The existing of God (Continue to proof it)

September 16, 2010 3:06am CST
Few weeks ago, I start discussion about 'IS THERE ANYBODY PROOF THE EXISTENCE OF GOD' and some people said "God is exist but we cannot proof it'. It leads me to another question about God. If there were a God, and we realize there are different kind of God. Christian believe in God who has not the same figure of God in Jewish and Islam or Hindu. Does it mean 'HUMAN CREATE GOD IN THEIR OWN WAY?'
20 responses
@nvdrpk (34)
• Pakistan
16 Sep 10
and one more thing, muslims, hindu, christian and jewish etc did not make their own gods. GOD is just ONE but they believe in him in different ways.
1 person likes this
• United States
17 Sep 10
Hi Moonbutters1. God did. There's alot in old testament about things God didn't want us to eat because they're nasty (my words). He always wanted the hands washed. There are so many things He made laws against that scientists are just now proving. But they don't look at it that way. They think they just made a huge discovery, when God had it written a long long time ago. For the ones who say we have no proof that there is a God, well we do, but you wouldn't believe the stories. I feel God presence often, and it is nothing but God's presence. When you want to know God is real, you have to be willing to experience Him, and then He will give you some experiences to share with others who don't believe. When you give Him half a chance He will show you some awsome things and you will feel Him. I hope someday you will give Him a chance to show you. Don't work on pulling away. Diligently seek Him, and you will experience Him.
• Canada
17 Sep 10
Surely what makes two groups different religions, rather than different sects of the same religion, is having different gods? Therefore the claim that all religions should have the same god is like saying that all species should be able to interbreed (not being able to interbreed is what makes two groups of organisms different species by definition). Anyway Syahlan, you obviously haven't considered the possibility that there's a devil confusing people about God.
• Indonesia
16 Sep 10
Everyone can describe a ball, cube and they has the same opinion about those things, because it exists and it has form. Nobody can describe God the same way, because they made their own image of God. Some people said God is a Man and has gray hair like zeus. Jew may not said his name, and Moslem may not draw it in canvas. If there's one God, his word will be the same to all religion, or all human. Otherwise, God is not exists or, There's many Gods in Universe. My Opinion, because God is not exists, Man created his own image of God (MAN CREATED GOD) and worship those God.
@nvdrpk (34)
• Pakistan
16 Sep 10
GOD exists because, in simple words if a clock can't work without a cell how can we be able to walk, run, talk and do all such things and works. if a book lying on the table can't shift to another table by itself, how can all the stars, sun and moon etc are moving in their fixed orbits by themselves. science and technology failed to make a complex machine like a human, then how can some molecules of water converts into a complete human being. there are a lot of proofs of god. but you have to search, think and explore. MYLOT cannot give you a solid proof of god. GOD bless you.
• Indonesia
16 Sep 10
You cannot give those reason, about there's some force to move universe, clock, etc. It mean there something that give GOD live, right? What is that? Human!
@nvdrpk (34)
• Pakistan
16 Sep 10
its simple now, you dont want to believe in GOD, right? :-)
@ivansama (758)
• Bulgaria
16 Sep 10
We can because of a little thing called evolution. XD Nobody can makes molecules of water turn into a man. And you're saying you have to "earch, think and explore" Yet you believe in god. see the irony?
@efc872 (1077)
• Jamaica
18 Sep 10
Hi Syahlan, there is no proof and none is needed. You have only to believe what is written in the Bible or what somebody tells you. If you think for yourself you will be labeled as an unbeliever to put it mildly. The best thing to do is when you hear the drums beating, you sing the same tune or you will be condemned to Hell.
@jujunme (2501)
• United States
20 Sep 10
Syahlan: if i'm correct, this is your 2nd discussion asking for proof that God exists right? so, what i'd really like to know is WHY?why are you posting these discussions in the first place? You don't believe in God, you criticize anyone who does and you do your best to refute any logically thought out responses given here by those of us who do believe in His existence. No one here is going to try and force you to believe in something you don't believe in and never, what's the point? instead of posting discussions such as this, why don't you just go on living your life and accept that you are an atheist who ASSUMES science has ALL the answers for EVERYTHING and be done with it. all you are really doiung here is mocking believers and in the end , going away with nothing.
• Indonesia
20 Sep 10
Nope. This is different, This is about Is true God is One?, kind of continuation of previous discussion. I don't know why you so upset about it. It is a discussion, and every discussion will lead us to some conclusion. I am not trying to change you or anyone else religion or believe, I simply asking you and urge you to find a true God, not phony God. God that understand how to reveal Himself. God that can we proof that He does exists. And I think you cannot proof His existence, and your believe could lead you to worship the phony God, God that your created.
• Indonesia
18 Sep 10
You know, there's no such thing as Hell, It's just in your imagination. Bible told nothing about how to proof the existence of Him, as far as I know, bible event describe process in science wrong. How Could I believe in God ?
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
16 Sep 10
I believe there are many people who can look at the universe and see that there has to be a creator, but who don't want to obey the laws of God nor the responsibilities God has placed on His people, so they create a god to suit their will.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
17 Sep 10
Syahlan, I went to Joshua 10:12-13 and this is what it says. "On the day the LORD gave the Amorites over to Israel, Joshua said to the LORD in the presence of Israel: 'O sun, stand still over Gibeon, O moon, over the Valley of Aijalon.' So the moon stopped till the nation avenged itself on its enemies, as it is written in the Book of Jashar. The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day." In Isaiah 40:22 it says, "He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spread them out like a tent to live in." Where do either of these verses mention a flat earth?
• Indonesia
16 Sep 10
When I look at bible and look at universe, there's some different version of truth. BIBLE SAID 'EARTH IS FLAT' and actually EARTH IS NOT FLAT. (Joshua 10:12-13), Isa :40:22, and others. It mean, we cannot proof GOD from Universe, because bible doesn't tell about universe right.
@nvdrpk (34)
• Pakistan
16 Sep 10
did you ever read QURAN ?. if not, then go to youtube site and watch the speech of Dr. Zakir Naik about the existence of GOD. you will learn, what does Quran says about the shape of earth.
• India
16 Sep 10
God is not an entity, it is just a principle. All living things that exist must Generate (G). Everything that generates must become Organized (O) and all things that generate and get organized must be either Disciplined or Destroyed (D). Combine all these three and it becomes GOD. You will see this principle in all living things, therefore it is said that GOD exists.
• India
18 Sep 10
I am not conversant with Hebrew. Nevertheless, if you agree with this explanation in English then only I can proceed to do what you are asking me to do.
• Canada
17 Sep 10
achilles2010, now let's see you do that with YHWH or YShWE in Hebrew!
• Indonesia
16 Sep 10
Nice concept. Your concept is different with other concept, and it proof that GOD is created by Man. No religion thought like that.
@dollar3235 (2062)
• India
16 Sep 10
Good question !!! I have read so many discussions here on myLot for the same topic and I have shared my point of view to all those discussions. I will repeat the same thing here. Existence of God is something that depends how you take the meaning of the word "God" and at the same time you have to be open minded, if someone does not want to think otherwise, S/he should not feel bad if others think like that. It is really good to see people trying to understand something as big as God, rather than just believing.
• United States
17 Sep 10
You're right about that. If everyone talks about this, I believe they wish in their hearts that they knew for sure if there is a God. I love yall, and I pray someday you all believe.
• India
17 Sep 10
Actually, I did not complete my comment there. I would certainly share my point of view regarding this question. I feel that it is quite logical that we are not a result of evolution. We are genetically engineered species, a very very advanced type of robot, created by some advanced people who came from other planets to earth. It is quite possible that they came to earth for some resources and for taking those resources, they genetically engineered us and used us as robots. Most of the people feel that it is hypothetical concept and it is not possible. However, I have a few questions for those people. 1. How did we (human being) lived 10000 year ago? 2. What inspired us to create pyramids 5000 year ago? 3. If we could create pyramids 5000 years back, why we do not have at least a twin tower in every country? 4. Why do we look into the sky every time we pray to "God" and generally it is common thing in all the religions to expect the "God" to be there in the sky? These questions indicate that "God" is someone who had genetically engineered us and "Yes" that species existed that time and with that kind of advanced technology, I am sure that they still exist somewhere. To more precisely explain the meaning of "God" that I agree with, I will add this URL here: There are so many self explanatory things on earth but the human mentality has been blocked by the religious theory so much that the 95% people do not want to understand or even think of the truth. Just to prove that we are atheist and we believe in "God", we should not stop logically thinking about "God". I do not know whether we will be able to understand it or not, but yes, we can at least try to understand it. Here are a few URLs where you might find a few interesting things: chrystaltears, thank you for your wishes, I do believe in "God", I have experienced him so many times in my life, however, I wish to find some logical answers to my questions and I am sure one day I will get the answer.
• Canada
17 Sep 10
dollar3235, do you believe that Hera from Battlestar Galactica was mitochondrial Eve?
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
20 Sep 10
well no one has seen God. but also for all of us we know he exists because his manifestations are beyond physical things, beyond our understanding and sometimes you just have to believe that it exists. like one email i see, when you say God does not exist because we have not seen him, so is it right to say that our mind does not exist too because we have not seen our minds too??
• United States
20 Sep 10
You are right. Humans did create god in their own image. Many of the gods they worship happened to be the same race as them. Don't you find it weird that god agrees with every theist?
• United States
19 Sep 10
All but one of the gods that mankind follows are man made. In order to be convinced which one is the true god, I think you need to study their written word and see how it measures up in the truth category.
• Indonesia
22 Sep 10
I agree with you, and of course to get a true god, we have to give the category. To create the category, we just to start with one that we know it's true, not something virtual, like feeling save, feeling exist, etc.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
17 Sep 10
Your facts are not correct. The Jewish God is the Christian God. There is only one God that is worshipped in different ways.
• Indonesia
22 Sep 10
I don't think so. Because Jewish God doesn't have children and you may not say his name. Christian God is trinity, although those concept is very confusing.
@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
18 Sep 10
Syahlan, you say, "Christian believe in God who has not the same figure of God in Jewish and Islam or Hindu." This is not true. Although I differ with Islam, I now see the similarities. The Christian religion branches from the Jewish religion. So does Islam in a way. In Christianity, Abraham introduced us to monotheism or belief in one God. Before Abraham's introduction, his people worshipped many gods. If you’ve at least read the Bible, you’d see that Abraham had a son named Ishmael through Hagar, his wife’s Egyptian concubine. Although she was banished, she had learned of Abraham’s God and possibly took it back to Egypt. Wherever she went, there were undoubtedly descendants of Hagar and then Ishmael who believed in one God. Later we see that Isaac, Abraham’s son, had two sons named Esau and Jacob. Jacob was given the birthright and carried the one God religion we now know as the Jewish religion. Jacob’s name was changed to Israel. Esau also had to have known of God because he wanted Isaac’s “blessing” which goes through God. Instead, Jacob got the blessing and his generations continued the belief in God which ends up being the Jewish and Christian religions. Experts say the religion of Islam comes from the Jewish religion. In my opinion, Islam could just as much come through Hagar through Ishmael, and Esau. In other words, Christians, Moslems, and Jews are worshipping the same God. It’s the cultures and experiences of the groups which is the reason for our differences in beliefs which I think is why most Christians know to respect the Jewish religion because Jesus was a Jew and because our laws come directly from the Jewish religion. In my opinion those of radical Islam are trying to give the birthright back to Esau which is why they will never accept Israel. Regardless of what you believe, you will never see peace in Israel no matter how things appear. And as Islam gets stronger in your country, then you will hear some Moslems agreeing that Israel must not exist. And you will hear more hatred against Israel and Jews. Man is supposed to be getting smarter. Evolution should be working. It’s not. That in itself should show you proof in God. Man and his intelligence will never solve Israel has a right to exist problem until Jesus returns.
• United States
18 Sep 10
I meant to say, "Man and his intelligence will never solve the "Israel has a right to exist problem" until Jesus returns.
• Slovenia
18 Sep 10
as a christian I'll say to you God does exist, but then again we all choose what we'll believe for ourselves, but for me God exists and there's a pretty evident proof of that if you look around, like other users already pointed out, if there'd be no God, where we came from them, who made all the existence for starters, who's created universe. It must've been a greater power and that definitely proves God for me. If it wouldn't who other than God, you tell me?
@halimbd (124)
• Bangladesh
17 Sep 10
Of course there is a and only one God. Simply you can ask yourselves. Everyday Sun rises from the East if there is more than one of course there would be some problems. But from the beginning until now there is no irregularity about sun rising. This rule explains the existence of God or Allah in the Universe.
• Canada
17 Sep 10
So you're saying that a double sun like Tatooine is incompatible with God? How do you know that there's never been an irregularity with the sun rising? How does the consistency of sunrise prove God and not just angular momentum? How does it prove Allah as opposed to the Christian God (or any other but I think we've proved that sunrise isn't dependent on Aztec human sacrifices)?
@halimbd (124)
• Bangladesh
17 Sep 10
Tatoonie is just an another planet not the second sun. To learn more about this planet you can visit this link I mentioned that the sun rises regularly from the east. If there is another God, it could rise from the west too. This is universal truth, your forefathers and you are watching the same thing. There is no record of irregularity of sun rising. So, you must should accept that the Universe is running with a specific rule and of course there is a creator and only one creator of that rule. That's God. I do not know any record of irregularity of sun rising. If you know about that please give me reference. As a Muslim we never oppose of Christian opinion. I know all religious(Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist) books explain only one God.
17 Sep 10
You know that the question a really want to know about ,I can say that i'm a Catholic but i can't say that im a Christian, I want to know God too, i try not to miss every mass every Sunday. I want to know him as well I do a lots of things that can help me to know him and i think that he is true you just need to find him and you will feel his presence .Thats only my suggest Find him and accept him as your god coz if you dont have it idont think you can know him, and i suugest also to watch the movie of the 13th day the real story about the children who saw the Virgin Mary.Keep on finding and you will find it Godbless .
• Canada
17 Sep 10
How can you be a Catholic but not a Christian? Aren't Catholics and subset of Christians?
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
17 Sep 10
Everybody wants to rule the world. Everybody wants to shape the world to their view instead of what is. People see God as they want Him to look. God is a Spiritual Being not a physical person. So many times we shape our total view using only the parameters and perceptions of this physical world. There is so much more. You can find proof God exists. You will have to discover that proof on your own. You would never accept anything less. Sometimes those who search find what they search for. Finally. If God created us, who created God??? Quantum physics shows the possibility of many dimensions and universes. Would a dimension without time ever have a beginning or end?? No. it just is. I know it is complicated for most. That is because we all have so much more to learn. We can not base all knowledge on this physical universe. God doesn't have to be a belief. In fact, I encourage everyone not to rely on beliefs but to search for the truth. It's all a test of intelligence. Who can discover? Who wants to discover?? God's greatest moment is when that light bulb goes off over your head and you UNDERSTAND.
@ivansama (758)
• Bulgaria
16 Sep 10
Well humans pretty much invented the concept to explain things that they did not understand at the time. So the answer to your question is yes they do.
• Philippines
17 Sep 10
The existence of god cannot be approved or disapproved. The Bible says that we must accept by faith the fact that God exist: And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that he rewards who earnestly seek him: (Hebrew 11: 16) If God so desired, He could simply appear and prove to the whole world that He exists. But if He did that, there would be no need for faith, The Jesus told Him Because you have been seen me, you have believed: blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believe (John 20:29) That does not mean, however, that there's no evidence of God's existence. The Bible states " The Heaven declares the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or languages where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes well into all the earth; their words to the ends of the world'. looking at the stars, understanding the vastness of the universe, observing the wonders of nature, seeing the beauty of a sunset- all of these things point to a creator GOD. As a christian we know God exists because we speak to Him everyday. We do not audibly hear Him speaking to us, but we sense His presence, we feel His leading, we know His love, we desire His grace. Things have occurred in our lives that have no possible explanation other than God. God has so miraculously saved us and change our lives that we cannot help but acknowledge and praise His existence. None of these arguments can persuade anyone who refuses to acknowledge what is really obvious. In the end God's existence must be accepted by faith.
• Philippines
17 Sep 10
Sometimes, there are things that really exist: can be seen and cannot be seen. In our human perspective, it is our very nature to say always that "to see is to believe" manner. But we must admit that are spiritual things exists that we can not see. It is in God's programming in the Creation of Man that we should not see this in our bold eyes. Well, if our manner saying "to see is to believe always" to the truth must be have proof, I doubt that even our own identity as a human can not be proven itself by your reasoning. We cannot explain our being, our spiritual being. Physically being, it is hard to prove. How can you prove that there are cells in our body just seeing in our bold eyes? Can you prove that please?
• Philippines
17 Sep 10
........GOD is really existing whether you believe it or its upon you.... try to ask your self "WHERE DO THIS THING COME FROM?..WHY I AM HERE, WHATS THE PURPOSE OF MY LIFE?..did you realize it? and all this things here on earth,you,and the galaxy is created by GOD. he is the creator of everything(GENESIS 1:1)he not just a creator he is also a life giver. he is an amazing GOD...only fool says their is no GOD IN THE BOOK OF PSALM..ITS UPON YOU........
@wiwa05 (230)
• Philippines
17 Sep 10
NO! That's NOT it! We ALL do have the SAME God! It's just different cultures have different given names to God, but our God is the SAME (ONE)! It's just like a cellphone... For instance, Nokia cellphones have different brand names, but it's still Nokia right? God is GOD no matter what different names each culture call HIM... He still appreciate it as long as we ALL do BELIEVE in Him -- then we ALL be SAVED one day! ^_^