Why would someone want to have 1000's of facebook friends?

October 24, 2010 7:47am CST
Well , I don't really get it. It's so hard to follow up some many updates. It's impossible to keep up.
11 responses
• Indonesia
15 Nov 10
it might be they're want to be celebrity on facebook :)
• Israel
18 Nov 10
Good luck to them...
@wadabski (761)
• Philippines
24 Oct 10
I also dont get is. I only have 100+ friends in m FB account and do not accept friend requests from somebody I do not know and yeah its impossible to keep up with all the posts in my wall.
• United States
25 Oct 10
Hi Wadabski, As someone pointed out, these things can just happen without anyone even intending it to. And, it's useful to have lots of contacts for business reasons, if you're selling something. However, there's something related to that which is worth remembering. If you're promoting a cause or sometimes promote causes, having a big list is also worth-while. I mean, if you sell cookies for the Girl Scouts, come cookie season, it's great to know you can remind a thousand Facebook friends that it's that time of the year. And, since you're the one reminding them... Sunshine & Blessings, Giovani
@rosapai (254)
• Philippines
25 Oct 10
I don't follow up on friends updates. I am mostly in facebook because of the games.. so I add friends as neighbors for the applications/games that I play... Now, they are many because I work in school and the teachers, some of them, ask me to be their friends, either on games or just be friends... then are also my cousins and high school friends, the friends during college, the colleagues in organizations... Mind you, I do not add them all, mostly add when they ask me.. I now have 300+ friends without the other friends I see on my friendlist that I know people who know me and I know them.
@hushi22 (4927)
24 Oct 10
i think are those who cares esp some known or trying to be known individuals but i personally dont. =)
• Philippines
4 Nov 10
same here i just dont understand why others wanted to have that much on their friend lists even though they dont know other person on their lists personally. for me i keep my fb account only with friends i really know, though other purpose of this site is to connect with friends & have new one.
@digidon (165)
• Philippines
24 Oct 10
I don't know... for some cases, they just want to have confidence that they have more than 1000 friends... maybe there are cases that facebook games need friends to be at a better level or so...
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
24 Oct 10
I cannot say why anyone in particular would want to have more than even 200 Facebook friends but, for some people 'friends' is simply another word for 'contacts' and there are very good reasons why some people need thousands of contacts. It has often been said (and nearly as often disputed) that "The money is in the list". If you are selling something, it is more profitable to sell to people who have already bought from you or have expressed an interest in what you are selling and this may be one reason why people build up large lists of contacts (which social network sites like Facebook or Twitter like to call 'Friends' or 'Buddies') Another reason for such large lists of 'Friends' is that some people see social networking as a game. For some reason, they consider it socially acceptable or a way of gaining social credibility as 'c0ck of the roost' to have as many people in their 'Friends' list as possible. Of course, very few of these people are real friends at all and they will put up with the inconvenience of wall posts and updates in order to collect as many friends as possible ... just as in the past people collected railway engine numbers, postage stamps, matchbox labels, cheese labels and many other things.
@nanayangel (7878)
• Philippines
24 Oct 10
Hi there Jeff cash! I have 500+ friends on my Facebook Account but I know them. They are family, my friends from places I lived in, classmates and schoolmates from elementary years, high school and college. Some of them are my online friends from a parenting site even though there's only few of them on my list. I do understand those who have lots of friends though, and they are those who play applications wherein you would be richer or stronger or something if you have more friends who play the same application. I have a facebook account for playing games and it's different from my real account so that I wouldn't have to read stuff that I don't need to.
@trickiwoo (2702)
• United States
24 Oct 10
I guess they think the more friends they have, the more popular they look. And maybe other people will be jealous of them because they're so popular? I don't know, I agree with you. It is hard to keep up with posts if you have too many friends! Most of my facebook friends are people I know in real life. A small percentage are people I've met online. When I get a friend request from someone I don't know, the first thing I do is look to see if we have any friends in common. If I see that they are friends with people I know, I will usually add them. For example, my aunt's ex-husband's sisters both sent me friend requests. And while I don't think I've ever met them (if I did it was when I was real, real young) and don't really know them at all, I saw that they were friends with my parents and cousins and stuff, so I added them. And I've gotten to know them better through Facebook and we actually have a lot in common! But if I get a request from someone that we don't have any friends in common, then I look to see if we have any common interests. If they like a lot of the things I like, then I'll probably add them because we could probably get along pretty well. And I assume that they added me as a friend because we like some of the same things. But if we have no common friends and no common interests, then I won't accept the request. Chances are they probably just added me to increase their total friend count, and if that's the case I don't want to be their friend.
24 Oct 10
Some people will add anyone, even if they dont know them, it makes them look popular, they think people will believe that they really have that many friends. I have about 200 - 300 friends but they are all people that I know, I wont add anyone that I dont know, even if they are a mutual friend and they tell me that they know me, if I dont recognise them or remember them then they aint being added! I also dont add anyone without a photo because how do I know who they really are!
• Philippines
24 Oct 10
To be honest, it's not only for the updates and all those. :D We can also use those friends to promote our referral links to those 1000s of friends. The best part is knowing that most of them are active and most are "internet-junkies!" The more -- the merrier! :) I hope this counts!