if your lover catch a cold you dont kiss him?

love sick^^ - boy is kissing girl he loves even she is sick^^
November 2, 2010 4:20am CST
hi guys^^ if your lover catch a cold you dont kiss him? for me i cant kiss bcs we are far but if we were near i dont care ahah i would kiss him anyway^^ i love him and i dont care if i catch a cold for kissing him ahah^^ would be happy like that even if became sick too^^ is so cutie ^^ i really wish we were near^^ so could hold him tight. but so long till that happen :( anyway will continue fighting for that^^ what about you guys?^^ if your lover catch a cold you dont kiss him? please share^^
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31 responses
@simonelee (2715)
• China
3 Nov 10
Sometimes if my partner is not aware. I'm a kiss bandit. My partner doesn't allow me to kiss her, not even in her forehead cause she doesn't want me to suffer the way she suffer. She knows that my immune system is very poor so when she's not okay she doesn't want me to get closer to her. If i can't control my self she wear mask.
@simonelee (2715)
• China
5 Nov 10
Yes, i am definitely in love with her even shes a girl. I never loved a person the way i love her. Very immune to colds. Yes, she wear mask if i keep insisting and sometimes we both wear it to make sure. I love kissing her and hugging her but i don't do it in public so she's the one doing it to tease me, i get blushed and she laugh. I'm missing her now.=( So, where's your boyfriend? Well, guys are reserved. They are romantic but afraid to show it thinking that it will lessen their manhood.
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• Portugal
3 Nov 10
ahah simone^^ i see that you love your gf much^^ thats good that your immune to colds ahah^^ but is normal that she worries^^ im sure she is afraid that you also get sick^^ ahah she wears a mask? did she really put that ever? ahah thats funny^^ anyway is cute that you are a kiss bandit^^ i wish that my bf was so romantic and came to see me soon you really are romantic^^
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• Portugal
5 Nov 10
ahah its ok if is a girl^^ we cant choose who we love^^ besides she makes you happy right? so thats all that matters ahah she wears a mask and you too? thats funny really ahah^^ is cute that she kisses you in public there is nothing wrong with that. just bcs you are two girls doesnt mean you cant kiss in public^^ if boy and girl can kiss why you cant? we all should show love as we want^^ you miss her? but is she far from you? my bf is in phillipines^^ you are also from there right? :) im in other country^^ thats why is so complicated our situation^^ and sure guys are romantic but not like us girls ahah^^ they should learn how to be sweet and cute with gfs ahah that way maybe we girls could be more happy
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• United States
3 Nov 10
My husband and I don't kiss each other when we are sick, because certain sicknesses like the flu can kill my husband. He doesn't kiss me when he's sick, because I will not only catch it, but will get it alot worse than him. We wait until we are both feeling better before we kiss each other.
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• Portugal
3 Nov 10
the flu can kill your hubby? but why? im sorry for that. and you would get worse than him if he was sick and you catch the cold? why? you feel very bad really when have a cold? :( anyway is ok^^ you both can wait till kiss^^ you are together so can kiss anytime^^ also you can kiss his cheek or something^^ is all ok^^
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
3 Nov 10
That's never been an issue with me. I am exposed to various illnesses all the time and so I am not worried about kissing someone who might have a cold. If I were to catch it, I could catch it just as easy sitting next to them or holding hands. I actually think the reason that I never get sick is because I never avoid these things and I don't take any meds.
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• Portugal
3 Nov 10
i guess is your organism^^ me also i rarely get sick. is too rare really^^ just in winter is normal if i get many colds^^ that is easy to have but other things like fever i never have^^ since years that i dont have^^ i guess. so is all ok^^ i have to be thankful that im not easily getting sick. some people get colds and fever easily and then feel bad.
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@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
7 Nov 10
Well, I did what you did also if I have love near me. You know it's really hard to have love away from you and having different nationalities and culture. There is no problem if both of you afford to travel anywhere you want. But if one of you not afford to travel that is a hard part... Because as far as I know European ladies not like Asian ladies that find a way for them to see each each other. Like petitioning her boyfriend to go over in the United State or anywhere they are... As far as I know European ladies did not do that as Asian ladies did I think?
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
14 Nov 10
Well, I am sorry to know about the biggest problem with your relationship. We are wishing so much that we are born being rich and we go whatever place we want, right? But time is all at our hand and don't lost hope someday you see each other. Just pray that there's a chance for you to earn more and your bf earn more also so that you will see each other. If not happen don't be lonely because there are many ways you can see your bf...
• Portugal
15 Nov 10
yes dont worry i wont feel lonely^^ about my ex bf is his choice to care or not for me. i wont pressure him neither anything. is up to him to care or not. and sure everyone wants to be born rich but thats not possible ahah at least for the most part of people they are not born rich at all. for the most part they just have to work to have some money even to survive^^ but thanks for your worry and for your sweet wishes.
• Portugal
12 Nov 10
is good that you would kiss your gf if you had one^^ yes is hard to meet near. and none of us have money to see the other. sure i would like that my ex bf came to see me but he doesnt have money so. me also i dont have to go see him. but now i dont know what will happen bcs we are not together anymore. he said he would wait but i dont know. girls in all world are the same^^ we all want to be near our loved one^^
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
2 Nov 10
I wouldn't kiss him. I am such a germaphobe that I would not kiss him at all. But I would take good care of him giving him tissues and loading him up with plenty of fluids. I know my husband would not want me to kiss him either, because he would not want me to get sick. So even if I didn't mind kissing him, he wouldn't let me kiss him while he was sick.
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• Portugal
2 Nov 10
i understand^^ what matters is that you would be there for him and would give him tissues and fluids for him to feel better^^ thats the most important^^ i understand that he wouldnt want to kiss you bcs wouldnt want you to get sick^^ he would want you to be healthy and dont catch the cold like him^^ is all ok bcs what matters is that you would comfort him^^ and soon you could kiss him again^^
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3 Nov 10
i dont have a lover as im single
• Portugal
3 Nov 10
its ok^^ but if you had a lover? you can still say^^ even if you dont have now i imagine that you had and he got sick. wouldnt you kiss him if he got sick? i guess you would right? just think and tell me your answer^^ doesnt matter if you are single^^ this is for everyone to answer^^ also im happy that you took time to answer my discussion^^
• Portugal
3 Nov 10
ohh i see^^ if was something little you would but if was a serious flu you wouldnt^^ thats normal sure^^ you wouldnt want to get sick also^^ i guess that you work and if got seriously sick couldnt go work then^^ i completely understand that you dont want to risk your health^^ you rather be healthy ^^ also you could kiss him when he got better^^ wish you the best^^ * try to write bigger comments so you will earn more^^ try to write at least 4 lines per comment*
3 Nov 10
if he just had a cold then yes i would but if he had flu then no
• United States
4 Nov 10
I do, you can catch it regardless, besides that could be one kiss you could have missed out on!
• Portugal
4 Nov 10
yes thats true that you could catch the cold anyway ^^ and sure thats true that it could be a kiss that you missed out on. so better dont do that then^^ is cute that you would kiss your lover without worry if you catch the sickness too or not^^ thats very cute really^^ your lover is lucky that you are sweet and romantic and really are in love^^
@shaggin (73975)
• United States
3 Nov 10
If the guy I am dating wasent like so sick that he couldnt get off the couch I would still kiss him. He has kissed me when I had a cold and I wouldnt have a problem with kissing him while he had a cold either. I dont want to miss out on any of his amazing kisses hehe.
@shaggin (73975)
• United States
3 Nov 10
I dont know hes ok right now with things. I told him how it makes me feel worthless that he doesnt want a relationship with me and stuff but there isnt anything I can do to change his mind so I just deal with it. No he hasent seen any other girls since we started hooking up but its mostly because no one has been interested in him so he says. I'm going to see him on Saturday night for a few hours.
• Portugal
4 Nov 10
you did right thing by telling him how you feel. thats always a good thing to be honest with him. you really love him bcs i know that you have no probs finding a guy and you are there doing all to be with that guy. well at least im happy that he isnt seeing no one. maybe he wants that you also stop seeing someone to be sure that you are the right girl for him. you know that guys are a bit possessive about girls. maybe thats why he doesnt want a serious relation yet. maybe he wants to be sure that he is the only guy you are interested in. why for awhile dont you stop seeing other guys? maybe this will work^^ is good that you will be with him on saturday :) even if is only a few hours is ok. at least he is with you and not with other girl^^
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• Portugal
3 Nov 10
thats cute that you would still kiss him^^ so sweet that he kissed you even when you had a cold^^ sure thats normal that you would also kiss him^^ ahah i see that he really is a good kisser huh?^^ for you to say you dont want to miss out his amazing kisses^^ im very happy for you^^ and how is he now?^^ is he caring more and becoming more serious about you? you said that you see other people bcs he isnt your bf yet but does he also see other girls?
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@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
4 Nov 10
I kiss my bf when he has colds..he loves it when i kiss him. Even if i tell him in a joke way that i can't kiss him because i might get colds too and he would be mad afterwards and so i would kiss him. It's good to let your lover know that he is loved and you don't care if you get colds too. Sick people are more keen to the affections of others and that way they can gain their health back somehow..
• Portugal
4 Nov 10
ahah thats cute that he loves it when you kiss him^^ you say that you cant kiss him bcs you might get colds too? ahah thats funny i also like to provoke my bf^^ or i did that before when we talked properly. but now we cant talk never so but is cute that your bf then be happy bcs you kiss him^^ is true that sick people need more care and affection^^ and for sure if they receive kisses and love they can gain their health back^^ love cures everything^^
• United States
3 Nov 10
I DON'T! B/c that could spread the germs to everyone in my family and back to my wife. Until the germs are gone, I ONLY kiss her on the forehead, cheeks and neck.
• Portugal
3 Nov 10
yes i understand^^ you wouldnt want that to spread for you and all your family too^^ sure i get it^^ anyway im too happy that you would still kiss her in other places^^ also would be only a few days you wouldnt kiss her in lips^^ its normal that you wouldnt want your family to catch the cold too. some colds are really bad and people have to stay in bed.
2 Nov 10
it would not really stop me as i always want to show affection, yes there are many ways of showing affection but i do love to kiss.
• Portugal
2 Nov 10
thats cute that that wouldnt stop you^^ and sure i guess that kiss must be one of the best ways to show love and care for someone^^ so sad that me and my bf cant i wish we could.. anyway im working now in more sites and maybe i can succeed^^ im writing articles in sites and also im writing a story in my blog^^ and also working here maybe i can^^ how are you today craigy?^^ how was your day?^^
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2 Nov 10
i have been ill since saturday, can hardly eat so not on here much, glad that your on a few sites so you can see him sooner and then get that kiss that im sure you crave for. Hope he will join this site or something similar to help you out.
• Portugal
3 Nov 10
im sorry that you are sick since saturday wish you get better fast^^ yes i am on a few sites^^ but i dont know if is worth that i do that any longer. he never has time for me. i dont know if we are together still or not. he didnt say nothing to me yet. he called me day before yesterday i couldnt pick up. he sent me three messages by chikka.com and i answered him. yesterday he didnt come online and today didnt yet. i dont know. he never has time for me. i wish he could help me too but is impossible.
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@luna1980 (53)
• Thailand
11 Nov 10
i don't mind. I would love to kisses him again and again. ... if I have that one to love :)
• Portugal
12 Nov 10
thats cute luna^^ but dont be sad^^ for sure soon you find a great guy to kiss ahah you deserve that bcs you are a sweet girl. maybe someday your ex bf will value you and come back to you and ask for be back^^ that would be romantic and you would be happy right? just let destiny do things. dont worry with nothing. im doing that right now and im happy^^
• Portugal
15 Nov 10
sure luna dont need to thank me^^ me also im sad bcs my ex. he said he would wait for me and is already some days he doesnt say nothing to me. so i wont be waiting for him no more. if he wants to care if not is ok. dont worry im sure that destiny will find a good caring guy for us^^ we both cared for our ex bfs so wasnt our loss right?^^
• Thailand
15 Nov 10
:) Well, thank you very much... I guess my destiny will guide me someone soon if I have :) Thank you Thank you very much sweety! :D
• Philippines
3 Nov 10
well...for a girlfriend? To hell with the cold...LOL...I remember I spent like 10 minutes just French kissing my Ex even if she had cold symptoms and tonsillitis. I don't really mind. Maybe it's love. LOL
• Portugal
3 Nov 10
ahah almost 10 minutes? thats many ahah but thats cute^^ and sure symptoms dont matter at all^^ cold doesnt matter bcs you love her so nothing can stop you to kiss her ahah with love we always risk anything right? im sorry that she is your ex now. what happened? you are a sweet guy deserve to have a cute gf soon^^ the best for you^^
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• Portugal
3 Nov 10
yes good things sometimes dont last. but im sorry for you. if you still love her you can try to be with her again^^ maybe she still likes you^^ who knows?^^ why dont you try to get close to her again? if you didnt break up bcs of cheating things can be good again maybe^^ if you still love each other^^ thanks for wish me sweet days^^ i wish you the same^^
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• Philippines
3 Nov 10
Yeah thanks love. Well, some good things just never last I guess. I sure miss her. Right now, I'm just enjoying my time exclusively. You take care yourself and have the sweetest days ahead of you.
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@blesila (92)
3 Nov 10
hello sweetlove. it is not good to kiss when a lover has colds. it will really transfer to you. but then, in the name of love, i love to kiss him. with or without colds. that's the power of love. keep safe. GOD bless us.
• Portugal
4 Nov 10
im very happy that he also loves you^^ thats great really^^ you love him much and if he loves you too im sure that your relation can last. is cute that you would kiss him even he was sick without caring to catch the cold. im sure he would do the same for you^^ wish you be happy with him and that your relation can last :) wish you the best really^^
• Portugal
3 Nov 10
thats great that you kiss him even if he is sick or fine^^ sure it will almost for sure transfer the cold but is ok^^ is like you say is the power of love^^ also if we kiss can make our lover feel better i guess^^ im happy that you have a bf that you love so much^^ i wish that he also loves you so much too^^ keep safe too and thanks for answer my discussion^^
4 Nov 10
no problem sweetlove. :) yes, he also love me. :)
3 Nov 10
I'm not worried about common colds, I wouldn't avoid kissing my Wife for any reason and I never do avoid her when she as a cold despite the possibility of catching it myself. Mind you, I often get teased for coming down with "Man Flu" and I really only catch colds from her or our children, it's very rare that I come in contact with someone at work who as one, so I'll make sure if she's had one that I tease her back next time. LOL
• Portugal
3 Nov 10
thats cute that you always kiss her^^ she calls you man flu? ahah that seems the name of a superhero or something ahah so she rans away? ahah thats funny if she jokes like that^^ is good that in work is rare that people catch that^^ and sure next time tease her also^^ we girls like funny guys^^ im sure she will be happy^^ ahah
@derek_a (10873)
3 Nov 10
My wife and I have an understanding that if any of us catches a cold, there is no kissing until the infection has passed. For the first few days, the victim of a cold is not infectious, it is only when the infection is beginning to leave the person that the other can catch it. Cold germs though, do not like garlic and in the cold season I eat quite a lot of it, and also make sure I get plenty of vitamin E that helps protect the body against colds and flu.. _Derek
• Portugal
3 Nov 10
yes i understand^^ thats ok that you dont kiss till get better^^ you can wait a few days^^ is good that you eat garlic and vitamin e to avoid getting sick^^ that way your body is protected and is harder to catch that^^ im happy that you do that^^ many people should do the same so they wouldnt get sick. about me i easily catch a cold but never is nothing serious^^
• United States
3 Nov 10
No, I don't want to get sick and our mouths carry all the germs associated with a cold. I'll help them get better but kissing doesn't do the trick. Some medicine and sleep is the best thing to let them have. After they are well then we can resume the kissing.
• Portugal
3 Nov 10
yes i understand you^^ sure is ok as long as you care for her and help her feeling better^^ is true that medicines and sleep will help^^ and sure after get better can kiss much^^ thats for sure^^ is normal that you wouldnt want to get sick also^^ and can wait for a few time till kiss^^ im happy that at least you would take care of her right?^^
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
3 Nov 10
I find that if I go near someone with a bad cold I tend to catch it anyway even if I don’t kiss that person so I don’t see the point of avoiding my husband’s lips or not hugging and smooching my precious little girl when either of them has a cold. I think I would catch it anyway by living with them so if I’m going to get sick what better way to go than hugging and kissing those you love?
• Portugal
3 Nov 10
yes^^ thats great that you would kiss them anyway^^ and is like you say what is the better way to make them feeling better? for sure is with kisses^^ and sure if you get sick anyway better to kiss ahah at least something good you win in the middle of getting sick^^ im happy that you do that to your hubby and to your daughter too^^ thats very cute^^
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@amelialsc (162)
• Malaysia
3 Nov 10
if he catches a cold, he won't come near me.. because he is scared I will be ill. But god has been kind to me, and gave me great health, so even when he is ill, I will hope to share his sickness, because if I am not wrong, when he passes me the virus, he actually cures =)
• Portugal
3 Nov 10
ahah yes i see that he wouldnt want you to be sick =) thats why he wont come close^^ anyway im happy that god gave you a good health^^ about share his sickness thats cute^^ ahah if he pass you the virus he gets cured? ahah i dont think is that simple^^ but would be cute if was like that^^ that way he wouldnt be sick anymore^^ but you would.
@APXOHT (104)
• United States
3 Nov 10
I kiss my lover everytime I can, no matter is she has cold or not :)
• Portugal
3 Nov 10
thats very cute^^ im happy that you always kiss her doesnt matter if she is sick or not^^ thats really very sweet^^ im happy that you do that^^ im sure that she is happy to have a cute bf like you^^ you are sweet and romantic^^ all guys should be like that^^ kisses are important and if you kiss her everytime you can is bcs you really love her^^ and im sure she is happy^^