How Do You Cope With Depression?
By singlemommy
@singlemommy (2955)
United States
October 26, 2010 5:55pm CST
I have been down for a few months now, but this week, I have faced the fact that I am not just "down", I'm depressed. Nothing in my life is what I want it to be, nothing is going the way it should be, nothing, nothing, nothing.....ugh. I'm so lonely. I live 300 miles away from my family and the only friends that I really have are at work or on facebook. I have two children and I know my depression is hard on them too. I know it can't be easy to see mommy upset, crying, or moody but it is so uncontrolable for me. Even the people I work with have noticed a difference in me this week. They keep asking me what is wrong, but there is so much wrong that I wouldn't even know where to begin to tell them. I just don't know what to do. I can't live like this (no I'm not suicidal), I just need a HUGE change. Something that is going to make me feel good about life again. I just don't know what to do. How do you cope with depression?
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29 responses
@formidexo (1351)
• Canada
27 Oct 10
I have been successfully fighting depression all my life. It runs in the family so I guess it came from my mom and dad as a gift. I am right now fighting a huge depression attack, caused by an attack by some very close friends. But I am a fighter so i will beat this attack like all the others before this. I will first take some vacation maybe for a few weeks to get away from the cause. Do you know what is causing your depression? Maybe many things are wrong, so we have to fight them all. Can you isolate problem number one?
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@formidexo (1351)
• Canada
27 Oct 10
Notice that I don't cope with depression but that I fight depression. It is an enemy so one has to fight it!
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@initialsgas (61)
• United States
27 Oct 10
Well what about finding someone? Maybe if you find someone to help you through this kind of depression, it always can help. My ex girlfriend was depressed as well, but I would always be there for her when she needed me the most. What she did was find reasons to not be alive anymore. So since she knew she could count on me, she would call and ask for my help to stop herself from making her feel horrible and possibly kill herself. Maybe go out more with the kids. Have some fun while your at it. Just make yourself feel like there's nothing that can make you feel miserable. Also, if you haven't tried already, try to get some professional help. You never know if they're worth your time (and money), but hey, its worth the shot. Feel better soon.
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
27 Oct 10
Being a single mom is tough and there are just not enough finances. So money is probably a problem for her. It was and is for me. But if she knows one person she can confide in that would help. Someone that will listen, not talk but listen. This would be a great start. A priest/preacher is free and one of the best sources to talk to. They won't lead you astray.
Doing something with the children is a wonderful thing too. Going to the park cost nothing but gas money unless you can walk there.
I always did something on Wednesday night with my children.
They had family night bowling and going to a drive in movie was cheap. I only had to pay for me and the oldest one.
She also needs time for herself. She must find herself too.
I commend you for being there for your girl. I hope you keep that up in all relationships you have.
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
27 Oct 10
It is good that you can identify that you are coping with depression. You may need some professional help. I note others have suggested churches or other community services. Things that you can do on your own are many. Quit drinking sweetened beverages, eat healthy. Make sure you get enough sleep. If you are having trouble sleeping, melatonin is helpful. Take it when you get in bed. Get some sunshine every day. B complex vitamins help with depression and so does vitamin D3 Another thing that I have seen help people is to keep a gratitude journal. Write down three things that you are grateful for each day. Even if it is only "I am grateful for my children" "I am thankful I have a job" Another step is to find someone you can do something for. Make someone else's life better.
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
27 Oct 10
I have been through this and it was bad,really bad. I had to pull myself together. Like you say the children knew something was wrong and so did everyone else around me.
The fist thing I did was to go talk to my doctor and he helped by putting me on something for anxiety.
That was not enough, more had to happen...I did not want to depend on pills anyway.
I had to change things and the only way to do that was for me to take control of what was going on in my life and with me.
I was always doing things for everyone, but never had time for me.
I took it a little at a time and went to get my hair washed by someone at a salon. I had my nails done.
I made sure I took a few hours out one day a week for me. I even went to walk around in stores even though I had no money to buy anything for myself. But then I thought, "you know what? I'm important. I do so much for everyone else and I deserve one thing a pay day for me."
So I made sure I could take out at least $20. to buy something for me. Just for me. I needed new clothes. All of mine were used and from yard sales. Some of my clothes wee over 10 years old. So having something new was important.
I bought a new skirt and a top. I checked all of the sales going on, you know the clearance items.
It was not long before I had some things I liked and they were new and fit me good.
Do you know how much better you feel about yourself when you like what you are weaing and just how confident that made me feel??? Trust me it was a good "high" for me.
Join a club and meet new people or start going out with the girls from work. Or even just one girl. Take time for you. Don't feel guilty about it either. It took me a long time to realize that I did not need to feel guilty about spending time and money on me.
It takes time. It won't happen over night and small steps will make a difference.
You need to take a serious look at "you". Be honest with yourself. What do you want to do? What will help you to feel better?
Once you know this then you can start making changes. Start with small things, but make sure you pencil in time for you in your calender and don't put it off for anything else. I mean it! This is important and you must take care of you and your needs.
You can not be there for your children if you are not there for yourself first.
Let me know what you do and keep me updated. I am seriously worried and know that you need to do this. I am here to talk if you need to.
You must take steps to help yourself. Start now!
Start thinking about what you wnt, what you truly want to accomplish for you.
Best of luck to you. The hardest part is getting started and staying on track, but you must do this.
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@smartie0317 (1610)
• United States
27 Oct 10
I'm sorry to hear you're going through a depression. If you have health care benefits perhaps, you should see someone. There's also help you can get through churches and other free methods, or cheaper, if you don't have money/benefits. Anyway, I hate to talk about it because it was a horrible time in my life, but I suffered from a brief depression during the end of my student teaching. For about two months, I was tired, withdrawn, and harbored fantasies of inflecting injuries upon myself soley to get out of going there every day. This is a bit graphic, but I became so depressed I stopped menstrating for three months. I felt so alone. When I tried to talk about how upset I felt, and my cooperating teacher was making me feel, so alone. No one wanted to listen to me. I was going through a rough patch in my relationship and felt my boyfriend wasn't there for me as he should have been. If I had benefits or money (I wasn't paid), or even free time, I would sought out some type of help.
Perhaps, being so far from your family and friends is causing this depression. I hope you figure it out. Other people in my life suffer from depression. They get better to suffer from another bout of it. It's tough to deal with, I won't lie, but if people love you they will learn to cope with it.
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@invictuslorenzo (42)
• Philippines
27 Oct 10
Wow thanks for your post.. I've been reflecting 'coz I was suffering the same fate just a few years ago. I realized that you're right about change... but a simple change had definitely given me a new perception about life again.
I searched for reason to live, which led me back to the source of life... I hope and I'll pray that you find HIM too...
God bless you and happy mylotting...
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
27 Oct 10
First, do not allow yourself to feel depressed. Think about the 2 wonderful children you have. Think about the wonderful friends you have in face book and here in mylot. Think about how many victims of the Tsunami quake who are now more lonely. Think about how lucky you are to be still on earth, able to share your joys and sorrow. Think about the happy times you ever had... Think about ... Think about.. I am sure there are a lot of good and positive memories you have. You can certainly cope once you have the happy thoughts 24 hours a day. Good luck :)
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
29 Oct 10
Most real depression is due to a chemical imbalance, they are finding. While you may have the "blues" and you can shake up your life to get rid of them, if you are depressed you need to go to a clinic and get some help. Don't do this to your children, they need you to be at your best. There are clinics that charge on a sliding scale so they are affordable to everyone.
If you have temporary depression, change something. Is there something keeping you from moving closer to your family? Maybe you could join a group that focuses on one of your interests.
Write down everything good about yourself--don't even think about what you think are your faults. Put that list where you can see it often. Each day get up and tell yourself aloud "This is going to be a great day!" and repeat it throughout the day. Soon, the days will get better. I tell you this assuming you won't go to a clinic but even if you do, this positive reinforcement was invaluable to me in overcoming my own deep depression.
Finally, look at your diet. Cut out all the salt and sugar you can and avoid processed, canned and frozen foods if at all possible. You'll soon notice a huge change in the way you feel physically, mentally and emotionally.
• United States
27 Oct 10
I puton my 'BIG GIRL PANTIES' & MAKE THE BEST OF A BAD SITUATION. yOUR CHILDREN NEED U to be 100%& sitting around feeling sorry for yourself is not giving them that. Everybody gets depressed but u can't give into it when u have children depending on u.
@celticeagle (171995)
• Boise, Idaho
27 Oct 10
I don't! I have severe depression with panic attacks. I have had some form of depression for as long as I can remember. Lonliness is no fun. You get to a point when you familiarize yourself with the symptoms and can climb your way back out. Unless you go down too fast and just can't. Now I can give you the clinical symptoms and guidelines for bringing yourself out of it, BUT, if you are too far down nothing is going to help. It is all in your head and you have to get deep in there and revamp the entire makings of your life. Make yourself some small achieveable goals. (Small is the keyword here.) Don't set yourself up for a fall or you go down further. Search your heart and soul for something you enjoy and that you can do. It is up to you. Find something in your children, or your day, or your night, or on the tv, or online that you enjoy. There are meds and doctors if you get scared and want to go that route. Be good to yourself. Pamper yourself as much as you can. Don't be too hard on yourself. PM me if you need/want any other suggestions. It is a chemical inbalance, it doesn't mean youre crazy!
@mira91 (985)
• Singapore
27 Oct 10
You said you needed a huge change and that it must be something that would make you feel good about life again, right? I think maybe that should be your starting point. I don't think anybody here can really tell you specifically what to do to achieve that happiness and i am sure if you really put your mind to it, you can come up with something that you know would bring you that happiness you've been yearning to feel again. Maybe doing something for yourself, not anyone else but solely for yourself? Also, you should try self motivation every single day and tell yourself that you should smile more and learn to look positively at things and try to work through problems faced with a positive mind. You mentioned that you're living far away from your family and i assume that it contributed to your unhappiness? Maybe you could try to work on that as well. Set some time aside to make regular visits to them because i know that family can actually be the most comforting thing that you'll ever have. My best wishes to you. :)
@triplejazzm51 (1373)
• Philippines
4 Nov 10
Well, there really is a stage in our life that we experience depression and we have to learn how to manage it well otherwise we will end up in a mental institution and affect our love ones. I myself often have depression and it is because i am in my menopause already and what i do whenever i am depressed is turn on the radio to a disco tune and dance
. It helps me sweat and helps me lose weight if i do it often. Sometimes i sing with my videoke or watch a movie. Others who suffer the same goes on a vacation but this is costly. Others go on a shopping spree. I think we need someone we can talk to. I am a single mother too and i have my daughter to discuss with but i don't think i can share my feelings with her especially depression, so i try to manage it alone by keeping myself busy.

@zac2010 (14)
• Philippines
27 Oct 10
you have the ability to choose your response to your situation. whther you take it positively or negatively. Be proactive. it means that as human beings, we are responsible for our own lives. our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions. we can subordinate feelings to valuesLook at the word responsibility - "response-ability"- the ability to choose your response. we have the initiative and the responsibility to make things happen.
@Pridesta (1)
27 Oct 10
the best way to deal with your depression is to face your depression and talk to some on about it and or try to get advise from some one who has been through the same situation, but it only way you can over come it is to talk about it to some
@HeiressOfSlytherin (31)
• Philippines
27 Oct 10
as a matter of each one of us will come to a point being down and me ive been depressed for a couple months,being unlucky in almost everything..but despite all of the troubles i still laugh and smile a bond with my family and friends changed..i was closer to them than usual..i always pray and keep reminding myself that it will all be over...i worked hard and harder....i set my focus with my goals..and voila!! the result was a better me
@ivybangyay (8)
27 Oct 10
I'm also working far from my family, I have to face the challenges of life alone and try to survive. Despite all our efforts we fall into depression, longing to come home, difficulty of culture adjustment and mingling with new individuals are just some me of the causes. Moreover, whatever the reason is the most important thing for us to do is to pray.
@ivybangyay (8)
27 Oct 10
I'm also working far from my family, I have to face the challenges of life alone and try to survive. Despite all our efforts we fall into depression, longing to come home, difficulty of culture adjustment and mingling with new individuals are just some me of the causes. Moreover, whatever the reason is the most important thing for us to do is to pray.
@ivybangyay (8)
27 Oct 10
I'm also working far from my family, I have to face the challenges of life alone and try to survive. Despite all our efforts we fall into depression, longing to come home, difficulty of culture adjustment and mingling with new individuals are just some me of the causes. Moreover, whatever the reason is the most important thing for us to do is to pray.
@ivybangyay (8)
27 Oct 10
I'm also working far from my family, I have to face the challenges of life alone and try to survive. Despite all our efforts we fall into depression, longing to come home, difficulty of culture adjustment and mingling with new individuals are just some me of the causes. Moreover, whatever the reason is the most important thing for us to do is to pray.
@ivybangyay (8)
27 Oct 10
I'm also working far from my family, I have to face the challenges of life alone and try to survive. Despite all our efforts we fall into depression, longing to come home, difficulty of culture adjustment and mingling with new individuals are just some me of the causes. Moreover, whatever the reason is the most important thing for us to do is to pray.