How to reduce the pain of muscle tear?

September 21, 2010 4:37am CST
Hi there! 'm currently having muscle tear which makes me having difficulties in doing things. I would to know is there any quick remedy to relieve the pain?
2 responses
@aquariand (464)
21 Sep 10
If you have access to the herb comfrey which can be bought at health shops in a cream form then this many help, I'd ask a doctor though if this is a problem that is getting you down as it may be caused by something that the doctor could cure.
• Singapore
21 Sep 10
I went to see the doctor several times and they prescribed fastum gel thou, yet it doesnt seem to work on me. did some research online, most of it states cold compression treatment or hot water treatment i wonder which is better.
28 Sep 10
I think maybe a heat pad would be good as it takes away the pain
@ddaguno (3107)
• Philippines
21 Sep 10
Apply the RICE method. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. Give it time and plenty of rest. Don't force to move your limb or your injury will get worse.
• Singapore
21 Sep 10
I've rested for 2 days yet, doesnt know why is it the tearing sensation occurs spontaneously which made me intolerable but to consume aspirin to stop the pain thou.