I try to tell the LORD thank you daily for HIS blessing!
By free_man
@free_man (7330)
United States
November 6, 2010 6:41am CST
I feel we are pretty blessed by God for many things. I don't know but we always try to remember the FATHER daily. Seems like we had it pretty rough the first few months we were together. But we turned our lives over to the LORD and it seems like God keeps sending blessings our way. So if your getting blessed do you tell the LORD thank you for those blessings? And if your not getting blessings do you think it is because your not living the way God wants you to live? Do you know God wants only the best for our lives? Do you know God loves you? Do you tell the LORD that you love HIM?
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17 responses
@CarolFlett (6)
7 Nov 10
THis was the perfect discussion to read today. I just had to send my husband back to the hospital by ambulance today, after having him home for less than a week. It was hard to see him in a stupor not able to speak or to respond, but I thank God that our family doctor was at the hospital to see just what was happening, because other doctors do not realize what Bruce should be like.
I strongly believe that we can give thanks to God in everything. Even if the whole purpose in our trials is to refine us for His service, I am so thankful that He considers us worthy. I have been writing about all these trials and how the Lord has lead through them, and how we thank Him for every trial in my blog www.godleadsusalong.com
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
13 Nov 10
Hi Carol. I am so sorry for taking so long to respond. I know it must be hard on you but believe me God must really have plans for you and your family. HE only gives those that are really strong test to make us stronger. I know when my husband had to have heart surgery I kept praying and sure enough God pulled him and me through this. I hope and pray that your husband is soon well and back on his feet and back home with you and your family. I will keep you and your family in my prayers that Gods will be done.
@free_man (7330)
• United States
8 Nov 10
Hi Carol and welcome to my lot. Sounds like you have a lot to thank God for. I know it must be hard on you at this time I pray that the LORD will be with you and your family as you go through this time in your life. I haven't seen your blog yet. So I don't know how much you are going through.
My husband had open heart surgery about 3 months after we were married and it was hard on me. I prayed and asked God to do his will and sure enough my husband was out of the hospital a week later and was out cutting wood a week after that. So God made him strong. My point being is God is working with you and your family God has big plans for you.
May God do what is HIS will in your life. May God make you and your family stronger especially in the faith of the LORD .
@CarolFlett (6)
8 Nov 10
Bruce has been through a valve replacement after a couple of months dealing with heart infection, and then a long recovery time. But his mind is still not right, and yet I know God is in control. A lot of my blog deals with the journey.
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@susanana (125)
• Philippines
7 Nov 10
I try to praise and thank the Lord for all his blessings. From the smallest particle of sand to the biggest galaxy of graces He showers upon me. I do believe that God loves me so much that He allows challenges to come my way so I can be honed into a purer person. If for some reason I feel that all my prayers are not happening, I try to remind myself that God might be saying not now or that He has a greater gift in store for me. God is really good!
@free_man (7330)
• United States
7 Nov 10
Hi Susanana and welcome to my lot. God has plans for all of us. If HE says no it is because it isn't what HE wants you to have. God has great gifts for all of us if we follow HIS word and do what HE wants us to do. http://www.shepherdschapel.com/index.htm

@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
12 Nov 10
Yes! To all of the above except when trying times come, I don't take it personally (or usually try not to anyway!) but figure it is those dark entities/fallen angels aiming their hatred at us..
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
12 Nov 10
Hi Flowerchilde. When things gets tough I do believe that is when we must be doing something right. So that is when I thank God even more for all HIS blessings. I know if I am being bothered by evil it must be because they don't want me to. Thanks for sharing. Thank God for everything!
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
7 Nov 10
OMG Yes free_man I have been so blessed for the past 53 years and God continues to bless me each and everyday. This year he especially has blessed me because I was able to sale my house in New Mexico and move to Puerto Rico. I thank God each day twice a day for the blessing that he has given me. Then when saying my prays and I always tell him that I love him and I surely know he loves me. God Bless!
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• United States
11 Nov 10
That has been my problem in life I think, not thanking god for giving me life and guiding me. We all have to stop this fast life once in a while just to thank him.
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@imawaldorf (58)
25 Nov 10
We certainly are blessed. I've always believe in God, story of Jesus and all his good deeds,but It wasn't that long when i really started counting the blessings and thanking him for everything. I've joined the christian community and attended bible study, I was able to get to know him more. I've changed and learned how to lean and depend on him.He gives me blessings before but right now, he doesn't just give but rather showers blessings. I can also prove, based on personal experience, that if we are not living the way God wants us to do, He can easily turn things into challenge. I learned how to thank the lord every night before tucking myself into the sheets. Everyday i thank him not just because of the blessings but because EVERYDAY is already a blessing and guess what even if we die and there's no Everyday or next day It is still a blessing for we are already saved.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
25 Nov 10
Hi Imawaldorf and welcome to my lot. You are so right we need to thank The LORD for everyday of our lives. Everyday is a blessing if we will only open our eyes up to HIS blessings. I will be happy when The LORD returns to reclaim HIS kingdom here on earth and we all turn into our spiritual bodies there will be no more aches and pains no sufferings and no tears. I thank God for everything that is in my life for without God I would be nothing. Thank God for everything everyday!
I couldn't count all the blessings I have experienced and experience daily with all the numbers there is in the world!
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
7 Nov 10
Every night before I go to sleep I thank god for his blessings. And every morning when I wake, I thank him for his blessings. Just cause you don't get what you want, doesn't mean God isn't blessing you. I have learned that the hard way! And trust...better start learning to trust him. Its the only way you will make it till the end
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@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
6 Nov 10
I tell the Lord thank you every day. A Christian who is not getting blessings are walking in disobedience. Well my love for Jesus Christ shines before I even know that I love Him. My actions now by teaching others about him show that I very much love Him. God and Jesus is a TEAM that I cannot do without. Hugs
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
7 Nov 10
Hi Kerrianne. I think it is very important not to be disobedient when we all know that God is always there in our lives. I don't know how to teach about God other then my actions in this life. But I do have a great teacher of Gods word that we listen to daily,
I leave my learnings in this mans hands he teaches the truth about Gods word and he has shown us many things we didn't know. God and Jesus are the best TEAM to be on. I don't ever want to be without THEIR love. Hugs to you too.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
8 Nov 10
I do thank God for His blessings, but probably not as much as I should. I think if people would get into God's word and study it, not just read it, they would have a
better understanding of just how blessed they are. I also believe if people would put God's will into practice, they'd be blessed beyond their imagination.
@free_man (7330)
• United States
9 Nov 10
Hi Precious. I try to thank God for everything but we all slip once in awhile. I think your right if people would not just read the word of the LORD but study it and put HIS word into practice this world would be a lot better and the people would be a lot better. Since we have been studying with the teacher of Gods word our lives has made a 360 turn around. Our lives has been so much better. We love this teacher he teaches straight from the bible chapter by chapter verse by verse. We have learned so much that we were taught all our lives lies about Gods word. Now we have a teacher that actually has studied the actual scrolls of the bible. He don't take credit for anything he gives all the credit to the LORD for everything. Maybe you have heard of him.
He really sticks to the word. He don't teach for an hour and go off on some story of his life. He even answers letters from viewers live. He wants us to check him out.
Thank you for sharing.
@cinang (28)
• Philippines
7 Nov 10
Yes, we have to tell HIM that we love HIm but we have to show it by what we do in our lives. It is not just merely saying I Love You Lord. If we have done something good with our fellowmen then it is as good as saying I Love You to HIM. We have to thank HIM every minute of our lives because everything we have in this world is HIS blessings.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
8 Nov 10
Hi Cinang and welcome to my lot. You are so right we have to show HIM we love HIM by doing what is right in HIS eyes. No one can fool God! God knows what is in our hearts and our minds. If we do what is right by Gods will we will be doing the will of God. Thank God for every moment of our lives!
@hanni711 (243)
• Philippines
7 Nov 10
The Bible says, "in everything give thanks for this is the will of GOD...". In good times and bad times we can still thank the LORD. As we wake up in the morning there are alot of things to thank GOD for. HE has given us the chance to see the new day HE made. I believe GOD always wants the best for us and I don't doubt about HIS love for me because HE forgave me of all my sins by sending HIS only begotten Son to die on my behalf.Of course I tell HIM that I love HIM it's not because of the blessings but because of who HE is.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
7 Nov 10
Hi Hanni and welcome to my lot. Wow you must really love the LORD. I feel it in your response. Your right I think we should always tell the LORD thank you even in the bad times. HE has done much for all of us. Without God in our lives daily we wouldn't have anything. Thank God for each and everyday of our lives.
@visavis (5934)
• Philippines
7 Nov 10
We must always give our gratitude to God through our Lord Jesus Christ. One passage in the bible says: "if I take part in the meal with thankfulness, why am I denounced because of something I thank God for? So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God".
Also we must thank Him whether in blessing and in trial because He cannot foresake us nor leave us... see you around.
@iwampy (4)
• Philippines
7 Nov 10
My boyfriend and I have just started living on our own with a new business in a new place. Everyday I pray to God for the blessings that He's been showering us with. I know God wants the best for our lives and hopefully in the next two months our wedding will push through. It's kinda rough right now for us when it comes to the expenses but we remain positive that God will guide us through
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@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
6 Nov 10
We must always express our gratitude to God every minute of the day. I am glad you were able to overcome whatever problems you had and you resolved those problems because you asked God to be in your life.
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@cookieduster16 (134)
• United States
6 Nov 10
If you think about it, all people are blessed of the Lord, whether or not they believe in Him. It rains on the unjust as it does on the just. But God has special blessings for those that truly love Him, and those that truly love Him truly thank Him. To truly love God is to truly obey Him, and that allows God to further bless us. It is an upward spiral that leads us into His perfect will for our lives. God definitely desires the very best for our lives, and I perceive that you have found the key to realizing the best for your life. Let us all praise and thank our Lord for the wondrous things that He does for us!
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@calpro (930)
• India
6 Nov 10
Hi friend,
I spend some time in prayer every day before going to work.It keeps me feel good and confident.I feel he is with me all the day. He is accompanying me in all my good and bad days.
Without God I feel I am incomplete.
Like to read others views too.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
7 Nov 10
Hi my friend Calpro. I think it is always to thank God for HIS blessings daily. And lets face without God in our lives it wouldn't be so good. I try to thank God all day off and on for how HE has made my day. It is so cool to know that God is watching out over me.