So, what do you really want in life? be a pessimist or an optimist?
By deriellevc73
@deriellevc73 (982)
September 14, 2010 10:36pm CST
let's face it, many people have negative point of views about things, about life. It could be you, your partner or spouse, your friend, a family member. So, what do you do when confronted with their negativity? what do you tell them? when someone starts griping about things, about life, do you join in the conversation and let their negativity hamper your own positive outlook in life? or do you divert the issue and do something to change or enhance the situation or even influence the negative vibration of the person you're talking to? so, what do you do to stop their negative vibes and stop them from ruining your high energy and positive outlook in life?
with me, i would stop them by asking them "so, what do you really want?" they would not be able to answer at first for they are not used to answering such questions. But if you persists, their stories would unravel and you would hear them soon change their vibration. it's easy to be negative about things we cannot clearly express or define, its something vague. but when we are asked what plagues us, we are often unsure of what to say. so, how about you, are you a pessimist or optimist? if you are a pessimist, would you want to stay as one for the rest of your life? or if you are an optimist, what would you do not to let those pessimist get you down? or possible influence them to be optimist instead? i would love to hear your opinions on this.
13 responses
@bokal2703 (802)
• Philippines
15 Sep 10
there are times when I am also guilty of being a negative thinker, however, I know that it will not help in the situation, so I try to talk to people who can enlighten me with whatever confusion situation that I am in. However, whenever there is a pessimist person that is babbling around with his griping, I try to encourage him in the best way that I could, but if he refused to listen and continue digging for negativity about it, I just let him be and leave. As they say, it can also pull someone down to be listening with too much pessimism.
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@deriellevc73 (982)
• Philippines
15 Sep 10
hello bokal2703!
yeah you are right, even if you're an optimist, when you let yourself be drawn to negative people, you might be pulled down to their pessimism just by even listening to them. so good decision if you just leave them be if they won't listen to your advices and still continue griping.
@jennbart (1325)
• Philippines
15 Sep 10
I would want to have an optimistic person that a pessimistic person. An optimistic person would atleast try things first before saying he cannot do it. Everything has its risk, how will a person know he cannot do things if he has not yet tried it? a pessismistic person has low self esteem and wont do anything as he is always scared of failing.
@jennbart (1325)
• Philippines
15 Sep 10
No, you can be an optimistic person and not appear as a show off. You do not need to brag about what you can do. Just do it, and let others tell you that you are good. I think for me, I can be an optimistic person by just joining on something. I need not brag around " I joined this, because I know I will be promoted because I am good!" no self praising. Just join and be quiet about it. let your work speak for you, not your mouth first.
@davenhearst (327)
• Philippines
16 Sep 10
I will choose being optimistic and it can be healthy to avoid getting taken advantage of being pessimistic that is always assuming the worst of life. Seeing only the negative aspects of any situation can cause us to miss opportunities, neglect problems that need to be solved and failed to take actions that world otherwise improve our relationship and quality of life. Being optimist accept the pain, failure and disappointment as a part of life, not entirely of it. Life involves taking many risks everyday and not all of them win it positively. I want to share this quote of the optimist people:
"Anything is possible"
I create my circumstances, my circumstances dont create me"
The only thing I can control is my attitude towards life
I always have a choice
"Look out the little things in life that are good and it will make your life a Whole lot better"
Remember that life is to short. When you feel pessimism clouding your judgment or you feel down about the future, remind yourself that every minute counts, and any time spent brooding guarantees nothing but less time to enjoy what ever life might have offer. Pessimistic is impractical in decision making it's better to be balance optimistic....
@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
16 Sep 10
I am an optimist. I try to ignore others pessimism. I point out the positives in most situations. If my lunch room at work gets too pessimistic, I tend to leave. I try to surround my self with positive people. This does not mean that I do not occassionaly get pulled down into a pessimistic mood. Getting turned down for a promotion that I am sure I earned will make me doubt myself, and i allow myself a day or two to mope then i move on.
@diane23 (10)
• Philippines
15 Sep 10
This is a really good topic.. Because indeed there are a lot of people who are bitten up with negativism in life specially if they're facing a problem.. I would be lying if I say that i had never been negative in my life. yes, there are times that negativism pulls me down specially if i have problems.. but ive always try to see the positive points in life and be optimistic on things, thinking that there are those who's problems are worse than mine.. you may not know, the things you have right now might be the things others hoped for.. so we should always be thankful that we are bless enough despite all the problems and hardships we encounter in our lives..:)
@Ramaditya (1226)
• Indonesia
15 Sep 10
Well, it depends on the situation. If those people only want to share their negative values with me without asking question or seeking advice, then what I can do is give them a short response, "I see." That's because I don't want to be Mr. I-know-it-all, and be a good listener for them is better.
If they seek for advice, then I will do my best by comparing their life story with people that supposed to be much much worst compared to them, but those worst people can survive and enjoy their life. By that kind of example, I hope they (those people with negative values) will see by their own eyes, and learn from it.
@monkeylong (3139)
• Guangzhou, China
15 Sep 10
As far as I a comcerned, I think i will try my best to be an optimist one in my life, in that case I can enjoy a more wonderful and comfortable life as I wish.If I have more possitive ideas in my mind, then all of my life willl be full of possitive ways, and will try my best to give myself a active thought. So I choose to be an optimist one.
@atv818 (1980)
• United Arab Emirates
15 Sep 10
One has to be positive or to be optimistic when it comes to life difficult times. Being a pessimist will do you no good. It will make you feel down and it will attract negative vibes and power. Not good! If you think positive, you'll attract good and lucky vibes because you feel happy about yourself. Besides, fewer wrinkles for you. Nothing to lose and everything to gain!
@Metatronik (6198)
• Pasay, Philippines
15 Sep 10
I must admit that I am actually being a p pessimistic of course to the extent that all the things that I could think are negative. But then my boyfriend is guiding me and help me to motivate. Then that is the reason why my fears in life are being lessen.
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
15 Sep 10
I am an optimist first and last.I enjoy being an optimist as everything seems to be bright and best for me. Even adverse conditions appear to be good to me because I like to treat it as a lesson for becoming good. No doubt I come across many both at home and out who are out and out pessimists.There two things .. one is to understand their true nature and pity them.. second to try to change their attitude which I find impossible.I adopt the first course and try to understand their views which are generally not convincing.They do not accept anything readily and they confuse you and also make you think in their way.A very few times they appear to be correct also.The difference between an optimist and pessimist is very beautifully described in these words....When shown half full of glass of water the optimist says it is half full while the pessimist says it is half empty. I hope you understand the difference between these two views.I have also observed that pessimists are morose and moody most of the time while the optimist is cheerful always.The funny thing is that pessimists do not accept defeat and never want to change . As I consider, the best way is not to try to change them but pray God to give us strength and patience to deal with pessimists when ever we come across them. The proverb is"What cannot be cure must be endured"..
@nightkid (89)
• China
15 Sep 10
I think I'm a pessimist unfortunately.I am accustomed to think to the bad aspects when something happen.In fact,i want to be an optimist because i long to lead a happy life just like others.And it may influence the others sometimes.But i'm trying,i make a lot of friends who always support me behind my back.Now,i'm change and become brave,happy little by little.
• Kuwait
15 Sep 10
I Think My Point In Life Is To Make Things More Fun And Put More Smiles On Other People And That is Really What I am Good At :) :) :)