My husband solved one problem for me today,thankfully.

@jugsjugs (12967)
October 14, 2010 6:24pm CST
The school rings me today,saying, that my son is refusing to take his pill, that he has at school every dinner time for his adhd.The person who rang me was special needs co ordinator,she snapped at me on the phone which was a bad move on her part,after all they have been sending him home aswell as putting him in a room away from other children with a teacher assistant,who i will say that got a few kicks from my son,but that was the other days.My husband hit the roof when i said that i have got to go to give him his pill at the school.Instead my husband went round there and told them not to ring me as i am not well enough to even wheel myself to the school todo their job,also it would help if they went on training in how to talk to a child like our son.It took my husband a few minuites to give him the pill and then he went off,mean while my husband noticed a few children messing around in the corridor and asked was it play time in the school,as these children should have been in lessons,but instead they were messing around listening in the corridor.I can see why my son did not take his pill,with all the noise and things going on in the corridor.
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28 responses
@GardenGerty (162496)
• United States
15 Oct 10
I went through most of the year one year leaving my job to go talk to my great niece to calm her down because she was acting out. It was not fair to my coworkers. At that time I was what you would call a teaching assistant, my title was Paraeducator. I could handle her better than the teachers and school counselor at that time. Her mom would not let her be put on medications, though. It was a heck of a year. I eventually told her mom that she needed to quit driving truck and come home and deal with her. I know some of the stuff you go through.
@GardenGerty (162496)
• United States
15 Oct 10
By demanding immediate compliance they actually passed the power over to him. It turns out that they put themselves in an impossible position. They need to learn not to do that.
@jugsjugs (12967)
15 Oct 10
I think that no matter how hard the job is for the teachers it is,they are there for my son,so they should be trained aswell as be able to sort out all the issues that he has due to his adhd.I think that with patience and no other children being about,then he would have taken his pill.It seems like the teachers and their ideas of dealing with him,are not the same as mine.
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
15 Oct 10
Good for your husband. Those in charge of giving out medications to children should be trained in this area..
• United States
15 Oct 10
Maybe you or your husband can make this suggestion at the next meeting???
@jugsjugs (12967)
15 Oct 10
They should be trained,also they should learn how to get him to have his pill by talking to him properly,as that also helps.
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
15 Oct 10
Good for your husband. I understand that teacher do have a rough job. BUt they knew what they were getting into when they decided to become a teacher. I use to assisst a teacher with a class of mentally challenged students. I know this is not the politically correct way to say this now but it was when I was doing this. The children just need love and understanding with lots of patience! If they can not deal with one child how do they expect to deal with more like him or even worse. They must find inventive ways to work with these children.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
15 Oct 10
These teachers aswell as teaching assistants are trained aswell as know what my son is like,so they have no excuses for how they can not cope.I know that my son has very challenging behaviour,but they are suposed to be trained to deal with him.Also they get extra helpers that are paid and trained to deal with him.
• United States
15 Oct 10
Yes, they knew exactly what they were suppose to be doing. They knew what they were getting into when they decided to do what they do. They have no excuses for "not doing their job". Calling you in all the time because they can not deal with your child is uncalled for. I have 2 grandchildren that are bi=polar and severe adhd and I have only been trained to deal with them by what I have read and what I have dealt with from these children. One of my children was super hyper active. I dealt with them on my own alone. These teachers should be able to deal with these children. Plus them allowing them to run the halls and the teachers not taking control of a situation more children can become agitated. If they need more schooling then they need to get it. Bothering you all the time because they can not do their job is just uncalled for. You've done your part giving them the medicine they need for him. You take him to the doctors he has to see. You get him to school no matter what circumstances you are dealing with. They get paid for this and they need to do what they are suppose to do. It's that simple. I'd go over their heads and do some paper work for formal complaints on them if this continues to be a problem.
@gdesjardin (1918)
• United States
15 Oct 10
Don't get me started with the school system these days. I had to pull my 14 year old out of school right around this time last year because he is also in special ed and they just weren't giving him the special concessions that he needs. He has a difficult time reading and they would pull him out of his reading class, but not in any of his other classes. I went to the school and asked them if he has a difficult time reading then how in the heck is he suppose to read his science book, his history book, his math book, etc. The answer I received was "we didn't think about that". Are you kidding me? Needless to say I felt I had no other recourse other than pulling him out and homeschooling him. Believe me, I am not a big fan of homeschooling, as I feel children need to be around other children...but in my son's case, it was the best thing I ever have done for him. He is learning twice as much as his younger sister and his reading has improved 2 grade levels. He was reading at a 3-4 grade level last year. Now he is reading at a 6-7th grade level. He still has problems and he reads very slowly, but he is improving more than what they initially assessed him at. He is in 8th grade and I anticipate by the end of the year he will be right on track!
@jugsjugs (12967)
15 Oct 10
It is a real shame that you were the one that had to sort out your sons teaching to be done at home.I feel that the school where my son is has let my son and his older brother right down,as his older brother has dyspraxia.I have enquired about a few other schools and they are for children like my son,but i am not allowed to drive,so i am seeing what transport there is for my son to get to the schools before i decide what todo.I had no phone call today from the school,but my friend who collects my son, was told to tell me that he has had yet another really bad day at school,also that he did not learn anything again today and that was his teacher that told her this to tell me.Perhaps they dare not ring me now,lol.
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
15 Oct 10
For me god for you for your husband in that problem be thankful to Jehovah God that he guide you into good.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
15 Oct 10
Thank you for your response.
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
15 Oct 10
I don't know what to say at this point. May good luck with your son at school. And your husband actually really helpful and he did what he suppose to do I guess.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
15 Oct 10
Well so far today i have not had a phone call,so perhaps that maybe due to my husband or my health worker saying something.
• United States
15 Oct 10
sounds like a really disgusting situation at school
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@jugsjugs (12967)
15 Oct 10
It seems to me like no matter what they ring me to tell me,then either send him home or get meds upped,also now its to get him to take his pill.
@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
15 Oct 10
That's nice that your husband was able to go take care of that for you. But also sad that the school didn't handle it. They really should have someone that can deal with children of all capacities. I see things like this at our schools as well. Our middle school and high school kids get away with cursing in class. I have substituted a few times and they didn't like me because I didn't allow it. Frustrating!!!!
@jugsjugs (12967)
15 Oct 10
I think that the children that were in the corridor,should not have been there making a noise and messing around,as this was a distraction for my son,those children were suposed to be in a class being taught.No other child is suposed to know about other children being given medication of any sort,only the child that takes it.He had another bad day today as a friend of mine who i have given permission to pass details to me about my son was told,she was told that my son has had yet another really bad day,also that he did not learn anything yet again for the whole day.See they listened to my husband about not calling me as i am not well enough,also i can not get to their school.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
15 Oct 10
Well i hope he got it settled and they dont call any more and it does sound like they need more training!
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
16 Oct 10
@jugsjugs (12967)
15 Oct 10
It sounds like they need to do their job properly,as they are suposed to be trained to deal with children with adhd.
@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
15 Oct 10
It is probably embarrassing for your son too. And, remember, peer pressure can be excutiating. Hopefully those boys playing and listening in hall don't give him a bad time later on. I wouldn't put it past them as I know how kids can be sometimes to other kids. My granddaughter had a horeable time with peer pressure.
@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
16 Oct 10
If I was a little boy I would be embarrassed. What is the stereotypical expression put on a person who has to take medication? Ya, so it must be hard for the little guy. He deserves some privacy and not having it broadcast around the school by those two in the hall that he is taking meds. This could very actually happen and the school should be smart enough to see this and nip it in the bud.
@jugsjugs (12967)
15 Oct 10
My husband could not believe that they would allow children to be there in the corridor messing around watching my son.My sons concentration span is not great as he gets side tracked easily,so my husband said that he could see that was another reason for my son not wanting to take his meds.
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@teamrose (1492)
• United States
15 Oct 10
Wow, things have certainly changed. Poor teachers now have the responsibility to make kids take their meds.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
15 Oct 10
If he do not take his meds,he is over active and that can cause them more problems than anything,they know that he needs his meds aswell as what improvement they make to his behaviour, when he takes them.You have to have a drs letter to ensure that they give him the pill,also consent from me for them to administer it to him.
@Memnon (2170)
15 Oct 10
From what I have read of this school so far they do not seem to be up to very much. I appreciate that, when children have specific needs it might be difficult: but I recall you stating that the school received additional funding. Good luck on eventually getting this resolved.
@jugsjugs (12967)
15 Oct 10
I think that if this carry on with the school,with them keep ringing due to them not being able to cope,then i will be getting him transfered to a school that can.At the moment i am looking into getting both of my sons into another school,tht has good reperts on their special needs in their schools,aswell as transport to get them to those schools.This week my son with the adhd has been getting the one to one support,must have been something i said to them,aswell as the education people.
@Sanitary (3968)
• Singapore
18 Oct 10
U havea good man in your life. He's doing all the things that u can't do, and he's doing it so well. He's showing his responsibility as your husband and a father to your son, as well as the advantage of being a tax payer. With his observation in school, it's probably the school's fault whereby they can't handle children at all. Your son is not the only example and he's definitely not the worst of them all. It's the teachers whom needs to be disciplined.
• Canada
15 Oct 10
Jeez. It sounds to me like you need to get your son into a different school!
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@jugsjugs (12967)
15 Oct 10
I am looking into getting him into another school,also seeing what transport i can get to get him to a really good school with a really good reputation.
@eshaan (6188)
• India
15 Oct 10
yes school people behave very strangely and sometimes give you unnecessary troubles and if you find and point out their mistakes they find it hard to happened with my daughter that she was given wrong answers in English literature and i complained the principal about it....first she started saying that no the child must not have taken down them properly etc etc... but when i let her know that my daughter is a very good student but she was given that senseless answers by the teacher...whereas the answers should be well in detailed and after analysis of the lesson when its the class 7th studies...then she read the note-books and accepted the in the second term the teacher is thankfully changed....
@jugsjugs (12967)
15 Oct 10
It would help if the teachers took the time to talk properly to the children,rather than just trying to rush every thing as that do not help anyone.It seems that nowadays the teachers do not do alot of what they should be doing with their children in their classes.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
15 Oct 10
I hope he made a loud noise, you cannot be expected to rush over there each time they have not been able to do their job. to help with this is there anyway you can jockey the time around so that he doesn't have to take a pill at school? Discuss this with your Doctor, he has got to know that anything that sets your child apart at school is not helpful. Maybe there is a time release or even a larger dosage that would allow for him to go the school hours without a dose. Good Luck
@jugsjugs (12967)
15 Oct 10
The medication that he was on was not working as he was given one tablet a day and half a pill of a night.So they put my son on a pill that would constantly work and that would need topping up at lunch time as by then it has worn out of the system.I am seeing the adhs specialist in November,to have his meds looked at again as they can either change them,or easier up the med slightly.
@piya84 (2580)
• India
15 Oct 10
It seems these teachers are not properly train to handle these kids.They need to training.Is there any other school where you can be treated better way?Its better to shift to another school if this is happening again and again.
@jugsjugs (12967)
15 Oct 10
There are two other schools that are trained to deal with my son and they have no bad reports,also they have a great ofsted report,i am looking into getting transport for getting to the schools as these schools are not on my door step,however they can and do qualify in being entered into the schools that i have enquired about.
@doormouse (4599)
15 Oct 10
if a school is going to allow special needs children to be taught at their school then they should know how to handle them when there is a problem,i totally agree with what your husband said about having extra training in these situations,my friend was told yesterday that during a p.e lesson her son ran off and hid in the school because he does'nt like p.e,they couldn't find him for 20 minutes,which i think is terrible as in that 20 minutes her son could have quite easily left the school grounds and wandered off,some schools just haven't got a clue
@jugsjugs (12967)
15 Oct 10
It seems strange that last week when my son was made to come home,i asked the head master where his one to one is as he is funded due to his adhd,as i knew that he had not been getting the one to one.He has had one to one all of this week all day every day,perhaps the head master had a phone call,lol,other than from me.If it was the case that he refussed to do pe,ran off and hid and it lasted for only 20 mins,i would not mind that one bit,as that is what children do.With adhd they were trying to give him his pill in the corridor with all the distractions of a few children messing around,hence why my son did not want to take his pill,mind you strange that he took it ok for my husband though.The only way out of the school is through fire doors and they are hard to open and they are alarmed aswell in schools,after all that is another thing that my son tried a while back.Now he has been kicking the teachers refusing to go to class eating dinner with the head master on and off,getting irate like he use to be before he was on the pills,so the school wants his meds upped, as his meds were working until his body got use to them.
@pecito (303)
• Bulgaria
15 Oct 10
Yeah,sometimes teachers can't find the relevant solution to a problem,but being a teacher myself,I must say I really try my best to satisfy every student's specific needs.
@jugsjugs (12967)
15 Oct 10
I am sure that you have had children with adhd in your school,so i am sure that you know that you have to keep them busy by doing alot of one to one with them,it is no different when it comes to taking pills.You ensure that there are no distractions,where as they were giving him his pill where there were other children making noises aswell as playing around,where as those children should have been in class.
@grubder23 (271)
• Philippines
15 Oct 10
thumbs up to ur husband. thumbs down to all the other negative stuff.
@jugsjugs (12967)
15 Oct 10
I think that perhaps now i will get less phone calls,as not only my husband has had his say,but soo has a professional person.