WOOHOO, I Have Tomatoes
United States
September 10, 2010 7:59am CST
Many of u will probably remember some of my discussions on my brown thumb instead of a green one, about these 2 monster tomato plants that i planted, how they had grown taller than me & didn't have one stinking tomato on them, lol. Well now, i have tomatoes, i'm so excited. If it takes them as long to grow big enough to eat & ripen it will probably be christmas before that happens. I can just see me out in the snow picking tomatoes.
. I know the first hard frost we have will get them. Would u please keep your fingers crossed that i at least will get one ripe tomato after all these weeks watching these plants grow? Thanks.

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25 responses
@macdingolinger (10385)
• United States
10 Sep 10
You should be able to eat them pretty soon. You can even bring them in the house when they are green, but I usually waited until there was at least a little spot of red on them. You should have more than you can keep up with pretty soon!
2 people like this
• United States
10 Sep 10
Good morning, thanks for being so optimistic, hope u are right. I would love to can some but doubt if i have enough to do that. Happy weekend to u.
1 person likes this
• United States
10 Sep 10
Hi Carol. thanks for responding. I know alot of things to do w/them 'IF' they make. I hope yours turn out good. Tomatoes are one of my favorite things. Have a great weekend.
@carol2532001 (467)
• Jamaica
10 Sep 10
You could make your own diced tomatoes and freeze them, or blend and add any spices that you like and freeze that also or use it as ketchup. Bloody Mary anyone? Or just a jug of juice for breakfast, so many tomatoes, so many options! I planted some of the tiny ones and I'm still waiting after 3 months. They have blossoms on them now so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
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• United States
10 Sep 10
Thanks for responding & for the crossed fingers. I am shocked i finally have tomatoes on the monster vines, lol. Happy weekend to u.
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
10 Sep 10
Maybe you can keep a sheet on them at night and get a few off of it. Hopefully you get some before it gets too cold. Ours just started coming on good, but are turning while they are still pretty small.
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• United States
10 Sep 10
Thanks for responding, Rob. It should be awhile before it starts being cool here so 'maybe' i will get a few. Have a great weekend.
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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
10 Sep 10
Crossing fingers, what is your general first hard freeze. Ours is Oct 8, I believe. If a light frost is coming, cover them with sheets. In case of a hard frost pick the tomatoes, rinse them in a 1:10 bleach and water solution, and put them on the counter with apples or bananas and they will ripen. Not as good as right off the vine, but better than letting them die.
2 people like this
• United States
10 Sep 10
Good morning GG, THANKS FOR YOUR RESPONSE & THE GOOD TIPS. I don't know when it's going to frost but hopefully it will be quite awhile yet. Hope u have a happy weekend.
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@torchablazed (3218)
• Philippines
10 Sep 10
Taller than you ? WOW! Who says you don't have a green thumb eh?
Good job antiquelady! Lets just pretend we're neighbors, what menu would you cook for me with your harvested tomatoes? Christmas seems awesome for you, harvesting your own tomatoes !
This is a good start for more! What say you ? Keep up ! 

2 people like this
• United States
10 Sep 10
Good morning, thanks. i had decided i was just going to have beautiful plants w/no tomatoes, lol. Not knowing your likes & dislikes how about i just some of my crop?? w/u.
. Thanks for your cute response. Have a happy weekend.

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@marguicha (225486)
• Chile
10 Sep 10
Hi Jo!!!
I have a granddaughter
I came to this interest to tell all of you about Sofía´s birth but saw your post and decided to answer you first.
I´m so happy you got your tomatoes! I know what you mean: even one will be enough. If the wheather changes, you can cover it with a tranparent plastic at fisrt.
and don´t forget that green tomatos can be eaten in many ways!

• United States
10 Sep 10
CONGRAULATIONS on the new grandaughter. Hope her & your daughter are doing fine. Know u are glad that she is here. U will have to put us a picture on so we can see her. I'm so happy for u. Don't spoil her too bad just enough that she will know how much she is loved. GRANDS are sooooooo special.
thanks for the hug. I'm so excited to have a tomato, lol. I had about given up on them. hope i get enough to can some but think i'm dreaming on that. Happy weekend to u.
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
13 Sep 10
Here you thought you had a brown thumb. As long as they have plenty of water and sunlight, you will have juicy tomatoes soon. Tomatoes are a pain in the butt to grow. They are one of the first plants my dad gets growing inside before it's time to plant them. Make sure you take pictures of your tomatoes. I know I don't have a brown thumb. I probably couldn't get tomatoes to grow that comes in that bucket looking thing that hangs upside down. Even though I grew up in the country, I don't have a country way of life in my body. I honestly don't like to eat half of what is grown in a garden.
1 person likes this
• United States
13 Sep 10
Thanks for responding, i still don't think i have a green thumb but i have a bunch of little tomatoes now. I hope i at least have one to get big enough to eat, lol. I love most anything that comes out of a garden, I always lived in town but had grandparents that lived in the country & had gardens. My mother was like u & didn't care much for veggies. Have a good one.
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
10 Sep 10
lol...I share in your excitement because I too have a brown or black thumb when it comes to growing things or keeping plants alive.
I was so proud when I finally had plants doing well and getting bigger, yes they got bigger!
I do hope you will be able to enjoy your tomatoes and get to eat many of them.
1 person likes this
• United States
10 Sep 10
Thanks. Hope u & your mom are feeling better.MAYBE we are getting over our brown thumbs, lol. Hope u have a great weekend. Thanks for responding.
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
11 Sep 10
Thank you. Mom is still not doing good at all. She is not able to do anything. She is so ill. I do hope she gets well soon.
As for me, well this pain has ne down it is so severe and nothing I do is helping. But on Tuesday I go to the pain clinic for my injections and they usually help.
I hope you are doing well. hugs...
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@BarBaraPrz (48850)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
10 Sep 10

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@BarBaraPrz (48850)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
10 Sep 10
You could also keep a gardening diary of your experiences for next year. Be sure to record the date of first frost (when it happens).
1 person likes this
• United States
10 Sep 10
Good iea but knowing me i'd forget where i put it, lol.
• United States
10 Sep 10
Good morning Barb, Thanks for your cheering response. I had just about given up on them. Thanks for the tips. U know i'm dumber than a stick when it comes to gardening, lol. Happy weekend to u.
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@margerydaw14 (735)
14 Sep 10
fingers crossed for you
and thumbs up of course. but I have only just started harvesting tomatoes , some of the smaller ones were ready a while back, but the bigger ones are now coming in to their own. be patient dear friend !!

1 person likes this
• United States
14 Sep 10
Good morning, I have never been known for having patience, lol. Maybe mine will eventually grow & ripen. I have quite afew little ones now. Thanks for responding & for your encouragement. Happy tuesday to u.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
11 Sep 10
I know the anticipation and then the devastation of losing my tomatoes. I once lost over 200 plants to blight! This year I bought my seeds at the £ store ($ store equivalent) and they have all come up beautifully and are ripening like mad. A kind of blush pink rather than red but sweet and delicious. Good luck with yours.
1 person likes this
• United States
11 Sep 10
Good morning Pike, how awful that u lost that many after all the work u went to plus the expense. I would have been sooooooo upset & i bet u were to. I'm glad yours are doing well this year. I normally don't try to grow anything because i have a brown thumb instead of a green one, lol. Thanks for responding & the well wishes. Happy weekend to u.
@Humbug25 (12540)
11 Sep 10
As you know I am not very green fingered myself but I aslo had tomato plants this year. The plants started to die apparantly I should have fed them plant food what do I know? lol anyway I picked the tomatoes that did grow, even though they were not ripe, and put them on the window sil in my kitchen. Within a week they had turned red so I popped them in the fridge. I would advise you to do the same once they are the size you want and keep an eye on the weather!!

• United States
11 Sep 10
Good morning, I'm glad u had tomatoes to. Mine should have awhile to grow & ripen unless we get an early cold spell. I hope we don't do that. I'd love to see mine have a bunch of tomatoes but am not going to hold my breath waiting for that to happen, lol. Thanks for responding. Have a good one.
@gdesjardin (1918)
• United States
11 Sep 10
Well I am glad that you finally got some tomatoes...maybe they were just late bloomers...lol. I remember when I lived up north, if they were calling for a frost, my grandmother would pick the remaining tomatoes and bring them inside and wrap them in newspaper for a few days up to a week and they would get ripe. My mother puts them on a plate inside near the window and that turns them as well. Now while the rest of us are eating those yucky pink tomatoes in the late fall, you will have nice ripe tomatoes!! LOL I hope you have a super weekend Jo!!
1 person likes this
• United States
12 Sep 10
Thanks for your sweet response, gerri. I'm not going to count my chickend before they hatch. lol as us hillbillies say. If they get ripe i'll be surprised. Of course i'm surprised i have green ones. Hope your weekend is going great GO VOLS!!!.
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
18 Sep 10
Wow, that is great news!
The good thing with tomatoes is that the plants grow by themselves with no help form us. We always get them growing up out of the garden after the compost has been mixed into it. We had a huge pumpkin plant sprout the same way and it took over half of our back yard. (with no pumpkins sadly though)
The pumpkins would grow to the size of a tennis ball at the most and then shrivel up and die.
Sometimes it is best to prune these types of plants like tomatoes, pumpkins and watermelons when they start to fruit so that they can put their energy into the fruit instead of reaching out further and growing new buds. This is what we should have done with our pumpkin.

• United States
18 Sep 10
HI BILL, Thanks for your response. do u mean tomatoes just come back every year? if so they don't do that here. Your punpkin sounds interesting. It's a shame the pumpkins didn't make it. I'm sure u are right about pruning them back some. My plants are huge & out of control, lol. I do have quite afew tomatoes now. I just wonder if they'll grow bigger & ripen. I hope so. I have enjoyed watching them grow & am really surprised that they have since i have always had a brown thumb instead of a green one.
. Hope your weekend is going good.

• United States
10 Sep 10
Hi Cher, sorry yours are being contrary like mine have been. I have been watccing mine for alot of weeks & have just now gotten tomatoes. I doubt i'll have too many to ripen if any as late as it's getting. Hope yours ripen soon. Thanks for responding.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
11 Sep 10
If those tomatoes have gotten big but are still green when frost is predicted, pick them, wrap them in newspaper and stick them under the bed or in a closet. They will be ripe in a couple of weeks. They'll probably taste more like store bought tomatoes than vine ripened ones, but you'll have tomatoes.
1 person likes this
• United States
11 Sep 10
Good morning & thanks for the tip. My cousin use to do that very thing & he would tell me about them . i think i will try that if mine get big enough to pick, lol. Happy weekend to . Thanks for responding.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
10 Sep 10

• United States
10 Sep 10
Hi Bon, thanks for responding. I use to have a cousin that raised everythin & he always wrapped green tomatoes, put them in a box & had tomatoes for christmas. Mine would probably just rot & stink up the house, lol.hugs.
• United States
11 Sep 10
Thanks Jen, u had more faith than i did, lol. Have a great weekend. hugs.
@skylark35 (384)
• United States
10 Sep 10
I made a rase bed and had lots of tomatoes to it not as much work to grow my tomatoes and the good thing is no weeds.
1 person likes this
• United States
10 Sep 10
tHANKS FOR RESPONDING. gOOD FOR U FOR BEING SO SMART. Welcome to mylot. Hope u enjoy it as much as i do. Enjoy all those good tomatoes.
11 Sep 10
you sure will do pick the perfect ripen tomato next time. its not so hard to get a big one, considering the place where you plant it. my experience with tomato goes all the way down, its a good thing i remeber the cherry tomato i planted and soon the fruits are ready i pick the bowlfull and wash it and prepared my tomato and leuce with cocumber and crisp and eat with thousand island sauce.
• United States
11 Sep 10
Thanks for responding. Welcome to mylot. Hope u enjoy it as much as i do. There's nothing better than a big ol' homegrown tomato. They are one of my faves. cherry tomatoes are good to. enjoy them. Happy weekend to u.