Atheist = Evils...??? You agreed..???
By Tushavi
@Tushavi (2077)
Karachi, Pakistan
October 13, 2010 5:53pm CST
hi to all
well, yesterday, I go to the Yahoo Christianity Room, & found lot of annoying peoples, they insult all prophets, & God, & they laugh on peoples who are faith believer, I asks em which faith you have??? Those peoples says that they are "ATHEIST" means they don't believe on god & faiths, But you guys thinks???? if they don't have religion, why they do insulting religious figures??? maybe, for me, a person is evil if he have no religion, what about you guys??? are you agreed??? Atheist=evil??? have a nice day.
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31 responses
@TheMetallion (1834)
• United States
13 Oct 10
Believing "a person is evil if he has no religion" is pretty bigoted, actually. As bigotry is rather evil, you might consider what Jesus had to say about tending to the beam in your eye before criticizing the mote in your brother's.
One need not have religion to be good, nor does having religion prevent one from being evil.
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
14 Oct 10
Would you say the atheist Tushavi mentioned were bigoted towards religious people? "...they insult all prophets, & God, & they laugh on peoples who are faith believer..." Did Tushavi think they are evil because the atheist have no religion or was it because of their insult towards those who do? Do good people insult others and laugh at them? Would you have considered those atheist good if they had insulted you and your religion?
@SilverKing (1003)
• Canada
14 Oct 10
Yeah i would say that if you do not believe in god then you are sort of evil.Even though their is no scientific proof that a supernatural being created the universe it is highly possible as it is just to consequential that we evolved from apes with such vast intelligence so quickly.I think that man evolved with the intervention from god and without him we would be nothing but mindless apes right not.It would be the equivalent of winning the lottery several times in a row to get a universe like the one we have not out of nothing.
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
14 Oct 10
So quickly over millions of years isn't really quick. We evolved from similar to apes hence why apes haven't evolved to post modern humans yet. Also it isn't really random once you get past the great expansion which is explained in M-theory as their are 11 Dimensions in our universe and in the 11 dimension two cell like things collided into each other causing the creation of this Universe where all the forces of the universe where created and gravity is spread among 11 dimensions hence why it is the weakest of forces in our Universe there could be an infinite number of Universes. The creation of stars and planets is fairly easy the only real missing link is how did we get from two elements Hydrogen and Helium to all the others in the Periodic Table Of Elements. Which is why they are going to use a massive collider to smash two atoms together at the speed of light as it won't take a lot of energy as it is an atom with the atomic weight of 1 and 2 the first two Hydrogen and Helium which then formed the other elements through chemistry I can barely understand the Universe is a lot less random once you understand more than a 5 minute explanation from a Young Earth Creationist who can't tell you the Evolution has nothing to do with the forming of the Universe.

@mentalward (14690)
• United States
14 Oct 10
I would not call athiests evil, I would call those in that Yahoo room who were insulting others evil. No one should ever insult or put down anyone for their beliefs or lack of beliefs.
I am an agnostic. I do not believe in God but I also do not disbelieve. I'm open to proof, if that proof ever shows itself to me. Having studied several religions in my life, I'd have to say that I'm closer to Buddhism than any other religion but I have never, nor will I ever, put anyone down for believing differently than I do.
That has nothing to do with religion, it has to do with being an azzhole. I was raised in the Christian faith and I never saw it written anywhere that Christians should argue or berate anyone with different beliefs. Those who do are actually not acting as Christians.
Now, on the opposite side, Athiests also have nothing written that says they must insult or berate those who believe for those beliefs. Anyone who does that, whether they are Athiests, Agnostics, or they follow an established religion, are just nasty people. Everyone, no matter what, is entitled to have their own belief and should be able to have that belief without anyone insulting or berating them.
That's how I feel about it, anyway.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
14 Oct 10
I am equal opportunity, and I always give people the benefit of the doubt. To begin with. What I mean by that is .... how you treat me will determine how I treat you. If you start off by calling me evil for being non religious, trying to convert me, trying to influence me, trying in any way to change how I feel, what I think, or what I believe, I will give you one warning that you are on thin ice, and then I will probably erupt like a volcano. I have never, and I mean NEVER appreciated anybody preaching at me, but I always give someone a chance at first. I have friends of many different religions and I am cool with that, as long as none of them ever try to convert or pressure me. Once they do that, I ignore if I can, but I can only do that if they never make it personal. If there is ever any attack on my character or attempts to influence others who influence me, I kick back, and I don't mean gently.
I have yet to understand why people who are so deeply religious have this insane need to make others just like them. To me it's kind of like being codependent, and being codependent is worse than evil in my opinion. Religion or faith, just like normal interdependence with other people in your life, should be something that helps center you and benefits you, not something you cling to and make into a big huge deal or suffocate to the point where it's your entire life, or the person drops you because they are so burnt out with your demands or needs.
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
14 Oct 10
I don't know that I would go so far as to call them evil. I believe atheist who lash out at God and religion have been hurt some time in their past and blame God. This is their way of getting back at Him by trying to convince others that there is no God. They need our prayers, not our hate.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
14 Oct 10
Most atheists are not even interested in convincing anybody that there is no God, they are just sick and tired of people continuing to tell them there is. I actually believe in God but I am not religious and I don't want part of any religion. I won't argue about the existence, but beyond that, it's more about the behavior of people who for some reason unexplained - want you to agree with them or live like they do. I don't ask anybody to agree with me or live without religion, and I don't tell them it's BETTER or that it's right. What I say is that it works for me and it's right for me, so I don't want to hear anything else, and that should be respected. I have expressed real appreciation that religion DOES fill a need for some people, and I think that's WONDERFUL, but the bottom line is they need to understand what's great for them may not be great for someone else. For some reason, that last sentence seems to be totally lost on most religious folks. They ignore that it's true and they ignore it to the point where they make normally mild mannered and tolerant people into raging lunatics trying to get them to go away and shut up.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
16 Oct 10
Both. I also firmly believe that while one can be innocent and patient and gentle with people for awhile, after you have experienced too much overzealous pushing and shoving you have to draw a line and enact boundaries. My boundaries are to be honest and upfront with people exactly where I stand on religion BEFORE they ever say anything. This enables me to hopefully cut them off before they say ANYTHING and therefore prevents the person from sticking their foot in their mouth and angering me unintentionally. I really do think truth is the best policy but some people cannot seem to handle the truth. For me it's sort of a CYA type of thing. If I told you where I stand and I know I told you, then the only choice you have is to respect that, or not talk to me. If you want to be my friend, I told you, and now it's your job to remember I do not want to talk religion or be invited to your activities every week lol. I have therefore 'covered my a$$' and there is no retribution, if I get ticked off, I have every right because I issued a warning. 

@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
14 Oct 10
Should I assume by your tirade that you have personally been bombarded by an over abundance of religious zealots or are you talking in general terms?
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@maezee (41988)
• United States
14 Oct 10
NO! I don't agree. I think people are free to believe in whatever they'd like, so long as they don't try to push whatever THEY believe on ME!. I am not religious at all, but I don't call myself an atheist - just because I feel like A LOT of atheists CAN be close minded (not to stereotype at all, just out of the ones that I've met). But not having a religion does NOT mean you are evil - otherwise I would be evil! (By the way, I'm slightly offended by this discussion..Hmmph). I can't say I'm ATHEIST but likewise with BELIEVING in god, I think the same rules apply to NOT believing in god: you just can't prove it. And also, just because you don't believe in organized religion doesn't mean you're not spiritual and driven by spirituality (it's just a different kind, I guess). Anyway, this rant probably does not make sense but my answer to your original question is NO!
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
16 Oct 10
Are you agnostic? If you believe in a higher power but you are not religious and follow nobody's rules and dogma and boundaries and restrictions, you are probably agnostic. I won't argue that we don't see evidence of 'God' in the world, but I will argue that it means we have to do anything as a result.
That's the whole problem. You can't prove, you can't disprove, it's all a matter of speculation and theory and opinion, and it's based entirely on faith, which leads us back to square one. You cannot 'prove' faith. It's just something you have a gut feeling about. That is why it cannot be right or wrong. It just IS.
It is good for people to have faith in something if it completes them, makes their lives better, helps them on their journey. I don't understand the point though if it DOESN'T or WOULDN'T make your life better, WOULDN'T help you on your journey, and doesn't complete you because you'd never even thought of it if some numbnut wasn't trying to shove it down your throat after knocking on your front door. Really, we gotta figure out something to do about this. Something that actually works.
Heck, I'm spiritual, I meditate sometimes. I know there's a God. Doesn't mean I worship and lie on my face and pray and go to church. I don't. I don't witness or convert ANYBODY. I don't think it's my business what anybody else believes or chooses - BECAUSE IT ISN'T. However, I am perfectly at home with someone who swears there's no God. I'm fine with someone who pastors a church. We just have to walk side by side and not interfere with each other's life experiences, that's all.
@Anora_Eldorath (6028)
• United States
16 Oct 10
Atheists are an interesting group of folks to be certain. I suppose I should share my experiences before I delve into my thoughts on your assertion that they are evil people. I have one friend who grew up in a fairly mainstream religious household, later became Pagan in his later life, and now is an Atheist. Though we disagree in several points I would say we have a good friendship because we've always been able to speak openly and honestly. We respect that others have the right to believe what they wish, though I admit every now and then he does develop an overly "more persecuted than thou" attitude and I simply try to shrug it off because he is a wonderful source of information for knowledge in general. And in all fairness, most everyone who is outside of the mainstream orthodox faiths are generally persecuted. Just as most outsiders of a culture become targets.
The second Atheist that comes to mind is a person who was a long time Pagan and Ceremonial Magician. He at some point became an Atheist, my guess is that he falls into a special group of persecuted people (those in the military who are not Christian). Even though the handbook recognizes all Pagan faiths, the military has always had mandatory chapel (a Christian service), and now they have instituted a test on the subject which effects the performance review of soldiers. So in this I can understand why one might pull away from faith/religion all together. However, the issue we had when trying to discuss anything was that he went on the attack against anyone who dared to mention their spiritual beliefs. I didn't care what he believed or didn't believe but by the Goddess I wasn't going to just drop my beliefs because he said I should. I also had issues with his arguments of science is everything. I have a bachelors degree in science but that does not make me any less spiritual. Our main bone of contention came when I pointed out that most of the scientists of yesterday and today are theist. It rubbed his fur the wrong way and I've not heard from him since.
Though I do not believe in polarizing anything for the sake of discussion we'll just address the extremes. You either have those who are accepting of everything or those who are accepting of nothing. Both can lead to extremism, and most isms simply are not productive. In the case of Atheists who target chat rooms of other beliefs, well it speaks to me about their lack of understanding. Most who troll like that are simply doing it for shock value. Some may very well not even be an Atheist. My typical response to such people are to ask "If you don't believe in what I believe in, don't believe anyone is going to hell or heaven, is reincarnated, etc then what difference does it make to you what I believe". You see, if someone is an Atheist and holds no belief in a higher power most do not care if you do or not, so long as you are not pushing your agenda on them. This is the case with most who are accepting of others.
For me, I will never hate a person simply for their beliefs, or even when they attack mine. I'm very secure in what I believe and for my journey it doesn't matter what another person is or is not.
As for people being "evil" because they have no religion, well people are evil regardless. And that is funny because typically that is an Atheist argument (so I've seen in the past) that only people with religion are evil. (Search Youtube and you'll find a lot of Atheist material that puts that spin on their belief). The reality is that regardless of religion or lack of religion people can choose what they are going to do. Some of the most evil people on earth had religion, and some of the most evil people on earth had no religion. They made a choice. To blame it though on their religion or lack of religion gives them a cop out. It takes away personal responsibility. I don't agree with that line of thinking because we are all responsible for what we decide to do in life.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
17 Oct 10
Very good
I don't believe religion should be mandatory in anything that the general public is exposed to, ie what you said about its presence in the military disturbs me. I do think that an *option* for religious soldiers should exist, just as options of religious clubs or ways to gather should exist within public school and university campuses for those students who want the opportunity. I do not feel that ALL people should be forced to take part, to see it, or have to know anything about it though.
I don't mind anybody mentioning their spiritual beliefs, as long as they phrase it in a way that makes it personally about THEM. I bristle whenever someone shares their spiritual beliefs and goes on to say I should agree or join or think the same because they are RIGHT. I don't want anybody of ANY spiritual belief claiming they are RIGHT. This is just about as bad as them telling me I am WRONG without using the word.
I wonder why it bothered your friend so much to hear that many scientists are theists. Is there a reason it matters? I don't think that religious beliefs really affect jobs or interest in various job fields, and the only time I have an issue with religious beliefs and job duties is IF someone allows their personal religious beliefs to interfere with performing their job duties. I'm not sure if you heard about the pharmacist who refused to dispense birth control pills to someone because of her 'personal beliefs'. In my opinion, I would fire that pharmacist and if she did not change her behavior, I'd strip her of the right to be a licensed pharmacist. If your job duties require you dispense all written or phoned in prescriptions, then you do so. It is unacceptable and irresponsible to allow your own hangups to interfere with your ability to perform your job.

@marguicha (225707)
• Chile
14 Oct 10
I feel intolerance is evil, no matter where it comes from. It is the source of pain and wars. If an atheist is intomerant to those who believe in a God, there´s evil (if you want to call it that way, although I personally don´t much like that word). A person who dpoes not accept that other people are equally right to not believe in God are as intolerant ( and evil) as the others.
If there is a God, would he accept that a person will hate another and call him/her evil for his/her beliefs or lack of them? I hope not.
If you have a religion, why are you insulting here those who don´t believe and call them evil? Watch out. You might be as bad as they are.
Take care and be careful with pride.

@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
14 Oct 10
I think if God were to come back here now he would add two more commandments - thou shalt not hate, and thou shalt not judge your fellow man. I really think those should have been included in the originals, but of course almost everybody does those things. Oh well, even less of a chance of any perfect person to be found. Yay us! I mean we already disregard 'thou shalt not kill' as well as 'thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife' heh.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
16 Oct 10
I think God made that clear when we were given free will to choose our paths in life. If he wanted everybody to be religious and to all follow the same religion, don't you think we'd all have been just born that way, with no choice, and no idea either that there was any other path? I have a religious background, my extended family is religious so my view of all of this is rather tempered with experience plus past teachings. I really just try to pull out the best of both worlds and let go what doesn't fit.
And thank you for the kind words
PS: did you ever get the reception/beach thing sorted out? LOL!

@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
14 Oct 10
Well said mommyboo. All your responses are well thought out and well reasoned. Great contribution. I am a Christian who takes up the cross every day but I would NEVER say that anyone who was not of my denomination is wrong or would not go to heaven. God has a plan for all his people. We are free to choose the way we want to worship - or should be.
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@efc872 (1077)
• Jamaica
14 Oct 10
Regardless of Faith / Religion or lack of any, it is wise to turn your back and not indulge
in any confrontation with anyone.
Both sides only want to ridicule the other and may it lead to war.
Atheist think for themselves and sees things based on facts.
Religious don't think and repeat what is told to them.
If you told an atheist to kill he would think first.
If the religious is told to kill by the leader of the flock in God's name, there would't be any hesitation.
Take your pick and you will see the evil one
@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
14 Oct 10
The Religious and the Religious Leaders is what a I mentioned as an Atheist within a religion. They are silent rebels, a trojan horse or a virus with an Atheist mind within the Religion of God and they are highly condemned both the Rule of Man and the Rule of God.
For that so called Atheist of course he will not do it. Why? Atheist don't want to be commanded by others on the first place. Atheist will always said a response back "Why don't you do it for me... ok..." Atheists don't want to be commanded by others. If they don't believing and obeying God then why not others who are going to command them. Atheists will kill you if you commanded them hesitantly. Anyway Atheist are already killing God so what's the use of killing a follower of God. If they killed and chopped the tree down they thought it will kill the branches as well.
@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
14 Oct 10
There are a lot of them NOW, since on the early age of reasoning and at the early age of evangelizations of the Christian faiths by the so called Roman Catholics which were I belong-to. They are not only on Christian Faiths but also with others Faiths or other popular Religions, they are have already embedded themselves. They are the Atheists of the Atheists and they are warnings to all of us. They are the Secret Societies, and they are already becoming not a secret anymore - and that is more dangerous - they are the one who said Global Warming or Climate Change and making other FEARS of REALITIES - it only means we are going to have more experience from them and more intense. These are what was written or prophesied on the Book of REVELATION of John in the Bible.
So better seek now for your own self. The Internet has a lot informations and knowledge and most of all WISDOM we can have now. Just keep on searching. I myself a seeker also. I don't want you to believe me but as an awareness and realities.

@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
14 Oct 10
No! anyone who will demean another's faith is disrespectful, not evil.Along with these a$$holes , there are many "religious" people who demean other religions too! There are many Atheists who respect other's views. These a$$holes give Atheists a bad name! No I don't think Atheist=Evil.The problem is a personal thing.many Think by putting other's views it makes them look superior when it does the opposite. A wise person accepts that there are many religious paths. And not All are for everyone. And that many , many good people choose not to follow Any religious path at all. But all this name calling is infantile!
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
14 Oct 10
Have you ever thought about how funny this subject is? If God is there he doesn't need our protection. If there is no God what does it matter? I was brought up to respect all people's beliefs and that each believes what is necessary to his life.
Surly God is big enough and powerful enough to take care of each. Ego rules people who think they are superior to others no matter their beliefs.
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@limlobin (103)
• Philippines
15 Oct 10
I disagree that Atheist people are evil... They may be misguided but not evil.
Take for example the EX-BF of one of my friends. He keeps on bashing others' faith and religions, and keep yapping and yapping like a "She-Dog" that he doesn't believe in GOD and he's too good to believe in such foolishness. One day a group of people had enough of his She Dogging. Took him to have a good talk with him. Strapped him on a chair binded by a chain and stripped out of clothes, and washed with icy cold water every hour for almost a day. Those guys showed him a world without GOD for several hours. He howled, whimpered, and crapped himself for those hours. He cried for help to "Guess Who?" GOD many times. (And he said he didn't believe in such foolishness...) But in those dark hours he cried for help to a being he believed was a fiction. He walked out (survived) of that world without GOD, renewed with new understanding of respect.
Those guys guided him on his belief and respect. Now he doesn't bashes other people's faith. He's not evil just misguided.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
15 Oct 10
Those guys showed him a world without GOD for several hours.
okay and "those guys" were believers? and you say this Ex is YOUR FRIEND..but you seem okay with what these losers did? Glad you arent my friend!
and seriously do you REALLY think it made a difference or did he (your ex) just get bitter and now spews even MORE and harsher things just not to your knowledge..

@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
16 Oct 10
All I gather from your post is that this 'group of people' decided they were going to make themselves act even WORSE than he did initially (no Virgina, two wrongs do NOT make a right) and think it was justified. If someone did something like that to me I wouldn't be screaming for God. I would take note of who they were and I would have them arrested and I would sue them and their families. What they did was some sort of torture form of misguided 'vigilante justice' and if anybody ought to be punished, it is THEM. Perhaps your friend's ex boyfriend shouldn't have been yapping about how he's too good to believe in foolishness, at the same time, those people should have realized that to HIM, it IS foolishness and they should have shut up too.
@IntrovertShy (2780)
• Marikina, Philippines
1 Nov 10
@ limlobin
Oh. I don't understand christian. Is that a true christian? They did the wrong way! It is like they force him to believe something or they did too much brutal-- I mean, it is like they teach him a lesson with the use of violence which is against the will of God... I really don't understand christian at all.

@IntrovertShy (2780)
• Marikina, Philippines
14 Oct 10
No. I don't believe that Atheist is evil. Do you know why? Atheist or Christian are same people in all aspect of life. There are also Christians that are evil and some are good. The same as Atheist-- some are good and some are evil, so don't ever think that Atheist is general evil. It does not mean that a person who does not believe in God is evil... no! maybe, some will think that Atheist is evil because of what they believe of not believing in God-- of course, it is insulting and annoying for the part of the "believers"-- it is because Atheist don't believe in God-- so, those who believe in God thought they have already been insulted by the Atheist which is not--- it just that Atheist has their own belief. Of course, they will laugh-- because they are atheist-- for them is funny because that is what they believe.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
16 Oct 10
I think half of the people who are screaming about being 'insulted' are just angry that people don't agree with them. If someone doesn't agree with the way I see something and isn't going to believe what I do, or see something the way I do, it doesn't mean they've INSULTED ME lol. It just means we have different opinions, of which NEITHER is RIGHT or WRONG. they are just different.
Now it's insulting when people start accusing each other of things, so we all need to remember, an opinion is just how one person feels. Don't label anything as right or wrong, it's just how you feel. In those terms, it takes the accusation out of it and maybe people can just agree to disagree. It's when people start saying 'well i'm right and you're wrong' that tempers flare and it all goes up in smoke.
When people try to argue with me, I remind them that they aren't RIGHT... and neither am I lol. We just don't agree.
@formidexo (1351)
• Canada
14 Oct 10
I think anyone who laughs at someone else because of their religion or lack of religion is disrespectful but would not class them as evil.
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@pkdaftari (68)
• India
14 Oct 10
As a scientist, i do not believe anything without proof. If I am asked to believe something by any religion, the first question I would ask is why should I believe? And if I am provided with list of benefits, then I would ask for proofs or the process with which I can verify that these benefits actually will materialise. I am sure nobody would be able to give you such process because they only propagate blind faiths for which they have no proofs.
Science is about verifying facts through a series of processes laid down by the scientists.
I strongly believe that life is governed by a precise scientific processes. That is why sunrise, sunset, summer, winter, rainy season all such natural thing occur with a good degree of precision. So If there is a God, than there must a process through which we must experience or reach Him.
@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
14 Oct 10
If you have experience the sunrise, sunset, summer, rainy, fall and winter -- you are already experiencing there is a God. If not they are not existing anymore even your experiences.
Sir Isaac Newton (one of the most influential men in human history, a SCiENTIST, PHYSICIST, ALCHEMIST, MATHEMATICIAN, astronomer, natural philosopher, theologian and just only a Catholic Christian he dedicated most of his life studying the Bible, the Book of Revelations, the Prophecies, the Trinity, False Prophets and the AntiChrist)
He said....... "Atheism is so senseless. When I look at the solar system, I see the Earth at the right distance from the sun to receive the proper amounts of heat and light. This did not happen by chance." .........
@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
16 Oct 10
oh wow thank you mommyboo!.... How are you?
Yeah its my problem! So What? Every human beings has problems. Do you have any problems? Are you an Alien from an another world? Aliens may have problems also. I think.
Do you believe in science? Why not cure or heal that PHOBIC for goodness sake! Then ask if the world still scary. Do science has no place to help the Phobic to make a world with a great place to be. Do you want to help? Do you want to take care?
As a Christian I will try my best to convince and help the PHOBIC that the world is a great place to be whether I am not Doctor or a Scientist. At Least I TRIED. And I WILL TELL "GOD LOVES US" thats why we have a world with a great place to be..

@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
16 Oct 10
I still do not understand why you have such a problem with people who do not believe what you do. 'Atheism is so senseless' Ok... well do you want an atheist to say 'if you believe in God you are so senseless'? Of course not. It makes sense to the believer to believe in God. Likewise it makes sense to the atheist to believe in nothing. Think of someone who has a phobia of going out in public, agoraphobia I think it's called. It's a real medical condition and the person can have panic attacks if they leave the house. For a normal person, this makes little to no sense. I'm not afraid of open spaces, public places, being around other people. The way the phobic person sees the world is dangerous, anxiety producing, scary. The way I see it is just the world, it is full of things I do, people I do things with, new experiences, and old familiar things. So.. which is it? Is it dangerous and scary and should it be avoided in favor of staying locked up in my home 24/7? Or is it a great place to live and interact and play and work and grow? I guess you have to take your pick, or decide for yourself. The phobic is NEVER going to convince me the world is scary and dangerous, and I will never convince the phobic that it's a great place to be.

@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
17 Oct 10
Absolutely not!! That is completely absurd. Everyone has a basic right to judge for themselves what they believe in for themselves. Not everyone is Christian and not being Christian does not make someone "evil". That's just plain stupid. There is no one "right" religion and there is no "wrong" belief.
@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
19 Oct 10
I've been on the Yahoo message boards - the religious section is full of trolls and others who like to incite online fights by posting mean things. Quite a number of them happen to be religious, but you'll never catch me claiming that Christians/Muslims/Jews are evil just because a small number of them happen to be posting inflammatory content about atheism or other religions.
All people are capable of being rude, mean, and just plain nasty towards others. Atheists are included in this. That does not mean atheism or atheists in general are bad.
So no, I don't agree. As a matter of fact, I couldn't disagree more.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
16 Oct 10
I don't think atheist are necessarily evil. I do believe they think themselves to be wise when they're anything but. Of course they're entitled to their opinion, but anyone who can look at the wonders of the universe and not see intelligence behind it doesn't seem too smart to me.
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
14 Oct 10
Well, for a person who uses too many question marks when writting and can't make a proper use of capital letters, I don't think that you have thought much before stating something lacking sense as that.
I thinking that atheists are evil will make you feel happier, go on, but I think you need to think twice before stating something like that. Doesn't your religion say something about respecting others? -I suppose it doesn't, but just in case-. Well, everyone has different opinions and different beliefs, and not believing in religions is something completely normal, as religions don't have a solid base to support any of the things they state.
Sorry if you felt offended by people in a forum, but this is the internet. You will have to get used to people not agreeing with you.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
16 Oct 10
Tushavi may be confusing 'insults' with 'differences of opinion'. Opinions are not right or wrong, although a lot of people when sharing theirs will SAY they are right. If you disagree with me, I won't feel insulted, unless you name me specifically and call me stupid or something for my opinion. If you just state that your opinion differs, that seems perfectly fine to me. People who are intolerant seem pretty sensitive and jump to conclusions about what someone actually means when they just feel differently. If you like red and I like blue, just because I like blue does NOT mean I hate red or think less of you for liking it... but that seems to be the thought process of some people. They assume things like that which are never brought up or discussed or mentioned at all, and they build it up until I am public enemy number one... just because I prefer blue. Oh brother, talk about ridiculous 

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@razorasadsid (1)
• United States
14 Oct 10
im not cristan but i agree , bnecause they dont belive in god
what created the universe? big bang you say ? ok
now what created the big bang? nebula you say ? ok
what created that nublua?
what created that thing that created the nebula?
it will keep on going until you say "god"
becuase , everything has to start somewhere and that somewhere is god
all athiests are now proven wrong