Gotta brag! You can do it too!

@freedomg (1684)
United States
September 20, 2010 12:13pm CST
There are a few of you that know me and know that I have been fighting with my weight for the last 3 years. I've always been a fluufy one as is the rest of my family, well my mother's weight has left her bedridden and dying at 54 and I saw my future. A year ago I weighed 227 lbs and as of this morning I am 176 lbs. I'm only 5'2" tall so I do have another 41 lbs to go but I'm really happy to have broke the 50 lb mark and had to share. I tried every diet under the sun, pills till I rattled when I walked, even joined a few websites but until I looked in the mirror and saw my mother looking back at me with all of the tubes and fear I wasn't ever really serious about it. I told myself I was but then when no one was looking I would sneak a bite of this or that, and came up with every excuse under the sun to not get off my butt. I really do still hate to work out and will be the first to admit I that I can be quite lazy, but it has to be done. I found what time works best for me and a few different routines that I pick from to avoid getting bored and hit it at least 2 days a week. I still eat chocolate but in much MUCH smaller amounts and have a few recipes that taste like I'm eating bad without actually doing it. I have cut the fast food nearly completly out of my diet, partially because my favorite meals all have over 1,000 calories and partially because I have found that a healthy tummy doesn't like the grease. If I can do this then anyone can and you don't need to poison your self or have spend a fortune on a surgery that will only help you get started. It's not going to be easy but it is possible and it does get easier. So don't give up.
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4 responses
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
21 Sep 10
Oh wow! You are amazing. I am older than your Mum and have gained a lot of weight over the last 10 years...mainly because of boredom and inactivity. I'd like to hear more about your workouts because it's hard to get myself motivated. I try to do an hours exercise in the form of chores at least 4 times a week but this doesn't seem to be enough. I have osteo arthritis in my knees which basically means they do not work. My weight causes me to be a bit unstable on my feet sometimes ...there are good days and not so good. Any ideas you can give me would be great. I need to incorporate things into my life so it's not a 5 minute wonder fix.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
23 Sep 10
hey, thanks for that...great work.
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@freedomg (1684)
• United States
23 Sep 10
I know alot of tricks that can help you, but before you get friscy and jump into any routine please talk to your dr. to be sure that you don't do any damage. Second, go to put in your info and get a free custom food parymid. Print it out and put it on your fridge at eye level. With your limited mobility right now you're going to want to stick to the upper end of the scale. Now for exercise, honestly a pool would be your best friend (if at all possible a heated salt water pool). If you don't have a pool checkout your local YMCA. Then I have my little bargains I make with my self for the days when I just don't feel like doing anything. If I want to watch t.v. I'll put my small weights if front of the couch and for every comercial that comes on I do 5-15 reps one of the excercises I supposed to do for my neck and shoulders (I hurt myself campind, long story & I come out looking dumb). Or I have my Gazelle edge in my bedroom and I stay on it for the full show, not full speed but at least I'm moving.I also do my stretches and deep breathing every morning. Between the extra oxygen getting to my muscles and mind with the stretches (you need 15 minutes of you time for this but it's so worth it) and the slow energy build up that doing the little stuff gives me most days I end up doing the whole thing. Cardio is great for burning overall fluff and can be done sitting done, but will make you want to get up. Watch some of those karate lessons they have on youtube to see how to throw a punch (without hurting yourself trust me you can hurt yourself) Then whenever yoa watch t.v. see how many punches you can do in a commercial break. You can really get your heart rate up doing this and by doing it only at commercial you don't wear yourself out as bad.Get your heart going though it will do you more good than you know. The main thing you need to do though is find something you really like that makes you move. As long as you are moving you are making progress. Even if when you post to mylot you just stand up for 5 minutes then sit for 5 you will be making progress. Also too much sitting is really a killer for so many reasons. Open your courtains and if you can your windows, the sun is one of our greatest sources of energy as well as vitamin D, low vitamin D has a lot of damaging effects on a persons body and mood. Depressed people rarely want to get up and move sunlight helps fight that. I have a ton of stupid tricks I use, a big one was to start posting my weight on the wall of my room right by the door. Everyone that can by my door could see if I was doing it or not. It was my alternative to a workout buddy since I really didn't have anyone I could workout with. It worked under the same concept that if I wasn't doing what I was supposed to I wasn't going to be able to just hide it. I made myself accountable for what I was going to do. On the lighter side it also gave me a braging spot for when I started lossing. A buddy can provide you with a much better support system but in my case this had to take it's place. I've taken it down now because everyone knows what I weight around here every sun. morning because I'm dancing around singing about it. Even if I don't lose I pat myself on the back for the weeks that I at least stood my ground with out backsliding. I'll be happy to help in anyway I can and don't mind answering questions. So hollar anytime about anything.
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@eurekafemme (5874)
• Philippines
21 Sep 10
Oh, congratulations to you! that is quite an inspiration for those who want to lose weight. I am the skinny type and I want so much to gain mass but it seem so difficult... Some said that losing weight is more difficult than gaining it. So, with your story and with your case, I think mine is a lot simpler. You have seem done your job so well and I believe I can do it, too. Keep it up.:)
@freedomg (1684)
• United States
23 Sep 10
Thank you for the congrats. I'm even happier that you seem helped by my story. You actually have a crazy battle, my Granma and 7 year old daughter have issues with being under weight. Grandma drinks Ensure between meals and my daughter is drinking carnations instant breakfast. Bith drinks have enough nutrients and calories to work as a meal replacement but don't make them feel like they ate a big meal. It has helped them but everytime my girl grows even 1/2 an inch she looks like we starve her, her big sister getts so jealous because she got my shape and works hard to stay thin. If you don't mind me asking, how much do you need to gain? Also have you spoken to a dr.? I know most fluffy people who hear that someone is struggling to gain weight are shall we say less than sypmathetic, but I know it's just as big of a fight for your life as obessity. You can do this, and don't let anyone exspecially yourself ever tell you different.
@kaka135 (14934)
• Malaysia
20 Sep 10
It's good that you've made it and you've done it very well! I believe once you have found the way, and you can continue to lose another 41 lbs. Just continue to put in effort, and you'll surely reach your target one day! I believe healthy life can be the most motivation factor for losing weight. You really motivated me! I am also a lazy person, though I always want to exercise more to have a healthier life, I am always lazy.
@freedomg (1684)
• United States
20 Sep 10
Thank you for the kind words. I can so relate to wanting to to it just not enough to actually do it. My mother always told me that our family suffers from inertia, if we get moving it's hard to stop us but once we are stopped... we stay stopped. I have found that keeping things fresh helps alot and I like to dance, not saying I'm good at it, so I found things that worked that in. I had to take a very honest look at who I really am and not who I tell myself I am and work from there.Be honest with yourself but don't be cruel, and be your own biggest cheerleader. When I would drop a few lbs and no one noticed I would get down and slip. Now I tell everyone and do little happy dances for every pound lost and cheer for myself and it really feels great. Oh yeah I'm one broke lady too so nothing I do is expensive I use every cheap or free source I can find. Like fit t.v. has a show called Shimmy. It's belly dancing for beginners, great workout and you really don't feel the burn till the next day. But trust me you will feel it so if you try this don't do 2 or 3 shows in a row till you've seen how you feel after 1. There is a ton of free or cheap stuff out there just look around online, on t.v. and in your neighborhood. I know you can reach your goals.
@lolo58 (54)
• United States
20 Sep 10
This is truly inspiring!!!! My hat goes off to you and your determination. I'm very sad about your mom but you know the results of neglect now. I d/k if or how ill your mom is but she's only 54 - not old at all. Is it impossible for her to lose? Could you possibly be an inspiration to her? I'm not suggesting you do this for her because you need to do it for you. Keep up the good work and enjoy shimmy - Also on that station is Sharon Mann - a little too perky for my taste but she'll make you sweat - for free. Celebrate every pound!!!!!
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@freedomg (1684)
• United States
23 Sep 10
First "Thank you" for the encouraging words. I have seen Ms. Mann and I agree she is just a little too perky. Thank you for the referal though I love to get advice; you never know what great things you find when you try the new things friends tell you about. Second, I'll answer the questions about my mom. As of right now my mother is unable to walk more than 10 feet at a time and that only happens about once or twice a day. A combination of poor eating habits, her weight ( at her heaviest she was 408 lbs), and other forms of self abuse (that I'm not to sure she would forgive me for detailing here)have left her with a wide range of medical conditions. She is now dependant on 2 forms of insulin, a C-Pap at night and oxygen at all times. She's been hospitalized for congestive heart failure, lung problems, extreme celluitis (an infection of the tissue layer just below the skin PAINFUL), and MRSA (which she caught during one of her other hospital visits). Combine the physical hurdles with some fairly powerful emotional problems and you have a woman that needs to fight harder than many with zero fight in her spirit. I don't know why but my mom has never been a realstrong fighter nor has she ever thought she was worth fighting for no matter what my brother and I ever said or done. That's the key to doing this knowing you are worth it and so are those around you.Those people who love you and suffer when you do Honestly it has been the biggest source of problems between the two of us. As much as I wish she could look see what I'm doing and find inspiration it just doesn't work that way with her. She sees what I'm doing be it the weight lose or me getting my second associates degree and beneath the pride that she does show on her face I see heartache. I think she sees me and only sees what she knows she could do but hasn't. I know she has had the mind set that she is dying and that it's too late for her for a while, and I'm not too sure she's wrong anymore. I don't get to see her hardly at all anymore because her immune system is so shot that if anyone in the house has been sick she could end up back in the hospital. THere are 5 kids that go off to school and friends houses and come home and play pass the germs. So I usually can't risk exposing her. I just thank God that my brother is there and willing to do what needs to be done for her. We job our parents got divorced and he got custody of Mom and I got Dad. Do know that I love my mother, that's what kills me if any of you met her you would love her. She's a funny, smart, loving, and just down right silly lady. When we were younger she sang all of the time and had a voice that could have made her a star, she used to write poems and short stories and to this day is still my favorite author. Growing up she was my best friend and watching this once vibrant woman slowly drained of life is most painful thing my brother and I have ever faced. I admire his ability to stand by her through this the way he does; even though because he has walked by her side the whole way he has followed her down the same path. Please know that she is just like every big girl out there. The world we live in is not designed to show us the beauty we have inside. In stead we are torn apart for our mistakes or short comings. If you want to survive you have to find your beauty yourself and then know that it IS worth fighting for, you are worth fighting for, and that if you don't fight you are depriving the peole you love and the rest of the worth of something very special. This I promise you. And on that note I will wrap up my emothional ranting. God bless
@bjcyrix (6901)
• Philippines
8 Nov 10
Hiya! How have you been the past 2 months?^_^ Sorry for this late response, September was a busy month for me. I just managed to work my way back on myLot backlogs and I finally reached this discussion! Wow! You lost a whole lot! You would serve as my inspiration now.^_^ Im not that heavy but after graduation, I have gained 10lbs. I do manage to maintain my current weight but Im not comfortable with my midsection. I really dont mind the added weight but the love handles on my tummy bother me. Most of my old pants dont fit that comfortably anymore, and Id love to bring down my weight to my pre-graduation number. Im determined this time, and it does help to have a buddy. My cousin is getting married early next year so she has enough motivation to look good in that wedding dress.LOL My parents are also on the healthy route since my Dad is on the brink of being Diabetic, and my Mom just wants to have a figure. We're playing badminton three times a week now. We only started last month and so far we've successfully kept it up. I dont think Im losing weight though but at least Im having fun. Im cutting back on my fast food and soft drink intake, with the mentality that I could save more. Anyway, thank you for sharing your success. I hope that Id be at my target weight on my target date. Take care always!