"Happy happy, joy joy is this really natural?"

@Hatley (163773)
Garden Grove, California
October 19, 2010 11:32am CST
I realize that a sour, grumpy person is hardly going to spread any joy to those who have to work or be around him, or her. B ut what about the idea you must always be sappy sweet, happy happy joy joy all day long even if people are super irritating or down right nasty to you? I know one must not have a melt down in front of customers or with fellow coworkers. But what of the person who is so sappy sweet,happy happy joy joy all the time,you begin to think she is a robot programmed to be super happy even if she splits her facial skin with that phony big smile? Is there not a happy medium in which you can be pleasant without seeming phony? Have you met people who seem so sweet you feel its all phony? Then heard them later swearing with words that would make a sailor blush?Your thoughts.
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43 responses
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
19 Oct 10
You made me laugh, reminding me of Ren & Stimpy and the Happy Happy Joy Joy song! Stimpy made a happy helmet for Ren, who was always grumpy, and it forced him to act happy. What a hilarious episode! I haven't been around anyone who is always happy. In fact, most of the people I have ever worked with have been pessimistic and serious. I think it would drive me nuts, though, if someone was always happy and I would think that it must be an act at least part of the time.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Oct 10
oh JersualemFolk yes I know that sonata and it is one of the most moving of Mozarts many works, a wonderful piece. I try to be happy because I knpw happiness comes from within ones self, and I have felt so blue around p eople who grumb le and scowl and whats so sad is they seem to me to really be doing pretty well so why be sour. The lady I spoke of was not really happy , it was all supreficial as her smile was as phony as three dollar bill. Her employers thought she was wonderful but when ever I w as waited on I got a cold chill as her eyes looked at me like I was some evil person while her smile was huge but also all put on.She was pretending.I love music so much and am a classics fan. I listen to Mozart as I mylot a lot of times. I think a lot of Mozarts pieces are very Holy in their own way. I love to sing the hymns in church and miss not being able to get to our church on Su ndays we did have a lay preacher come here on Sundays but would you beleive only five of us ever showed u p and there are over a hundred residents here, why i s that?
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Oct 10
hi dragon for the longest time I have wondered where I got that Happy Hppy joy joy thing and now you reminded me. My son was always watching Ren and stimpy. yes most of the time I am surrounded by serious, rather gloomy people but there are some who really are pleasant. but this one saleslady was so obviously phony that her smile gave me chills. I shopped where she worked as they carried a line of larger womens clothes that were attractive. Her eyes did not hold that smile, they looked at me like I was something the dog had dragged in even while she had this pasted on smile. I was glad when I would come in and someone else waited on em that was pleasant all the way through.
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• Philippines
22 Oct 10
It really nice to have a happy environment. Even if you are not in good mood, all bad vibes will go away if you are surrounded by people with happy thoughts.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Oct 10
LOL--You know I was sitting here thinking about this as I read it, and it occurred to me that I've never really known anyone who is sugary sweet and happy all the time, in fact with me, I tend to me the grumpies, the gloom and doom type of people who even if you try to cheer them up, they always have something negative to say back. The only person I can think of that was sugary and sweet all the time was that TV character on the Mary Tyler Moore Show, Sue Ann Nivens played by Betty White oh, and if I did meet a person like that in real life I'd probably want to punch her face in
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
21 Oct 10
LOL--I knew what you meant
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Oct 10
hi pyewacket oh yes I remember Sue Ann Nivens what a character. I love Getty White's acting. I met this salesclerk in a better clothing store I went to as they had larger womens sizes that did not look yucky. S he had the coldest look in her eyes when she faced you but she had this big smile and everyone said she was the sweest thing;. I heard her in the hall swearing at someone on the phone and she sure was not smiling. she used language I had never heard before. I finally got so I woould go to this store at the time when I knew she was not working there. She always made me feel that I was big and fat and ugly when she looked at me.And that made me also angry as she had no ri ght to treat me any different than anyone else.I am never that sweet, as I am sort of shy and seriouc but I do try to be pleasant to e very one I meet.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Oct 10
getty white oh no sorry supposed to be Betty White sorry.,
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
19 Oct 10
Yeah, I get a feeling when I think somebody is being phony. On the other hand, nothing wrong with having a happy demeanor, kind of like Tigger. I'd like to be more like Tigger. :D
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@GardenGerty (162497)
• United States
19 Oct 10
I need Tigger energy. I would like to be bouncy, and get around places. I would settle for the silly smile if I could do that.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Oct 10
hi dawn oh yes Tigger, that is happy without a phony bone in his body. Winnie ThePooh, as old as I am I still love that story.Yes when that clerk waited on me she smiled but her eyes looked at me like I was no better than a piece of dog poo.She was very slim yet worked in the larger women's dress department maybe she got some sort of kick out of inwardly sneering at us bigger people but I would rather she had done away with the smile as it was not real. you know when I had a bad fall in front of my favo rite restaurant and fractured myshoulder, this little boy came over and smiled at me and touched my hand. He said " are you okay lady? My mom is calling the paramedics. You okay." HIs smile was real and I did not w2ant to scare him so just said
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
20 Oct 10
HI LADIES: 'BOUNCE BOUNCE. HERE COMES TIGGER! IT'S GOING TO BE A BLUSTERY DAY', SAYS TIGGER. Apropos of Tigger, when I was 17 I met Mrs. Mine (wife of author A.A. Milne) and guess who? yes - Christpher Robin - who was midde aged by then I had imagined him t be the same as the drawings by Shepherd(?) I just checked as I have the prints of the orignal drawings in 1926. I tell you - it is embarrassing as I am full of non essential information
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
19 Oct 10
Oh for sure. it seems lately thats all son gets for girlfriends. these last 2 have just been to much to take like that. they seem to be that way just to annoy me when they are here with us. or maybe son just makes them that happy and they think i should be that way to around him? the thing is, i made him....lol.. so ive been around him his whole life. i cant just be happy happy joy joy, myself all the time. now that they are away from him all they do is call sad,sad, and miserable and crying. etc. so shouldnt they see that life not constant happy and joy? even this last one since she left has gotten something like lime disease back there and i told son, now she sees what my life is like with aches and pains every day. so, shes not happy happy joy joy all day now!
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@Aaleexix (2290)
• India
19 Oct 10
In that situation you described only robot can be happy. Because that robot would have programmed to be happy. If such program that can make any people happy in any situation would have sell in very high price. Because in this modern are all the commodity are available but no where we can find peace of mind, happiness and pleasure.
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
31 Oct 12
I also think that it would be good to program our minds to be happy.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Nov 12
hi ajithlal I had to sort of program my self to be haappy here as veing in a place with 1 00 some people is not the happy place for a shy person at all. most are not my friends and do not want to be but thats because a lot have mind problems.but I de decided to be happy as crying did not do anything but make me so miserable., so I am settled in and also I am on my lot 'a lot too which really helped me a l ot.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Oct 10
hi Aaleexix oh how right you are we can buy a lot of things but peace of mind and happiness and pleasure are not things you can buy. It mostly comes from within ourselves and as Abe Lincoln said, man is about as happy as he chooses to be meaning we have to make our own selves happy.I do find if I feel happy that I do have peace of mind. and If I can be content with what I have I can feel pleasure too. Also if you can do some things for others we get all kinds of payback as it fills me with pleasure that ' I could help someone else.
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• India
19 Oct 10
I think being happy is something which is natural. I have met lot of people who are artificial and possess a habit of fake smile.I appreciate that too. Because its really very difficult to be happy now a days. Its so hectic for everyone that happiness seems to have faded away.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Oct 10
hi concept With this sales lady the smile was fake but her eyes'held a sneer, a look that said fat lady you are grotesque. A fake smile ofte masks a person who is really sneering at you.Only can we make ourselves happy as it comes from within.We can choose to happy or gloomy.
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@GardenGerty (162497)
• United States
19 Oct 10
Some people do not like to ever let down their mask. They feel it is inappropriate. I find myself wondering what they are hiding, though, if I never see any negative emotions. I am sure there is a happy medium, but I tend toward the grumpy rather than the sappy. I am sure I need to find a happy medium as well. Having all one emotion is boring, both for the people around you and for yourself, because you are not really letting yourself be truthful.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Oct 10
hi GardenGerty thats it its a mask and I knew she was sneering at me, a plump elderly lady looking for a pretty dress in my size.She was a trim petite lady working in the large womens dresses.I think if we are true to oursleves we will smile, laugh, grump and scowl at times. I like people to be real not pretend. And I hate hypocrisy.I think if the sales clerk had not made it a poin of the phoney smile I would mot have been as bothered by it.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
26 Oct 10
I've never known anyone that sugary sweet or that phoney Hatley dear. The closest thing I can think of and it's what I immediately thought of when I read your discussion was when someone answers the phoney in a fake superior tone then relaxes and speaks in their normal voice whn it turns out to be a friend of theirs. I wonder if that's where the word "Phony" comes from...that is, when people talk in their phone voice...
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
27 Oct 10
That's discrimination and despicable behaviour as well. I cannot stand people like that.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
28 Oct 10
hi mstickle yes I do agree. I didnot get to met that male mangager but to me he was a total jerk. size 12 indeed. what on earth does ones dress size have to do with whether or not one could do the job you interviewed for? I knew I wou ld not have been happy anyway working with people like that.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Oct 10
hi mstickle that could be too. I do not know why but this reminded me of a job interview I went on a number of years back. Iwas ingterviewed for a receptionist job in a sports manufacturing place. the interviewer was also the departing receptionist and she had a pleasant rather ordinary voice . she seemed impressed with my answers and decided to call her boss to tell him she felt she had found the new receptionist. okay you should have heard her voice change as she talked to her boss then listened she sounded too too phoney and sugary sweet. then she told me,oh I am so sorry. My boss said I must not hire anyone who wears over 'a size twelve, I am so sorry. now her voice was again real and I could see she really felt bad. I was appalled. what on earth did it matter if I could do the job if I wore a size 16 at the time. I was not bulgy fat but healthy then.I have a hunch the boss was not more than thirty if that.
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
20 Oct 10
I do know of and know some people like this. I think in certain situations that you can be different in different places. For instance at work when you wish to have a good day and everything to go as right as it can. Be nice, smile, make the best of it. Later on in a different circumstance, you be the other part of you. People can have two personalities or more. It just depends on what is going on and what situation is at hand. I would consider it a good ting if a person that normally cusses up a storm, or like a sailor did not do this around me or other. Some of us don't speak like this and do not wish to be bombarded by it with lots of cussing in every breath. It's showing proper manners to be different from that in a different circustance. But then you do have people that put on airs. They act like they are a different person and want to make people think they are this and not that. This I consider is a person not being true. I don't like fake people.
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• United States
22 Oct 10
Some people can be so hateful. She has no business working there, none at all. Good for you for telling her off. With her being that way I would have went over her head and told the manager about her attitude.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Oct 10
hi moondancer yes she was not true to herself. as a slim petite lady who scorned lagre women she sho uld not have been in L ane Bryants large size at all ,not with the hostility she showed in her eyes. I could not believe her pasted on smile as her eyes looked cold almost evil. then she said," maam I do not think we even carry your size here." She had not even asked me what size i wanted. I loved being able to bit@h back at here." yes you do and I have two dresses I am buying but you just lost a sale. it never pays to be rude, Lady." I took them over to the sales clerk who was as large as myself and let her have the comisson.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Oct 10
hi moondancer one of our mylotters thinks it is funny to call an overweight woman fatsorella well I have news for him I just reported that insult. I should have gone to the manager.
@eshaan (6188)
• India
19 Oct 10
happiness on face and happiness at heart are 2 different things...some people pretend to show their smiling smiling face whole day and that really feels mechanical...i don't like such people...instead one dry smile from the painful heart gives u more meaningful happiness...i don't know whether i am able to write what i want to...but i hope u understood
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Oct 10
hi eshaan you put it very well and I do understand c ompletely. Thats exactly how I felt she smiled but she was looking at me like I was pond scum not a customer who might buy something. Sure I was overweight which is why I was looking at large womens dresses.She was very slim and I could feel her scorn for me and that really hurt Yes one dry smile from a real person gives us more happiness. You are writing very well eshaan.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
19 Oct 10
Hi there Hatley, There are some people that are more smiley and perky than others for sure. I had an Aunt whom was so very smiley and friendly that I thought, "this lady can't be for real." She was though. When we were teens a friend and me went on a mission to see if we could possibly anger her. This Aunt lived with us and shared a room with me and I swear I'd never seen her angry...ever! Oh well, mission accomplished. I would never in my life want to see her angry ever again! I think that you can tell the difference between a genuinely happy person and one that is being phony. I have people in my life that have never seen me angry and I work on keeping a positive attitude but no one is smiley happy and bubbly all the time. It is just not normal.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
21 Oct 10
OMG...she actually said this to you? Doesn't matter how big the smile ....it is just plain rude and callous. Good for you! You handled it perfectly and hopefully taught this girl a lesson in tact and class.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Oct 10
hi sid you know afterwards I felt sort of bad but still she had really hurt me as I was telling my tablemate today just because we are big gives nobody the right to be rude to us we still have feelings even if we are big.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Oct 10
hi sid she gave herself away as she said still with the sappy smile,"maam I do not think our store even carries your size" and I felt really happy to burst her mean bubble."oh really,well sorry rude lady, I just found two dresses that fit beautifully." She tried to take them to make the sale." lady your rudeness just lost you a commission. I will give these to Mrs. Torry" and I marched over to the older bigger clerk, Mrs Torrey by her name plate. She was very sweet and gave me a sweet real smile. I never did go b ack to Lane Bryant again. "
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@celticeagle (172754)
• Boise, Idaho
20 Oct 10
To me these types of people are fakey and need to be slapped out of it. It comes down to money. She probably gets big bucks for smiling pretty and not asking any questions. I have met people like this and some are just blonde ditz for the most part and brainless. Robot is a very good way of describing them.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Oct 10
hi celticeagle she was hostile towards large women so why was she wo rking in Lane Bryant and why the plastic smile as her cold eyes gave her away. She cut her own throat comission wise with this c rack"maam I do not think we carry your size in our store? with a smirk.well I smirked back."oh yes you do I just found two pretty dresses that fit me." she made to take them from me."I am not letting you toudhc them, rudeness just did you out of your comissionl I will let Mrs. Torrey make the comission." I took the two dresses over to the large lady with the name plate Mrs. Torrey.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Oct 10
hi celticEagle excuse my laughter am still grinning. oh yes that would be vengeful enough. what a thought., yuck.
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@celticeagle (172754)
• Boise, Idaho
21 Oct 10
I can see why the happy happy joy joy. I would stock and then tie her up by her thumbs, skin her and feed her to the dog. There. Is that vengeful enough?
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@ifa225 (14459)
• Indonesia
19 Oct 10
I had Mrs.Hatley.. i can say that what you had description about me. I try to be happy to eliminated the sour in my life. and i hope by that smile, i can take everyone in joy.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Oct 10
yes ifa I do so agree as sour faces curdle our tummies and smiles make us feel good to so that a smile passed on helps a lot of people. think about smiling at the bus driver then he smiles at his customers and they smile and go to wo rk or home and smile at their families or coworkers and those people smile it can just go on and on. lol lol lol.
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@quita88 (3715)
• United States
19 Oct 10
HI, I still am laughing. You wrote this one really good !! I know the kind you are talking about and I cringe if I happen upon one.. That superficial crap is God awful irritating to me. I want to slap that false smile right off their faces! I don't tho.........I try to be kind to each and every person I come across but I do have to hold my tongue a lot of times !!!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Oct 10
hi quita 88 I tried to be good but when she smiled while she snipped that she did not think the store carried my size. S he had not even asked me what size I was looking for. I loved saying"Rude lady your rudeness cost you a sale and commission. I found these two fit me and yes you do carry my size." she tried to take the dresses to ring them up"NO rudeness does not cut it with me. I will let Mrs. Torrey have the commisson rude lady." she was not smiling then.Mrs.,Torrey was v ery kind and I was soon waited on.She wanted to know if the other sales lady had been ude to me. I told her what had happened and she said the woman was on probation as she had insulted another customer. I never went back there again.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Oct 10
hi guita I have also seen some rude cashiers in Walmart and they were giving this one man a hard time as he evidently had a tax exempt card too. He was undoubtedly a vet and v ery crippled and she was being so nasty to him. He was soft spoken and I felt for him and wished he had had a tougher person with him. She was looking over that card and finally a supervisor came over and the supervisor actually waited on the Vet herself. and he seemed happier when he left.
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
21 Oct 10
Boy , do I understand rude ! The people at WAl Mart for instance. I guess they think customers owe them something. Just the other day, I was in Wally World and the cashier was snippy when I handed her my tax exempt card......my husband earned that right in the Viet Nam War and has every right to use it! And so I , his spouse, but she finally got us rang up and all our groceries were still sitting at the end of her counter...she said, are't ya gonna load out your groceries? Stunned ! I said that is your job......she said NO! and not nicely either. I quickly loaded my groceries but before I left I made it my duty to find a supervisor and told her what had happened.. After I got my groceries unloaded in our car, I went back in and saw that supervisor with the checker and she was really giving her what for !!! Needless to say that made me day..........but it will happen again and I know it... we just have to take up for ourselves in this world and looks like you and I have !
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
20 Oct 10
I am one of those people who try to be upbeat and happy around others. I try to stay positive, and joyful. I don't come across as being fake with it. People comment to me that I always seem happy. Well to tell you the truth. I'm not always feeling happy. but if I am frowning and down and out, that will spoil my day, thats how the people around me will act. If you smile at someone chances are they will smile back. That smile you give to someone just might brighten an otherwise crappy day. I do have crappy days, thats when I get quiet. People around me know something is wrong. I have lots of crap going on in my life right now, I can't and won't let it poison me and my attitude about life. you get what you attract in life, I want positive forces not negative forces in my life. This statement pertains to my private personal life, also my business life. I sort of figure you might be talking about a worker that works where you live. They should be nice and sweet to all the residents. if they are putting on an act, when they are done acting they should make sure others don't hear them act normal. I do my best to be a lady at all times, but get me mad, all bets are off. Hehe
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
21 Oct 10
Good going for you. I am a big girl too, 6 ft tall and have extra padding. I used to buy my clothes at Lane Bryant. They had clothes for talls. Shame on that clerk for being like that. Notice I didn't say lady.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Oct 10
hi polly I also decided she was no lady. I have not been in that particular store since but I can shop Lane bryant on line nowwhich is good too.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Oct 10
once more I used to work as a nurses aide so I had to look postive and happy, ill people do not need sour faces to care for them. the person I was talking aboutwas a sales clerk who worked in Lane bryant. slime and petit they had her in the large womens sizes. she had this weird pasted on smile but her eyes were icy cold then she said" I do not thing we even carry your size." I loved it when I said" oh but you do and I have two dresses I am buying but not from you. Rudeness doesn't cut it with me" I took my purchases to a clerk as big as I was and let her get the commission on the dresses.the rude clerk will never get my sales again.
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@gdesjardin (1918)
• United States
21 Oct 10
I used to work with a girl that had this perky little cheerleader voice ALL THE TIME!! She would always come in to the office every morning and sing "Good Morning Everyone!! Hope everyone is having a super day". Oh gosh! Her voice was so incredibly annoying and she was happy all the time...and I do mean sappy sweet happy. Now I try to always be happy, and at least fake it during office hours, however, this lady would push Santa over the edge. One Monday morning, she walked into the office singing her usually good morning speech and when she passed by my office, I said, "I was having a super day until you came singing by". I didn't even realize I had said what I said out loud ...you know one of those "did I just say that" kind of moments. I felt so bad that I actually expressed my feelings out loud, however, it apparently didn't rain on her parade, and she continued to sing her little good morning speech everyday.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Oct 10
hi gdesjardin evidently it did not make any dents. I was the same way with the saappy sweet s miling clerk but I was not a bit sorry as she snipped this at me"Maam I do not think our store even carries your size' maam" I looked at her"Rude lady I have found two in my size that fit'me perfectly." "Oh let me ring you up" I frowned at her "Rudeness does no cut it. you just did yourself out of a commission. I will take my purchase to theother Clerk,and let her have the commission.," the other clerk was v ery kind and even asked me if everything was okay. I told her about the remark the other saleslady made to me., This lady told me the snippy clerk was on probation for doing the same sneering at another customer.I never did go back to that'store again. I did feel bad later about my own snippiness with the sappy sweet smiling clerk.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Oct 10
hi gdesjardin me too and its time we stood up for our rights as customers.
• United States
22 Oct 10
It kills me when sales people are rude...especially if they work off of commission. Good for you for going to another sales person.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
20 Oct 10
I don't know anybody like this, myself. I smile a lot but it's because it's a habit. It's not a habit that I'm ashamed of, though, and most people tell me they like my smile. I hope it's not phony. This saleslady you are talking about should have realized that she was there to help you and her smile should have been more natural. I hate to have to deal with a saleslady, bank teller, waittress, etc. that seems sour on the world. That's why I smile a lot because I feel like people prefer this to looking mean anytime.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Oct 10
he he I don't know as I never went back to that store. lol.
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
21 Oct 10
Good for you, Hatley! It served her right, lol! I hope that taught her a lesson!
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@RachelleNH (1396)
• United States
20 Oct 10
Ren and Stimpy! LOL I'd say yes-there is a happy medium..an intelligent comeback to shut them up And yes, I've seen those types-the overly superficial smile where you wonder what they're thinking behind it!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Oct 10
hi rachelle yes it was and I cannot understand why people have to be so rude and nasty to us who are heavy like that as they do not act that way to very skinny or very tall people.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
20 Oct 10
hi Rachelle yes I think so too as we c annot always be bubbling over but we can smile and be pleasant and that would be more intelligent than a phoney pasted on smile and cold eyes.This salesclerk with her large phony smile and her eyes that shone with a sneer made me feel like I' should neve have come into this large sized womens dress department at' all. She was looking me up and down then she said I dont think we carry your size..." I stopped her with"oh but you do as I have already found two that fit me beautifully.But I took my purchase past her to the other sales clerk who was a large size also. I knew they worked on comfission so I gave my business to the one who was kinder better natured person even if she didnt really smile at me. But actually she did have a smile it was just a little smile.
• United States
20 Oct 10
Now that is really rude of her...I think you should post a review somewhere or tell management..That was just nasty..why are people like that?!
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@yspmyl (3435)
• Malaysia
20 Oct 10
Hi Hatley, I never seen a person that are always happy, I believe if someone is happy always, he/she most probably are a great actor/actress. LOL. I am a happy go lucky guy, but yet I do not think that myself can be happy all the time, I too will feel down when there is something that not smooth in my life. I used to feel sad when something went wrong and not as my wish. I have a friend who are always feel unhappy about many things, about the family, about the husband, about how others treat her, about how her mother in-law treat her, about how her husband spend his money and about too many things that you can think of. I wonder how to go through the life like her if everyday feel unhappy.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Oct 10
hi yspmyl I have known a few people like that here in G old Crest and they never smile and are always b adly treated by someone til they depress me so much I have to leave before I start crying myself. I try to be happy for my own self's sake. We have to make ourselves happy as nobody can make us happy as it comes from within.One can be happy even if lifes not always the best as we are still alive and the world is really a pretty good old place. lol.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Oct 10
thats it exactly yspmyl I found that you cannot cry yourself out of a miseravle situation so why not just be happy and hope fpr better times ahead . my son is now working so maybe one day we can once more have a two bedroom apartment. I make myself be happy and others will be happy too.
@yspmyl (3435)
• Malaysia
21 Oct 10
Hi Hatley, you are pretty right! Why live in this world with sad and unfriendly face? Why make yourself unhappy all the time and that makes others feel unhappy too. It will be no fun to live if everyday feeling down and unhappy, I would rather kill myself if someone force me to be unhappy everyday.. So, I would prefer to live happily no matter how bad the situation are.
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• Singapore
20 Oct 10
Hi Hatley, Your description of a sappy sweet person was really funny, I imagine someone acting like a clown around me the whole day, mouth in a wide grin. I don't think I have met anyone like that. I realize that the older people gets, the more grouchy they become. Young friends that I have are the ones who can really laugh heartily and always in high spirits though their mood also changes quite fast. People I meet at work usually go around with a sad expression on their faces.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Oct 10
hi bluemoonpavilion yes some older ones do get grouchy and I think thats sad. one person my own age claimed she had earned the right to be a grump but I told her that is just an excuse.smiling and being happy make us old people much more likeable and we also like ourselves more. Myh husband was a merry person but he also had his serious moments too so he smiled but also could look serious or sad too.This clerk was a phony happy person who wore a pasted on smile and eyes as cold as ic e.she made a sarcastic remark to me which cost her the commison on a sale of two lane bryant dresses. I gave them to a lady who was my size and her smile was small but genuine too.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Oct 10
Icould feel her looking me over inch by inch. for a moment I wanted to chicken out then realized I had as much right to be there as did anyone else.