Who wants to get married at the age of 28?

Davao, Philippines
September 12, 2010 8:22am CST
I still remember way back when I was still in high school. I always set goals on my life. I remember that I want to take BSED in college and I did. I remember telling myself that I should get this course for only 3 years instead of 4 years and I did. I remember I want to teach in college school after graduation and I did. And I will never forget that I also said to myself that I should get married at the age of 28. Will I accomplish it? Well, I still have four years to wait but I'm afraid getting married. I know there's no going back when it comes to marriage because it is sacred for me. But does age really matters? =)
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28 responses
• Pamplona, Spain
12 Sep 10
Hiya shearry, Even though you might not think it setting an age to get married is okay in itself especially if you love that Person in particular. I would not worry myself about age really as Women are getting married much later sometimes and having babies even later. This was the reverse for me I got married at 21 years old had my first Baby being 22 years old. But if you are in such a Career as that I would give it the time that you might not give it to think it over in peace and quiet. Don´t let yourself be swayed by what others do and don´t be true to yourself. There is nothing wrong getting married much later. You will still be equally as happy. Of course I am not you so this in only a suggestion, an idea if you like of what I would do if I were you. I would just take it easy for now and be in my Career which is very important to you also. Good luck either way.
• Davao, Philippines
13 Sep 10
Hi Hiya. Congratulations because you are a mom now. i also have a lot of friends you got married at the age of 21 and has their baby on the next year like yours. It's really a blessing to have a baby. Well good luck to you too and always be happy. Regards to your family =)
• Davao, Philippines
13 Sep 10
I'm sorry , your name is not hiya. Let me do it again,, Hi lovinangelinstead21! there you go! LOL!hahaha
• United States
12 Sep 10
Congrats on your goals and accomplishments. Try not set a time frame on marriage as if it does not happen you may be disappointed. Marriage should be enter at a time when you feel you are ready and fully prepared to compromise your life for you love, as your partner reciprocates. Marriage can come at 28, like it can come at 35; just wanted to let you know time frame for love cannot be measured. Good Luck and keep up the great work with your studies.
• Davao, Philippines
13 Sep 10
Hi. thanks you for your response. The reason why I choose to get married at the age of 28 is because for me its the right time to be married so that the following years I'll be able to have a baby already. LOL! I want to be a mom around 30's so that I still get to hang out and party with them when they grow up.LOL!=)
• United States
13 Sep 10
Good luck with all and hope your dream comes true.
@anneshirley (1516)
• Philippines
12 Sep 10
I think we are very much alike in setting our goals and accomplishing it. I am a BSED graduate too in fact! Such a coincidence! Like you, I set out exact number of years on accomplishing things and so far, things are getting the way I wanted them to be. As for the marrying age, no one can really say when is the right time. You may get married at 28 or maybe not. But don't hurry yourself over such matter. I am 3 years older than you and I am always being teased that I should get married because of our profession but I have definite goals in life that I should do first before settling down. Like you, I am also afraid of going into a sacred relationship and then not be able to give my best shot in it. I hate regrets that's why I am not in a hurry to get married. I know that I will meet the right one at the right time.
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• Davao, Philippines
13 Sep 10
Hi anneshirley. I am happy that we have the same course here. i think we both have to wait for the right time =) Thanks for your response.
@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
13 Sep 10
You are such a determined, organized person and a goal oriented one..it's not really a bad thing if you want to get married by the age of 28. Well i too would like to get married by the age of 27 or 28. If you think you have found the man of your dreams and you are stable in all aspects by the age of 28, then it's really not bad if you get married.
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• Vietnam
12 Sep 10
set up a goal is the best way in doing everything, it ecougage you to do it better and better. But if you set up the age to get married, I think it seems like not the best way, I think you can let it free, when you meet a wonderful one, and you have all the support, like finance, relationship, apartment... then get married is the great result.
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• Davao, Philippines
13 Sep 10
I like your point here. it's more of a mind over heart and not heart over mind or it can be both mind and heart. It's really great if I find a guy whom i love and who has also the capability to give me all the things that I need. The one who can support me emotionally, spiritually and financially as well. =)
• India
12 Sep 10
28 too far for me..hehh... we ( me and my gf( hav decided to get married at around 26 to 27 itself.she is 7 months younger to me .. m 20 ryt nw.. and well by that tym i wud hav settled.. so no wories fo me ..
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• Davao, Philippines
13 Sep 10
Woaahh! Really? that's so brave of you. So how's life right now? I hope everything is working fine. Thanks!
• United States
12 Sep 10
If I had a great job, if I have a place to live, and I have the things that I need, then yes, I will probably marry my boyfriend at the age of 28, but I think that when I am 30, I will really have my life together and I would really want to get married at the age of 30.
@eden_shii (506)
• Australia
13 Sep 10
So, you made a great plan and you have achieved it. That's great shearry. Well, as for me, I always make plans for my life but most of it were not accomplished. I can recall when I was in college, I took up BS Accountancy. Back then, I planned of getting married at 22 but things didn't worked out and again, I was alone. So, I decided to focus on my board exam then I passed and got my license. Being busy with work, I thought of getting married at 25 but I don't have any potential groom. Lol. So, I travelled abroad and studied again (this wasn't planned at all). Then, I thought of getting married at 28. Yeah. Now that I am 27 years old, I want to get married at 28. But guess what? I am totally alone and no 'potential groom' at all. I'll just keep my fingers crossed. :-)
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@apples99 (6556)
• United States
12 Sep 10
Um..I set no marriage goals for myself instead I prefer to just live life have fun and see what happens because when it comes to things like marriage one can never predict for sure how or when its going to happen. I'm past my twenty's and I consider myself somewhat attractive with a good personality but it takes a lot more then those sort of things to snag a good husband and to make it last so I've never been the kind to worry much about marriage of course if it happens fine it would be a blessing to actually have a happy marital relationship. But right now I'd consider having just a happy monogamous relationship a wonderful blessing for now I prefer not to put pressure on myself because all that pressure could force a person to do somthing rash and ultimately cause unhappiness. The only goals I try to set for myself now are financial career goals. the other things will happen when or if there meant to.
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• United States
13 Sep 10
wow! I wish i did anything that I told my self I was going to in high school. I dont think age matters. I was engaged at 17, still with the guy today, not married. Glad I didn't get married. I think if you find the right person and your at the right place in your life you should get married!
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@Metatronik (6198)
• Pasay, Philippines
12 Sep 10
Of course you must make sure that you are matured and prepared enough to get married wherein you will face another challenges on the next chapter of your life. We can't really dictate on when to get married unless you are sure that all the situations and plans will be totally accomplish. Anything can happen we can still change our mind. As long as the relationship will be stable.
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@nancy0618 (477)
• Philippines
13 Sep 10
well i would say you are very good on achieving your goals, as i was not able to do that, when i was in high school i like to be a doctor, but i was not able to because of limited fund, well anyways, if you are able to find a good man they why not right?
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@nicole00 (141)
• United States
13 Sep 10
I believe that marriage can happen for anyone that desires it. Are we ever really ready for it, i dont know but i believe it can and will happen. i desire to be married as well and yes im scared this is somthing that i think is natural.
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• China
12 Sep 10
To your discussion, I can also recall my college too, It's too far from me and so close too. In my company, there are some girls and mans are still unmarried. For mans,they want to find a pretty girl for them,and it's easy for them to do that.Most girls do not mind their ages for their stable work and earning not so little mony. On the other hand,girls are not that lucky, they are difficult to get married year after year, age is really the matter for our girls.
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@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
25 Oct 10
Hi shearry18, it is really great that all the goals you had set in high school already accomplished except your marriage. Anyway there are still a few years for you to find you real loved one. It's not only depending on luck and I know you have worked for them diligently. And of course lots of time and effort you had to put in to reach the goals for sure. I'm a married woman. Since I had pick the right one to spend the rest of my life with him and I decided to marry him at the age of 27 I'm so happy I had did my decision corretly. For I could enjoy my harmonious family lif with my loved ones together since the first day. I cherish whatever I possess at the moment. Hopefully you could find your right cup of tea and enjoy your family life with your loved ones when you reach the age of 28. Happy posting
• India
14 Sep 10
It is right time to marry at the age of 28. Do not worry for that matter, everything will be very smooth, my advanced congratualtions
• Philippines
14 Sep 10
Hello shearry18 it's good that you've accomplished your goals within your set years. But when we talk about marriage, it's totally different from years in school, finding a job, etc. If your emotionally, psychologically, financially ready so go for it dear, but you mentioned that your afraid to get married, have you resolve the issue regarding your fears of marriage? It's totally true that ones your married there is no turning back, unless your a victim of domestic violence or any grounds that nullifies your marriage. I just got married last June 2010 and I'm also 28 years old like you. We have the same goal in life, prior to deciding if I'm going to marry my long time boyfriend I prayed hard, seek advices and took a self awareness exam on myself if I am 100 percent ready for marriage. :) Marriage is not always a bed of roses but on your path to building a new family you'll encounter a lot of rough roads and difficulties, are you ready to compromise, understand and put a lot of patience? :) In regards to your question if age really matters, NO age doesn't matter. What matters is the persons growth and development not necessarily the age factor, but the emotional, psychological and spiritual factors :). Think and pray hard dear :) the choice is always within you. This is just a friendly reminder :)
• Philippines
14 Sep 10
I do get married at the age of 29, have a baby at 30 and until still married to my husband. I believe that age doesn't matter. But I dread those people who married at the age of 15 or more. They just don't care the hardships of life and when they become parents, they're so irresponsible.
• United States
25 Oct 10
Age doesn't matter in marriage unless you're wanting to have kids real soon. I'm supposed to be married about a year ago but things got in the way. He and I are still together though. The thing about marriage is the same thing we deal with in life. It's okay to be afraid. Once you meet the right person, you'll be fine. But marriage is a commitment and not a goal. It's not an accomplishment that you say you've achieved. It's something that you have to get into because you're ready, you love someone, and you want to share someone life with yours. You sound like you have a lot ahead of you. I wish you all best! :)
@Sphinx30 (286)
• Philippines
14 Sep 10
I think with all the accomplishments you've achieved it is best for you to really sets a well plan on your plan to get married at 28 of age... The age of 28 is really suitable to get married provided that you've already enjoyed yourself from being single because Marriage is not a thing that you can bring back everything to its normal course. it is a responsibility that you have take on... So, established a better plan for it so that you will not have regrets. And See to it also that the guy you want to be with for the rest of your life is really deserving for your care and love and he is well responsible to provide all your needs as one family.