your kids and who they are

@zapatee (477)
September 17, 2010 12:03pm CST
as a parent, would you let your children choose the dream or person they wish to be when they grow up or would you like to dictate your own ambition on them? do you think it is right to impose our own ambitions on our children even if they don't want it?
5 responses
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
27 Sep 10
I honestly think that one of the most important jobs that we have as a parent is to cultivate and help our children to achieve the dreams that they have. For that reason, I think that it is important that we let our children choose their own dreams and we should be supportive of that dream every step of the way. There will be times that their dreams will change and during those times as parents we need to be flexible in accepting it.
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@zapatee (477)
• Philippines
19 Oct 10
yes, dorannmwin, you are right about that. they are their own persons and they have their own dreams and ambitions too, so we must respect that. it's true what you say about the possibilities of their changing their minds about their dreams every now and then, but that's just natural with kids, especially the smaller ones, lol! so we should stay with them and accept those changes too. tnx for the comment!
@alyser10 (113)
• Philippines
22 Sep 10
Parents and children are different individuals. Each has their own lives. I think it's not proper for a parent to dictate and impose to their children what they want to be or what ambition they have to have...They are not robots and computers that need to follow all instructions and be dictated with regards to their ambitions. Parents should act as a guide only and not the "driver" of their lives.
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@zapatee (477)
• Philippines
19 Oct 10
very well said, alyser. i'm also an avid believer of individualism, the respect we ought to give other people for who and what they want to long as it doesn't hurt other people as well. parents are the best guardians of their children, but children must be taught how to think for their own as well so they will learn and discover who and what they are in time. tnx for the response!
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
17 Sep 10
I don't think parents should impose their own ambitions on their kids. I think it's good to give them ideas and direction but to let them make their own choices. I don't have anything particular in mind for our kids. I just want them to do well in life and not have to struggle. I'll be happy at whatever career they decide on. I would like them to go to college because I think it will help them get farther in life.
@zapatee (477)
• Philippines
17 Sep 10
that's a good thought, ravinskye. it's true that children need to be who they are when they grow up because it's their life after all. we can only stay by their side and guide them whenever they need us. tnx for the comment!
• Philippines
17 Sep 10
I would let them choose what they want in their future. For now, I'm here to encourage them to study hard, so in the future when they step into college, they will have a good foundation.
@zapatee (477)
• Philippines
18 Sep 10
that's right. they also have that right. when they grow up, they will know what they really want and will make them happy. as parents, we can only guide them. tnx for the comment, larkjein811
• Philippines
18 Sep 10
You're welcome :)
@johnpillai (2082)
• Germany
17 Sep 10
I never steel my children's life. Meeting their needs and giving protection are only my job.Dreaming is their job. I don't interfear in their dreaming. some mothers live their children's life also. I feel sorry for them. Poor children.
@zapatee (477)
• Philippines
18 Sep 10
you're right on that one, johnpillae. parents should never try to live their own dreams through their kids. that would be unfair to them and inconsiderate of us. fact is, they're going to grow up, have a mind of their own, and live their own lives, so why should we impose our will and our own desires on them, that would be cruel. tnx for the comment!