I'm Here! I'm Here!

Regina, Saskatchewan
September 27, 2010 4:58pm CST
Hi. Remember me? I'm the 'travelling box' you all have read about. I apologize for the delay in talking to you all again, but I got kinda lost crossing the big pond between England and Canada. Here's what happened.......... I got dropped in a box in a post office in England after being stuffed and stamped and generally manhandled. Then a long cold ride to the belly of an airplane, jostled and thrown around by people with no respect for the feelings of little boxes like me! The trip over the ocean is kind of a blur. Even though I was well wrapped it was bloody cold in the cargo hold of that plane and I must have passed out! The next thing I know, I'm in Vancouver, Canada and being thrown around again!!! Somehow I ended up in dark lonely corner of the sorting room and when they turned the lights out, I knew I was a goner. *pout* I mean, really! I had a destination to get to! People were depending on my arrival! I'd even been written about, and the next installment of my odessey was due to be read! Hello! Hello! Anybody there? For weeks I languished in that dark corner. No one noticed me, and the cleaners.......well let's just say if they'd done their job, I'd have been discovered a lot sooner! One day the phones started ringing. People started yelling. SOMEBODY was obviously very pissed off! The next thing I know, people were rushing around, looking in bins, under tables, in cupboards and running back and forth in front of me like maniacs. Suddenly......eureka! I am found! I am picked up, dusted off and sent to the offic e of the manager. He wrote some kind of letter which he attached to my side, and then personally put me on a truck and sent me off into the world again. This morning I arrived at my destination, and this afternoon my new owner lifted me into her arms, and happy danced all the way home! So I have arrived at last where I was meant to be, and I sure hope my new owner waits a bit before sending me off on the next leg of my journey around the world! Because man, I need to rest awhile in the sunshine, knowing I'm where I am supposed to be! Have you ever gotton lost? How long before YOU were found?
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17 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
28 Sep 10
Welcome back missed ya but for the life of me cant figure out waht in the world you are talkingabout for I know you werent putin a box yourself and lost. and nope I have neer been lost I had to lead my mom to the right bus wehn I was about 4
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
28 Sep 10
lol ok I got ya. My mom would get turned around coming out of the movie house! I had to take her the right way. Seemed like I had good direction all my life. And at that time we lived in SAlt Lake City Utah was a pretty big city at thatt ime and boy has it grown now. I just always known if I took a wrong turn when riving or walking. As my direction finder in my head would tell me oops wrong way not going east any more going north specially at night or west going south. HArd when you havent traveled a road before and at night.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
28 Sep 10
Awhile ago one of our mylotters got a box in the mail. She wrote about her 'travelling box'. Then she passed it on to another lotter who wrote about it, and from there it was sent to me, but of course, being on it's way to Sparks, it took a 3 week detour! LOL It finally arrived today, so I just had to continue the saga. And glad to know that at 4 years old you could tell one bus from another. I'm sure I couldn't have. lol
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
27 Sep 10
er ? I fell out of a car once, but I think I got retrieved pretty quickly. Shortly thereafter (like 30 years), they developed child safety seats...
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Sep 10
Well THAT explains a LOT! ROFL
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
27 Sep 10
Note to self, watch what you say around Sparks.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Sep 10
Too late self, too late! ROFL
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• United States
28 Sep 10
I am STILL lost...sent off over 20 years ago into the world, expected to grow up, go to college, and perhaps marry and start a family. See, I was ill-prepared for the real world,having a mother and father who spoiled and petted me, and didn't leave the home until I got myself in a spot of trouble. Confused, I let him lead me around for 11 or 12 years before I nearly lost my mind and got rid of him! But then I wasn't completely thinking, and allowed another man completely lead me on a merry ride for nearly 7 years. That ride is just about over--I'm dizzy, sick and disoriented, but angry and frustrated with myself. I WANT TO BE FOUND! I just need to take my first step out of the Land of Forgotten Toys, where I reigned as Supreme Leader of Lost Toys for the last seven years, but I'm not sure which way to go. I just know I want out of my current life!
• United States
28 Sep 10
I will keep that in mind....I'm working hard on my business (got another source of leads for Sunday! :), so I've got plenty to keep me occupied. Onward now....
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
28 Sep 10
Knowing you were lost and taking the steps to be found is half the battle sweets. Email me if you need help...........
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• Philippines
28 Sep 10
Hi Travelling Box, lol You better tag yourself with a gps tracking device so you won't ever get lost again. :D Or you could allow yourself to be sniffed at by some bloodhound so that if ever you get lost again, the dog could just follow your scent. Lol!
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• Philippines
28 Sep 10
Er... I'm ashamed to tell you this but I have been here for three years already. :D So I guess you could say I got lost for three years, and now I am HOME again. Lol
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
28 Sep 10
Great suggestions! ROFL I'll keep them in mind the next time I decide to go walk about. lol Welcome to mylot! Don't get lost now!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
28 Sep 10
oh my G sparky welcome home or back or something, well welcome anywayI do remember the other segment but its been awhile and now its to go on its final journey I take it? with a short pause to rest perhaps. I got lost once in Goldwater's store in Phoenix but it was so funny as I went downstairs on the escalator trying to find my missing hubby. then I saw him across from me on the up escalator. He waved and called something so I assumed he meant wait down there for me so I went on down to the first floor.no husband so I get on the up escalator and am on my way up when I see him now coming down so this time he yells loudly go upstairs and I will meet you. so the tale of the up and down escalators finally ended with us both on the same floor.That was the first time I had ever been in that store too.,the cafe we wanted to eat at was indeed on the second floor. We often joked about that day. He was one of a kind, always in good spirits and a wonderful sense of humor too
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
28 Sep 10
I'm sure the saga of the travelling box will continue Hatley. But now you know why it's been so long since the last report. lol And if you are going to 'get lost', it's always best to do it with someone with a sunny outlook on life eh? Your hubs sounds like he was a real gem!
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
27 Sep 10
What makes you think I was ever found??? And what makes you think that you're not still LOST???
• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Sep 10
Hmmpht! Just for that I'm not telling them you are still behind the pillar in that dark corner! HA!
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
27 Sep 10
I like it here!!!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
28 Sep 10
And we like having you here. At least we can always find you! ROFL
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@GardenGerty (162382)
• United States
28 Sep 10
I think the only time I was ever lost it was on purpose, and I was not lost only left behind. I had a bad habit of not liking to shop with my family, but rather stand in the book section at the grocery and read paperbacks. My mother and dad left me there when they left the store. I was close enough to walk home.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
28 Sep 10
LOL sounds like me. Even today when my hubs and I get separated from each other when shopping, I head for the book section and he always finds me there!
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
28 Sep 10
Well little box...I'm so glad that you were finally found. was wondering f we would ever hear what happened to you. I'm glad they finally figured out that you were around in that corner. You new owner was worried about you as was the one that sent you to her. They both made so many inquires about you. Yes, I think you are due a rest for a bit. At this time I can not think of a time that I have been lost other than in my mind for awhile. I'm glad I finally found my way back too!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
28 Sep 10
I get lost in my mind all the time! LOL It's rather fun and relieves the stress, but I'm also glad when I find my way out too! ROFL
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
28 Sep 10
This is From Cheryl, since she is the one that sent the box on it's travels to Sparks. Hey Sparks, i am so happy that i finally arrived at my destination, i can tell you, it's been an adventure BUT pretty daunting too, I was lumped into a van in England, then flown across the ocean to another place, then another place, i was jostled i was squashed by some lardy a$$ ox who refused to move over so i could stretch out, then i was bustled into another box and left at the bottom, then i was wheeled off to a room where i fell out and got stuck in a corner, i felt so alone, i felt empty and unloved and unwanted, people ignored me, i couldn't tell anyone i was there because i don't have a voice, and i had lost hope, i thought i was lost forever, then one day i heard this voice from a feisty Canadian lady, yelling at the "big boss" asking him to "get a move on, where is my box...FIND IT" then all of a sudden, i saw the light, literally, and here i am, at my new destination with a great lady who will soon pass me on to my next destination, i am quite happy where i am right now because it's warm, and i can say, you have a beautiful garden, i love flowers, i promise that my next journey will not be as long as the one i have just been on, and i will tell you how it all went when i reach my next port of call.....so yep, i have been lost in more ways than one...but now i am with you, i can have that well earned rest until i have to go away again, please stamp my bum with the Canadian flag and keep me moving...your probably wondering how i got to write this, WELL, i do know where the basement is...LOL.....
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
28 Sep 10
Hi spark! You are welcome back to mylot. Hope you would have enjoyed your trip and you had a wonderful time.
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@ElicBxn (63793)
• United States
27 Sep 10
oh my! How terrible for you! How DARE they lose you! We had a package lost once, but it finally showed up. And then there was the post card my folks sent from New York City once. It was very cute and clever and they sent one to each of us kids - tho we were adults by that time. It had a nose and eye holes and my brother and sister got them a few days later... but mine finally arrived MONTHS later... I tell people it was probably on every nose between New York and Texas before it was delivered...
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Sep 10
That was YOUR card? LOL Well now I know!
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
28 Sep 10
Sparks!!! So glad to have you back!!! Really! Hugs! no..wait...{{{{{hugs}}}}. Missed you....really did! Have I been lost? Lost is a pasttime for me so ya...always. I find my own way back to where I need to be. Getting lost is a way of life and makes it the adventure that it is supposed to be.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
28 Sep 10
Oh yes...always do! As I kid I used to get lost on purpose just for fun....still do. Ok at this point ...it just happens and home is always found! Hugs, sparks!
• Regina, Saskatchewan
28 Sep 10
Well hugs and more hugs to you too sweets! I ran across you on another thread the other day and said Hi! Can't remember which one it was though. lol I totally agree with you that getting lost should be looked on as an adventure. That's the way I look at it and it's always fun.......as long as you can find your way home again.
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
28 Sep 10
So, you were manhandled? I'd have thought you'd like that sort of thing!! LOL Anyway, how was your trip? It's been a koon's age since you mentioned going and how good your hubs was to trust you to go and come home safe. What part of England???
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
28 Sep 10
LOL Jerz, you gotta keep up with my Facebook updates. I had to delay my trip when it was determined my hubs has to have surgery. No way I was leaving him alone to recover. So now I'm going in the Spring instead of the Fall, at thanks to the surgery, the hubs will be home over Xmas for a change, so it's all good. I'm going for six weeks at least and will travelling all over Britain, Ireland, and going to France and hopefully Germany to meet up with as many mylotters as I can. I really really want to take a trip on the Orient Express to Istanbul too, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. And yes, if it's the right person, manhandle me all the way! LOL
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
28 Sep 10
No worries Jerz. Life happens, but it always seems to work out the way it's supposed to. At least for me anyway. As for peoplestring.......I got tired of it real fast so don't go there much anymore. Takes up too much time for me these days.
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
28 Sep 10
Like I said before, I've never found the social networking aspect of that PeopleString, but decided to take advantage of the email when I'm doing surveys. I know dammed well they're going to share my info even when I tell them not to, so that way PS gets hit and not my main email. But, heck - it's earned me some pennies just using that, so I'll take it.
@celticeagle (172057)
• Boise, Idaho
28 Sep 10
Ya, you do look familiar. Manhandled? Oooh. THat sounds kind of fun! Oh, ya I have gotten lost. My ex and I traveled to Vancouver BC once in the 90's. It was such a nice trip up through northern Idaho and into Canada. Not the big hullibuloo at the border like I have heard there is now. We site seed, ate, and just enjoyed ourselves. Then when we had to get back home we travelled back into the US by way of Seattle. It was such a drask difference from Canada. Dirty. So my ex travelled around in a circle for several hours until we finally came upon the highway we were supposed to be on to travel home. He couldn't just stop and ask. No, not he. So we remained lost for hours and I was really beginning to wonder. Finally did find his way and got us home.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
28 Sep 10
A month or so ago, the hubs and I took a daylong road trip south over the border into Montana. Pays to cross in the middle of nowhere cause we had no problem at all with the US authorities, but coming back into Canada was different. Man they are strict! lol Searched our car and took our basket of strawberries away from us! *pout*. And we're Canadian!!!! lol
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
2 Oct 10
Have I been lost? My normal state is completely befuddled. You know, there's something about you...hmmm, something reminiscent of....no, it's gone. There is something vaguely something or other about you but I cannot put my finger on it. Golly, I would probably be arrested if I did anyway. Nice to see you mate* (* - generic term for people whose real name evades one at the present time due to the fact that they haven't been around in an eon) Cheers then...(whispers - I hesitate to call you "box" as over here, down under, that is a euphemism for a you know what.)
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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
4 Oct 10
This is funny. The box I sent to our friend in England arrived just fine. No fanfare or hoopla. My box did not have any grand adventures. Kinda sad, actually.
@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
29 Sep 10
I got lost for almost a year myself. I am glad to see you have found your way back. I just found my way back about a week or so ago now. My journey wasn't as exciting though. I have had to work too much the last few days to be on here. I am doing my best to not be lost again. I am glad to have found my way back and I am glad that you have also.