can you wait for a love forever?^^
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
November 9, 2010 10:18am CST
hi guys
can you wait for a love forever? about me i dont know. i broke up with my bf and he said that we should care first for help our family and then is ok for us. but i dont know how much longer i would have to wait till that day. i know his family is his priority and i understood always that. and now he has all the time for that. im afraid to expect be with him again and then that doesnt happen
if he loved me so much like i showed him i would wait forever. but i dont know. anyway i will see how things will go.
what about you guys?^^ can you wait for a love forever? i believe that if is a true love both will be together no matter what^^ and you guys? do you also think like me?^^ please share your opinions 

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26 responses
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
10 Nov 10
You know, my friend. Wait forever is really a big deal. The wait is the hardest part of love.
There must be a time when the wait is being ended?
Love can wait forever but the person can't wait longer

@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
11 Nov 10
yes i understand what you mean^^ isnt easy to wait forever for someone. i also think like you. but i guess that depends if you love the person really or not. if you found that person that you feel is the right one. i guess can wait forever. but sure no one has to wait forever. soon they can meet^^ and be together ahah^^ but is romantic that people say they can wait forever^^ 

@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
12 Nov 10
yes thats true^^ these words are showing how much you love that person^^ thats true. and sure about wait forever well maybe it can be the reality. if you cant imagine your life without that person. for me is a bit hard to imagine my ex bf with a new girl. i had many plans so. also maybe he cant see me with other guy again. he before when loved me i loved other guy. and he didnt give up on me. but now that we been together if i found other guy maybe he wouldnt want me anymore.

@craigy123456789 (1758)
9 Nov 10
You can't hold on for what may happen, it may not, you could waste your life waiting for something that may never happen. You know he goes on the computer, he could join sites like this to make money to see you sooner but he doesn't, he honestly does not seem that interested in you. If i was you i would move on to someone that could give you that time and would do all they could to see and be with you, it has gone on too long with your bf, his family is his priority, he has time for his friends, sometimes for you, but he won't often stay in touch with you, he won't join sites to make money to see you sooner, even if he could see you sooner he would have his family to deal with so you would hardly see him, your relationship sorry to say is doomed. you need to accept that
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@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
9 Nov 10
yes craigy. he doesnt have time for me now. when i said we better leave each other he said he respects my decision. he said he lets me go bcs i deserve better. he said we should help our family and then is ok to us. i wont expect much any longer. for now i will take care more of myself and worry more with me^^ i been sad for long, cried much today so wont cry anymore. if he loves me he will find way to be with me. he will come for me not me anymore^^ dont worry i wont expect nothing anymore. i will let destiny take care of my love life. thanks for your worry 

@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
10 Nov 10
yes craigy i let all to destiny^^ aw you come to portugal? ahah thats cute that you have a friend of you have a friend here^^ you never came here before? is a good country. foreigners always love our food :) maybe someday you can come here and will love it for sure^^ im happy to have you as my friend for sure^^ you are a good and sweet guy^^
@craigy123456789 (1758)
10 Nov 10
ezactly, destiny is to be the answer. And you never know, i may take a trip to portugal some time, a friend of a friend of mine is there and has said i could always stay with him for a bit.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
15 Nov 10
I think if he loves you , really loves you , he Will work his way back to you.I know that family Has to come first. The problem I have is his lack of needing your support. If there is a family crisis, I would hope the love of my life would want me to be there for him.I may not be able to do Anything but I can be there to listen or hold his hand. That your guy Wants to do this alone is what is worrying me. Hold on as long as you can. Only you can tell when it is time to move on.I wish you luck. Take Care.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
15 Nov 10
Good! I won't tell anyone , break up. It Has to be their own idea. It just seemed strange he didn't want any of your support. I'm new with all this love stuff but the one thing I have learned is if a guy Wants to contact you , he will! My ex didn't but my guy Does. I hope you can find a guy who loves you just as much as you love him. Take Care.
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@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
16 Nov 10
its ok sarah^^ i guess you are right if a guy really likes a girl he will contact her. he used to do that all the time. when we broke up he said he would still wait me. he said we should help our families first and then would be ok to be together. so i guess he didnt change his mind so fast. but we are so far that maybe he decided to move on and find a girl that lives near him :( maybe thats it. i really dont want that he does that. bcs i tried to make things work. but im poor also and saving money to go and see him isnt easy 

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@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
15 Nov 10
yes sarah i think like you. he should be want to talk with me at least sometimes. but i feel that for him is ok if we dont talk often. is like he loves me but doesnt need to dedicate much of his time for me. i cant understand that. even more bcs if he loves me he should at least send me a message saying that at least almost everyday if cant everyday. we are already too far and even a message everyday he cant send thats why i broke up.
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@simonelee (2715)
• China
12 Nov 10
Hi. I'm still waiting for the day we be together. As of now we have to be patient and hold on to our dreams for us to survive. I'll patiently wait for my girl until there's still love. We do have our own priorities that's why we are miles away but it will not keep us apart forever. I your case, i don't know where that relationship will end up. It seems that you're the only one exerting effort. When men already decided it's hard to push what we want.
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@simonelee (2715)
• China
12 Nov 10
Thank you. Being sweet is my only way to keep us to keep this relationship strong. I don't like what he's doing to you.
A person like you don't deserve to be treated like that. Well, just move on and don't let him feel that you still want him.

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@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
12 Nov 10
yes simone. bcs i understand always that he is busy. and i broke up for him to solve his things then. he said he would wait me then. we first help our families and then is ok for us. but today he went to facebook comment his friend and me didnt say hi. if loved me even if we are only friends should say hi at least right? thats how i feel. you are so sweet too simone ^^
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
12 Nov 10
simone^^ i wish that all goes ok with your gf^^ you seem to be a sweet person. is good that you are still waiting. about him we broke up. he never had time for me so. anyway he said he would wait. but i guess that maybe he isnt that much in love. for him is ok to dont talk with me everyday. and when we love we always need talk everyday. at least i feel that need. but him for example even we are not together he could say hi or something. but he went online in his facebook and didnt say nothing. i wont expect anymore 

@luna1980 (53)
• Thailand
11 Nov 10
I agree with your way :) it is up to what you both deal and how you both feel for each other. Nobody can't understand but you both will feel then it will tell you to do "wait or not" :) for me I can wait if he is worth for me to wait, I meant if he really loves me or something that he have to choose between me and that thing, I will see why he not choose me and if I feel that thing is really important than me, I would love to agree with him and wait until I die.. I can do for sure.
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
11 Nov 10
im happy that you agree with me^^ i remember you answered other discussion of mine saying that your bf sometimes also didnt call you. that was you mostly calling him right? is he sweeter to you now? i really wish so^^ you deserve to be happy with a guy that value you^^ sure is good that you understand your bf^^ me i understood my ex. i know that now he needs to help his family so^^ he should do that then. and if we are meant to be we be^^
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
12 Nov 10
sweetie luna if he didnt answer your email maybe you shouldnt wait him
i remember before you said that was always you calling him. and now who broke up? was it him? i guess. bcs i cant see you breaking up with him. please dont wait him more. if he didnt answer your email is bcs he doesnt care. he was too mean by not answering your email if already pass many days. since when you sent that email? bcs
if was since long he saw it for sure. but if was only few days maybe he didnt bcs of his work. but please luna dont wait for him. if he loved you he wouldnt let you go. me and my ex bf i broke up with him bcs he was very busy always. his family was his priority. but he said that he will wait for me. and he knows i love him. but you in your case is different. he didnt answer you. wasnt him saying he will wait you. if he loved you he would answer your email and say i will wait you too.
i didnt know you lived in thailand^^ im happy that you can rest then^^ if you need to talk you can always message me here. i will be happy to advise you. maybe you can explain me better why you broke up. that way maybe i can see if he really likes you or not. but i guess he doesnt or he would answer your email. i dont want you wait for him and get hurt. you should be sure that he loves you before you wait for him.

@luna1980 (53)
• Thailand
12 Nov 10
.. No, we aren't together any more..but I have been asks myself alot about my feeling that I have for him.. Sweetloveforeve.. :) I wrote email to him that I will waiting him until die..... as because my heart is locked .. I feels for him alot, he is the best part of my life and he choose to work with his life and his dreams before looking around for loves. I am really truly respected him with every thing.
He not reply my email but ...I guess he meant to say "OK" ;p hehehe.. I love him and he is worth for me to wait even he won't turn back to me but I will wait..until I die..that I am really meant it!
:) Take care Sweetloveforeve, have a good weekend.. In Thailand, today is friday ;) last day for working in the week, so happy and ready for rest up!
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@applejoy (145)
• Philippines
12 Nov 10
Love always finds a way. If you guys are meant to be together, no matter what happens, at the'll be still together.. Just go on with life and don't literally wait. Things will fall into its places if its really fate, but yeah, sometimes there are things that we control wherein we can make our own fate..but for now, don't think too much, keep yourself busy, be happy with life..don't stress yourself thinking too much. If you guys are meant to be, then it will come. :)
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@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
15 Nov 10
yes you are right i should learn to move on. but he said he would wait me. but now he isnt messaging me from some days already. so i feel that he isnt waiting. how can he be waiting if we dont talk almost for a week? since past wednesday we dont talk. today i messaged him but i guess he doesnt have money. anyway i will just see if he says something. if he doesnt is ok. i cant wait forever for his messages. is up to him. thanks for your advises^^
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
12 Nov 10
yes apple^^ i wont worry and will let things happen alone. i dont want to worry anymore. it just stresses me and put me sad. but for me i cant understand a few things that he does really. when we love we always feel the need to say hi or something. but he didnt send me any message. im just afraid that he likes other girl. she seems to always try to come too close you know :(
@applejoy (145)
• Philippines
14 Nov 10
It's natural for us people to keep on thinking if our love one is giving special attention to someone else because it makes us feel that we might lose them. If this guy really loves you, he'll come back but don't expect. Easier said than done but the only way out of this depression/sadness is letting go of it, accepting it and finally moving on. I know someday you'll be happy and will be loved more. I hope for your happiness, i know its not easy what you are going through cause I've been there..
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
22 Nov 10
Oh dear, I think you need to wake up and realise that you have been dumped.
People grow up fall in love, marry, leave their family aND START A NEW family of their own. They don't use their family to wriggle out of a relationship they are obviously tired of either.
Look elsewhere as I reckon this guy is nop longer interested.

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@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
23 Nov 10
yes ms tickle i thought that but he was the one saying that he will wait for me. i broke up and he said he would wait for me. i trust he needs to help his family bcs country where he lives people are very poor and live in big difficulties so is ok i understand him^^ but we are not together right now but i will wait that his problems are lessen and he finds a job and see if we be together or not.
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
15 Nov 10
yes try to make a love last forever it means that that love is real^^ but sometimes isnt easy for people to try to make something last forever. bcs me and my ex we live very far. and we cant almost spend time together. he is always busy. thats why things ended. but he said he would wait so i dont know. i thought he really would wait but we are so far. and he isnt messaging me often at least so i dont know what will happen really.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
10 Nov 10

@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
11 Nov 10
yes i see what you mean^^ yes he loves me but his family is his priority now. i understand so i need to accept that. so when he can he will have time for me. at least he said he would wait^^ so i guess he will wait till we can be together. maybe next year i dont know. i dont want to make plans for then to get hurt if dont happen. i rather dont plan any for now^^
@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
10 Nov 10
Oh, im really sorry to hear that. You actually did have the courage and strength to leave your bf no matter how much you love him. I envy your strenght really..i hope i can have that strength to break up with my bf as well. I know he love me but you know how men are..they are really not showing us how much we mean to them :( Anyway, i don't know if i can wait for love either. Im sometimes impatient. I wanted to have things done right away. Like love, if the person really loves me i can't wait for him to show it later, i want him to show it now. I don't want to be wasting my time waiting for something that 'might' not really happen. Time is meaningless when it comes to love, as what i have heard from the movie. But i do hope i have the patience to wait for that time to come. And no matter how time has separated you, i know that with God's faith and goodness you will be together if you are really destined to be with each other.
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@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
11 Nov 10
gaiza i had to. i didnt want but he was always busy. almost couldnt message me. we almost couldnt talk with each other. thats why. but i didnt want to leave him but had to. i was crying or sad bcs he could never give me attention. couldnt continue that. he said he will wait. i guess he can bcs he waited one year for me accept be with him so i guess he can still keep waiting^^ anyway i dont want to expect much and get hurt. i will let him see what is really important and what he really needs
in his life^^ love is also respect so he should see that on his own. without any pressure on my part. your bf you saw him near you and i know is too hard that you cant see him but he always talks with you everyday so you feel his love everyday. but me and him we didnt. was always me mostly sending him messages so. love has to be both giving total care. and he was too busy for that. dont give up on your bf^^ he loves you and he is working for both of you future right? if cant stand that
distance anymore tell him^^ and im sure he will come back and find job near you^^ as long as there is love isnt needed that much much money. as long as both have a job and can spend time together. you are lucky bcs you know he really loves you. so dont give him up. even far he always found a way to be with you. be honest with him and tell how you feel^^ is normal that you dont want that distance anymore bcs has been almost 4 years like this. im sure he also is sad. just tell him^^ you will feel better you will see^^
jonjee is true that for guys they dont show love as much as we girls do. about
distance in my case i dont think. my ex bf he waited me one year to accept be with him. i had other bf and he didnt give up of love me and wait me never. even now we broke up he said he is waiting. so i guess he really loves me. but life is hard in pinas and he has to help his family. so i will let him see when is the right time to care if he wants to care again.

@athena24 (35)
• Philippines
10 Nov 10
Hi sweet love. If he is still yours then he will be yours. Timing is everything. Pray that he will be the one for you and if you feels that he is not your love anymore and that will be the answer. In my case, I'm 21 years old and never have any relationship some my friends call it as NBSB means No Boyfriend Since Birth. I know that this is not the time for me yet to have a relationship. I dont look or find for the special guy I just patiently wait. I know in the end it will be worth it. Good Luck to You.
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@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
11 Nov 10
athena is ok if you didnt have a bf yet^^ you are only 21 years and still have many time for that. if you didnt find right guy yet is ok^^ i feel that my ex bf loves me really and maybe we can be together forever^^ i dont know but destiny showed much already^^ wish you can find a good guy for you that loves you much^^ he can appear anytime. what matters is find one that loves you and not find one just to find. so i agree dont rush^^ let he appears and dont worry 21 is too young yet ahah
jonjee is true that nothing is guaranteed and we should live life ^^ but is ok if she doesnt have a bf^^ if she feels she didnt find the right guy yet she can wait till he appears^^ she has time for it^^ 

@wollivierre (687)
• United States
9 Nov 10
i don't know if it can i mean i think if you keep talking and doing what you can then that feeling won't go away but if not then you might start loving someone else more. but you will never stop loving that person.
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@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
9 Nov 10
yes dont worry. i wont be always after him. we will talk when he wants and can i wont be looking for him as a crazy^^ for now i will care more about myself. i always care more for other person when i love. i did all for him so he is the one that has to fight for me if ever wants something again. i dont want to love other guy for now. i need a time single^^ thanks for your worry^^ 

@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
23 Nov 10
yes i will be okay thanks so much for your worry ^^
i wish that you are also ok bcs your best friend dont talk with you since a long time already so i wish that you feel ok and not very sad. you really should know what happened bcs 4 monthes without contact you isnt normal. trust me or she doesnt care so much or something happened.

@chicko (86)
• India
11 Nov 10
In this selfish and wicked world, I dont think its a good idea to wait for love forever. When you're in love, you feel that person is the only one you can love.But thats not true. You can love again if you want. If your relationship does not work out, learn to move on. For this you have to be emotionally strong.
As far as waiting for someone is concerned, most of the times we already have the answer but we choose to ignore it. Practically consider all possibilities and set a deadline. If nothing is finalised by then, move on.
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
11 Nov 10
yes i understand what you mean^^ but dont worry. i will just see what happens. i dont want to wait for nothing. i just want to see what will happen. if he can love me or not. i will wait for awhile bcs he really seems to love me but has probs now. so i will see what happens. i will have also to see his priorities. i know his life is hard.
@Xansus (946)
• Bulgaria
24 Nov 10
Well it strange it must be something really really something to brake up , wasnt he with his family when you were together , why broking up can't handle both , too much strange questions pop up mayeb its just me maybe its something serious i dont know .
I don't think i can live with waiting for unknown period of time witch can be forever , and well life is no "that" long , so maybe half or and year but after that i think i'll slowly get colder ( you broke up so that mean you are not seeing each other ) , well maybe you can give it some time but depends how fast the problem can be fixed and how much you can wait .
About the true love i think true love never brake up i think it can hold both the family and the girl deer to heart at same time , no matter the challenges .
Maybe i'm beign too emotional thinking about it but still ...
I think you can give him a little time but i dont think true love is this and maybe sooner or later you will have to carry on .
Maybe i repeated some stuff lets hope not ;)
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@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
26 Nov 10
yes he should had handle me and his family. but for him his family was his first priority and he always says he is poor so couldnt call me but was ok i just asked him one message everyday. he could open his computer in the morning and just leave me a little message but he didnt so i broke up. he sent me this week a message saying he would try to message me everyday but is already two days and nothing so i wont expect nothing anymore.
@starsailover (7829)
• Mexico
9 Nov 10
Hi sweet love: Waiting for your love forever sounds very romatic but in reality it must be a really hard an sad decition. Of course, if you want to do this you can do this but at the same time, maybe you wait for your love but then when he/she arrives again in your life you'll find that this person hasn't waited for you
. It's really complicated so I think that I must be sure that it's tru love to thake this risk. Thanks for asking this question. Have a nice day.

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@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
9 Nov 10
yes is romantic^^ but if he didnt wait would be bad. so i wont wait not like you think. i will see if he shows interest for me and if he doesnt i wont do nothing. he knows what i did for him so if he wants me again has to be him showing that. dont worry i will be ok^^ i wont be caring so so much. unless he does that for me. then i will see^^ thanks for your worry 

@stylewaves (1060)
• India
10 Nov 10
Definitely i will wait , now i am waiting for my love for about 7 years
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
11 Nov 10
stylewaves you are the hero of any girl^^ 7 years waiting for a girl? thats too cute really. for sure you love her so much. i really wish that she appreciates what you are doing. and that she knows that find a guy that does that is impossible. only you that are doing that. bcs a guy that does that find him is like 1 in two millions.
jonjee yes i really wish he isnt waiting for nothing. that would be 7 years wasted. is true that there are many romantic people waiting and waiting and all those years is almost impossible that someone waits. sure i guess that it hurts him but maybe he is happy doing that bcs she loves him also.
@rog0322 (2828)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
10 Nov 10
Hi sweetie,
Love can wait, even it takes forever. Sadly, our allotted time doesn't take that long. If we are immortal or if we can last for a million years, it may be true. Time, for us mortal, is very short and to spend it on eternity is like a wish blowing in the wind.
Time flees, don't wait for it. Move on and don't look back for even the gods cannot change the past, even if we try to soften the memories with our tears. Look into the future and if you find only uncertainties, try to make the most of what you possess best.
Once, like you, I cried a river of tears over loves lost. Now I that I have crossed those rivers, I find the present more beautiful and inspiring.
Give thanks for every opportunity to shed tears, it nurtures the spirit for a stronger resolve to grow and bloom in spite of the dark night.
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@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
11 Nov 10
i like your poetic answer rog^^ thanks so much for your sweet answer. yes dont worry i wont be crying. i accepted the reality. i will only let destiny decide about my life^^ i wont be sad or expecting too much anymore. i will let things happen on their own^^ im sorry that you cried before but im happy that you moved on and are happy now^^ we just live once so sure we need to be happy
dont worry im ok. thanks again for your answer and wish you be happy 

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@vangie26 (445)
• Philippines
10 Nov 10
Many relationship are being tested with the word forver. And honestly, even married people sometimes do fail with this word. It depends on how your love could really sacrifice for the other. But i guess, reality check, it is so hard to wait forever unless you can see that your partner can also wait forever :-)
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@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
11 Nov 10
yes is true^^ forever is a word that is easy to say but hard to do. sacrifices are needed thats true. and sure both have to do sacrifices. cant be just one doing everything. is hard to wait if other person cant wait either thats true. thanks for your opinion^^
jonjee yes sometimes people say that and then fail. but is just how we feel that moment maybe. we can think something can last forever and maybe isnt. we should be careful thats true. we shouldnt let us fall with people that can hurt us. but we cant choose that. thanks for your answers^^ 

@dayanan_bern25 (11)
10 Nov 10
its up to the person, because he is the one will wait. as long his happy, its ok to wait. Love moves in a mysterious ways so just go with the flow of love.
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@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
11 Nov 10
dayana yes you are right^^ as long as we are happy we can wait. is true that loves moves in mysterious ways i know. dont worry i will go with the flow ahah^^ but me i will just wait that he shows me he loves me. just like before we be together. he always was showing me he loved me and i wish it be the same like before^^
jonjee yes you are right. we should be sure that that wait is worth our time^^ is good that you would be direct with him and ask what he wants^^ that way you avoid getting hurt^^
@princeashe (1)
• United States
10 Nov 10
I believe that you can love someone forever; but I do not believe that you can be in love with someone forever. People change, and that's inevitable. If the one you are in love with is not in love with you anymore, it is best to move on from the relationship so it is not harmful to other things in your life. You will love again.
If you believe it is meant to be, by all means wait it out for a while. A little hiatus is good every once and a while. If you do not find that waiting is helpful or will give you long term results, once again, it is best to move on.
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@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
11 Nov 10
prince you are right people change. and sure if you love someone and that person doesnt love you anymore sure is better to move on^^ and sure if is meant to be maybe should wait but i will just let destiny do what he has to do. i believe that if we are meant to be we be together happens what happens. thanks for your opinions^^
jonjee i see what you mean^^ well but i know he doesnt cheat on me the problem is that i dont know why he cant find even seconds for me. maybe is his personality not to be so showy. we are so far but he waited for me to be his gf for one year. and even now we broke up he still said he will wait for me. so i trust he loves me. just i will wait that he shows me that^^