How to seal a polythene bag and make it air-tight

sealing polythene bags using discarded bottles - sealing polythene bags using discarded bottles it keeps food grains floors safe, fresh
September 29, 2010 6:27am CST
Friends try this; we are using this technique for last one year. I am sure you will find this useful. Cut up a disposable water bottle and keep the neck and top, as in photo. Now insert the polythene bag containing food grains, floor etc through the neck and screw the top to seal. The thing kept inside will be fresh, as it doesn’t come in contact with air. The bottle is made to be air-tight, such that water can’t enter from outside, the secret lies with the top and screw. This is a great idea to share. Good for us and the environment too. If you have any similar tips to share, please share? Professor
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8 responses
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
2 Oct 10
That is a great idea and something that I will defintely admit that I would have never thought of myself. Of course, there isn't a lot that I would need to store in this way and we also don't tend to use disposable water bottles. However, from now on when we do have the disposable bottles, I will keep a couple of them on hand so that I will be able to use them for this purpose in the future. It would definitely help keep things from getting stale.
• India
30 Sep 10
Hello my friend Professor2010 Ji, Wow !. What a great idea to preserve and save money on Zip-bags as well. I think your palce is full f new ideas. Thanks. May God bless You and have a great time.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
29 Sep 10
looks neat is this easy to store?
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Sep 10
hi professor oh yes I see now at first I did not understand but the screwtop is essential in doing this. what a neat idea and it will save on those expensive ziplock bags one buys. always nice to save some money and help our environment at the same time. my tip is a lame one but when I get plastic bags I just recycle them in my ouwn' home as a small plastic bag is just right to store those toys thatcome in a zillion pieces. the bigger ones I store some of my veggies in the refrigetator. They really come in handy just about in any room in the house.
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
29 Sep 10
I like this idea!!! I drink a lot of sodas & cutting the top off would mean less plastic going into the environment...not a lot less, but less. I use a lot of zip lock bags & this could cut that expense in half. This is what I like about myLot, you learn something new EVERY day!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!
@tigeraunt (6326)
• Philippines
29 Sep 10
deqar professor, i mostly use ziplock bags. sometimes i use the ordinary polythene bags and just tie a knot to seal. this technique you just mentioned is new to me but i would like to try. have a nice day. ann
@Buchi_bulla (8298)
• India
29 Sep 10
What an idea Professorji! I am sure it will help many. Who discovered this idea? Is it Shubee, your Grand daughter?
• New Zealand
29 Sep 10
yeah good one saw a email on it recently.In that e mail it also included how to peal a boiled egg in 2 steps..