cure for constipation

October 11, 2010 8:01pm CST
My baby is 3 years old. Though she doesnt really mind, im quite bothered coz the size of her poop is quite big. Most of the time, she's also constipated. She drinks a lot of water and doesnt eat much mat but stil she's constipated. What food can i give her?
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6 responses
@webzap (884)
• Philippines
12 Oct 10
I was told that ripe banana is rich in fiber content and promotes healthy digestion because of its soft texture and blandness and it normalize colonic function in the large intestine to absorb large amounts of water for proper bowel movements. Their usefulness in constipation is due to their richness in pectin, which is water-absorbent and this gives them a bulk producing ability.
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• Philippines
12 Oct 10
very informative......
@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
12 Oct 10
Yes asxenon is right, aside from giving your baby plenty of water, i think you may consider changing the milk you baby is drinking. My nephew constipates before and we actually changed his milk as what his pediatrician advices after that he never constipated. Giving plenty of fruits and vegetables will also help.
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
12 Oct 10
Feed her prunes! Prunes will make her go! lots of green vegetables like spinach. Try substituting fruit juice for some of the milk shes drinking. See if this helps
• Philippines
12 Oct 10
thanks much.......... i'll give her prunes............
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@junrapmian (2169)
• Philippines
13 Oct 10
You can give her Yakult for healthy tummy, my son used to constipate also, but with Yakult every other day, it fixes his toilet problems. Also, try introducing her to fruits and vegetables as these are plenty of fiber to help her digest her food.
• Philippines
13 Oct 10
thanks..i havent thought Yakult would daughter loves it!!!
@asxenon (1440)
• Malaysia
12 Oct 10
My daughter too constipate quite often. I think fruits and vegetables might help. Some says that constipation might be caused by the type of milk they take. maybe the milk they take is not suitable for them, a change in milk formula might help for certain cases.
• Philippines
17 Oct 10
give your kid lots of fiber rich fruits and veggies. refrain from giving him/her banana as it causes constipation. warm milk or choco drinks helps too..