How Can We Enjoy Life?

@julyteen (13252)
Davao, Philippines
November 4, 2010 5:58pm CST
Every person have different point of views with regards to happiness or enjoyment. If I ask you one by one how you enjoy your life? What moves did you make that we can say "I am enjoying for a specific things?" For me there's now money can buy the happiness you will get if you are with your family. The family is my happiness, my life and who always there for me everytime I am down. Maybe some says "I enjoy life If my dreams come true" Yes I agree with you if this is your opinion. If you have a dreams does your family not among of them? The family is the bottom line in all our happiness. If you can say your family is happy all of you will enjoy life. Am I right?
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13 responses
• Brunei Darussalam
5 Nov 10
Do whatever you feel that it is right to do. Do whatever you want. As long as you are happy. But, there's a limit for that. and but if it bothers other people, don't do it.
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• Philippines
5 Nov 10
i enjoy my life by having someone to love, something to do and something to hope for. i feel happy when im with my family and friends. even simple things like dining together, videoke, clubbin, swimming, etc.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Nov 10
I make myself happy by being contented with my life even if its not just where I really wanted to be. being unhappy and bitc#h@ keeps the law of attraction to good away from you. I love what all I can do on the net and on mylot. I love having the company of my son, and I love the few friends I have made here. If any of my dreams come true I will enjoy it as I do not depend on my dreams to be happy. Money itself without those you love means diddley Squat to me. People not things, not money.
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• Mexico
5 Nov 10
Hi july teen: I like your answer. In my case I would say, I enjoy life just by thinking about all the simple things that are with me: the wind, my job, all the little things that make me happy during my job and of course, family is the most precious gift. I think that people should be happier if they'd know to appreciate all the things that come to their lives instead of expecting that something happend in their lives that would make them happy. ALVARO
@acey76 (1276)
• Philippines
5 Nov 10
Well we can enjoy life simply just by appreciating everything that comes in our way..loving caring and spending time to our loveone' regrets
• Philippines
5 Nov 10
Satisfaction counts everything that you succeed to be.I believed that I am enjoying my time as an online marketer.I love to explore many things about how to earn money.But, this is not really what I enjoyed. I am enjoying a lot by the time I shared with my family when I am home.I get excited when I am on my way home.At the end of the week after a long weekend office work, at last I see them again.
• Philippines
5 Nov 10
I realized at this point of my life, that life is not always a bed of roses.There are days where you just cant get things right and there are day where u feel like you are a real winner. So happiness and enjoyments is not a constant thing. But reallizing that it is how it happens can help me enjoy life better. Knowing that after every heartache or pain, there is always a winner in me. Knowing that i may not have everything but I may have something which other people lack.Knowing that I was blessed with good health and was fortunate to meet real friends. Knowing that i have a family who will be there when i need them. I always try to count my blessings, that way i may enjoy life.
@libramie (562)
• Philippines
5 Nov 10
Yeah, having a happy family is my happiness and another is to put contentment in life. I felt enjoyment coz I contented what my life have now. Enjoying the graces God given to me and to my family.
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
5 Nov 10
Hi julyteen! Absolutely! The family is obviously one of the pillars of happiness. I think we can also learn to enjoy life by appreciating whatever little we have instead of the things we don't have. The simple things in life can just be as meaningful if we take time to enjoy them.
• Philippines
4 Nov 10
It's simple pal. You must ask you self, "What makes me happy?". If you don't have an answer to that question, you better make a further self evaluation. Try to recover the situations or instances wherein you have laughed your heart out. Try to remember the thing you had that you could really say you were genuinely happy that time. I guess happiness is how you define it. No matter what you do, it doesn't matter if you do it alone or in groups, as long as it can emotionally satisfy you, it brings you laughter and joy. That could be considered your happiness. In my case, seeing my family eating around the table with me, intact, it's a priceless thing that makes me happy. ^_^
@Jiabsa (511)
• India
5 Nov 10
I enjoy my life when i spend my time with my family and friends. I am so happy when i play with my child. Outing and shopping with my family also make me a happiest person. Money which i get from my hard work also make happiness in me. I also enjoy the life when i eat tasty food.
• Indonesia
5 Nov 10
yes you are right . live with family is one way to enjoy life .
• Philippines
5 Nov 10
Sometimes life is so unfair. Trials are given by God, so we have to face it manage to solve every problems that we may encounter in our life. At this very moment, I can say that I am not happy, I mean I am not complete because I am facing difficulty in life right now, and I can say that I am contended and satisfied when I am with the person I love.