People talk when they do not know about your Life
By Gabs
@gabs8513 (48686)
United Kingdom
October 6, 2010 1:13am CST
I will be returning back home today and things will be getting hectic
I have solved one of my Problems and that is my Son
I did not say or tell that on the Day I received the Letter about my Landlord possibly loosing the Property I am renting of me, that my Son was badly beaten up by 4 Men in their 30s-40s, no they do not know my son, in their own words while they where drugged up it was for Fun, they splattered it all over Face book which one of my Son's Friends saw and printed of
My Son is a lot better now but where he works (he works in a Night Club ) are making sure that someone will pick him up and take him home
While I have been here he has been using my Car
When I get back home I will be running around trying to sort my Life out with the Move and sort out a couple of Neighbours
Only my closes Friends which are 4 know what is happening and going on
Well one of my Friends was approached by one of the Guys on the Field, he has no job, no intentions of getting one, is a gossip and very annoying, I have been polite to him and talked to him but he was starting to become a Pain, he was always talking about People which I eventually asked him to stop doing, as I do not like it
I am a private Person as such I do not announce things to everyone in the Neighbourhood so it sometimes annoys People that they do not what is going on with me, well this Bloke approached my Friend and said, he heard that I had canceled a Hospital appointment just to go and see my Son
My Friend told him, before he starts gossiping he wants to get his facts straight and stop telling People lies about others
She also told him even if that had been the case it is no ones business, she left it at that
Well, I will not be leaving it at that, I will have polite words with him and tell him to keep out of my business which he knows nothing about and instead of gossiping about People how about stopping bragging how he always mucks up the Job Interviews and starts to get a Life, he has not worked in 15 years and knows how to get the System, as he says, well that is none of my Business, but it is my Business when People make stories up just because they do not know what is really go on
I am very angry about this, it makes me mad when People do things like this
I have enough going without some Idiot gossiping
Do you like to Gossip ????
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32 responses
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
6 Oct 10
Gee whiz Gabs, when it rains it pours. That guy was being nosy, fishing for some info. I don't like gossiping ole busy bodies that have nothing better to do with their lives. I do my best to not say malicious stuff about others. I think we all gossip some, not in a bad way. I think by now you know my character, so I hope you understand what I am saying. I don't really consider chatting with friends and talking about stuff is always gossiping, although some would say it is. Thats the kind of gossiping I am talking about, I do that, but not in a mean or nosy busy body way. Inquiring minds want to know.............
Thats horrible what happened with your son. I hope he heals quickly and they catch he bad guys...........
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
9 Oct 10
Hi Polly doesn't it always lol
He is just a small problem I have bigger Problems to deal with right now, when I cross him I shall just point out to him to mind his own business and not say things about me that he knows nothing about
My Son is doing fine, I am still so worried though but he is doing ok
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
6 Oct 10
Gabs I am so sorry all this is going on. But I am glad that you were able to be with your son when he needed you. I am sure this helped him. I try never to gossip and will keep secrets forever even after the one who told me has told others. I think people who gossip have ego problems and feel that the information they give out makes them important to others. That is just terribly sad and always a great deal of that info in not even true. Blessings to you as always and know that you are in my prayers. I wish I were closer and could help more.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
9 Oct 10
Hi Pat
Thank you for your kind words
My Son is doing fine now I am still more the one that is upset and worried
As for the the Guy I have not seen him and I am not going out of my Way to see him, if I see him I will say something, I have bigger Problems to deal with right now he is just a sad Person who has nothing better to do I guess
Hugs to you Pat and I hope everything is ok at your End
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@gdesjardin (1918)
• United States
6 Oct 10
First, I am so sorry to hear about your son...that was terrible what happened to him.
No, I don't like gossip. I am not going to sit here and lie and say I have never gossiped before, however, to say stuff that is hurtful and making stuff up is something I have never done. I might say something like so and so is being a b@tch today...however, I would tell that to someone's face as well. I don't believe in making stuff up to hurt someone...that is totally uncalled for. I am the type of person that I will tell you anything you want, but ask me, don't just assume things or ask other people...that bothers me. I believe that people that gossip have a completely boring life and have other better to do than to make stuff up about other people. You really have to almost feel sorry for people like that.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
9 Oct 10
Hello gdesjardin
I do feel sorry for People like that because they have no Life and that is why they make up things about other Peoples Life's but it is so wrong
Thank you for your Concern about my Son, he is doing much better but it worries me now when he goes to work and comes home
I can't help it
@GardenGerty (162787)
• United States
7 Oct 10
No, I do not like to gossip, but it is an easy habit to fall into, if I am around others who are doing so. It is embarrassing when you get caught at it though. I make it a big point to avoid it. I am so sorry about your son getting beat up. I hope they catch those guys.Or did they already? I hope you have an easy go of finding a new place and getting moved.

@Bingster_6 (309)
• Philippines
7 Oct 10
im avoiding gossips too,especially when you dont have any things to do.=) and its really embarassing..
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
6 Oct 10
Heck no I dont and he had no business saying that as he really didnt know and I know ya didnt not go to an appointment to go up to see son.
you had that planned before it all happened.
LAzy feller he not worked in 15 years!thats very lazy if there is nothing wrong with him.
WEll will talk to ya later I am guessing!
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@BarBaraPrz (49104)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
6 Oct 10
Oh my! Were those hooligans charged?
What is it with idiots who think they can post criminal acts on Fasebook and not get caught?
Recently, some young "men" (and I use the term loosely) posted a gang-bang they participated in. Of course they were caught and charged.
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@BarBaraPrz (49104)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
9 Oct 10
Good to know they're on it.

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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
7 Oct 10
Hi gabs, I hate gossip. It causes so many problems for people and often destroys lives. Gossips never get their facts straight. By the time something has been repeated a few times there are never any traces of truth left, even if there was some at the beginning. People should just mind their own business. Blessings.
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
7 Oct 10
Hi. gabs8513. This is very sad!
Why would someone beat up your son like this? I know that filing a police report would be the best thing to do in this situation. These guys should be arrested and charged with assault and battery with the intent to kill! What makes me very confused is that your son did not know these guys that attacked him and beat him all up! I wonder if someone paid these guys to beat your son up? The main person is behind all of this. He just got these guys to do his dirty work for him. And how can this guy be so concerned about you going to see your son at the hospital? This is your business. He should have had more respect for you and your son. I am glad that your friend told him off. Serves his nosy azz just right! I am relieved to know that your son is getting an ride from the night club after work. This is the smart and safe thing to do! I hope that your son stays safe and that you will be okay while he is healing.

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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
10 Oct 10
Hi Cream
They know who it was, it was 4 Blokes at the age of 30-40 Years old
They did it for Fun so they said on Face Book
The Police is investigating the matter
My Son is doing ok but I am still so worried, my Son and Daughter are my World, my pride and joy and it hurts me that I can not protect them against this evil
Thank you Sweetie and please take care while moving I hope you will be getting peace now Big Hugs
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
9 Oct 10
You sure don’t need any more complications at this point Gabs! I don’t like gossiping because whenever I hear things being said about other people I can’t help but wonder what is being said about me and whether it’s the truth. I do try not to be tempted to listen to gossips and it is wise to remember that what you hear is not necessarily always correct information either. Ignore this idiot…
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@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
11 Oct 10
Hiya gabs,
I don´t like People talking about other People like that and I have been in those Shoes as well. As far as I know I probably still am being talked about. It is annoying a bit in a way because I have done absolutely nothing to these People and I live two thousand and 500 miles away from them. Perhaps that makes it even much better for them to gossip about me.
Seeing as I cannot control what they do nor do I want to hope it makes their lives a bit brighter so be it if that´s what they want.
But someday they might get talked about in the same kind of way and then just then they will know how it feels won´t they?
When I was back in England I found out from the Woman in the Chemist across the Road what they were saying and the whole Street were tongue wagging about me yet I never see them how do you like that? The Receptionist in the Doctors told me that I was better off going back home rather than sacrificing myself like that. I was gobsmacked o say the least for a while and I thought if only I could get paid for being so famous even on such a small scale. I was there trying to look after my Mom while she was so ill and they did everything they could for me to go back Home. She was so ill I could not take her with me. Because I did want her away from them as they were making her much worse. Oh what a tangled web they weaved for me and none of it was true. I don´t even know who started it but I have a pretty good idea now as I was dropped a few hints by someone in the Hospital where I went to see Mom as well. Just amazing just to say I know how it feels to be a victim of totally unfounded Stories.
Now I think it´s quite funny I have to laugh it off what else can I do.
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@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
11 Oct 10
Me again sorry I forgot to say about your Son I hope that he is now fully recovered im every sense of the word and that People stop that kind of Gossip. Hope it all blows over. Sorry about that I was so busy talking about my own example I forgot to mention yours but I was thinking about it and the nasty things that happen. Take care now and always.
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@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
9 Oct 10
Hi Gabs..Well, I haven't been around too much and then when I come back I have to hear something terrible like this about one of my most favorite friends..Pay them no mind Gaby..They do not matter. I know its hard, especially when the gossip is about someone you love but you just have to laugh at them and their stupidity and turn your back. And as you walk away, may Gissi pee all over his leg!! Love you J
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
10 Oct 10
Hi Sulsi
there has been a lot going on while you have been away as 2 months ago my Daughter got beaten up, I am now looking for a new Home, but you might have seen those Discussion, at the moment everything is happening at once again lol
Love you to Dear Friend
PS Gissi peed on his leg 4 Months ago lol I have never seen him do that before but he did it to him
@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
11 Oct 10
LOL,,Yeah Gissi!!! Too bad he didn't poop on his leg!! That would be way better!!! Kisses to Gissi as always! xoxoxo
@nannacroc (4049)
6 Oct 10
I hate gossip. I don't know what is happening with my neighbours and am not really interested.
I remember my mums attitude to people who were gossiping and nasty to others behind their back, she used to say,' they always say nice things about you'. It stopped lots of gossip.
People like this man make me angry because there are so many people who are genuinely looking for work who have problems with benefits because people like him are abusing the system.
I'm sorry to hear about your son, I hope life gets better for you soon.
Take care, hugs to you.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
9 Oct 10
Same here Nannacroc, I do not have a clue what goes on round here and really do not want to
This Guy tells everyone who will listen how he gets away with not working and yes he makes me mad as you say he is abusing the System but it is none of my Business let him do as he pleases but he will not gossip about me and make stories up
My Son is doing better and he has been going to work which will have helped him as he could not sit and think about things
Hugs to you
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
7 Oct 10
I can not stand gossip. I don't like it when someone talks about another. In fact, I have been known many times to tell someone not to do that around me. Also, if someone does not have anything nice to say about someone I will tell them not to say anything at all.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
10 Oct 10
I totally agree with you Moon
But there are so many People around now that thrive on Gossip it is unbelievable
I ignore it I am not even going to bother saying anything I have bigger Problems to worry about then some sad Peron who has nothing better to do and gossip
@abbey19 (3106)
• Gold Coast, Australia
7 Oct 10
Hi Gabs! Sorry to hear about your son gettng beaten up recently; people don't seem to need a reason to hurt other people these days - they just do it because they can. People aren't safe to go out at night on their own now - you just never know if you are going to be the next one to be "jumped" or mugged. A sad state of affairs, isn't it. Anyway, I hope your son recovers ok.
As to gossip - I abhor it, I can't stand it. It can cause so much damage and hurt. This is how strongly I feel about gossip - if I am in the company of someone who starts gossiping, I have to ask them to stop, or else I have to leave. I don't want to be a part of it.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
10 Oct 10
Hi Abbey
Mike is doing much better now I am still worried though and I guess I always will be
As for the Gossip I stay out of his way I have bigger Problems to worry about, I know if I start I will have a right go at him and I do not want to do that
I know the truth and I do not care what others say or think
Hugs and much Love to you
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
7 Oct 10
OMG Gabs! I'm so very sorry about your son. I see that I picked
sometime to go away. I will talk to in private, but as for
nosy people who have nothing better to do then gossip, I think
that no matter where in the world you live "they're there"!!
You know, much like garbage, vermon other low lifes. Where I
live there was an "two old ladies" (sisters) who lived next
door and would sit on their stoop watching everything and
everyone all day talking sh!t about everyone, but to your face,
lied! And then there's the "group" of about 6 or so women who
sit out on the benches or with their chairs in the nice weather
also watching, gossiping. So, like I said, it's everywhere,
and it annoys me, but it's what people do~And unfortunately,
some of them really enjoy it!

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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
10 Oct 10
Hi Sweetie
It is good to see you back
As for the Gossip and these 2 pathetic Blokes well leave them to it, I have bigger Problems to sort out
Let them talk I just do not care any more they have never been married or had Kids so you know they need to do something as they can not be asked to go to work
I know the truth and my close Friends do that is all I care about
Mike is doing better now I am still scared and worried though that is both my Children in a space of 2 months but they are both ok
Big Hugs and much Love to you
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
7 Oct 10
NOWAY! I hate gossip. I am one that nips that stuff in the bud. I know what it is to suffer and to want to do it by myself. I hate gossip. If they say "they said" I ask "who said?" That stops it pretty quick. If they are extreme...I say I'm gonna are people out there that have no life and live for any excitement they can get. I isolate myself from them but in all makes them more curious.
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@Bingster_6 (309)
• Philippines
7 Oct 10
So are you, i hate gossips. even during parties , thats what most people love to do, instead of eating.they usually gossip someone they dont like. Its what most people are interested on it gossips..especially very iritating gossips, its not a good manner doing gossips, its just destroying ones reputation which not good for human kind..
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