In love with Love

@rinfour (250)
November 10, 2010 1:00am CST
I have never been a romantic so it puzzles me to no end how and WHY people say they are in love. Sometimes others make me wonder if they are really in love with the person or are they just in love with the concept of love? I know of other people who jump at the first guy that comes their way because they want to be in a relationship. I don't think it even matters if they were with the right person, they just wanted to be in a relationship. At least that is what they seem to me. This is not to say that everybody is in love with the concept of love, it's just that many people give me that impression. My question: Have you ever been in a relationship just because you wanted to be with someone and didn't want to be alone? Or did you enter a relationship because you felt that the person is what you were waiting for?
9 responses
@beeh13u (1037)
• Philippines
10 Nov 10
My first two boyfriends were guys that I just like to collect. They were so handsome and I want them in my past. I was young and I thought it was real love. But later, with my last boyfriend, it was real. As I got older, I got to know what love really means. It's not on how they look, it's on how you both feel when you are together. You have the same thoughts about things. You feel safe when walking together. The feeling is very deep. That's how I knew I love him. But sadly, he broke up with me a month ago. I still love him because I still care. :(
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@rinfour (250)
• Philippines
14 Nov 10
I'm sorry to read that. I guess that is how much you value love. As they say, it is better to have loved and lost than to never love at all. Wear it as a badge, because not everybody can say that they have truly loved someone. :) (myself included)
11 Nov 10
I think many people use the word love to just keep hold of someone, i feel too many people rush into things so quickly. For me i like to get to know somebody, know lots about each-other, to pend a lot of time together knowing the likes and dislikes, to be a friend aswel as a partner, then to fall in love, we know when it happens, nowadays people tell people they love them after just one date.
14 Nov 10
i agree that you can be attracted to someone with their looks at first sight but that is all. Plus, i believe that pure and honest beauty is on the inside. Someone may look good on the outside but be an awful person. Love take time to develop, it isn't something that can or should be rushed, otherwise it isn't real true love. I just feel that people are so keen to say it and basically it means very little at that time.
@rinfour (250)
• Philippines
14 Nov 10
I agree, people rush things. Somethings shouldn't be rushed though, unless you want to commit a big blunder. That is also why I do not believe in "love at first sight"
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
11 Nov 10
i never enter a relationship just for the sake of being someone per se... if i enter a relationship, it is because i love the person whole-heartedly and i want to spend my life with him... and i had found the person that i am waiting for now because i am already married and i am really happy to be with him... take care and have a nice day...
@rinfour (250)
• Philippines
14 Nov 10
congratulations in finding your match. I hope that you keep going strong and happy. :)
• United States
10 Nov 10
A lot of people date randomly in order to learn what dating is all about and to try different people in order to figure out what they really want. Being in a relationship doesn't automatically mean you're going to be together forever, sometimes dating is just dating because it's fun. I personally have never been in a relationship with someone I did not want to be with. I had the occasional desire to date someone just to see what it would be like, but those boys were never interested in me. I've only ever been in one relationship, we have been together about 7 years now. I am in love with him and I have been since the first time I saw him. Sometimes I hate his guts because he really gets on my nerves, but that doesn't change how I feel.
@rinfour (250)
• Philippines
14 Nov 10
Good for you. I wish I can also find someone like that; be able to hate his guts but still love him to bits. Dating is one thing, it's not a really defined relationship anyways. But when people actually stay in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship with somebody because they do not want to be alone is what perplexes me.
• United States
14 Nov 10
I do agree, that's a bit extreme.
• Philippines
10 Nov 10
For me, im w/ a relationsip in the sense that i feel this person was the missing part of me no matter what other says.
@rinfour (250)
• Philippines
14 Nov 10
This reminds me of a book that I read..."The Missing Piece." It's some sort of story book with really cute drawings. :)
10 Nov 10
On my own points of view. We are bound to be in love and beloved in return.If the reason that we are going to have a relationship with a first guy that comes it's very awful for love will just come and you never know that its already there and it is coming even you don't want them to.If the reason is just to have a instant relationship its not love its immaturity reasons just to show that you have someone so sweet. I have love but I don't play with love thing for it is something that I treasure and vulnerable for me.If it comes along so be it go with it for it is yours
@rinfour (250)
• Philippines
14 Nov 10
Yes, it would be good for you to treasure your love. But who's to say that people who enter a relationship because of their want to be in a relationship doesn't value what they have? What if they really value their relationship even if it wasn't "true love"?
@Andyvil (793)
• Philippines
10 Nov 10
I have tried being in a relationship just because I didn't want to be alone. I needed someone to spend time with the things I did. I have also tried being in a relationship because I felt something for that person. Personally as of now I think I would rather be in a relationship that started in infatuations I would rather have it develop and grow.
@rinfour (250)
• Philippines
14 Nov 10
Having the feelings for that person grow is really ideal, but what if you are just blinded with the illusion of love or desire for that feeling to grow into something that it really isn't? What will happen when that illusion breaks?
@asendud (318)
• Indonesia
10 Nov 10
yes, you right. i just don't want to be alone. and have some one to invite in the weekend. but when i do that i was find someone so special. i don't know why i happy when she is happy. i just want to be like that. maybe that's is called love.
@rinfour (250)
• Philippines
14 Nov 10
I am happy that you have found someone special. :)
10 Nov 10
Yeah my be there other people afraid to be alone and the coming love they always Assume that is work we they lieto them self