Do you like reading?

November 5, 2010 9:29pm CST
Well, I do. I like reading especially comics and some magazines. When I read comic I feel fine, but when I read novel, newspaper I have a problem with my eyes, I feel tired and dizzy. Hmm I don't know why. Perhaps, there's no fantasy that leads me around the story, then I feel bored. The story is nice. For instance, the novel of Harry Potter. I just see the books, then I feel tired about it. But when my friend tells the story about it I enjoy it very much. What do you think?
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17 responses
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
14 Nov 10
Reading is something that is a part of my life for sure. Granted, it is not something that is essential to living for me but in many ways, it does make life a bit easier to function with. Many times whenever I have a free moment, it is something that I have to do. For instance, every night, I have to read something before I go to bed. Otherwise, it is a long and painful road as I attempt to head off to sleep. I think it is best to read at your own pace. Forcing it will not make you like reading. Rather you might not like it. Plus there are books that are really good or so everyone has said, but I have not really been all that big of a fan of them. I guess everyone does have their own tastes in the end and it leads to them getting different books. Still I enjoy reading, some books and forms of literature less than others but still I do enjoy it.
@sheban (28)
• Philippines
10 Nov 10
I really love reading. Aside from enjoying it, I also learn a lot of things. My favorites are those inspirational books and craft books. Those help me grow and contribute in my growth as a person. I could say that it really pays to read.
@CarlHalling (3617)
• United Kingdom
6 Nov 10
I like reading magazines and newspapers, but I also like reading books, biographies are my favourites: i like to read them in bed. I like to read online too. Reading is great: I love discovering new things. Novels? Short stories? Sometimes I'll take a look; but I seem to prefer non-fiction these days.
@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
8 Nov 10
I love reading and in fact i am reading the last book of J.K Rowling's Harry Potter again.. I don't feel dizzy or sleepy reading novels and books that are of my interest. I get a bit sleepy when reading newspapers though and even reading my books when i was still studying.
@stanley777 (9402)
• Philippines
7 Nov 10
I like reading too...mostly magazines and newspapers. Through reading I know what's happening to the world and I learn new things too. Reading can also take me to places and learn about other people without even going to the actual place... I don't like reading long novels you
@imallexz (70)
• Malaysia
8 Nov 10
I like to read but not read book .. Is facebook or others' blog .. It's another new way to read
@SimpleBB (1329)
• Philippines
6 Nov 10
Certainly I do love reading. Especially now that I'm not schooling anymore, we really have to take time in reading for not to make our mind stagnant. I love reading fiction book especially investigative, but more of informative type.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
6 Nov 10
i think i loves reading by reading i can get many information, knowledge sometimes because reading, i forgot the time reading and writing is two interesting combination
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
6 Nov 10
I have always enjoyed reading. it can take you places that you can;t reach any other way. I would always encourage reading to anyone. You might be pleasantly surprised.
@julianmac (396)
• Malaysia
6 Nov 10
Hi, I love reading.From mewspapers,magazines.novels,online articles and many more. It's fun and exciting.Reading various materials improves my communication skills.It also helps tremendously in enhancing my vocabulary. Yeah,reading story books and novels do tire my eyes as well and makes me sleepy.Maybe because long elaborated stories and novels carries the tendency of using long-winded and colorful phrases or languages.They don't exactly come to the point. I guess this is one of the reason that attributes to my unwillingness to explore really thick story books.
• India
6 Nov 10
Ohh... may be there is some kind of a little problem with your eyes.... Because... When you read comics and magazines it just takes a little time.... but when it comes to novels it takes a lot of time.... may be thats the case.... Because if you feel a story interesting but reading it boring, then it must not be a boredom to read.....!!!
@Jiabsa (511)
• India
6 Nov 10
I like to read books and journals. But the problem is that i can't complete my reading because i feel to get sleep. Usually i take 3 - 5 days to complete a small book. I won't spend my time to read comic books because i don't like it. I'm the tuition teacher of my child and so i have to read her books to teach her. Anyway, reading is a very good habit and it is the best way for increasing our knowledge.
@Voices (153)
• Singapore
6 Nov 10
YES to comics and magazines!!! YES to some interesting books that caught my attention. YES to interesting news articles. Like you, my friend tells me the story and I enjoyed it too. But when I borrowed the book, I don't really feel like reading it because it's really wordy X.X (I don't really like small font sizes... it looks really wordy
@calpro (930)
• India
6 Nov 10
Hi, I like reading books,Particularly book related to knowledge like personality development,Life development, financial knowledge related books and magazines.Mostly I read in travel and transit.My all time favorite book is "Rich dad Poor dad." what is yours ?
• United States
6 Nov 10
I like to read very much I read novels all the time. Right now I am reading a book called uncommon grounds by: Sandra Balzo its a murder mystery based around a coffee competition. You mentioned that when you read novels that you have a problem with your eyes and maybe you need reading glasses, I myself have reading glasses because my eyes don't want to focus on the up close print well and I get headaches and my eyes feel sore. so if this sounds like it might be your problem maybe you should have your eyes checked. Hope you figure out whats wrong. I too like comics though I also like reading manga every so often.
@amybrezik (2118)
• United States
6 Nov 10
I absolutely love to read. It does help me go sleep at night, which sadly enough is the only time I have to read now. I would like to read more frequently because I do enjoy it so much. I am always looking for new books to read.
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
6 Nov 10
I love reading too..just not textbooks. I like reading storybooks and novels, magazines and comics..also mangas or manhwas [Japanese and Korean comics]... I even love reading thick books if I am really interested with the story [if it's fantasy]'s definitely worth the long read. But I'm disappointed sometimes with novels that were really good but the ending us just bad or a cliffhanger.