as the small helpless child. We must remember that He is now sitting at the right hand of God the Father (with all authority), and when He comes again, it will be for judgment, not a love fest! Back to the Florida Pastor who was going to burn the Koran. In the media, it was a huge deal because 'political correctness' currently defends everything Muslim. Just watch and you will see that the famed 'separation of church and state' does not apply to things Muslim. Let's not forget what was behind this burning moment - Muslims wanting to build a victory monument close to Ground Zero. Absolutely insulting to those who love America.
• Guyana
23 Nov 10
Well you see that's just it. I love what you had to say here and I am sure most of them do not agree with the mosque being built @ ground zero. Most Americans in response to 9/11 were ready to go to war against all Muslims and yet isn't it amazing how they want to come down on one pastor who'd like to burn some Korans in protest against the building of a mosque? I honestly think it's cowardice speaking because most of them would probably love to burn a Koran.
@chiumee (850)
• Philippines
9 Sep 10
i am also a Christian. i don't know what to react on your idea. but you have a point there. anyways, what i understand in relation to this matter is that the Koran was written and rewritten in the same way it was first published and until now, the same content. it was never interpreted as a new Koran or old Koran. how it was is how it is till now. the Bible, on the other hand, has a lot of translations. and with that it created different ways of understanding and imposed different ideas how should one react on what is written. this gives me the idea why muslims unite in one idea that they should not be discriminated specially when it comes to the Koran. as to us christians, we can't get easily united as we ourselves have no common basic knowledge on what are written now, and were written since the first bible written.
• Guyana
10 Sep 10
I know the Bible has been rewritten several times but regardless of which version you have all Christians regard it as their Holy Book so why doesn't it deserve the same respect. I think the Muslims and even the world leaders want us to think that the fact that our Holy Book has been rewritten makes it lesser than the Koran and so we can entertain them burning ours and not the other way around. What they are saying so far as I am concern is that the Bible is not as valuable/important/sacred as the Koran. They have offended me!
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
10 Sep 10
I know this is slightly O/T but I remember reading not that long ago on here about one "Christian" sect that was preparing to hold a book burning of any version of the Bible that wasn't the King James Version..there's extremists in all long as they don't get to become the voice of the other members who don't go in for the Inflammatory rhetoric and action,then that's for the best..
• Guyana
10 Sep 10
I remember that too. I am not advocating for this sort of action by anyone of any religious background. I am simply saying that it is not okay for Muslims to think they have the monopoly on burning other people's religious materials and they are exempted.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
10 Sep 10
Hi Royalty, Welcome to mylot. Yes the bible is very violent too. I didn't know that the Muslims burned the bible regulaarly. I actually don't get worked up enough over that sort of thing to care. What does bother me is that people are threatning violence over this and that is just wrong.
• Guyana
10 Sep 10
Thank you. I don't see it as something to get worked up about except that it makes me see Muslims as bullies who believe that they can monopolize anger and force the western world to back down by (with threats of retaliation) blowing out of proportions something they do everyday simply because it is directed at them this time.
• Guyana
10 Sep 10
Thank you. I don't see it as something to get worked up about except that it makes me see Muslims as bullies who believe that they can monopolize anger and force the western world to back down by (with threats of retaliation) blowing out of proportions something they do everyday simply because it is directed at them this time.
• Romania
9 Sep 10
you are totally wrong. The Bible is a lot more than just a book of peace or a book of love. It's a guide aimed at teaching mankind (which, unfortunately,stubbornly continues to not listen).
• Romania
10 Sep 10
In English please
• Guyana
10 Sep 10
Yes I agree that it is more than a book of peace or love. Most people miss that and want Christians to focus on the places where it talks about loving thy neighbour but it is also a book of war. Read the psalms for instance some are quite scary.
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@donnaheff (158)
• Nigeria
10 Sep 10
well it happens on a daily basis but because christians dont react to it, it passes by. For those of you who are looking for links, what do you think happens during jihads where they kill innocent people cos they are non muslims. What would happen if christians had their own form of jihad and violent doctrines
• Guyana
10 Sep 10
You are so right. Christians are supposed to represent Christ and in the Bible he says to Saul (later called Paul) when he was persecuting the Christians "Why are you persecuting me?" Saul didn't even know who he was but he was actually speaking of his followers who were one with him. Knowledge is power and I wonder why so many ask if this is really happening when the information is out there for all to find. "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." -The Bible
• United States
15 Sep 10
Our Koran burner received consequence from his work place, not from the police as he was released without charge. - The government of the United States recognizes First Amendment rights. He did however get slapped by his employer which was a railroad who didn't appreciate the kind of negative attention it got by proxy via a holy book burning of whatever stripe. - I believe anyone who would burn a U.S. flag or a Bible would find him or herself in a similar situation, (although the Koran issue is complicated by international concerns for the United States government). - Please also note this fellow's face is all over the media, and the media of today does not go away. Ask any teenage who has done something stupid.
@musicman6 (2408)
• United States
21 Nov 10
I know what the right move is, you said it in this post, 'Jesus never backed down in the face of adversity', and that is what I have always believed, you will never be able to keep peace in the world by being peaceful, you have to fight against the adversity to keep the peace! I can't understand why the normal human being can't understand this!
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
10 Sep 10
Could you post a link where we can see that there are muslims burning the bible?
• Guyana
10 Sep 10
Unfortunately I could not cut and paste here so I couldn't post the links however in my second response in this series, if you scroll up you'd find some articles where you can read about this sort of thing. "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" - The Bible
• Indonesia
10 Sep 10
Burning or destructing any religion symbols only shows that the people who do that have no love in their life. The are full of hatred and suspicion and in my opinion they are not religious.