Have you found your purpose in life?

United States
November 6, 2010 10:21pm CST
Or I guess the first question should be do you think we all have a certain purpose in life? Something planned for us, etched in stone, our eternal fate. Have you found this thing in your life or are you close you think? I feel in some ways I am here to learn and to teach. I wanted to be a teacher when I was little and then a psychologist when I was older. I guess I am still searching for my purpose. But I want to help people and change the world, even if it's in the smallest way. I think we all count, we are all connected and purpose could be nothing, but we can make it something. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.
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17 responses
• United States
7 Nov 10
Of course I've found my purpose in life...that is to please God with all my heart! I became a Christian when I was 16 years old. Before that, I was bound by hatred, immorality, prejudice, and rage...Jesus stepped in and in a moment of time, radically changed my life forever! My wife and I are involved in a ministry here in Dallas TX; I pastor a small church and I am seeing the hand of God at work here! Good post...God bless
• United States
7 Nov 10
So you feel this was your one sole purpose. You weren't put here to do anything else but gods work? So is that what you feel everyone is here for? If we were all here for the same thing I would think that would be quite boring. Thanks pastoramont!
• United States
7 Nov 10
I feel that everyone is here to please God, how they do it is between them and Him. Life is boring when you're boring...the kingdom of God is fascinating...I believe the trouble is we have preconceived ideas of what it is to serve God...all we see in life is how the media bashes Christians, or how Hollywood mocks it. Naturally we assume that something is wrong without personally finding out for ourselves. Investigate for yourself, you may be surprised :)
• United States
7 Nov 10
I actually have. I was baptized and went to church much of my childhood. I have also studied a lot of religions as an adult. I just don't know.
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
8 Nov 10
So far, my purpose in life is to find that purpose! But I think I'm leaning toward what you said too.. to learn and teach. I love to learn and therefore, I'd like to teach, but I don't know if in the specific manner of being a teacher... maybe through my art or something.
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
8 Nov 10
I think it does, if you are really determined to find that purpose... because then you will soak up everything that comes your way and everything will be for that one purpose and meaningful.
• United States
8 Nov 10
I like that, purpose to find purpose. I think most of us are on that same path. I still wonder however if it ever leads anywhere great.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
7 Nov 10
i think i have... as i am a Christian, my purpose in life should be to glorify God and enjoy Him forever... and that means i have to try to do my best in every aspect that i do in my life... that will be my purpose in life and i am striving to do it everyday... take care and have a nice day...
• United States
7 Nov 10
That's a good idea or concept. Thanks for your response.
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
8 Nov 10
i used to want to be sooo many things.. but then none of it happened. what is my purpose in life now? i still dont know..might be to raise my kids well and be a good wife to my husband
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
9 Nov 10
oh how i wish i could also spring back and be a stay at home mom again.. i miss that part of my life now that i am also working, i missed so many moments with my kids, like preparing their snacks when they come home, or just have play time with them not worrying of work.. if only money comes easily it would not have been a problem
• United States
8 Nov 10
Wow that sounds a lot like me. I used to want to be so many things. I think one of these things could still be your purpose. I am a wife and stay at home mother now. But as soon as my little one starts kindergarten next year it's gonna be all about reinventing me, finding a career and feeling more purposeful. It might be just to be a mother and wife, but you never know unless you explore and question yourself.
7 Nov 10
no, haven't found mine. I am confused. Life without purpose is not worth living.
@hotsummer (13838)
• Philippines
7 Nov 10
indeed, life lived with out purpose is indeed meaningless. life is meant to live with a purpose. though we live to have family and get old but that's just part of life and its not the real purpose in life.life is more than that. though we should enjoy life but we should not end there.
• United States
7 Nov 10
For now until you find it your purpose should be to help others and to find and do what makes you happy. To do good as said before. I am sure you are still young and have plenty of time to find a purpose.
• United States
7 Nov 10
Just finished "John Adams" by David McCullough, a great book about one of the greatest of all Americans. Adams was guided his whole life by the simple principle that we are put here "to be good, and to do good." Maybe we can't all carry this out on the world stage, but we can in our own modest ways. Adams, as a matter of fact, as an old man said that if he had his life to live over, he'd be a shoemaker.
• United States
7 Nov 10
I believe this John Adams was a wise man. But if we all did what we were put here for and everyone was good we wouldn't know what it was. So I think maybe sometimes our purpose is to challenge others and their goodness.
• United States
8 Nov 10
I'm confused by your comment. "If we all did what we were put here for" -- isn't that our purpose? Maybe you think that Adams' philosophy was fatuous ("to be good, and to do good"), and believe me, I'm a cynic, but if you're genuinely searching for a purpose in life what can be more profound than this? Perhaps you believe that everyone has some personal, unique purpose -- Adams had a word for that: ambition. I don't know what you mean by "challenge others and their goodness," unless you assume that goodness is invariably spurious.
7 Nov 10
I think my purpose in life is to be there for my family and provide for them as i think its important that i earn wages to keep us all happy and pay the bills. Obviously my wife can get a part time job when both our kids are in full time education if she wants to, but for now i am proud to provide for us all.
• United States
7 Nov 10
You are a good man for this. I am so lucky to have one of you too, who provides as his current purpose. Oh along with making us all very happy. You should be proud!
@hotsummer (13838)
• Philippines
7 Nov 10
yeah i believe we all have purpose in life.no one is exempt.every one is equal.all of us has its own duty to fulfil every day.that's to be of help to other people.i don't mean financially or giving aid to other people though it can be part of it.but i don't know what would be the purpose in life of other people as i still don't know what's specifically my purpose in life. I only know i have a purpose in life. I feel i should ought to know. but at least i know i don't know wander around to find what's my purpose in life. I know i can find my purpose in life by my faith.
• United States
7 Nov 10
Ya if everyone followed this concept of making their purpose helping others we could all be happy. The world would be a much more peaceful place.
@buragee (172)
7 Nov 10
In my situation, i haven't or i must say that i haven't found my purpose in life. Because until now i am still studying. I am dependent individual and asking money for my parents. I say that if I am already an independent person, I will find my purpose in life.
• United States
7 Nov 10
So you do believe there is one, interesting. I hope you find it. Maybe we find it if we don't try to search but just try to learn. That would mean you are on the right track.
@llbo1981 (1236)
• China
7 Nov 10
Oh,it is a hard problem for me to find a purpose in life.I found that i was a man without purpose,i don't know what to do in the future,i don't know how to do in the future,i don't know how to earn money in the future.It is a great pity for me.
• United States
7 Nov 10
The important thing is to try and find what is achievable in the present to make you happy. Then the future should fall into place. I think we don't have to know our purpose to start fulfilling it.
• Philippines
7 Nov 10
im a nurse and it is my calling to care for the sick people. but i think i want something else. maybe venturing into my own business. i dont like to wander in this world without a purpose.
• United States
7 Nov 10
But I haven't really met many people who have said that they found theirs. Or at least are sure that they have. That's the funny thing is we really have no way of knowing when or if we do.
• China
7 Nov 10
I love my life,when i was young,i was dreaming of being a manager in the future,but unfortunately,i have no choice but to be a teacher,or i can't live well .so sometimes we have to give up something in order to live a happy life.it is very difficult for me to make a decision for the purpose of life .
• United States
7 Nov 10
A lot of people who could be taking a lot more higher paying jobs stick with what makes them happy. Sometimes it is a hard decision to make.
@visavis (5934)
• Philippines
7 Nov 10
When I was still single my purpose was to complete my study, then happened but after that another purpose was to have own family, then now my children came and study so that purpose is to complete them and give what is require for them = meaning my purpose now is provider for my family. I don't next.... see you around
• United States
7 Nov 10
So another person who agrees we have multiple purposes in life. When one is done another may start. That is also my current purpose, taking care of my children. But there are a lot of other things I have to do to do that.
@calpro (930)
• India
7 Nov 10
Finding the purpose of life is ongoing process and it never ends at a particular time or at a particular point.When we work for someone we feel this is the purpose,start your own business then think this is the purpose.So it is a never ending process till we end our lives. Happy questing.
• United States
7 Nov 10
I agree. If we realize one purpose we may very well gain another and on and on. So that was kind of the thing, I don't think there is a one true purpose for anyone.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
9 Nov 10
For the vast majority of my life, including the years while I was still a child, I have believed that the purpose of my life is to care for and help other people. I've seen that manifested in almost everything that I do in my life. I babysat my nieces, I worked as a CNA at one of our local hospitals and I also have two wonderful children of my own. I know that I will probably be helping other people in some way, shape or form for the rest of my life.
• United States
7 Nov 10
Yes, I believe we all are meant for something specific in our lifetime on Earth. May it be planned for us, etched in stone, our eternal fate. I don't think I am anywhere near my purpose, but I like you believe I am hear to learn, teach and help the sick. I also think we all go through life constantly searching for our purpose. Some may realize they are searching and some may not. I don't think our work is really every done. There is always something else to learn, someone else to teach or someone who needs help. :o)
• United States
7 Nov 10
Maybe our purpose is to never find our purpose but to keep learning and accomplishing things while searching.
8 Nov 10
we definitely have a purpose in our life.. and that might be the reason we are given the human shape.. even am also in search of that only but what i feel is we need to help people who are in need not only who are poor but who mentally stressed out and people who out of good path by making them to get a good life.. changing peoples life to get into a right path is what i think the purpose of life